
时间:2022-09-26 13:31:30 | 来源:语文通



端午节的由来作文 篇1端午节的由来作文400字 篇2端午节的来历作文 篇3端午节来历的作文 篇4端午节的由来作文 篇5端午节的来历作文 篇6端午节的来历作文 篇7端午节的来历作文600字 篇8

端午节的由来作文 篇1

端午节,为每年农历五月初五。据《荆楚岁时记》记载,因仲夏登高,顺阳在上,五月是仲夏,它的第一个午日正是登高顺阳好天气之日,故五月初五亦称为“端阳节”。此外端午节还称“午日节、五月节、龙舟节、浴兰节”等。端午节是流行于中国以及汉字文化圈诸国的传统文化节日。 端午节起源于中国,最初为古代百越地区(长江中下游及以南一带)崇拜龙图腾的部族举行图腾祭祀的节日,百越之地春秋之前有在农历五月初五以龙舟竞渡形式举行部落图腾祭祀的习俗。后因战国时期的楚国(今湖北)诗人屈原在该日抱石跳汨罗江自尽,统治者为树立忠君爱国标签将端午作为纪念屈原的节日;部分地区也有纪念伍子胥、曹娥等说法。 端午节与春节、清明节、中秋节并称为中国汉族的四大传统节日。

The Dragon Boat Festival is the fifth day of the lunar calendar every year.According to the record of "Jingchu", because of the midsummer, Shunyang is on, May is midsummer.Festival".In addition, the Dragon Boat Festival is also called "noon, May festivals, dragon boat festivals, bath orchid festivals" and so on.The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional cultural festival that is popular in China and the Chinese characters.The Dragon Boat Festival originated in China. At first, the tribe of totem sacrifice for the ancient Baiyue region (middle and downstream of the Yangtze River) to worship the dragon totem.The custom of totem sacrifice.Later, during the Warring States Period, the poet Qu Yuan, the poet of the Chu Kingdom (now Hubei), held a stone jumping to Luo River on the day of his own. The rulers set the Dragon Boat Festival as a festival to commemorate Qu Yuan for the establishment of the loyalty.The Dragon Boat Festival and the Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, and Mid -Autumn Festival are also known as the four traditional festivals of Chinese Han nationality.


Since ancient times, there have been festivals such as dragon boats and food dumplings on the Dragon Boat Festival.Since 20xx, the Dragon Boat Festival has been listed as a national legal holiday.In May 20xx, the State Council included it in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list; in September 20xx, UNESCO officially reviewed and approved the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival to be included in the World Intangible Cultural Heritage, becoming China's first selected world into the world.Non -heritage festivals.

端午节的由来作文400字 篇2


The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival of Chinese folks. It has a history of more than 2,000 years.The fifth day of the fifth day of the lunar calendar is the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Ruiyang Festival and the fifth festival.The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is related to Qu Yuan.


Qu Yuan was the minister of King Chu Huai during the Spring and Autumn Period. He advocated that he was rich in the country, but was framed by the villain.In 278 B.C., the Qin Army conquered the capital of Chu.Qu Yuan saw that his motherland was invaded and his heart was cut like a knife, so on May 5th of the lunar calendar, he picked up the stone and jumped into the Boluo River.

传说屈原死后,楚国百姓悲痛欲绝。纷纷来到泊罗江边打捞屈原的尸体。渔夫们划着船在江上来回寻找,有位渔夫拿出为屈原准备的饭团、鸡蛋等食物“扑通” “扑通”地丢进江里,说是让鱼、龙虾、蟹吃饱了就不会去咬屈原的身体了。人们见后纷纷效仿。一位老医师还拿来一坛雄黄酒倒进江里,希望蛟龙水兽喝了以后晕倒,就不会去伤害屈原的身体。后来人们怕蛟龙把饭团吃掉,就用楝树叶包上饭,外面缠上彩线,变成粽子丢进江里。

It is said that after Qu Yuan's death, the people of Chu State were distraught.They came to the Bo Luo River to salvage Qu Yuan's body.The fishermen were looking for the boat back and forth on the river. A fisherman took out the food balls, eggs and other foods prepared for Qu Yuan to "flutter" and "flutter" into the river.Bite Qu Yuan's body.People followed suit.An old doctor also brought a altar and rice wine to fall into the river. He hoped that the dragon water beast would faint after drinking, and he would not hurt Qu Yuan's body.Later, people were afraid that the dragon would eat the rice balls, and wrapped the rice with the leaves of the crickets, wrapped the color line outside, and turned into a rice dumplings into the river.


From then on, on May 5th of each year, there have been customs of dragon boats, eating dumplings, and drinking male rice wine.

端午节的来历作文 篇3


Speaking of the Dragon Boat Festival, no one knows.The Dragon Boat Festival is also called Duanyang Festival, May, Ai Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, heavy lunch, noon and summer seasons.Do you know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival?If you don't know, I'll tell you!


20XX many years ago, the seven countries were in China, Yan, Qin, Chu, etc.A poet is called Qu Yuan, born in the Chu Kingdom, and wants to make his country richer and stronger, so he formulated a plan to benefit the people, but the king of Chu is the words of the traitor.Exile him to a remote place.After that, he rushed to the capital to show the plan for King Chu.But King Chu exiled Qu Yuan again and again.One day, Qin State suddenly attacked Chu.Chu Bing was defeated, and Chu Min complained.Qu Yuan couldn't stand it anymore, so he picked up a large stone and jumped down from the Luo River.The Chu people were sad, so he arranged a dragon boat to salvage his body, threw the dumplings into the water, and fed fish and shrimp.Naturally, you won't eat Qu Yuan's body.


Therefore, people set that day as "Dragon Boat Festival".Do you know the reason why the Dragon Boat Festival now?

端午节来历的作文 篇4


According to statistics: It is necessary to cut off 17 trees and use 1,500 liters of fuel to make a ton of paper. To be exaggerated, the small page of paper is one page of gold! Look! One ton of paper requires so many resources, is human beings still not conservation? Let's start from now, save paper, and sincerely wish the earth not enter the countdown of life, so that our home will become better. I couldn't restrain my excitement, opened the door, and blown the north wind. At this time, I found that there was already a thick snow at the door. I do n’t know when it started. When I walked out of the door, the moon seemed to hang lonely in the sky, and the stars of the sky did not know where to take refuge. When I was discouraged, the book taught me "Broken the wind and break the climbing of the clouds, and hang the clouds and sail the sea." So I had the courage to struggle again; when I said goodbye to my friends, the book told me " , Tianya Ruobi is neighboring. "So I squeezed the tears of cherishment; when I wanted to put down the book in my hand, the book told me" the world has risen and falls. "So I recognized my mission and seriously. Struggling ... Because of the book, I learned to be strong and unyielding, learned to think about the future, and I knew that the green of the new century is now on the educational front. For decades, I finally understand the acid of my conscience. , Sweet, bitter, spicy, it is not easy to be a teacher, and there is such an ordinary teacher around me. He is an example for me everywhere. He is Mr. Wang. Help other teachers everywhere, approachable, and knowledgeable, and he has a hobby, love planting, not only planting flowers, but also on campus. Needless to mention ... I want to use all the languages ​​on him, and I can't replace his golden heart. 109. Our career is to learn and learn, and work hard to accumulate more knowledge, because with knowledge, society will make great progress, and this is here. —— Chekhov Dragon Boat Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals. It has a history of two thousand years. It is said that it is to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Why do Chinese people pass the Dragon Boat Festival?


Although the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival in various parts of China are different, they are all to pray for health and prevent epidemic prevention. On May 5th of each year, every family has to hang the statue of bells, hanging Ai leaf puppets, dragon boats, eating dumplings, drinking male rice wine, and swimming diseases. This custom has been formed after more than 2,000 years. The reason why people chose to choose the day of May as the Dragon Boat Festival was because Qu Yuan held a big stone to jump down the Milo River on May 5, 278 BC. The custom of the Dragon Boat also evolved from the people at the time to rescue Qu Yuan from the people at the time. Because they could not find Qu Yuan's body, they sprinkled the rice in the bamboo tube in the water. They think that the fish will not eat Qu Yuan's body when they are full. Later, this kind of activity became a bamboo tube with rice, and now it has evolved into dumplings. This commemorative activity has gradually become a custom; this custom has gradually spread in various places. Now I have also embarked on the educational front. For decades, I finally understood the sourness, sweetness, bitterness, and spicyness of my conscience. It is not easy to be a teacher. There is such an ordinary teacher around me. Do an example for me everywhere. He is Teacher Wang. Not only is he in life and work, he helps other teachers everywhere, approachable, knowledgeable, and he has a hobby. In, his garden is beautiful all year round, and he will not have to mention the enthusiasm of the students ... I want to use all the languages ​​on him, and it cannot replace his golden heart. In the process of circulating, the content of the activity has continued to increase. Therefore, the customs of the north and the south are also different.

端午节的由来作文 篇5


May 5th of the lunar calendar is the Dragon Boat Festival.In May, the relationship between spring and summer and the rainy season of plum rain, and the relationship between humidity is heavy, mosquito and germs are easy to reproduce.Because of this, people thought that there would be a variety of customs.


Hanging wormwood, 喝, drinking male rice wine, and a fragrant bag can achieve the purpose of deworming and evil.


Everyone should know the story of Qu Yuan's death of Luojiang. He is the Minister of Chu during the Warring States Period. He has the passionate enthusiasm of patriotism and always care for the country.However, King Chu was unsatisfactory to his reform policies, and Qu Yuan was exiled by the traitors.Finally, I finally went to the river to commit suicide!In order to commemorate the patriotic poet, the people were afraid that his corpse was eaten by fish and shrimp in the sea, so he wrapped the rice with bamboo leaves and threw it into the river to feed the fish and shrimp.Every year on May 5, everyone will go to the river to commemorate him.The tension of rowing and drumming that year gradually evolved into the dragon boat race of the Dragon Boat Festival today.


What will we do for the Dragon Boat Festival?In addition to Baozi at home, our parents will also prepare wormwood and Xupu, let us avoid poison and drive away evil spirits.Put the wormwood and Xupu on the door to form a special landscape of the Dragon Boat Festival; there are still royal wine, but the children cannot drink, and the parents are stained with a "king" word on the forehead.Function; and at noon of the Dragon Boat Festival, we will also try to stand eggs. It is said that at noon on the Dragon Boat Festival, people who can stand upright can be upright. This year, there will be good luck!

端午节的来历作文 篇6


Do you know the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival?Let me tell you!There are drinks, hanging wormwood, dragon boat, and eating dumplings.These customs are used to commemorate the great patriotic poems -Qu Yuan.


The reason was that he was very sad because he lost confidence in his country, so he died in Luojiang.When the people learned that Qu Yuan died, they poured the male rice wine into the river, drunk the dragon, and threw the dumplings into the river to let the dragons eat so that the dragon would not eat Qu Yuan's body.There are also activities such as dragon boats, so that you can rush the small fish and shrimp, so that you will not eat Qu Yuan's body.


Hanging Ai leaf is used to drive mosquitoes and snakes, and some bugs that are harmful to us.


The dragon boat means that Qu Yuan patriotism and love the people, which is to commemorate his spirit of not shameing the country.


He also said many famous poems: "Nine Songs" and "Li Sao" and other famous poems.His poems make people praise the poems he wrote.Qu Yuan was also a well -known person before he died!Moreover, he is the most famous poet in Chu. Since he left, Chu State has no such famous people.Qu Yuan is a very powerful person.


Qu Yuan is really a patriotic and great poet.

端午节的来历作文 篇7


Monday is May 5 of the lunar calendar and the Dragon Boat Festival."May 5th, celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival", early in the morning, my mother went to the market. According to the traditional holiday customs, I bought wormwood and hung up on the house, hoping to avoid bad luck for the whole family.Because our siblings have grown up, my mother did not choose exclusive fragrant bags for each of us as in previous years.


At noon, my sister and I borrowed three eggs with my mother. I wanted to try the teacher told us the "Dragon Boat Festival Egg" event.It ’s not that we are too anxious. The egg is stubborn and refused to stand up. I wonder if the egg is iced if it is iced?


In the evening, my mother was considerate of eating dumplings these days. I was afraid that we were tired of eating, so I arranged a little different.Our family gathered at home and enjoyed a pizza meal. It is really interesting to eat Western meals in China!Don't have a flavor!I feel so happy, and I also think that this holiday is particularly interesting. I also hope that in the festivals in the future, my mother has more innovative ideas.

端午节的来历作文600字 篇8


Today is May 5th, which is the Dragon Boat Festival, and the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.According to legend, the Chu State died. Qu Yuan voted for the Luo River. The local people immediately rowed to Jiangzhong to rescue Qu Yuan and kept it to Dongting Lake.It was raining that day, and many boats were parked on the shore. When the people were learned that they were to save Qu Yuan, they also took the rain and scrambled into Dongting Lake to find it. Later, it evolved into a dragon boat.The people were afraid that the fish and shrimp in the river to eat Qu Yuan's body, and they put their own rice groups into the river, and later evolved into eating dumplings.


There are also egg yolks in the Dragon Boat Festival, which are five -color lines, wormwood leaves, and hanging incense.Eating egg yolk is because it is yellow food, because at this time, green yellow does not connect, eating yellow food means connecting. The five -color line is the meaning of removing the disease. In the Dragon Boat Festival, after the first rain after the Dragon Boat Festival, the rainbow appeared.Throwing the five -color line into the water means driving the disease away, picking up the leaves and hanging incense bags, which means that there are more mosquitoes this season. They have a special taste that can drive away mosquitoes and drive away the disease.


Knowing the origin and custom of the Dragon Boat Festival, let's talk about what I experienced on the Dragon Boat Festival on this day.In the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, I was still awakened by my grandmother's little movement by my grandmother.Grandma also tied a fragrant bag on my schoolbag. I hope I can be safe and healthy. After getting up, my grandfather peeled me two dumplings, took an egg, and asked me to eat with a smile.The eggs have a good meaning, so I eat it with a big mouth. The glutinous rice is soft, the red dates are sweet, the eggs are salty, the egg yolk flows, and the fragrant.You can smell the smell of Ai Ye. With it, mosquitoes will not enter my house anymore.


I commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan in the Dragon Boat Festival, and learned about the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival. I also ate delicious rice dumplings. I have a good time for this festival.