
时间:2022-08-27 13:18:19 | 来源:语文通



On the weekend, my father and I went back to my hometown to visit my grandparents.


After lunch, grandma took me to picking some dishes in the vegetable field, let us take it home to eat, I am very happy.


I immediately picked up my little hoe, took a brisk step, and followed my grandmother.Along the way, a strand of warm sunshine sprinkled on the tender green grass, putting it a golden coat for it; sprinkled on the stream of the gurgling stream, glowing a little golden light; sprinkled on my immature face's face., Warm!


After a while, we went to the vegetable field of grandma's house.At a glance, the vegetable field was green and full of vitality.There are a variety of vegetables, such as radish, cabbage, vegetables, green garlic ...


Next, my grandmother and I worked separately. Grandma was responsible for picking radish, and I was responsible for picking vegetables.When I came to the vegetables, a green vegetables were like a layer of green carpet, which was very beautiful.


I waved my little hoe and prepared to pick vegetables.Suddenly found that a few large and fat worms climbed on the green leaves, and the vegetable leaves were almost finished.What should I do? My mind quickly think of a way."With" my clever movement, left the hoe, quickly ran back to the grandma's house, picked up a big cock and ran into the vegetable field.Back in the vegetable field, I panting a lot while putting the big rooster in front of the green vegetables that were climbing, and I sat on the open space next to me to rest for a while.It's just that the big rooster not only put the bug, but also eats the vegetables.


I was sad to tell my grandmother after the whole thing.Grandma smiled and comforted me and said, "It doesn't matter, grandma usually feeds these greens to the big rooster." After listening to grandma, I would not be sad instantly.


In the end, my grandma and I carried a large basket of vegetables and returned at a full load.



On the weekend, Xiao Ming came to the garden of the mother.He walked in front of a Chinese cabbage and carefully looked at the cabbage leaves eating cabbage.Xiaoming was startled, thinking for a while, and remembered the rooster to eat bugs, so he ran home in general.


After arriving home, Xiaoming immediately picked up the big cock and thought about it. He had to hold the big rooster back to the vegetable garden, otherwise the cabbage would be eaten by the bug.


At the vegetable garden, Xiaoming saw the bug still eating Chinese cabbage, and immediately put the rooster in front of the cabbage, and the rooster ate the bug.Poorly that cabbage was pecked.The rooster looked at Xiaoming, as if doing something wrong, he wanted to get Xiaoming's understanding.Xiaoming was also surprised to watch the rooster, thinking that you pecked the cabbage for eating the bug, this time forgive you.



A burst of autumn wind blew, and a piece of golden leaves fell from the ginkgo tree, like a layer of golden carpet on the earth.


In spring, Xiao Zhu planted a cabbage in the vegetable garden, and he went to fertilize the cabbage every day.The autumn is here, the cabbage is growing, it is wearing green clothes and white pants, standing steadily, like a soldier wearing a green army.


On this day, Xiao Zhu ran to see his Chinese cabbage again. He saw a fat and large green bug on the leaves, biting the cabbage leaves with many large and small holes.Xiao Zhu was so frightened that he retreated back. He wanted to reach out to grab the bugs, and he was afraid that the bugs would bite his hand and stomped his feet.His head suddenly flashed, thinking that their reeds big rooster liked to eat bugs.He ran to the chicken house with a slippery smoke and picked up a mighty reed hey.Putting it in the vegetable garden, the reeds and chickens were eaten by half of the bugs and cabbage, and Xiaozhu yelled, and drove the Luhua big rooster away.Xiao Zhu looked at the poor Chinese cabbage and cried straight.


Xiao Zhu thought to me to bury it into the soil and water it to fertilize it.Will it grow again?



On this sunny Sunday, Xiaoqiang came to his grandparents' house to visit grandparents.After lunch, Xiaoqiang suddenly remembered the cabbage that was planted with Grandpa last time.Because of these cabbage, one was planted by himself!


Xiaoqiang hummed Xiaoquer and jumped all the way to the vegetable garden.When Xiaoqiang came to the cabbage he was planted by himself, he found that there was a large aphid on the vegetable leaves, and he was eaten by the cabbage leaves. He instantly lost his excitement."I quickly destroy this abominable aphid, and I can't let it continue to eat it again, otherwise my cabbage will be dead." Xiaoqiang murmured in a hurry around the cabbage.


Suddenly, Xiaoqiang patted his head, his eyes gurgled, jumped up at a three -foot -high ground, and cheered: "Oh, I know! Oh, I know! Haha!" ThenThe hilling potential ran to Grandpa's chicken house and grabbed a big rooster, carefully held it in his arms, and strode back to the garden.


Xiaoqiang said to the big rooster sweetly, "Big rooster, big cock, if you eat the abominable aphids, you will become more beautiful. When you fight, the sound will be even more loud."


When I arrived at the vegetable garden, Xiaoqiang put the big rooster beside the cabbage, and gently said to the big rooster: "Big cock, look at it! Fresh and fat aphids are there! Go and eat!"


At this moment, Xiaoqiang suddenly thought that the door of the chicken house was not closed, so he immediately got up and closed the door.When he came back again, he found that the cabbage leaves were half a big half, and almost he was almost eaten.This was so angry that Xiaoqiang was so angry that he shouted loudly: "It's really abominable aphids! Really abominable cocks!"


Xiaoqiang was very regretful and kept blaming himself: "I'm so stupid. Why did I ignore the big cock and not only eat worms, but it also loves to eat vegetables? It is a guy who doesn't pick eaters!


Hey! I really have a simple mind and the limbs, the worse, the worse it is! "



In the early winter of last year, the backyard of Xiao Ming's family planted many cabbage.The tender green leaves unfold around, and the leaves inside were tightly hugged, like a large green flower in full bloom.


One day, Xiaoming found that there were many bugs on the vegetable leaves, and thought: "These are the hard -working planting of the mother, and my help mother treats the bug." So he grabbed a rooster from the chicken circle and put it in the vegetables.In the ground.At this time, a neighbor hit him and reminded him: "This chicken will peck the vegetable leaves." Xiaoming replied: "The rooster is a ability to catch bugs, and there is a worm to eat vegetable leaves?" After speakingIt's right.


After a while, Xiaoming returned to the vegetable field and found that the vegetable field borrowed a wolf.The rooster pecks a lot of cabbage, and quickly grabbed the chicken back.


Afterwards, Xiaoming was very blame and regretted not listening to others' advice.As a result, I did a bad thing.