
时间:2022-10-20 13:05:33 | 来源:语文通



小学生国庆节日记 篇1国庆节日记 篇2国庆节日记 篇3国庆节日记 篇4国庆节日记 篇5国庆节假期日记 篇6国庆节日记 篇7

小学生国庆节日记 篇1


Today is National Day. I got up early because my mother promised to take me out to play! I'm very happy! As soon as we were ready at home, I took my mother to the street. The street was crowded and very busy.


There are many children in the square of the TV station. Some of them are jumping on a trampoline or playing balloons. Others are looping. They are having fun! Then my mother and I came to the bustling Xinsheng Pedestrian Street. From afar, I saw a dragon about ten meters long being danced by the dragon dancers, like a real dragon flying in the street, hovering in mid air, so vivid that the onlookers were amazed!


The National Day at night is another sight. The street is brightly lit and decorated. Shooting the river is even more lively. All people are intoxicated with the festival atmosphere. A bright smile appeared on their faces. Others set off colorful fireworks to celebrate the National Day, just like the New Year. National Day is really lively! I hope every day is National Day! I also hope our motherland will be prosperous forever!

国庆节日记 篇2


When I entered the park, the first thing I saw was a small forest with open space. There are some old people exercising in the clearing in the woods. Some of those old people are playing Taijiquan, some are practicing Taijijian, and some are playing badminton.


My father and I walked into the playground and saw many entertainment facilities. There are "Waves Roll Pearls", ferris wheels, and battery cars... They are really diverse and have everything. The tourists were all in high spirits and full of laughter. My father and I went to "Wave Roll Pearl". After the machine started, the carriage we were sitting in suddenly went up, down, and turned for half a circle, making us dizzy.


Then we went out of the playground and into the zoo. There are so many animals in the zoo! There are smart monkeys, beautiful peacocks, and fierce lions... My father and I went to the Monkey Mountain and saw many monkeys below. Those monkeys are very clever. They climbed the rockery five or six meters high in a few seconds. Then, we came to the peacock cage. There were a dozen peacocks in the cage. At this time, a peacock opened its screen to compete with tourists. Its feathers are like a big colorful fan with all colors. This is the first time I have seen a peacock unfold. I couldn't help exclaiming, "How beautiful!"


My father and I visited some animals and left the water park. I'm so happy this National Day!

国庆节日记 篇3


On the morning of October 1, I got up early and sat in front of the TV, waiting to watch the grand military parade and mass march held by all walks of life in the capital to celebrate the 60th birthday of my mother.


At 10 o'clock, the celebration began. The 60 gun salute rang through the sky, and the National Flag Guard marched with sonorous and powerful steps. In the passionate national anthem of the People's Republic of China, the bright five-star red flag rose slowly. At this time, my heart is boiling. The review began, "Hello, comrades." "Hello, Chief." "Comrades have worked hard." "Serve the people." Grandpa Hu's kind greetings and loud answers from the read officers and soldiers spread all over the ten mile long street. First of all, the officers and soldiers who were read were marching in the square on foot. When they walked out in a neat line, manly, spirited and brave, I was shocked. How could they be so neat? It looked like a straight line from every angle. If you think about our parade, you will blush in disorder.


Next, I had never seen or could not say that the vehicle squadron was reviewed, showing a new type of modern combat weapons. Finally, 151 planes flew majestically across the sky, leaving five colorful cigarettes.


I can't be calm when I see these things for a long time. I am really proud of my motherland, and I am proud that I am a child of my motherland. Here I wish the motherland a better and stronger tomorrow.

国庆节日记 篇4


Today is the festival of the great motherland. My parents and I walked on the street and looked up. There were bright five-star red flags flying in the wind.


When I came to Qujiang Park, my father and I played the game of treading on the water wheel. At the beginning, I was afraid and could not master the center of gravity. Later, with my father's encouragement and demonstration, I could step on the water wheel slowly. I also played with my father for a long time, and then played a lot... I also collected a lot of leaves. Have a good time today!

国庆节日记 篇5


October 1 is the day when the country was founded. On the National Day, red flags were hung on the roadside lights, and I even issued small red flags in the supermarket. Our motherland is a garden.


The blue sky is the mother of wild geese, the sea is the mother of fish, the tree is the mother of woodcatching birds, the universe is the mother of the earth, the earth is the mother of plants, wild geese love the blue sky, fish love the sea, woodcatching birds love trees, the earth loves the universe, plants love the earth, and we love our motherland.

国庆节假期日记 篇6


Autumn is coming. The weather is chilly. The sun is not as strong as a boy, but as gentle as a girl.


I was so excited today. In the morning, I woke up just after the sun came out from behind the tall building. I was bored, so I opened the book and read it with interest. I had just finished reading a book and looked at my watch. It was already 5:30. I called my parents to get up.


After a while, we arrived at the beautiful Xianxiu Villa, where there are mountains and water, blue sky and white clouds, and the air is fresh. My sister and I jumped three feet high with joy.


My sister, I and some children ran up the mountain top quickly, occupied a good position, sat on the stool and quietly waited for the adults to come up. Adults came up slowly with bags of large and small bags. They put their things carefully on the stool for fear of damaging the barbecue. We took plates, sticks, squid, sausage, cauliflower, small yellow croaker, tin foil, sweet potatoes, knife cut steamed bread, green beans, bone and meat, beef skewers, shrimp, chicken wings, dried tofu, etc. out of the bag and strung them one by one with sticks. Look, this is my string. How about it? It's very artistic. After stringing, we put the rented stove and the iron net we bought, painted the things we wanted to bake with golden oil, and baked them on the shelf. The smoke was so thick that I coughed out of breath. I was almost out of breath. Just listen to "Ah, the sausage is burnt." I quickly turned it over and continued to bake. Looking at the charred side of the sausage, I felt very uncomfortable, just like a face half ruined. But I was not discouraged. I picked up a bunch of corn, brushed it with oil, put it on the shelf and baked it again. I turn my face over from time to time to make it evenly heated, so that the baked food is delicious. After a while, it's fresh. The corn is cooked. It's so fragrant that even the friends at the other table can smell it. I use chopsticks to spread tomato sauce on it and take a bite. Hmm. Sour, sweet and delicious. Then we roasted chicken wings, squid, steamed bread, beef skewers, etc.


After a while, I was full, lying on the green and yellow dotted grass, bathed in the bright sunshine, it was comfortable. Suddenly, I found a treasure in the grass -- Xanthium sibiricum. So we began to fight the Battle of Xanthium. The green cocklebur ears are like bullets, which are stuck on each other's clothes, hair and trousers... The war is really fierce.


It was not until one o'clock in the afternoon that we said goodbye to Xianxiu Villa and returned home. Ah. It's really fun today. The barbecue is really delicious. The scenery is so beautiful. I must come again next time.

国庆节日记 篇7


Do you want to know where our National Day is? OK, let me tell you. If you have ever been here, you must know that it is very interesting here. I will introduce it to you now!


We went back on October 5 on October 4. We ate, drank, talked and laughed for a while. National Day Diary 100 words National Day Diary 100 words


When I got there, I saw a lot of amusement projects in front of me. Where did our children play happily! We didn't stop playing until they told us to. We had to play until we finished dinner. My parents said, "Don't you feel tired after playing for so long? Don't play today!" Originally, we were in a happy mood and turned into a sad expression

过了一会儿我觉得妈妈说的有道理,怎么有道理我来告诉你们:天这么黑了妈妈不放心我们去玩所以妈妈不让我们去玩,我跟他们说了他们觉得有道理,就说:“我们明天再玩吧!”我们异口同声说:“好的!”……    到了第二天我们去玩了好多项目,有:卡丁车、踩自行车……

After a while, I thought what my mother said was reasonable. How could it be reasonable? Let me tell you: Mom doesn't trust us to play when it's so dark, so my mother won't let us play. I told them they thought it was reasonable, and said, "Let's play tomorrow!" We said with one voice: "OK!" The next day, we went to play a lot of sports, including karting, riding bicycles