
时间:2022-06-21 13:47:57 | 来源:语文通

  hy we learn English

Hy We Learn English


Why do we learn English

  The English language has become an international language because it is used by people in the most countries in the world now.

The English Language Has Become An International Language BeCAUSE It is using By People in the Most Countries in the World Now.


Because people in most countries in the world use English, English has now become an international language.

  In the open times, if you want to do business with foreigners, you must learn English because most of them speak and write in English, English is one of the working languages at international meetings, Today, most of valuable books are written in English, If you know much English, you will read newspapers and magazines in English and learn a lot of knowledge about interaction better. You also can do what you should do for the world peace.

If you know much English, you will read newSpapers and Magazines in English and Learn a Lot OF Knowledge About Internet Better.


In reform and opening up, if you want to do business with foreigners, you must learn English, because most of them speak and write in English, and the language of international conferences is also English.Today, most important books are published in English. If you know more English, you can read English newspapers and magazines, and learn more international knowledge, you can make your contribution to world peace.

  English is very important to us, but many students don't know why he should learn it. I hope that all the students should pay more attention to English study and use it freely.

English is very important to us, but many students do know why he should learn.


English is important to us, but many students don't know why they learn English. I hope all students should pay attention to the use of English learning wells.



1、我们:我们读音为wǒ men,是指代词。称包括自己在内的若干人。 包括我在内的一组人当我们想到劳动时,也只有在这时,我们才觉得我们太老了我们 wǒ mén词语意思:代词。称包括自己在内的若干人。[we;us] 包括我在内的一组人当我们想到劳动时,也只有在这时,我们才觉得我们太老了分词解释:在内:包括在…以内。包括:包含(或列举各部分,或着重指出某一部分):语文教学应该包括听、说、读、写四项,不可偏轻偏重ㄧ我说 ‘大家’,自然包括你在内。自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。代词:代替名词、动词、形容词以及其他实词的词。有人称代词(我、你、他)、指示代词(这、那)、疑问代词(谁、什么)三类。...我们怎么造句,用我们造句»

2、翻译:翻译读音为fān yì,是指①把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来(也指方言与民族共同语、方言与方言、古代语与现代语之间一种用另一种表达);把代表语言文字的符号或数码用语言文字表达出来:翻译外国小说ㄧ把密码翻译出来。②做翻译工作的人:他当过三年翻译。翻译 fān yì词语解释:①把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来(也指方言与民族共同语、方言与方言、古代语与现代语之间一种用另一种表达);把代表语言文字的符号或数码用语言文字表达出来:翻译外国小说ㄧ把密码翻译出来。②做翻译工作的人:他当过三年翻译。分词解释:符号:①记号;标记:标点符号ㄧ文字是记录语言的符号。②佩带在身上表明职别、身分等的标志。外国:1.古代指中央政府以外的政权。后以指本国以外的国家。 2.犹外地,外乡。意义:1.谓事物所包含的思想和道理。 2.内容。 3.美名,声誉。 4.作用,价值。表达:表示(思想、感情):感激之情,难以表达ㄧ提高学生的口头表达能力。数码:1.表示数目的文字或号码。 2.数目;数量。...翻译怎么造句,用翻译造句»

3、范文:范文读音为fàn wén,是指语文教学中作为学习榜样的文章:熟读范文ㄧ讲解范文。范文 fàn wén词语解释:语文教学中作为学习榜样的文章:熟读范文ㄧ讲解范文。分词解释:语文:语言和文字;语言和文学:语文水平|语文课本。榜样:作为仿效的人或事例(多指好的):好榜样ㄧ你先带个头,做个榜样让大家看看。讲解:解释;解说:讲解员ㄧ他指着模型给大家讲解。...范文的近义词,范文的同义词是什么»