
时间:2022-07-07 14:04:06 | 来源:语文通



General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Learning the history of the party and the history of the country is a compulsory course that we adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics and continue to advance the cause of the party and the country to move forward. This homework is not only required, but also must be repaired."


Reading history can be wise, knowing ancient Fang can learn today, and at a major time to celebrate our party's 100th birthday, at the key nodes of the "two hundred years" goal, learning and understanding the Communist Party of ChinaThe glorious history helps party members and cadres to not forget the original intention, the road of the road, and the past.


Yesterday, the Chinese nation can be said to be "Xiongguan Man Dao is really like iron"!


The history of modern Chinese is a history of bloody tears and humiliation, and it is also a history of fighting and struggle.At that time, the old China accumulated poverty and weakness, internal and external problems, and the three heavy mountains were deeply pressed on the Chinese people. The wind and rain were fluttering, and the people did not talk about life. Although there were foreign movements, the reform of the Wuzhang, and the revolution in 1911, they did not get rid of the old Chinese semi -colonial land.The semi -feudal social nature has not changed the historical fate of the old China being slaughtered by the powers.


The sound of the Russian Revolution in October brought Marxism to China, and it also brought the dawn of hope to this dark oriental land: a large and twelve party representatives represent more than 50 party members across the country, igniting the stars of the stars, which ignited the stars of the stars.Fire forms the potential of Liaoyuan.From Shikumen to Tiananmen, from Nanhu to the country to govern, the Communist Party of China led the Chinese people, overcome one after another, and achieved one victory after another: the Chinese people and the Chinese nation who have been suffering for a long time finally stood up, and they were promisingThe attitude stands in the forest of the world.


Today, the Chinese nation can be described as "the righteousness of the world is vicissitudes"!


Since the reform and opening up, our party has summarized the experience and lessons of the two aspects of the Chinese revolution and construction process, further emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, embarked on the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and sounded the era of the era of reform and opening up.From the rural family coalition contract responsibility system to the enhanced corporate vitality of the city, from the special economic zone to the open structure of all -round, multi -level, and wide fields, China's development has continuously created miracles at the speed of attention to the world.


Nowadays, the overall layout of the "five -in -one" is coordinated, coordinated and promoted the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, and socialism with Chinese characteristics is shining in the east of the world; grasping the new stage of development, practicing new development concepts, and building a new development pattern. ChinaThe Communist Party leads the Chinese people in the wave of world development.In the new era, China has created humans one miracle after another: smooth information, highways, dense railways, high dams standing, west -to -west, southwater, high -speed rail flying, giant wheels voyage, airplanes soaring, and sky -high!


The tomorrow of the Chinese nation can be said to be "sometimes the long wind will break the waves"!


To realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is to realize the prosperity of the country, the revitalization of the nation, and the happiness of the people.The "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" was successfully ended, and the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" was fully painted.Now, we are closer to the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history, and we are more confident and capable of achieving this goal than any time in history!


With thousands of years of great career, it is precisely a century -old style.In the new era, a new journey. As a party member, we will not forget the original intention and move forward, actively participate in the torrent of socialist modernization, and to build our country into a rich, democratic, civilized, harmonious, and beautiful socialist modernization power unremitting country unremitting the country.struggle!



1、奋斗:奋斗读音为fèn dòu,是指为了达到一定目的而努力干:艰苦奋斗ㄧ为实现伟大理想而奋斗。奋斗 fèn dòu词语解释:为了达到一定目的而努力干:艰苦奋斗ㄧ为实现伟大理想而奋斗。分词解释:艰苦奋斗:不怕艰难困苦,坚持英勇斗争。伟大:雄伟宏大;超出寻常的:伟大的祖国|伟大的中华民族|伟大的事业。目的:想要达到或希望得到的预期地点或结果:他说这话的目的是想提醒大家别忘了以前同学时的友谊。一定:1.一经制定;一经确定。 2.固定不变;注定。 3.规定的,确定的。 4.必然;确实无疑。 5.表示坚决。多用于第一人称。 6.某种程度的;适当的。 7.特定。 8.犹统一。达到:1.到达。 2.达成;得到。多指抽象事物或程度。...奋斗怎么造句,用奋斗造句»

2、征程:征程读音为zhēng chéng,是指征途;行程。 征途万里征程征程 zhēng chéng词语解释:征途;行程。[journey] 征途万里征程分词解释:行程:1.路程;旅程。 2.上路;就道。 3.犹行装。征途:1.亦作“征涂”。 2.行军路上;出征之路途。 3.远行的路途;行程。● 征(徵) zhēng ㄓㄥˉ◎ 远行:长征。征途。征夫。征人。征衣。征帆(远行的船)。◎ 用武力制裁,讨伐:征服(用力制服)。征讨。征伐。征战(出征作战)。南征北战。◎ 召集:征兵。征募(招募兵士)。征集兵马。◎ 收集:征税。征粮。◎ 招请,寻求:征求。征稿。征婚。征聘(招聘)。征询(征求意见)。◎ 证明,证验:征引(引用,引证)。信而有征。◎ 表露出来的迹象:特征。征候。● 程 chéng ㄔㄥˊ◎ 规矩,法式:程式。程序。章程。规程。◎ 进展,限度:程度。进程。日程。过程。◎ 道路的段落:路程。行(xíng )程。里程。启程。前程。◎ 衡量,考核:计日程功。◎ 姓。...征程的近义词,征程的同义词是什么»

3、百年:百年读音为bǎi nián,是指①很多年,极言时间之长:百年不遇的水灾|百年大计|十年树木,百年树人。②一生;一辈子:百年好合|百年之后。百年 bǎi nián词语解释:①很多年,极言时间之长:百年不遇的水灾|百年大计|十年树木,百年树人。②一生;一辈子:百年好合|百年之后。(1) [in a century;centenary;centennial;a hundred years]∶指很多年百年老屋,尘泥渗漉。——明. 归有光《项脊轩志》百年大计(2) [lifetime]∶指人的一生;一辈子百年之后,即死了以后分词解释:水灾:1.亦作“水菑”。 2.因久雨﹑山洪暴发﹑河水泛滥等原因而造成的灾害。百年树人:树:种植,栽培。比喻培养人才是长期而艰巨的事。极言:1.竭力陈说。 2.谓直言规劝。 3.指直言规劝的言辞。 4.谓夸大其辞。...百年怎么造句,用百年造句»

4、起航:起航读音为qǐ háng,是指1. 轮船、飞机等开始航行。起航 qǐ háng[set sail] 轮船、飞机等开始航行...起航怎么造句,用起航造句»