
时间:2022-08-04 13:25:05 | 来源:语文通



She is a beautiful, cute little girl, the slightly yellowed long hair, which makes people rememberSty new.On the face of the handsome melon seeds, a pair of large watery eyes are clear and clear, like two black pearls.Under the beautiful nose, two thin lips, like dew -lip petals, are really beautiful!


She is lively and cute, especially like to take a model step.You see, she is here! Looking up, chest, abdomen, eyes are bright, accompanied by rhythmic notes, calm steps, waiting to reach the front desk, turn around again, the whole movement is in one go, chic! It's great!! We all got up for her, so I really did not expect her little body to make such a big force! Because she also won a lot of awards in this area! For example: "The best step award", "Star Award of Art", "Wind Views Youth Award" ... There are countless!


The talent, who is talented in our class, has the "little painter" in our class, especially the description of the landscape, which is a must! Remember once, the art teacher asked the classmates to draw a landscape painting, which stumped his sameAt the table, this guy can only look at the painting paper in a daze.At this time, our little painter appeared. She picked up a pencil to sketch a few strokes on the paintings of the same table, and slowly polished a few times.After adding green grass, with red flowers, within a few minutes, a lifelike landscape painting is achieved! I saw the sunny sun, bright red and cute, upright mountain peaks, and the flowing flowers flying flowers splashing jade, tender green green, green green green, tender green green green, tender green greenThe willow branches are full of affection, and the whole picture is staggered and impeccable! Looking at the painting, everyone has a thumbs up!


How about? She is a small talented girl! Do you know who she is? I don't tell you, you can guess yourself.



There is a girl in our class. She looks like a boy. Her schoolbag is a mountaineering bag. Her hair is short, but she can tie it. She rarely has red clothes and she is also worn inside.


Her eyes are not very large, nor the small one, it is the right one. She is still a double eyelid. It is very wild. With a dark blue glasses, there are small animals on the eyes.Looks like a hero, the pencil box is green.


Do you know why we call her a little girl?The reason is here: she has read the four masterpieces of our country, and her language can be very powerful. The other is that the nickname of Xiaocai is the teacher.


She was filled with ancient style. She painted Chinese paintings, she learned calligraphy, and she liked to read books. Of course, she also liked crying. The reason why she cried was because the teacher trained her. She was not afraid of anything. She was only afraid of the teacher.


Once the teacher recommended her to give a speech, the title was gratitude. She also invited a classmate to sit in the back image. She cried and got a teacher, and she got the first place.


This is the little talented girl in our class, a chic little girl.



Look, a dignified and polite girl came in the distance. Her head was dragged with two long braids behind her head, a pair of big eyes with a pair of pink glasses in front of her big eyes, a very knowledgeable look. SheIt is Sun Jiaqi, the "little talent" of our class.


Sun Jiaqi can be described as "eighteen martial arts, proficient."!She performed well in all aspects.Let me introduce it to you one by one!




Sun Jiaqi is a athlete, who has to participate in training every day, and every time he has to train until 5:30 to go home very hard.One day I accidentally saw Sun Jiaqi who was preparing for the jumping competition, and went to peek at her training. I saw that Sun Jiaqi ran a few steps briskly, and then gently jumped like this.Jump over.Sun Jiaqi was trained repeatedly.It is Sun Jiaqi's hard work before the game that he will win the championship in this Tianning Division high.




Sun Jiaqi's all day is busy. She has to participate in sports training and take time to practice painting every day.But such busyness did not disrupt Sun Jiaqi's attitude towards life, and her seriousness of her painting has always been the same.One day, Teacher Peng asked each of our members to draw a painting about the pastoral. I saw that Sun Jiaqi said nothing and started a composition when he picked up the pencil.Starting the tedious process of hooking, coloring, decoration ... but from beginning to end, her eyes have not left painting paper for a moment.Finally Sun Jiaqi painted, and we all came to enjoy her paintings.I saw that Sun Jiaqi drew a picture of the autumn harvest. Although there was no bumper harvest in the entire picture, there was still a hint of joy in the picture of the positive stock.As if we took us into this fruitful orchard.


Guzheng master


Speaking of Sun Jiaqi, everyone will definitely think of her picture of playing guzheng, and once again, she will flash her figure.The theme of our class that day was "the imagination of spring". A total of four people participated in the performance. Among the four of them, my favorite was the Guzheng song "Spring Miao" played by Sun Jiaqi.Listening to us as if we were recovering all things in spring.As the saying goes, "Three minutes on the stage, ten years off the stage." Sun Jiaqi must have made a lot of effort behind this performance!Hearing Sun Jiaqi said that she had to practice Guzheng for an hour every day, and the learning task of the advantage was very heavy, but he still had to practice. It was really the unremitting perseverance of Sun Jiaqi to have such outstanding performance on the Oscar.


Sun Jiaqi's talent is more than that!In the calligraphy class, her words are beautiful and soft, her voice is melodious in the music class, her homework in the information class is ingenious ... The title of "Little Talent" is used in Sun Jiaqi.



1、我们:我们读音为wǒ men,是指代词。称包括自己在内的若干人。 包括我在内的一组人当我们想到劳动时,也只有在这时,我们才觉得我们太老了我们 wǒ mén词语意思:代词。称包括自己在内的若干人。[we;us] 包括我在内的一组人当我们想到劳动时,也只有在这时,我们才觉得我们太老了分词解释:在内:包括在…以内。包括:包含(或列举各部分,或着重指出某一部分):语文教学应该包括听、说、读、写四项,不可偏轻偏重ㄧ我说 ‘大家’,自然包括你在内。自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。代词:代替名词、动词、形容词以及其他实词的词。有人称代词(我、你、他)、指示代词(这、那)、疑问代词(谁、什么)三类。...我们怎么造句,用我们造句»