The ancients: "There is a golden house in the book, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu." It can be seen that the ancients had a soft spot for reading.The biggest advantage is that it makes people who know to know from it and make ignorant people knowledgeable.It can be seen that reading is the benefit of each of us, so how to cultivate children to develop good reading habits and benefit them for a lifetime is a question that each of us is thinking.
My child is just seven years old this year. He is a first -year student of Xiaoli Middle School.As a parent of the student, I am very glad that the child has studied all the schools with a strong book incense. Thanks to the school's good atmosphere for cultivating children's reading habits, especially the efforts of Teacher Lu and Teacher Wei to cultivate children's reading habits.
In the spring of 2020, the campaign of the whole people.In this long holiday life, I thought it would become less time to read with the children because of the homework and other reasons. I did not expect Teacher Lu to emphasize the reading of parent -child. As a parent, I was very pleased.
Meng Luxin is not old, but there are many books he has read.From the age of three to kindergarten, I started teaching her to literacy. The enlightenment of her literacy was the child's "Children's Pictorial" and "Children's Intelligence World".fairy tales.These books are full of graphics and text, which are rich and interesting, and the development of the plot is in line with children's imagination and thinking characteristics.Maybe the child does not understand, just like bright pictures.However, everything is expensive.The child's language and understanding ability is changing quietly. It is like watering for a small tree seedlings. It will not grow leaves immediately, but his roots are still absorbing and growing quietly.
Before going to school to hold a parent meeting, the teacher at each meeting would emphasize the problem of reading.Bing Xin, a modern Chinese female writer, said: Good reading, good reading, and reading books.This shows that reading a good book is to talk to many noble people, which can benefit people a lot.In the past year, through reading with children, I understand that as a parent's mentality.Only when the parent's mentality is peaceful can the child be peaceful and unswerving; only when the parents are tough, can children not be afraid of hardships; only when parents advance can children be disciplined by themselves; only when the family fills the scent of books, children can swim in the sea of books freely.I hope that in the school, the teacher, the parents of the parents, and the three -in -one efforts of the parents, cultivate the children's good reading habits. I hope that the scholarly education characteristics of Xiaoli Central Primary School will be fruitful.Success, elegant life.
In the noisy firecracker sound, we resigned from 2014 and ushered in 2015. I know that every day is a new challenge. In the new year, I am chasing the wind.
When the wind is up, some people dare not face, tighten their necks, hide in the shelter, and miss the opportunity to challenge; some people do not insist on to the end, only Nuo Nuo, dare not break through, and eventually abandon them., Falling again and again, climbing up again and again, not afraid of difficulties, and seeing a different scenery.I think I will be the last young man like the last way.
In the past semester, I encountered the same difficulty of wind.I have careless problems, I will waste time in a daze, I always abandon the scattered time ... All the problems are piled up, which is reflected in the exam, although my math has embarked on the progress of progress.The stairs, my English and science have maintained a good situation, but my best language encountered Waterloo, which is an accidental inevitable.
I am a teenager who is chasing the wind. I am not discouraged, because I believe that in 2015 full of sunshine and hope, I will meet the wind. In the new semester of 2015, I will work hard to make up for my own shortcomings.Even if you treat the common and simple topics or things, you must do it with twelve thoughts and treat it.I have to learn to arrange the time reasonably.Mr. Li Dazhao said: "You have to learn it well, you must play happily!"
Dare to break through yourself, you can see the most beautiful scenery.Looking forward to 2015, in the new year, I hope that I can get better and better, and I hope that I can work hard in various competitions in schools. In the new year, I want to make myself better and break through myself.Limit, correct your shortcomings and be a better self.
Looking back at the string footprints left on the road of growth. This is the trajectory of growth. I ran with the wind. I have my own direction in my heart. I am chasing the wind and the most exciting self.
1、少年:少年读音为shào nián,是指不几年。 古称青年男子,现在指人大约十岁到十五岁这个阶段少年儿童读物少年 shǎo nián分词解释:不几年。[early youth (from ten to sixteen)] 古称青年男子,现在指人大约十岁到十五岁这个阶段少年儿童读物分词解释:● 不 bù ㄅㄨˋ◎ 副词。◎ 用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:不去。不多。不法。不料。不材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。不刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。不学无术。不速之客。◎ 单用,做否定性的回答:不,我不知道。◎ 用在句末表疑问:他现在身体好不?● 不 fǒu ㄈㄡˇ◎ 古同“否”,不如此,不然。● 几(幾) jī ㄐㄧˉ◎ 小或矮的桌子:茶几儿。◎ 将近,差一点:几乎。几至。◎ 苗头:知几其神乎。● 几(幾) jǐ ㄐㄧˇ◎ 询问数量多少(估计不太大)的疑问词:几个人?几何(a.多少,如“人生几几?”b.研究点线面体的性质、关系和计算方法的学科,如“平面几几”)。◎ 表示不定的数目:几本书。几百人。● 年 nián ㄋㄧㄢˊ◎ 地球绕太阳一周的时间:一年。三年五载。◎ 每年的:年会。年鉴。年利。年薪。◎ 一年的开始:年节。新年。◎ 有关年节的(用品):年画。年礼。年货。◎ 时期,时代:近年。年华。年号(a.帝王用的纪年名称;b.公元纪年名称)。年限。年深日久。◎ 收成:年成。年景。年谨。荒年。◎ 岁数:年纪。年事(岁数)。年高。年轮。◎ 人一生所经年岁的分期:幼年。童年。青年。壮年。中年。老年。◎ 科举时代同年考中者的互称:年兄。年谊(同年登科的关系)。◎ 姓。● 少 shǎo ㄕㄠˇ◎ 数量小的,与“多”相对:多少。少量。少许。◎ 缺,不够:缺少。减少。◎ 不经常:少有。少见。◎ 短时间:少等。少候。少顷。◎ 丢,遗失:屋里少了东西。◎ 轻视:“且夫我尝闻少仲尼之闻而轻伯夷之义者,如吾弗信,今我睹子之难穷也”。● 少 shào ㄕㄠˋ◎ 年纪轻或年轻人:少年。少女。少壮(年轻力壮)。◎ 古代辅佐长官的副职:少傅。少保。◎ 次级的:少校。少将(jiàng )。◎ 姓。...少年怎么造句,用少年造句»
2、当时:当时读音为dāng shí,是指1.指过去发生某件事情的时候;昔时。 2.指当时的人们。 3.指在位的皇帝。 4.正当青春之时。 5.官名。黄帝置﹐执掌天时。当时 dāng shí词语解释:1.指过去发生某件事情的时候;昔时。 2.指当时的人们。 3.指在位的皇帝。 4.正当青春之时。 5.官名。黄帝置﹐执掌天时。分词解释:官名:①旧时称在乳名以外起的正式名字。②官衔。在位:1.居于君主之位。 2.居官位;做官。事情:1.事物的真相;实情。 2.事理人情。 3.人类生活中的一切活动和所遇到的一切社会现象。 4.犹工作,职业。时候:1.季节;节候。 2.有起点和终点的一段时间。 3.时间里的某一点。...当时怎么造句,用当时造句»
3、正当:正当读音为zhèng dāng,是指通常指人的行为的合理性和合法性。在经济、政治、法律等领域中,正当指一个人的行为、要求、愿望等符合社会的政策和行为规范的要求,或者符合社会发展的需要和人民的利益。道德上的正当指行为符合最起码的、最低的道德要求,并不体现行为的道德价值的大小和行为者道德境界的高低。正当 zhèng dāng词语解释:通常指人的行为的合理性和合法性。在经济、政治、法律等领域中,正当指一个人的行为、要求、愿望等符合社会的政策和行为规范的要求,或者符合社会发展的需要和人民的利益。道德上的正当指行为符合最起码的、最低的道德要求,并不体现行为的道德价值的大小和行为者道德境界的高低。分词解释:法性:佛教语。真实不变﹑无所不在的体性。各宗所说不一。利益:好处:物质利益ㄧ个人利益服从集体利益。要求:1.提出具体事项或愿望﹐希做到或实现。 2.所提出的具体愿望或条件。或者:①或许:你快走,或者还赶得上车。②连词,用在叙述句里,表示选择关系:你们叫我杨同志或者老杨都行,可别再叫我杨科长 ㄧ这本书或者你先看,或者我先看。...正当怎么造句,用正当造句»
4、读书:读书读音为dú shū,是指①看着书本,出声地或不出声地读:读书声ㄧ读书笔记 ㄧ读书得间(读书时能发现问题)。②指学习功课:他读书很用功。③指上学:当时,我还在读书ㄧ他在那个中学读过一年书。读书 dú shū词语解释:①看着书本,出声地或不出声地读:读书声ㄧ读书笔记 ㄧ读书得间(读书时能发现问题)。②指学习功课:他读书很用功。③指上学:当时,我还在读书ㄧ他在那个中学读过一年书。分词解释:用功:1.犹言下功夫。 2.犹言施展本领。 3.努力学习。亦指做功课。当时:1.指过去发生某件事情的时候;昔时。 2.指当时的人们。 3.指在位的皇帝。 4.正当青春之时。 5.官名。黄帝置﹐执掌天时。功课:①学生按照规定学习的知识、技能:他在学校里每门功课都很好。②指教师给学生布置的作业:做完功课再看电视。③佛教徒按时诵经念佛等称为做功课。上学:1.最好的学习。 2.指古之上庠或太学。看着:1.眼看着。谓转瞬间。 2.酌情;看情形。...读书怎么造句,用读书造句»
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