
时间:2022-10-27 13:02:27 | 来源:语文通



开学第一课作文 篇1开学第一课观后感 篇2《开学第一课》观后感 篇3开学第一课作文 篇4开学第一课作文大全 篇5开学第一课作文 篇6开学第一课作文 篇7开学第一课 篇8

开学第一课作文 篇1


Life is a kaleidoscope, which shows us a colorful world. At the age of 12, I felt all kinds of things. Grass, the indomitable spirit will always bloom in my heart.


A poem once said, "Lush grass on the plains, one withers and flourishes in one year, withers and thrives once each. Wildfire never burns out, and spring wind blows again." It is grass.


In winter, it is chilly and windy outside. I eat warm hot meals at home. I didn't care about looking at a grass outside the window, a grass about to fall, as if something flashed through my mind. I could not help opening the window, gently stroking the dying grass, opening and closing my mouth, murmuring as if to say something. Seeing the cold wind howling in winter, and looking at this insignificant grass, I remembered a kind of indomitable spirit.


Spring is coming, and Spring Girl has filled the earth with infinite vitality. When I look at that small grass again, it has become a grass everywhere, and my heart rises: What makes it so tenacious? My mind flashed again that kind of tenacious feeling - unyielding.


The grass's unyielding and tenacious made me leave tears of guilt and guilt. I was thinking: Even these grass are so stubborn and unyielding, shouldn't I learn like this in my life? In life, we need a kind of indomitable spirit to face it. The poem "The wild fire will never burn out, and the spring wind will blow again" echoes in my ears again


The tenacity and unyielding of grass has made me realize a strong spirit, which will accompany me forever!

开学第一课观后感 篇2


On the first day of school, we watched the First Lesson. This short four class meeting made me deeply feel the power of dreams.


The film tells a touching story about Jet Li, Ma Yun, Yang Mengheng, Liu Wei and others in order to realize their dreams. I was deeply moved by their idea of not giving up and sticking to it. Among them, I was most shocked by brother Yang Mengheng. When he was a child, he suffered from high arm amputation due to touching high voltage electricity. When he grew up, he especially liked sports, fell in love with swimming, and dreamed of becoming an Olympic champion. Although he trained hard every day and worked twice as hard as others, he failed in the trials and reality shattered his dream. But soon, brother Meng Heng got up again and continued to study, because he had a new dream - simultaneous translator.


After reading Yang Mengheng's story, I couldn't help thinking of myself. When I was young, my dream was to become a calligrapher. When I attended a calligraphy class in the Children's Palace, I was only enthusiastic for three minutes. I wanted to give up every time I encountered a problem with writing. Compared with brother Meng Heng, I'm really ashamed. He was physically handicapped and mentally determined. He overcame all difficulties for his dream and achieved his dream with his perseverance. As Uncle Ma Yun said, "Dreams are always accompanied by tears and sweat. If dreams are separated from sweat and tears, they will become fantasies."


In the future, I will take brother Meng Heng as an example, practice calligraphy seriously, face difficulties bravely, and adhere to my dream. Take persistence as a friend, patience as a brother, firm your faith and never give up, then I believe that my dream can come true one day!

《开学第一课》观后感 篇3


Can the "ideal" become a reality? Can "ideal" change oneself? Can "ideal" make you exercise Some people say that "ideal" is the goal of life struggle, some people say that "ideal" is their own fantasy, some people say that "ideal" is people's fantasy, some people say that


What is "ideal"? What does it mean? What can it tell me? What can we get from it? I keep looking for satisfactory answers.


"Kung Fu pays off"! I finally found the answer I wanted. The original "ideal" is a ray of light in the spiritual world. If you lose your ideal, the spiritual world will become dark. This short speech contains infinite meaning. People should have ideals. Without ideal people, the sky of the soul is gone and dark. However, people with far-reaching ideals have immeasurable prospects.


I am no exception. I am a person with ideals. My ideals are like countless stars and endless oceans.


When I was a child, I was childish and ignorant. I wanted to walk in space, play and make friends with aliens, visit the planet where they live, travel around the world, watch and eat delicious food all over the world. Since then, I wanted to be a painter, astronautist, artist, dancer, traveler


From my childhood to my maturity, my ideals have gradually matured and changed with the growth of my age, and I know that those ideals are a goal and a starting point in my life. Let me keep advancing, striving and working towards that goal.


My dream now is to be an outstanding artist. I also know that it is not easy. If you want to be a great artist, you have to pay more sweat and hardships than others. I will not be discouraged, nor will I give up this ideal. As the saying goes, perseverance is victory. But I often want to give up involuntarily, maybe it is a setback in the process of struggle! But I insisted on using my strong willpower to overcome it, and silently said in my heart: "You can't give up. You will succeed only if you persevere. If you give up, you will lose everything you want to do." All this will not make me succeed. I will also challenge the "ideal": "Let's see! You will be defeated by my firm determination, patience, perseverance and tenacious willpower, and I will certainly defeat you.


"Ideal", what a familiar word! You are like a sailboat, holding the goals, sweat and tears of countless people. Ideal, like a bright lamp, illuminates our front. Ideal is like a hard road. As long as you are not afraid of all difficulties, you can walk on a shining star road. Ideal is like that ladder. As long as you climb it carefully, you can go higher and look farther.


Everyone has "ideal", but not everyone can realize their own ideal. In fact, pursuing ideal can also exercise your willpower and temper your patience. Take your ideal as your goal, and let you work hard to pursue it. Take your ideal as your enemy, and try your best to defeat it. Take your ideal as your

开学第一课作文 篇4


This evening, I watched the program "The First Lesson of School" on CCTV 1. The people and events in it inspired me, moved me, and seemed to give me the strength to make progress.


The uncle and his daughter of the People's Liberation Army in the War Home Letters had unforgettable happy feelings in those war years. They let me know how hard it was to get a happy life and a good learning environment today, which is also what our ancestors expected.


Happiness comes from confidence. Liu Hao, only ten years old, can't even see the black and white keys of the piano, but he is full of confidence. He recited music scores in Braille by his mother's acupuncture for only three years, but became the champion of the international piano competition. It can be seen that more efforts, more happiness. Believe in yourself, happiness is in the process of hard work and growth.


I will redouble my efforts, believe in myself, cherish the happy learning environment and grow up happily. Be tolerant, caring, grateful, sharing and communicating; Respecting teachers, cheerful, happy growth. As Yu Dan said, "When ice and snow melt, they not only become water, but also bring spring." The philosophical wisdom of celebrities is very thoughtful.


The new school year is a new starting point. With the help of the awesome of the First Lesson, we are striving to move forward towards a new goal.

开学第一课作文大全 篇5


September 1 is a busy day. We raised our youthful smiling faces, carried our schoolbags and stepped into the long-awaited campus.


This year's First Class is an important activity for primary and middle school students. The theme is "beauty is around you". In this year, many beautiful people emerged around us: the most beautiful teacher Zhang Lili, the most beautiful driver Wu Bin, and the most beautiful soldier Gao Tiecheng; In this year, our country has many beautiful things that inspire us: the nine gods flying in the sky, the dragon going to sea, and the Olympic athletes working hard. These wonderful examples and achievements encourage us to make progress.


The first lesson at the beginning of school is in the form of a theme class meeting that students like to see. It is also integrated with celebrity speeches and game interaction, turning traditional patriotism education into a new party.


As the saying goes, "When a person shares his pain with others, his pain is reduced by half; when a person shares his happiness with others, his happiness is doubled." A group of children from the prairie choir made me deeply understand that love is giving, and love is sharing. Facing the blue sky, white clouds, green grass, cattle and sheep on the vast prairie, children learned to share their happiness with songs. I learned about them and that only shared love is the most valuable love in the world.

As the saying goes, "When a person shares his pain with others, his pain is reduced by half; when a person shares his happiness with others, his happiness is doubled." A group of children from the prairie choir made me deeply understand that love is giving, and love is sharing. Facing the blue sky, white clouds, green grass, cattle and sheep on the vast prairie, children learned to share their happiness with songs. I learned about them and that only shared love is the most valuable love in the world.


The first lesson at the beginning of school is in the form of a 'theme class meeting' that students like to see. It is also integrated with celebrity speeches and game interaction, turning the traditional patriotism education into a new party.


As the saying goes, "When a person shares his pain with others, his pain is reduced by half; when a person shares his happiness with others, his happiness is doubled." A group of children from the prairie choir made me deeply understand that love is giving, and love is sharing. Facing the blue sky, white clouds, green grass, cattle and sheep on the vast prairie, children learned to share their happiness with songs. I learned about them and that only shared love is the most valuable love in the world.

As the saying goes, "When a person shares his pain with others, his pain is reduced by half; when a person shares his happiness with others, his happiness is doubled." A group of children from the prairie choir made me deeply understand that love is giving, and love is sharing. Facing the blue sky, white clouds, green grass, cattle and sheep on the vast prairie, children learned to share their happiness with songs. I learned about them and that only shared love is the most valuable love in the world.


The First Lesson at the Beginning of School has benefited me a lot. I believe that love will make our motherland more beautiful and our tomorrow will be better!

开学第一课作文 篇6


After the promulgation of the New Compulsory Education Law, our teachers, under the leadership of the school, have conducted extensive and in-depth discussions and exchanges through various forms. Every teacher has a deeper understanding of how to strengthen teacher ethics and establish a new style of education. The following is my understanding and feelings.


I think the new Compulsory Education Law is the arrival of the spring of education. Its promulgation and implementation make us happy to see that compulsory education has really achieved its return to the standard, and it is no longer a blind eye to the word "obligation" of education, which has brought a new development model, management mechanism and institutional support for China's compulsory education. With the implementation of the law, China's compulsory education will take on a new look in several important aspects. The reform and development of compulsory education will be more clear and the pace will be further accelerated.


The new Compulsory Education Law will lay a solid foundation for the great rejuvenation of China's socialist cause. The birth of the new compulsory education law marks that China's compulsory education has entered a new stage of development. It is a series of systems and norms that guide and guarantee the development of compulsory education based on the summary of the experience of nine years of compulsory education popularization in accordance with the law. The law takes safeguarding the fairness and justice of education and promoting the balanced development of compulsory education as an important guiding ideology, and focuses on the implementation of quality education in an all-round way, ensuring the investment in compulsory education, improving the quality of compulsory education, and promoting the balanced development of compulsory education. The new law focuses on establishing and improving various systems to promote the development of compulsory education. There are innovations and breakthroughs in many aspects, providing a strong institutional guarantee for the sustainable and healthy development of China's compulsory education.


The promulgation and implementation of the new Compulsory Education Law is a milestone for further deepening the reform of the education system and promoting the development of compulsory education. The birth of the new Compulsory Education Law marks that China's compulsory education has entered a new stage, which will play a positive role in improving the quality of the whole nation and the future development of the country.


It is one of my deepest feelings when I read the new Compulsory Education Law to truly put people first and ensure the basic rights of all children, schools and teachers in the compulsory education stage. The legislative concept of the new Compulsory Education Law has made a great breakthrough, among which the most basic legislative concept is to take students' development as the foundation, truly give students space for development, and at the same time give teachers in the compulsory education stage full space for development.


The new Compulsory Education Law highlights commonweal, unity and enforceability. Although these three basic fulcrums are not direct educational behaviors, they are crucial for educators to change their ideas.


The new Compulsory Education Law clarifies the requirements for the quality of compulsory education. For the first time, quality education was explicitly written into the law, proposing to face all students, promote their all-round development, and emphasize the organic integration of morality, intelligence, physical education and beauty in teaching activities. In the process of implementing the new Compulsory Education Law, to improve the quality of education is to improve the quality of teachers to some extent. The problem of teachers' specialization is also affecting the quality of school education. It is an effective way to implement quality education to carry out the evaluation of good moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, labor, psychological and other aspects of behavioral quality. Quality education is not a sport, nor a gust of wind. The implementation of quality education requires careful work, which is carried out every day when every child is in school and reflected in the daily education and teaching work of the school. Everyone and every school will get real growth, and the real development of everyone and every school is the realization of the objective of quality education.

开学第一课作文 篇7


With doubt, I saw that the first lesson was to discover beauty. How did you find beauty? This made everyone ponder. When we were confused, the host asked Liu Yang, the astronaut of Shenzhou 9, to tell us. Liu Yang said that the universe is boundless, much larger than she imagined: the long Milky Way, the opposite Cowherd and Vega, Mercury, Saturn. You can see everything. The most interesting thing is weightlessness. Everyone floats in the air one by one. Pens, notebooks and so on are in a mess. It's fun. Finally, she summarized the true meaning of discovering beauty: love sports, and more importantly, be able to discover the beauty around you, so that the beauty will be displayed in front of your eyes.

山区小学的教师刘丽莉随着第二节课的铃声走上讲台,她今年才二十几岁,在这个花季年龄里,许多女孩儿都在享受,谁会去贫困山区受苦呀!可刘老师不,她也是从山里走出来的,刘老师用大爱成就孩子们的幸福,她手把手教孩子们美术、体操等山区孩子根本不可能学到的知识,小学六年级作文《作文 看《开学第一课》有感》。刘老师播种了美、传递了美。让山区的美发芽、结果。所以她理所因当的被人称为最美的老师,这不就是创造美吗?

Liu Lili, the teacher of the mountain primary school, walked onto the platform with the bell ringing for the second lesson. She is only in her twenties this year. Many girls are enjoying it in this flowering age. Who will go to the poor mountain area to suffer! But Miss Liu did not. She also came out of the mountains. Miss Liu achieved children's happiness with great love. She taught children art, gymnastics and other knowledge that mountain children could not learn. The sixth grade composition of primary school was "Feeling about the First Lesson of School". Teacher Liu sows and conveys beauty. Let the beauty of mountains sprout and bear fruit. So she is called the most beautiful teacher for her reason. Isn't that creating beauty?


Chen Yibing, a member of the gymnastics team, also entered the arena. He contributed to his motherland at the London Olympics. The host asked him why he won? He replied: Before participating in the competition, they were regarded as losers. However, due to the mutual support and encouragement of peers. They won the championship in one fell swoop. This kind of companion's encouragement is to convey beauty.


What impressed me most was what Mr. Yu Dan said. She used harmonious beauty to make an analogy. She boiled eggs, tea leaves and radishes in boiling water. The eggs became hard, the tea turned into strong tea, and the radishes became soft. What does this mean? Hardened eggs are often the kind of people who don't fit in with others. They go their own way, while radishes are too cowardly. They don't know how to make friends, so they are not understood, so they are bullied. And tea? It is integrated with water. Such people are good at uniting the collective, so they are the best representatives of harmonious beauty.


The first lesson at the beginning of school only lasted for one and a half hours, but it benefited me a lot.

开学第一课 篇8


When school was over this afternoon, Miss Yu said to us, "Boys and girls, we will watch the First Lesson at 17:30-19:00 this evening. Do you know?" The students said, "I see." After school, I picked up my schoolbag and ran home quickly. When I got home, I threw my schoolbag away and said to my mother, "Mom, I'm back." As soon as I finished, I ran to the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen, I wolfed down the rice. When I finished, I ran to the TV quickly, turned on the TV, and waited for a while. The first lesson of school began. I watched TV with relish. There is a mother and daughter of a "most beautiful mother" and a "most beautiful daughter". The daughter has been caring for her mother for XX years. Their behavior moved the audience to tears; There was a class of students who wanted to leave their teacher who had taught them for three years. After saying goodbye, they were reluctant to part with the teacher, and then cried, which represented the love between teachers and students. I forgot to tell you that the theme is happiness. I thought happiness was just enough to eat, drink and dress well.


Now I know that only by helping each other, being united, caring for parents and caring for each other, can we be the happiest in the world.