
时间:2022-07-01 13:26:55 | 来源:语文通



As soon as I was on vacation, I asked my mother to help me report to the summer camp of 8 days in Shanghai.Let's talk about Lao Shiba. I don't actually like which summer camps, I just want to hide my mother.My mother is the kind of specialty and very annoying.In that way, I can have a period of quiet ears.


At the base, there is one day's rest day, this distribution is great!It's so comfortable to lie down by the bed, it's really comfortable. The room next to it is quiet.After lying for two or thirty minutes, I felt that there were some unsuitable, very quiet, without the sound of my mother.But that's how to enjoy it!If you want to cherish this happy time, 8 days will be in the past in 8 days.


Suddenly, there was a short message on the mobile phone. It was a harassment text message, but it reminded me that I took the phone over and pressed the shutdown key, so no one would bother me.In the following days, my WeChat was also very rarely turned on, so that my WeChat did not need battery charging.


Some roommates' parents often call some calls.Sometimes because I have some envy, I want to make a call to my mother, but I do n’t think she can do it.(But I seem to have forgotten that there is no one who can play the phone shutdown.) In the sixth day, I was valuable to start on QQ.Mother's adult dialed, who dare not pick up, so I picked it up and yelled sweetly: "Mom!"I still know that I am ***! "After listening to it, I realized that I didn't call my mother so long for a long time. I thought she must worry about me every day at home!The nose was crying and crying.


I said "um", and my mother gradually stunned a lot.At this time, I think my mother's embarrassment seems to be as bad as usual.I listened patiently.She told me that she didn't eat well, and some problems such as hot and hot.In normal times, I have already yelled at her, "Don't have to quarrel, can you?", At this time I listened and listened very patiently.When I hung up, my eyes were already full of tears, and I ran to the bathroom and cried.After that, I flipped through my unbelievable call records and read information content, and many of them were sent by my mother.Seeing the sore nose, I almost cried.


From the few days since then, I often call my mother on the phone, and I am much more friendly to my mother after returning home.The phone from the distance conveyed my mother's thoughts and thoughts on me, and I also asked me to change my prejudice against my mother.



1、来自:来自读音为lái zì,是指表示来源,但通常不带有肇始之意,而指从原有的以另一形式存在的人或物,通过赋与、移转、演绎、模仿或再生而发生。如:主要收入来自开采煤矿。来自 lái zì词语解释:表示来源,但通常不带有肇始之意,而指从原有的以另一形式存在的人或物,通过赋与、移转、演绎、模仿或再生而发生。如:主要收入来自开采煤矿。分词解释:收入:1.收获。 2.没收。 3.收进,收下。 4.指收进来的钱物。 5.编入。 6.聚集退入。 7.犹映入。主要:1.把握事物的关键。 2.指事物中关系最大,起决定作用的。存在:1.指事物持续地占据着时间和空间;实际上有。 2.泛指各种事物或现象。 3.哲学上指不以人的意识为转移的客观世界。 4.指举止行为。演绎:①铺陈,推断,阐发:汉儒解经,依经演绎。②“演绎推理”的简称。...来自怎么造句,用来自造句»

2、电话:电话读音为diàn huà,是指①利用电流使两地的人互相交谈的装置,主要由发话器、受话器和线路三部分组成。②用电话装置传递的话:打电话ㄧ我没有接到他的电话。电话 diàn huà词语解释:①利用电流使两地的人互相交谈的装置,主要由发话器、受话器和线路三部分组成。②用电话装置传递的话:打电话ㄧ我没有接到他的电话。分词解释:互相:副词。表示彼此同样对待的关系:互相帮助|互相尊重。组成:谓由部分或个体组合成为整体。两地:1.两处;两个地方。 2.犹两府。借指中书省﹑枢密院。电流:①定向流动的电荷。电流通过导体会产生热效应、磁效应、化学效应、发光效应等。②指电流强度。...电话怎么造句,用电话造句»