The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China.Every year, the Spring Festival is full of rich years, full of warmth of the family reunion, but in 2020, these seem to become a beautiful expectation.
On the eve of the Spring Festival 2020, a terrible virus -new coronary virus was discovered in Hubei Province.This "monster" panic across the country.In the Spring Festival shrouded in the epidemic, many things pressed the suspension key. Many lively gatherings stopped.Medical personnel from all over the country rushed to Hubei.
At the Spring Festival Gala in 2020, in the show "Love is Bridge" brought by 6 famous CCTV hosts such as Bai Yansong, the host used a affectionate language to go to all medical staff and live in all medical staff who struggled to fight against the epidemic.The people in the epidemic area pay tribute!
Here, I want to say with the first -line medical staff: "Uncle and aunt, you have worked hard!" In order to defeat the epidemic, they persisted in their jobs.In order to treat and care for patients who have been infected with the virus, they must insist on not eating or drinking for at least 8 hours, in order to save as much as possible, because they drink water every time, every time they eat, and every time the toilet, they are all toilets.Re -changing the protective clothing.In order to make the people feel at ease, rest assured, and even some medical staff lost their precious life.In order to win this war, they couldn't go home for the New Year and could not reunite with their families. They were the health and safety of our millions of households.
In order to support the uncle and aunts of the outbreak prevention work, we also played a "hard core" battle with the virus at home. We insist on not going to go out every day. Moms occasionally go to the door of the supermarket to purchase daily necessities, but every time she goes out, she will wear a one -time mask and gloves. Although we can't go out, it is the happiest thing to gather together. Get up in the morning, we exercise together in the morning to perform rope skipping and panels. For three meals a day, we study all kinds of food together. After breakfast, carry the ancient poems, read beautiful texts, and start preparing online learning; after a nap, write homework or do practice questions, practice calligraphy or painting, or practice my favorite Latin dance. Of course, our favorite It is still the ocean of the family to travel together; after dinner, the whole family can watch the "China Placement Conference" together, formulate a travel research plan after "exit", or watch and participate in the "Chinese Poetry Conference" together; leisure time, Come on a game with my parents a game of rolling, shooting, archery, Go, beasts, etc. are also fun! As long as we can be peaceful at home and wait for the epidemic to be lifted, we are the ultimate victims.
In these days, I saw too much moving pictures from the news.Our family talks about the topic related to the epidemic every day. I am moved by medical staff who are struggling to fight on the front line of the epidemic every day. I am happy for the patients who have recovered, and I am excited to the spirit of the people of the people of the people of the country ...
In spring, everything is germinated, and the spring flowers outside the window have flourished. The new buds of the branches have begun to be slightly green. Spring has come to us with light steps, and everything is breeding new hope and strength.Is the willow tree on the campus began to bulge the tender green buds? After all the things that have been snowing, it will definitely be more vibrant. I seem to have heard the laughter on the campus.
1、迎春:迎春读音为yíng chūn,是指1.古代祭礼之一。古人以春配应五方之东﹑五色之青,故于立春日,天子率百官出东郊祭青帝,迎接春季到来。 2.后世地方官例于立春前一日,率士绅僚佐,鼓乐迎春牛﹑芒神于东郊,谓之“迎春”。 3.迎候春天。 4.迎新年。 5.花名。即迎春花。 6.花名。辛夷的别名。见明李时珍《本草纲目.木一.辛夷》。迎春 yíng chūn词语解释:1.古代祭礼之一。古人以春配应五方之东﹑五色之青,故于立春日,天子率百官出东郊祭青帝,迎接春季到来。 2.后世地方官例于立春前一日,率士绅僚佐,鼓乐迎春牛﹑芒神于东郊,谓之“迎春”。 3.迎候春天。 4.迎新年。 5.花名。即迎春花。 6.花名。辛夷的别名。见明李时珍《本草纲目.木一.辛夷》。分词解释:花名:1.即花户。 2.旧指娼妓在妓院中使用的化名。祭礼:①祭祀或祭奠的仪式。②祭祀或祭奠用的礼品。东郊:1.西周时,特指其东都王城以东的郊外。周灭商后,迁殷民于此。 2.泛指国都或城市以东的郊外。僚佐:旧时官署中的助理人员。...
2、风雨:风雨读音为fēng yǔ,是指①风和雨:风雨无阻ㄧ风雨大作。②比喻艰难困苦:经风雨,见世面。风雨 fēng yǔ词语意思:①风和雨:风雨无阻ㄧ风雨大作。②比喻艰难困苦:经风雨,见世面。分词解释:艰难困苦:形容处境艰苦,困难重重。见世面:在外经历各种事情,熟悉各种情况:经风雨,见世面。风雨无阻:不受刮风下雨的阻碍。指预先约好的事情,一定按期进行。大作:1.犹大事。 2.创办大事;大办。 3.大兴土木。 4.大起。 5.显着表现。 6.称人作品的敬词。...风雨怎么造句,用风雨造句»
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