
时间:2022-10-26 13:09:12 | 来源:语文通


憧憬的生活作文 篇1憧憬的生活作文 篇2憧憬的生活作文 篇3我憧憬的高中生活作文 篇4憧憬的生活作文 篇5

憧憬的生活作文 篇1


On September 13, 2020, I came to Kegan with all my reluctance to leave home and my vision for a new life.


When I walked into the school, I was unfamiliar and confused, because compared with the previous school, the subject was really big. I had no idea where the canteen, classroom and dormitory were. Even after living here for a week, I still couldn't figure out the direction. It was funny.


The difference between college life and high school life is really great. The "emptiness" of suddenly relaxing and the "confusion" of lacking clear goals make me feel overwhelmed. The harmonious atmosphere of the past is mostly replaced by a slightly socialized relationship. When I was in high school, I always heard that college was free. Maybe at that time, I was full of yearning for college, so I thought everything in college was beautiful. But when I came to college, I knew it was too free. I was so free that I didn't have any direction and I didn't know what I should do. Maybe because of this, I signed up for interviews with many clubs, but they were not very successful. First of all, I did not dare to look them in the eye during the interview at Vico Radio Station. Because of this lack of confidence, I failed, and then the interview at the Organization Department. This time, I mustered up courage and looked confident, so I passed. But when the second interview was held, I was not able to plan activities, I lost the election because of my poor ideation. Then came the election of class cadres. I also lost the election. This series of failures gave me a big blow. The next life seemed to be spent in a muddle. I managed to cope with my own learning and other activities.


The freshman day soon slipped through the feelings of laissez faire, confusion, hesitation and hesitation, thus missing the best opportunity to grow in psychology and intelligence! It seems that I haven't learned anything this year. I'm really sorry for my family, my friends and myself.


I don't think I can do this anymore. I should seize and do a good job of the opportunities that can be improved in front of me. I should weigh the reality at the critical time and make decisions that can change my own destiny. No one plans for me. I can only do my best to fight for my own future.

憧憬的生活作文 篇2


Saying goodbye to the six years of primary school life is about to say "GOODBYE" to the last summer vacation of this primary school. Facing me is the upcoming tense and interesting junior high school learning life.


Following the rhythm of youth, I have stepped into the gate of 166 Middle School. I believe that my happy and beautiful youth will certainly blossom in the next three years. I am ready for the unknown world and learning.


Middle school has always been a beautiful term for me. You can grow and learn in such a beautiful campus. Now, I also set foot on the bright road leading to the middle school campus, fulfilling my beautiful dream.


I look forward to the bright light of knowledge in the middle school, the beautiful flowers and lush trees in the middle school. Middle school is a sea of students from all schools. Each of us is a small fish, absorbing the nutrition of sunlight and the moisture of seawater. I have been yearning for a warm and beautiful junior high school life, which is just like a big family, giving me warmth; The teacher is like a star in the sky, which reminds us of the "footsteps" coming and illuminates our way forward.


The junior high school life I yearn for is like growing grass, longing for sunshine and rain. When we enter the middle school, it is like entering the palace of knowledge, which means that I am growing up gradually and I will receive higher education. I remember that in primary school, students pay equal attention to play and study; But I think that in middle school, I will put more energy on my study, but I also have to work and rest. However, when I become a real middle school student, I will work harder and harder. Looking forward to the fast-paced life in junior high school is equal to looking forward to a more perfect self!


Looking forward to junior high school life is like looking forward to tomorrow's sunrise. It is full of hope and beauty. Let me fly on the beautiful land of Lanqing! To write the most magnificent chapter in life!

憧憬的生活作文 篇3


I love teachers, because teachers are the initiators of our knowledge; I admire teachers, because teachers are our guide to life and society. One day, if I become a teacher


I stood on the sacred platform and spoke with my facial expression bag, which was second only to Fu Yuanhui, and vivid stories. The students listened carefully. Do you know why? Shh! I will tell you quietly that this is because I will use games to assist teaching and use jokes to relax students' feelings in order to make learning more lively and boring. I will let students get knowledge happily and happily, and they will find class so interesting and relaxing. Of course, class should also be like class, and classroom discipline should not be affected by relaxation.


"Ding Lingling..." When class was over, I would play happily with the students, whether it was playing table tennis, play badminton, or kicking shuttlecock, throwing sandbags... The children's laughter echoed on the playground, and we were active everywhere. The students will share their happiness with me; When students have troubles, I will help them solve them and make this short ten minutes full of fun.


The second class should also be colorful. At ordinary times, I encourage students to actively participate in various activities of small journalists, take them to the vast world, guide them to learn and play in play, and find writing materials in life: go to Anpingqiao Park to plant trees; Walking through ancient villages, dreaming back to hometown; Go to the countryside to visit agriculture, create the most dazzling agricultural style, and feel the charm of rural tourism... In a relaxed and pleasant journey, students can show their skills and gain knowledge that they cannot learn in the classroom. I don't believe that students will have nothing to write about such a life; I don't believe that students will easily forget such a life.


I will also set up the "Little Writers Association" in my class to mobilize students to contribute to newspapers and magazines, so that students can develop the ability to "speak out and write". This activity makes me, as a teacher, transform and grow again and again.


My mind is like a runaway wild horse galloping across the vast field... I am looking forward to the day when I will be a teacher on the platform.


High school life I long for作文 篇4


High school life I long for

七年级 王朵儿

Wang Duo'er, Grade 7


"Time goes by like this, day and night." The junior high school career is about to die, and what greeted us is the high school life full of longing, which is full of unknown beauty for me.


In the morning, when the bell rang, I opened the quilt lazily. After washing, he walked to the classroom to start this energetic day.

呀|!今天的第一节竟然是我最喜欢的物理课。我冲进教室和我的|同学们一起戴上手套,取出烧杯,我们按照老师的话和示范,一步一步小心翼翼地继续着后面的实验,“接着用试管取几滴高锰酸钾……”老师的话还没说完,彭的一声闷响便引起大家的好奇,扭…作文迷 .cn…过头去原来是后面实验桌的同学不小心把高锰酸钾滴入了烧杯的不明溶液里。引得同学们“回眸一笑”。你把我后面想说的话用行动表达了出来,省得我费口舌!”老师有趣地说到。同学们都笑了笑并把那收尾工作圆满完成,数室里瞬间被闷响充斥,但它依然没有盖住清脆的下课铃。

Ah |! Today's first class is my favorite physics class. I rushed into the classroom with my | classmates, put on gloves and took out beakers. We carefully continued the following experiment step by step according to the teacher's words and demonstration, "then use a test tube to take a few drops of potassium permanganate..." Before the teacher finished speaking, Peng's dull noise aroused everyone's curiosity, Twist... composition fan. CN... turns around and turns out that the students at the experimental table behind accidentally dropped potassium permanganate into the unknown solution of the beaker. Attract students to "look back and smile". You express what I want to say later in action, so that I can save my breath! " The teacher said interestingly. The students all smiled and successfully completed the finishing work. The room was filled with dull sounds, but it still did not cover the crisp bell.


The students poured out of each classroom endlessly, greeting each other and laughing happily. The corridor was filled with upward and joy. Don't be nervous if a teacher comes to you, because every teacher here is so kind.


Unconsciously, it was noon, and the thick lunch bell accelerated the pace of the students to the canteen. After entering the canteen, the enthusiastic aunt will yell at her own dishes and prices. If you look around, you may not have time to taste all the dishes in three years.


High school life, there is no fierce struggle and cynicism, only mutual concern and modestly consult; There is no excessive admonition and fierce reprimand in high school life, only humorous teasing and patient persuasion; High school life, there is no rigid style of study, only a group of students looking forward to the future and working hard.


This is my high school life!

憧憬的生活作文 篇5


2021 has come to us, and I will enter junior high school in the sixth grade in half a year.


I am looking forward to a better junior high school life, which requires independence, courage and courage.


In life, I need to deal with more trivial things in life. I need to learn to be independent, handle things independently, and deal with the world. Life in junior high school is like a flower. It is the color and movement of flowers that realize the dream of embracing hope, and it is the publicity and flexibility of junior high school life that achieve the pursuit of flying beauty. The beauty of junior high school life is the blooming of flowers. And still. The beauty of junior high school life is a dazzling star. It is quiet, lofty and glittering with the transformation of great hardship.


I know that we will be more nervous in study. It will not be as simple as I imagined. Therefore, I must muster up courage and move forward bravely. Remember: Don't wander in the long river of ellipsis, don't be complacent in the inn at the stop, don't lie down on the way to the semicolon, don't be frightened by the ironic hammer, there are endless question marks in learning, waiting for us to explore, remember, don't easily draw a full stop on the way to learning. Just as the brook will not seek the sea because of the rugged road, it will certainly flow through the narrow, through the helpless, back to the broad embrace of the sea.


Junior high school life should be full of wisdom, not regret missing the sun, not afraid of the wind and frost. With gorgeous colors, it deduces the youth without regret. On the way through, leave a lasting beauty.


Junior high school life can come but not go. Catch up with the sunrise of your own and be a strong man. Junior high school life is infinitely beautiful. Sweat all the way and strive for youth without regret. This is the junior high school life I look forward to.


I am looking forward to the beautiful junior high school life.