
时间:2022-08-11 13:24:40 | 来源:语文通



On July 15th and 16th during the holiday, my dad and I came to Huangshan to play. What are the attractions there?The most famous is Huangshan and Taiping Lake, and what I write is Taiping Lake.


"Oh oh oh! It's so good that I'm going to board the boat soon, it's so excited!" I yelled, Dad pulled me, but he was also very excited.We walked to the boat and found a seat to sit. Our ship name is "Green Water One", "Green Water One" has started.And name.Founded in 1997, it was changed and expanded in 2003.The island is green all year round, and the scenery is very beautiful.Bagua Island was built on the mountain, and a long bamboo paste was cleared.Thirteen Red Wamen Tower in the palace communicate with each other, and the organs are heavy and intricate.I was in the room, confusing and interesting.There are also facilities such as lucky clocks, gossip turntons, and Taiji maps on the island.


"What is the next attraction, dad." "You guess." "I don't know." "Look!" On the island, I saw "Longyaozhai" on the big stone gate.: "Longyaozhai is located on the north bank of the Central Lake District of Taiping Lake, and Xinhua Township Given Tianma Chun Group covers an area of 40 acres.1.8 meters, 1.5 meters wide, there is a hand -made workshop, which is made of 5 -seater to make a turntable and has pottery workers. It is an attraction that integrates ceramic culture, primitive style and natural landscape.Dragon kiln lying slope, pottery utensils, couples in the door, three sisters loosely shaken green, hair lining the quaint and primitive of pottery wheels, pottery squares, and dragon kiln in the village. Tourists can make pottery in the pottery., Watch pottery exhibits.


"Dad, the next attraction is Monkey Island!" Dad nodded."You have to take the camera, don't let the monkey" robb the robbery "." I said to my father with a smile.On Monkey Island, I grabbed my bag tightly, afraid of being "robbed '."Welcome, welcome!" While shouting passwords, the monkeys commanded the monkeys to stand in two rows, waving the flags, and welcome tourists."There is a performance over there." The tour guide directed us to the performance field.I saw a group of monkeys in three or five along the way.I saw a little monkey holding his mother tightly and staring at the tourists.The old monkeys held the little monkey in one hand, looking around, waiting for people to give them a reward.The nervous mood when I went to the island gradually relaxed.Suddenly, a little monkey rushed to me, reaching out and grabbed the mineral water bottle by my bag and turned to run.I saw the monkey running under the tree, opened his mouth, and bite it on my mineral water bottle. How could my mineral water bottle stand still and flow out.


We played drifting again in Xiangxi and ate the champion cake. Huangshan was so fun!Everyone must visit it!



1、旅游:旅游读音为lǚ yóu,是指1.旅行游览。 2.谓长期寄居他乡。 外出旅行游览一次花钱不多的欧洲旅游旅游 lǚ yóu词语意思:1.旅行游览。 2.谓长期寄居他乡。[tour;tourism] 外出旅行游览一次花钱不多的欧洲旅游分词解释:旅行:1.群行;结伴而行。 2.远行;去外地办事﹑谋生或游览。 3.远行的人。寄居:住在他乡或别人家里:寄居青岛ㄧ她从小就寄居在外祖父家里。游览:漫步观赏:游览故宫|游览黄山。...旅游怎么造句,用旅游造句»

2、黄山:黄山读音为huáng shān,是指古称“黟山”。在安徽省南部黄山市境。主峰光明顶(1841米),最高峰莲花峰(1873米)。有二湖、三瀑、二十四溪、七十二名峰,风景绝佳,以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉著名,并称“黄山四绝”。明代著名地理学家徐霞客有“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”之说。有天都峰、莲花峰、始信峰、百丈瀑、玉屏楼、半山寺、黄山温泉等名胜古迹。为全国重点风景名胜区,并被列入世界遗产名录。黄山 huáng shān词语意思:古称“黟山”。在安徽省南部黄山市境。主峰光明顶(1841米),最高峰莲花峰(1873米)。有二湖、三瀑、二十四溪、七十二名峰,风景绝佳,以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉著名,并称“黄山四绝”。明代著名地理学家徐霞客有“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”之说。有天都峰、莲花峰、始信峰、百丈瀑、玉屏楼、半山寺、黄山温泉等名胜古迹。为全国重点风景名胜区,并被列入世界遗产名录。分词解释:五岳:中国历史上的五大名山。通常指东岳泰山,西岳华山,南岳衡山,北岳恒山,中岳嵩山。一说南岳为霍山。风景:一定地域内由山水、花草、树木、建筑物以及某些自然现象(如雨、雪)形成的可供人观赏的景象:风景点ㄧ风景区ㄧ风景宜人ㄧ秋天的西山,风景格外美丽。归来:从别处回到原来的地方:海外归来。二湖:指洞庭湖。洞庭湖由青草洞庭二湖组成,故称。七十二:古以为天地阴阳五行之成数。亦用以表示数量多。...黄山怎么造句,用黄山造句»