
时间:2022-10-26 13:09:10 | 来源:语文通


一件事给我的启示作文 篇1生活中的启示作文500字 篇2启示作文500字 篇3生活中的启示作文400字 篇4一件小事的启示作文400字 篇5一件事给我的启示作文 篇6

一件事给我的启示作文 篇1


You see, I am now the "two bars". How proud I am! But do you want to know how my "Two Bars" came from? Tell you! I actively participated in our class's campaign for the leader of the squadron in the first semester of the fourth grade. In that election, there were also sports commissioners, health commissioners, labor commissioners, discipline commissioners, squadron leaders and deputy squadron leaders.


Before that election, the students spent a lot of thought and carefully prepared their speeches. And I didn't intend to run for election, just wanted to be a bystander.


I remember at the beginning of the election campaign, the first position was the labor commissioner. I think Huang Wenlin, the former labor commissioner, would not miss this opportunity. As I expected, he was the first to speak. His speech was very good. When we applauded, Wang Zitian strode to the platform. He learned Chinese well and naturally had a good oral expression ability, so he also won a lot of applause. Finally, Huang Wenlin was the correct labor commissioner, Wang Zitian is a deputy labor commissioner. Alas! It's not easy for Wang Zitian to get this opportunity!


Next are campaign squadron leader and deputy squadron leader. The former squadron leader was Hu Yihua, and we all thought she was the leader of the squadron this time. Hu Yihua went to the platform and said some of her own sincere words. We all applauded. Although she was the only one running for the post, we did not feel surprised. Because everyone believes that she can be elected. Hu Yihua won the position of squadron leader with 43 votes. Next, we ran for vice squadron leader, and the new classmate Ning Tianzhe made the first speech. We all know that Ning Tianzhe is now a math class representative, so he is 65% likely to be vice squadron leader. His speech won 20 votes, followed by Zhou Wanjing's speech on the stage. Her speech was the same as that of Ning Tianzhe. Teacher Zhang asked both of them to add one sentence. Finally, Ning Tianzhe had 21 votes, but Zhou Wanjing's vote remained unchanged. It was still 20 votes. It seemed that only from the perspective of discipline, Ning Tianzhe was good in all aspects, but Zhou Wanjing was slightly worse in sports, Finally, Ning Tianzhe was elected as the vice squadron leader.


When Mr. Zhang wrote "Disciplinary Committee Member" on the blackboard, Fang Yinan immediately went up and spoke very well, but his voice was too low to hear clearly. At this time, I suddenly had an idea: Why don't I try it? I finally got up my courage, got up from my seat and walked quickly to the platform. When I stood on the platform, my heart was still jumping. In fact, I was very nervous. But when I said the first sentence aloud: "I was running for the position of discipline commissioner", my heart slowly calmed down, and then I said a lot of things on the spot, From why I want to be a disciplinary committee member to how to do well in this position. Finally, my speech won applause and appreciation from the students. The result of the vote was 21 for me and 20 for Fang Yinan. The number of votes was not obvious, so we both added a summary. I racked my brains and said what I thought was wonderful: "I will certainly live up to everyone's expectations. If I lose the election, I will not be discouraged." Unexpectedly, I got 31 votes and Fang Yinan got 21. Oh! I was successfully elected as a Disciplinary Committee member, and my mouth couldn't help showing a bright smile.


This event that made me remember deeply taught me that opportunities exist at any time, only depending on whether you can grasp them accurately. Everything is possible to succeed if you work hard, and confidence and courage are very important.

生活中的启示作文500字 篇2






启示作文500字 篇3


In my mind, there is one thing that is unforgettable, because it gave me an inspiration.


I remember one Sunday of last semester, my brother and I were watching TV in the room. Suddenly, my mother got very excited and said, "I'll take you to the mountain." My brother jumped three feet high with joy. And I heard, there are ten thousand unwilling, but who dares to disobey his mother's order? I had no choice but to go climbing with my mother.

来到了山脚,妈妈说:“开始登山!”我和弟弟一听就飞快地向前跑,很快就超过了弟弟。跑了一会儿我就累得气喘吁吁。忽然,我发现前方有一棵歪脖子 树,于是就跑过去,靠在树上休息。不一会儿弟弟就从我的眼前跑了过去。我见弟弟超过了我,就又飞快地向前冲,再一次超过了弟弟。我跑得更快了,把弟弟远远 地甩在了后面。

At the foot of the mountain, my mother said, "Start climbing!" My brother and I quickly ran forward and soon overtook him. After running for a while, I was out of breath. Suddenly, I found a crooked neck tree in front of me, so I ran over and leaned against it to rest. Soon my brother ran past me. When I saw my brother overtaking me, I rushed forward again and overtook him again. I ran faster, leaving my brother far behind.


Running, I came to a landslide. Some tourists arrive here and are ready to stop climbing. Just when I was ready to stop climbing, I suddenly remembered what my teacher said: persistence is victory. So he summoned up his courage and continued to climb. After climbing up the landslide with hands and feet, I accidentally scratched my hand, but I didn't care about the pain, so I continued to climb forward.


When I got to the top of the mountain, I enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the whole city: there were many tall buildings everywhere, cars were flowing on the highway, and mountains were rolling in the distance. Suddenly, I understood the real meaning of "unlimited scenery in dangerous peaks".


After this mountaineering, I appreciated the beauty of Dazhou City, understood the real meaning of "unlimited scenery on dangerous peaks", and more importantly, let me understand a truth: as long as you have perseverance and perseverance to do something, you can achieve success.

生活中的启示作文400字 篇4


In March, the sun was shining warmly on the earth. I came to the school playground to enjoy the beautiful spring scenery. A row of willows in front of me adds a touch of new green here. Their beautiful posture has become a beautiful landscape here.


The breeze is filled with the fragrance of flowers, and birds are singing happily in the air. My mood is extremely happy. Looking around, I suddenly found a willow tree very "strange". Take a closer look, ah! The trunk of the tree has become the color of coke, like a devil's finger with its teeth flailing, like a patient suffering from the Black Death. The dry "skin" is covered with large and small wormholes, and there is little beautiful hair left. My God? This tree is very ill! I felt its old bark gently, and my heart was full of pity. Maybe, in the winter, the cold wind wrapped in snow grains as big as beans and hit it hard on its thin body... Will it? It has gone forever


Just when I couldn't help feeling sad for it, I was surprised to find that on a willow, two new green leaves were gently swaying on the branch! Look! This is life! The power of life! It is this magical power that has made this old willow tree eroded by insects and sprouted new branches! I was deeply impressed by its tenacious vitality.


When the breeze comes out, the branches of the old willow trees sway gently, as if to tell me that there will be many adversities and frustrations in people's life. When we encounter difficulties, as long as we have perseverance, perseverance and courage to overcome them, we will usher in the most beautiful spring!

一件小事的启示作文400字 篇5


One step at a time will not lead to a thousand miles, and no small stream will lead to a river or sea. A small thing well done will become a big thing. Good things are like this, and bad things are no exception.


When I was a freshman, I was on the first floor after school at noon. I ran to the fourth floor, ran to the toilet, and then went back to the class to see if there was anyone around. If no one was around, I would turn over my schoolbag and steal things. Today I stole a rubber, and tomorrow I would steal a pencil. The family's "booty" gradually increased, and I felt complacent. It's so exciting to get so many small things. Suddenly, one day I saw a thief stealing money on TV and betraying a prison sentence. His path to crime began with stealing a rubber. I was so excited that I became restless. I think I can't do this anymore. I should pay attention to small things. If I accumulate over time, I will become a thief like on TV.


I took the things I stole to school and apologized to my classmates. The students forgave me, but sometimes I couldn't help but want to steal, so I tried to control myself. Gradually I stopped stealing. I was glad that I finally overcame my bad habit.

我记得刘备临死时,对他的儿子说了一句 www.paomian.net 话:“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。”我觉得这句话真好。

I remember when Liu Bei was dying, he said WWW.PAOMIAN to his son NET said, "Don't stop doing good things because they are small, and don't stop doing bad things because they are small." I think this sentence is really good.

一件事给我的启示作文 篇6


It was a Saturday. At noon that day, my mother wanted to make a cold dish. She needed to smash garlic into mashed garlic. After everything was ready, she began to smash garlic.


At this time, while reading, I smelled a smell that could make people cry. I guess it must be my mother's smashing garlic. So I went to the kitchen and saw my mother crying because of garlic. I thought to myself, "Mom can't even smash garlic. That's Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts - a piece of cake for me."?


Then, I grabbed the remaining three garlic, put them into the container, and smashed them with something special for garlic. However, the garlic in the container doesn't seem to listen to me very much. When I hit it, the garlic "flies around" in the container, which makes me angry. Suddenly, a garlic jumped out of the container, jumped onto the chopping board, and proudly turned several times, as if to say: "Come on! Come on! You can't catch me!"


After the failure of garlic smashing, I had to think of a way. I thought to myself: Because garlic is round, it is not easy to smash. If garlic is flat, it will be easy to smash? Now, it's time to use a knife to beat the garlic flat. I tried, hey! That's great!


Through this incident, I learned that there is knowledge everywhere in life. Isn't it a validation of that sentence - nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who have a heart!