Last year, in "Climbing the Peak of Heaven", I met Huangshan, known as "the first strange mountain in the world".This sunny summer vacation, my mother and I visited Huangshan.
At the foot of Huangshan, a weakened pine stretched out a cluster of green branches and beckoned to us, as if saying, "Welcome! Welcome!" We took the cable car.On the cable car, I hugged my mother tightly and kept down.Huangshan is so beautiful.I saw the clouds and mist, and the peaks were looming.The continuous and winding mountains are like a dragon hovering.There are strange and beautiful figures everywhere.As the tour guide said: "There is no stone or loose, no looseness!"
I love Huangshan Qisong.Because the pines of the Huangshan Mountain are short, the lush and thick, the dry branches, all kinds of attitude, or leaning on the shore upright, or the peak of independent peaks, or the overwhelming wall, or the crown is like a lid, or a sharp cut like a sword.I have a soft spot for the welcoming affection for Yuping Building. It is like a Chinese painting worthy of the city.Welcome to the gesture of beautiful gestures. Although it is full of wind and frost, it has a history of 800 years.The hospitality welcomed the welcoming and laughed, and opened his arms to welcome us!I quickly greeted and integrated into the exquisite Chinese paintings, "Eggplant, click, click ..."
How charming Huangshan is!I would like to be your forever friend.
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