
时间:2022-11-08 13:00:58 | 来源:语文通



谈幸福议论文 篇1以幸福话题的议论文 篇2幸福的议论文 篇3幸福的议论文 篇4幸福的议论文 篇5幸福的议论文 篇6幸福的议论文 篇7幸福的议论文 篇8幸福的议论文 篇9

谈幸福议论文 篇1


What is happiness? This simple topic has troubled many people. Happiness is money; Happiness is tolerance; Happiness is friendship... Everyone's answer is different. Happiness is a riddle that no one can solve. With happiness, even if you have nothing, you will still feel extremely happy.


Happiness refers to the psychological state when the truth of being human is with oneself, including all real things, the truth of human nature, the life of others and even the life of animals, etc. It is a state when the psychological desire is satisfied, and a pleasant mood that lasts for a long time to satisfy life and feel great fun in life and naturally hopes to last for a long time.


And I think that the true happiness should be selfless dedication.


Madame Curie was indifferent and modest all her life. She did not like secular compliments and praises, and did not care about personal fame, wealth and status. After the discovery of radium and the successful extraction, she did not request a patent and did not reserve any rights. She believes that radium is an element that should belong to all human beings. She disclosed their method of extracting radium to the world. She and her husband spent more than ten years to prepare more than one gram of radium worth about 100,000 dollars, which was all handed over to the Radium Research Institute without taking any money. One gram of radium donated to her by the American women's community was not privately owned, but half was given to the French Institute of Radium and half to the Institute of Radium in Warsaw. When radium was used to cure cancer, she and her husband could have become millionaires overnight, but they agreed not to have all the material benefits of their invention. She lives for the progress and civilization of human beings, and has contributed her life to human civilization, so she is happy, as Hugo said: when the purse is empty, the soul is full.


This is happiness, the most valuable happiness. If everyone in the world can give selflessly like Madame Curie, everyone will be surrounded by happiness and live in boundless happiness.


Saint Simon said, "What a magnificent cause and great goal it is to work for the happiness of mankind!"


Gorky said, "Giving is always more pleasant than taking."


Yes, true happiness depends on dedication and your own hands. Only in this way can you feel the taste of happiness. It is sweet and everyone likes it. composition

以幸福话题的议论文 篇2


What is the definition of happiness? It is happiness, comfort, affirmation of others' eyes, infinite love, or sadness, interwoven with helplessness, love and hate. I don't know how to describe her in any language. I always feel that she is far away from us, but very close to us. She is looming, and she can be seen everywhere.


However, everyone has a different definition of happiness. Everyone has a different meaning. On the Internet, I once asked netizens, "What is the definition of happiness?" Most people think that happiness is happiness, some people think that happiness is simple, some people think that only in love can we know the taste of happiness, and some people do not know where to start, only a face of helplessness.


In fact, I think the definition of happiness is very simple, that is, to meet with your heart and care about everything and everyone around you. Ralph Waldo Emerson said: Happiness is like perfume, which is not poured on others, but on oneself. This is my favorite secret. It means "The first secret to make yourself happy is to make others happy. The more you help others, the happier you will be. Happiness does not come from selfishness but selflessness. No pains, no gains.". Isn't that right? I think only those who care about and help others will understand that happiness. I think that happiness is not happier than getting what you want most? More valuable? More meaningful?


Isn't happiness around you? There are many students as old as me who are confused about happiness and even feel unhappy. There are many parents who are busy with their work and seldom communicate with their children. Although they love their children very much and always want to give us their living conditions, in fact, our hearts are very sensitive. At this time, we need more care. Maybe a word of concern will make us very warm, Isn't it happiness to sit with your family? I think that is the simplest happiness.


Now I have different ideas about happiness. I think everyone has their own happiness, but because everyone has different ways to pursue happiness, some people think money is more important, some people think love is more important, some people think it is more important to be with their family, or that work is the most important for them. But no matter what kind of happiness, as long as you think happiness is good.


As the happy moment said: happiness is in an instant, the world is no longer far away, because love is not far away, the end of the sea and the blue sky, all dreams change for you, time sealed yesterday, memories, collections and missing, just like a ray of light to illuminate my heart, your future please let me realize, every moment becomes every day I miss you


Happiness is having a meal with my parents, helping my grandparents sweep the floor, and talking to friends. Let's write down every moment of happiness together

幸福的议论文 篇3


For different people, the requirements for happiness are also different. Some people think that money is the happiest; Some people think that it is happy to be with their families; Some people think that health is happiness; Others believe that it is happy to eat, drink and play; Others believe that it is happy to be loved.


For the refugees in the mountain area, they do not expect to have any delicacies of the mountains and seas, nor to live in high-end villas. They just want to have a full meal and a place to live. I once saw such a report on TV: In a place where floods are raging, because of the flood attacks over the years, the people in that place are living in poverty, and there are victims everywhere. When a reporter interviewed a middle-aged aunt, she said something like this: "Now I don't want anything, as long as I have three meals, and as long as there is a place to cover the tiles, it is the greatest happiness." Some children are eager to go to school and study, because of the influence of certain conditions, they failed to achieve their wishes. So they tried every means to find ways to read. No matter what the situation was, as long as they had a book on hand, they would love to read and read without leaving the book. They believe that reading is the happiest. For a seriously ill person, they are suffering from pain every day, and they all hope that God can give them a healthy body again; For a person who has lost both parents since childhood, they are eager to be loved and cared for


Although these requirements are so simple and demanding, they are all a kind of happiness for some people. However, some people are born in bliss. In some developed big cities, because the economic level has improved, many people can read books, many people can have a safe place, and they have no worries about three meals. However, some children have the idea of not wanting to read, even playing truant, preferring to play games rather than reading. Some people wander around all day long and do not go home to pay homage to their parents and take care of them. Because of the improvement of living standards, people pay less attention to their physical condition. Some people know to stay up late all day and eat too much, which leads to more and more weakness and gradually easy to get sick.


Happiness is that simple, or three meals, or good health

幸福的议论文 篇4


What is happiness? Some people say that happiness is to have a good meal when you are hungry; Some people say that happiness is watching a movie quietly on the sofa at home after finishing endless homework; Others say that happiness is gain, happiness is wealth, happiness is glory... In fact, happiness is not reflected in earth shaking, it is on the "tail of the dog". As long as you raise your head and walk forward, happiness will follow.




"Ah --" I yawned and looked up at the clock. It was already 10 o'clock at night. Sitting in front of the desk, looking at the high pile of homework, I dare not slack off, and the pen tip continues to fly. But the pen only danced for a while and began to get astringent. It was no longer so smooth, as if it wanted to have a rest; Although my eyelids were in a fight, I had to keep my spirits up, because today's work can only be finished today!


"Dong -" I don't know when my lovely cup appeared on the desk. Eh, isn't that fragrant coffee? "Son, I'm sorry! There is no sugar in the house. Dad can only let you drink this cup of bitter coffee to refresh yourself." Suddenly, there was a layer of tears in my eyes. I tasted it carefully and slowly. Although its taste was bitter, it condensed my father's sweet love. Originally, happiness is a cup of warm coffee.




This day, the weather was sunny and the sky was blue. I went for a walk in the nearby park alone. After turning around, I felt a little tired, so I sat on the chair beside the road, drinking some juice and enjoying the surrounding scenery. Inadvertently, I saw a small and exquisite nest on the tall wutong. I took out the telescope I had with me and put on the yellow lens to observe it carefully. There were two young birds lying in the nest. The mother bird bit the worms and fed them to the birds bit by bit; As soon as the wind blows, the mother bird opens her warm wings to cover the whole nest; After eating the perfect meal, the mother bird gently stroked the bird's body with her feathers from time to time, just like a warm family! It turns out that happiness is lying in the arms of your parents and enjoying the care of your family.




Every day when I come home from school, I have to pass a long road. Every time I see a familiar figure - a 9-year-old disabled boy who can only spend time in a wheelchair due to an unfortunate accident. At this time, I would push his wheelchair to help him cross the road smoothly. Listen to his sweet and cheerful voice, "Thank you, brother!" I feel extremely happy. It turns out that happiness is the happiness you get after helping others.


Happiness is just like this. As long as you understand it with your heart, you can reap unlimited benefits.

幸福的议论文 篇5


Happiness is a long lasting satisfaction of life, a feeling of great joy in life and a natural desire to last for a long time. This is not only the goal pursued by everyone, but also the ultimate goal pursued by the whole mankind.


A person's life is a life of pursuing happiness. No one will refuse happiness, nor will anyone give up happiness. Everyone likes happiness. The pursuit of happiness varies from person to person. Different people have different happiness, and different people pursue different happiness. What is happiness? What is happiness? I believe that everyone has different understanding, requirements and views on happiness.


Happiness is that when I am hungry and see someone holding a meat bun, he is happier than me; When I was cold, when I saw someone wearing a thick cotton padded jacket, he was happier than me; I want to go to the hut, just a pit. If you squat there, you will be happier than me. This is a joke on happiness in the film.


Happiness is having a grateful heart; Have a healthy body; Have a group of trustworthy friends; There is a harmonious family and a hopeful tomorrow.


Happiness is a feeling, which does not depend on people's living conditions, but on people's mentality. Everything looks so good when I feel happy. A man works in the field, sweating heavily, but he feels very happy, he is happy; Another man is walking in his garden, but he thinks he is very unhappy. He is not happy. In fact, you think you are happy when you are happy, and both happiness and unhappiness are in your own heart

幸福的议论文 篇6


The so-called happiness is very unpredictable, because everyone's "happiness" is different. Some people say happiness is about happy times, some people say happiness is about family care, and some people say happiness is about mother's embrace. This happiness is the feeling in my heart, and everyone's feeling is different. My happiness is the interaction and communication with my relatives and friends, so that I can feel the taste of happiness.


Among my relatives and friends, I like my cousin best. Her name is Li Zhouxi, and her nickname is Xi Xi. She was my good friend from childhood. When I was young, I used to have fun with her, get angry with her, cry with her, and laugh with her. I have a deep understanding with her. She is my good sister!


When she encounters setbacks, I will be her backer. When I encounter problems, she will help me solve them. I have a good cooperation with her. I am very happy that I have her as a good sister. With her help, she and I can both get the best reward in the world. But her performance is excellent, and sometimes I can only help. So everyone always praises her, so I occasionally feel jealous. But she still thinks of me and will share it with me. She will share the benefits with others like an angel, and the disadvantages can be improved slowly, Maybe this is happiness!?


Mother said: "I want to learn more about people who are better than me, so that I can make more progress!" I think if I can have such a good family, I will already be very happy, not to mention my cousin, who is so kind to me, I will also be very kind to her, so that everyone can taste the taste of happiness!

幸福的议论文 篇7


Some people say that smile is the standard of happiness.


But I don't measure happiness by smiling, nor by the hypocritical happiness expressed in my mouth. Sometimes happiness is a look, an action, or even a picture, which is expressed in my heart without restraint or regret. When you walk in the busy alleys, you will feel an inexplicable impulse for the touching actions you see. At this moment, you will feel extremely excited, because happiness exists in the gap of the heart, controlling people to feel, dare to do, and live for life.


Happiness is also like a broken glass ball. When you try your best to pick up all those glass fragments, you can't find them, but you can always find some. In the recent mudslide event in Zhouqu, Gansu, people still feel happy and love in the Wenchuan earthquake. From the Wenchuan earthquake to the Zhouqu mudslide, the familiar actions are still so clear. The father uses his body to block the sudden mudslide and his arms to protect the children tightly. This is a kind of incomplete love, a kind of happiness that people can feel. There is love in the world. Even at the end of the world, this true love, though broken, is still a piece of glass, a part of happiness, which conveys a kind of happiness.


Happiness is also like a cup of wine, each drop of wine conveys a love, bit by bit in the heart. Happiness is not the ancient well tribute wine of the Eastern Han Dynasty, so noble; It is not amber wine. It is so rich, but it is just ordinary Shaoxing flower carving. The wine is soft, orange yellow and clear. The wine is fragrant and mellow.


Perhaps the taste of happiness is like a jar of flower carving, which is so mellow and beautiful.


Turgenev once said: Do you want to be a happy person? I hope you learn to bear hardships first. Yes, for example? Straw tea is just a kind of sour grass in the world, but it has profound meaning. Lin Qingxuan once said, "My heart longs for the ultimate happiness, but neglects the grass at my feet that may be the medicine of happiness, so I finally go around the room three times and come back empty handed." So happiness needs to be treasured, not for? Straw tea is extremely sour and bitter. If you add a little rock sugar, it will become delicious, and the bitter and sour will be transformed.


Glass ball, or wine, let alone tea. It is nothing more than a kind of enjoyment, it is the enjoyment of the heart. It is not expressed in the appearance. Happiness exists in the gaps of the heart. I hope you can find the pieces in this society, taste the drops of wine carefully, and make happiness permanent.


So, what is happiness? It is difficult to speak, but it makes people feel beautiful, mellow and bitter, because this is happiness.


Take care of your surroundings,


Happiness haunts us all the time.


Taste life slowly,


Happiness will be so wonderful.


Second day: Fang Jiaxin

幸福的议论文 篇8


What is loneliness? Some ordinary people may say: "Loneliness is a feeling of loneliness and panic. When loneliness comes, it will make people feel unhappy." But some people with achievements will say: "Loneliness is a force that pushes us to go further and more brilliant. If it were not for loneliness, we would not have the happiness at this moment."


In fact, everyone has been afraid of the taste of loneliness, but different people have different experiences of loneliness. [WWW.. CN] Some people feel lonely because they have lost some people, some people feel lonely because they are excluded and ignored, and some people enjoy the happiness brought by loneliness, because they know that loneliness is the source of happiness and well-being, so they have a different life from ordinary people.


Maybe you think that being surrounded by lights, being anesthetized by cigarettes and alcohol, and being surrounded by people can satisfy your lonely mind, and you can feel that you are not lonely, but you don't know that such recreation and life are actually like a sharp weapon eroding your happiness. Is it true that we are in puberty? Because of his own rebellion, he ignored his parents' concern; Because of many times of curiosity, but again into the dead alley; Because of my self-respect, I am constantly alert to keep up with the trend. How lonely and sad you want to be, dress yourself as a non mainstream, let yourself be anesthetized in the music of the bar, and make up for the so-called loneliness in your heart.


Since ancient times, how many successful celebrities, in fact, they are all in our simple truth: learn to bear loneliness, is a required course leading to a truly happy heaven. However, we do not know the true meaning of it. We blindly fantasize about depravity as happiness, and regard the busy life as happiness. This may be the difference between people! It is precisely because people with brilliant achievements can stand loneliness and be meticulous in research and discussion that they can achieve happiness in their life. As students, if we want to successfully enter a good university and live a happy life, how can we lack the subject of loneliness? Don't think that only love can make you not lonely and make you happy; Don't think that spending time and wine can cover up your loneliness and make you happy. At this time, we should put aside everything, enjoy the fun of loneliness, and focus on the happiness brought by learning.


Loneliness is also a kind of happiness. Suffering loneliness will make you get different happiness, do you understand?

幸福的议论文 篇9


We should live in peace. Satisfied with the present, this will be happy. The love of parents, the friendship of friends, and the smile of strangers are warmly surrounding. There are bright and peaceful sunshine, winding gravel paths, and the delicate morning glory in the corner, which are quietly contained. Everything can be beautiful.


If we can be quiet. The clear sky in early summer can be so good. It is very aristocratic, gray and blue, warm and arrogant. The space is mysterious and vast like a fairy tale. The wind blows from ancient times, bringing a strong smell of the forest from the towering trees there. The flowers are blooming well, with the color of sunshine. They have never been hurt in this warm spring. On the wooden fence next to it, there have been woodcut knives of years, one knife at a time, leaving a sad face of vicissitudes. Everything exists quietly, without noise or disturbance. We can live in these quiet places without detachment or alienation. The mountains are high and the waters are low, and the moon is falling. Keep a full posture, stay in harmony with the world, relax with the time, and take the initiative. Put the dream on the cloud bed, let it be carried, float in the soft cotton, and swim away. Give yourself the azure sky, let it brighten our confused eyes


Don't say you don't understand, and don't say you can't help it. Everyone can choose how to make his life comfortable. If you don't like noise, stay away and be quiet. Just don't be depressed. Loneliness is given by others, but imposed by oneself. Although they are all personal affairs, they are different moods and states. Sometimes, if we can think more and understand more, we may be less noisy and restless and less at a loss


If you know how to love yourself, others will have the opportunity to give you happiness.