撅着屁股晒太阳(打一成语) —— 【谜底】: 有眼无珠
Puckering up to bask in the sun (an idiom) -- [Answer]: You have eyes but no eyes
八戒出现在太阳升起的一处(打一歌曲) —— 【谜底】: 《东方之珠》——罗大佑
The Eight Commandments appear at a place where the sun rises (play a song) -- [Answer]: The Pearl of the East -- Luo Dayou
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7. 2015 Mid Autumn Festival riddles and answers (animals)
骡子和马生的儿子(叫什么) —— 【谜底】: 罗马(骡马)
Son born of a mule and a horse (what's his name) -- 【 Answer 】: Rome (mule and horse)
一本书,天天看,看了一篇撕一篇。一年到头多少天,小书撕下多少篇。(打一物) —— 【谜底】: 日历
A book, read every day, read a tear. How many days a year, how many small books to tear down. (Beat one thing) -- [Answer]: Calendar
劳动节(打一明星) —— 【谜底】: 武艺
Labor Day (play a star) -- [Answer]: Martial Arts
什么话经常说,见面的时候从不说? —— 【谜底】: 电话
What do you often say and never say when you meet—— [Answer]: Telephone
甄寰,若曦,怜儿,晴川(打一植物) —— 【谜底】: 四叶草
Zhen Huan, Ruoxi, Lianer, Qingchuan (hit a plant) - [Answer]: Four leaf Grass
落花人独立 , 微雨燕双飞,猜一个字 —— 【谜底】: 俩
The flower falling man is independent, and the micro rain and swallow fly together. Guess one word -- [Answer]: two
内地综艺小天后,诙谐耍宝怪风格(打一主持人) —— 【谜底】: 谢娜
A young variety show diva in the mainland, with a funny and funny style (play a host) -- [Answer]: Xie Na
哼哼曲调,不唱歌词,为什么?(打一女明星) —— 【谜底】: 吴佩慈(无配词)
Hum tune, don't sing lyrics, why? (Playing a female star) -- [Answer]: Wu Peici (no matching words)
一个女人离过30次婚,用什么词来形容好那? —— 【谜底】: 前公尽弃
A woman has been divorced for 30 times. What word is used to describe it—— [Answer]: Former Duke Abandoned
鼠年出生(打一人名) —— 【谜底】: 子产
Born in the Year of the Rat (name one person) -- [Answer]: Zichan
拍一个巴掌打一地名 —— 【谜底】: 五指山
Take a slap and hit a place name -- [Answer]: Wuzhi Mountain
我丈夫也,猜一字 —— 【谜底】: 余
My husband, guess a word - [Answer]: Yu
成人尿不湿打一人名 —— 【谜底】: 包大人
Adults' Diapers Beat One Name - [Answer]: Lord Bao
功名利禄全抛下(打一宗教用语) —— 【谜底】: 四大皆空
Get rid of all fame and wealth (play a religious term) -- [Answer]: nothing
为什么剪头三天丑? —— 【谜底】: 因为第四天就习惯了
Why is the haircut ugly for three days—— [Answer]: I got used to it on the fourth day
一根小棍儿,顶个圆粒儿, 小孩儿玩它,容易出事儿。 (打一日常用具) —— 【谜底】: 火柴
A small stick and a round grain are easy to cause accidents when children play with it. (Playing a daily tool) -- [Answer]: Match
齐天大圣看守桃园 -的一相声演员(酒斗财谜作品) —— 【谜底】: 侯宝林
A crosstalk actor of Qitian Great Sage guarding the Peach Garden (works of wine duel puzzle) - [Answer]: Hou Baolin
钟欣桐和陈冠希生孩子(打一成语) —— 【谜底】: 娇生惯(冠)养
Zhong Xintong and Chen Guanxi Have a Child (play an idiom) -- [Answer]: Delicate and Accustomed to (Crown) Raising
包拯逛院子免费(打一成语) —— 【谜底】: 青天白日
Bao Zheng strolls around the yard for free (play an idiom) -- [Answer]: Day and night
主妇买小菜 (打一成语 —— 【谜底】: 挑挑剔剔
Housewives buy small dishes (play an idiom - [riddle]: picky
巨人脚(打一重庆地名) —— 【谜底】: 大足
Giant Feet (name of Chongqing) - [Answer]: Dazu
放松打一礼貌用语 —— 【谜底】: 不要紧
Relax and use polite expressions - [Answer]: Never mind
河北中部七时有雨(打一女歌星) —— 【谜底】: 田震
Rain at seven o'clock in central Hebei (hit a female singer) -- [Answer]: Tian Zhen
什么东西看不到却能摸的到,万一摸不到会把人吓倒? —— 【谜底】: 脉搏
What can you touch without seeing it? If you can't touch it, it will frighten people—— [Answer]: Pulse
综合管理(打二字常用语) —— 【谜底】: 统治
Comprehensive management (common words) - [Answer]: rule
今天做事最省力的办法是什么? —— 【谜底】: 推到明天
What's the easiest way to do things today—— [Answer]: Push it to tomorrow
你能以最快速度,把冰变成水吗? —— 【谜底】: 去掉冰字的两点
Can you change ice into water as fast as you can—— [Answer]: Remove two points of the word "ice"
《婆婆、媳妇和小姑》(打一七字常用语) —— 【谜底】: 三个女人一台戏
Mother in law, daughter-in-law and sister-in-law
十字对十字,太阳对月亮,猜一个字 —— 【谜底】: 朝
Cross to cross, sun to moon, guess a word - [riddle]: Korean
一架坐满人的飞机坠落,却没有人受伤。为什么? —— 【谜底】: 因为都死了
A plane full of people crashed, but no one was injured. Why—— [Answer]: Because they are dead
什么豆豆不能吃? —— 【谜底】: 青春痘
What beans can't be eaten—— [Answer]: Acne
用什么擦地最干净? —— 【谜底】: 用力
What is the cleanest way to wipe the floor—— [Answer]: Force
胖娃娃金黄色,鬼面具最火热(打一节日道具) —— 【谜底】: 南光灯
The fat doll is golden, and the ghost mask is the hottest (play a holiday prop) -- [Answer]: Nanguang Lantern
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世界最长的车是什么车? —— 【谜底】: 堵车
What is the longest car in the world—— [Answer]: Traffic jam
光着屁股上朝(打一现代新名词) —— 【谜底】: 裸官
Go to court naked (play a modern new term) -- [Answer]: Naked officials
我的自行车(猜电视剧笑傲江湖的人物) —— 【谜底】: 任我行
My Bicycle (Guess the characters in the TV series who are proud of the Jianghu) -- [Answer]: Let's go
摩擦摩擦会过火,小棒上面红黑头(打一物品) —— 【谜底】: 火柴
Friction will go too far. Red and black heads on the stick (hit an item) - [Answer]: matches
凌晨3点半(打一个电视剧名字) —— 【谜底】: 黎明之前(黎明大约是4点之后)
3:30 a.m. (play a TV play name) -- [Answer]: Before dawn (after about 4:00 a.m.)
什么东西太阳越晒越湿而风越吹越干? —— 【谜底】: 汗水
What gets wetter in the sun and drier in the wind—— [Answer]: Sweat
出生的时候体重最沉的人(打一作家) —— 【谜底】: 巴金(谐音“八斤”)
The heaviest person at birth (a writer) -- [Answer]: Ba Jin (homophonic for "eight jin")
品评(打一政治用语) —— 【谜底】: 三方会谈
Comment (play a political term) -- [Answer]: Tripartite Talks
盆里有6只馒头,6个小朋友每人分到1只,但盆里还留着1只,为什么? —— 【谜底】: 一个小朋友连盆端走了
There are 6 steamed buns in the basin. Each of the 6 children gets 1 steamed bun, but there is still 1 steamed bun in the basin. Why—— [Answer]: A child walked away with a bowl
峰顶在眼前(打一中西医用语) —— 【谜底】: 高度近视
The peak is in front of us (in Chinese and Western medicine) -- [Answer]: High myopia
三侠(打一歌名) —— 【谜底】: 真心英雄
The Three Heroes (play a song) -- [Answer]: A true hero
百家姓最新排名第11个姓和第9个姓(打一个地名) —— 【谜底】: 徐州(第11姓是徐,第9个姓是周)
The 11th and 9th surnames in the latest ranking of 100 surnames (name a place) -- [Answer]: Xuzhou (the 11th is Xu, the 9th is Zhou)
贵妃醉酒(打一食品名) —— 【谜底】: 玉环酥
Drunken Imperial Concubine (play a food name) -- [Answer]: Jade Ring Crisp
三只鸡(打一歌名) —— 【谜底】: Gee(少女时代)
Three Chickens (play a song) -- [Answer]: GEE (Girls' Age)
隔岸盼子归(打一化学名词) —— 【谜底】: 等离子
Hoping to return across the bank (play a chemical term) -- [Answer]: Plasma
铁扇公主(打一食品名) —— 【谜底】: 牛肉
Princess Iron Fan (a food name) - [Answer]: Beef
1.人人会加减。2人人埋头干 (打二个字) —— 【谜底】: 坐竿
1. Everyone can add and subtract. 2 Everyone immerses himself in the work (type two words) -- [Answer]: Sit on the pole
有事没事爱排队,哪里有票哪里串(打一职业) —— 【谜底】: 黄牛党
I like to queue up when I have something to do, where there are tickets, where there are strings (playing a profession) -- [Answer]: scalpers
麦当劳叔叔的头(打一国家) —— 【谜底】: 缅甸
Uncle McDonald's head (hit a country) - [Answer]: Myanmar
减肥过度 (打一食物) —— 【谜底】: 寿司(瘦死)
Excessive weight loss (hit a meal) - [Answer]: Sushi (thin to death)
老和尚念书(打一生理现象) —— 【谜底】: 月(阅)经
The old monk reads a book (playing a physiological phenomenon) -- [Answer]: The Moon (Reading) Sutra
两只鸟儿失声啼(打一物理名词) —— 【谜底】: 共鸣
Two Birds Cry (play a physical noun) -- [Answer]: Resonance
太阳晒干了武大郎的老婆(打一花卉) —— 【谜底】: 旱金莲(日+干=旱)
The sun dried Wu Dalang's wife (hit a flower) - [Answer]: Trollius (Japanese+dry=dry)
两叶花四朵,颜色白又黄,一年开一次,八月放异香。(打一植物) —— 【谜底】: 桂花
Four two leaf flowers, white and yellow in color, bloom once a year, and give off fragrance in August. (Play a plant) -- [Answer]: Osmanthus fragrans
猿猴拉的屎(打一名词) —— 【谜底】: 缘分(猿粪)
The feces of apes (play a noun) - [Answer]: Fate (ape feces)
德国货币出口热(打一作家) —— 【谜底】: 马克·吐温
German currency export craze (a writer) -- [Answer]: Mark Twain
手不释卷,猜一字 —— 【谜底】: 卷
Keep reading and guess a word - [Answer]: Volume
什么布没有颜色? —— 【谜底】: 瀑布
What cloth has no color—— [Answer]: Waterfall
和尚的第一要忌(打一电影) —— 【谜底】: 色戒
Monk's first taboo (play a movie) - [Answer]: Lust Caution
一个姓杨的孩子老喜欢哭,妈妈埋怨爸爸给孩子起的名不好,知道叫什么吗? —— 【谜底】: 杨聪
A child surnamed Yang always likes to cry. His mother complains that his father has given him a bad name. Do you know what his name is—— [Answer]: Yang Cong
狮子座运动完,双子座运动(打一电视剧) —— 【谜底】: 一起又看流星雨
After Leo sports, Gemini sports (play a TV play) -- [Answer]: Watch the meteor shower together
身怀六甲(打一乐器) —— 【谜底】: 腰鼓
Armed with six armour (playing a musical instrument) -- [Answer]: Waist drum
技术超群的剑客是谁? —— 【谜底】: 贱人(人剑合一才是最高境界)
Who are the swordsmen with superb skills—— [Answer]: Bitch (the highest state is the combination of man and sword)
什么饼天生就是扔的? —— 【谜底】: 铁饼
What kind of cake is naturally thrown—— [Answer]: discus
是牛从来不耕田,体矮毛密能耐寒,爬冰卧雪善驮运,高原之舟人人赞。(打一动物) —— 【谜底】: 牦牛
Cattle never plough. They are short and hairy and can withstand cold. They can climb ice and lie on snow. Everyone praises the boat on the plateau. (Hit an animal) -- [Answer]: Yak
500个女人仰泳(打一中国旅游景点) —— 【谜底】: 千岛湖
500 women backstroke (play a Chinese tourist attraction) -- [Answer]: Qiandao Lake
甲乙丙丁哪个字最酷? —— 【谜底】: 丁字酷(丁字裤)
Which word is the coolest—— [Answer]: T-shaped Cool (T-shaped pants)
小镇上杀野狼的高手(打一电视剧) —— 【谜底】: 《城市猎人》
A master of killing wolves in a small town (play a TV play) -- [Answer]: City Hunter
午后照相(打一常用语) —— 【谜底】: 拍马屁
Take a picture in the afternoon (play a common phrase) -- [Answer]: Flattery
通往上帝家(打一歌曲) —— 【谜底】: 《天路》——韩红
Go to God's Home (play a song) -- [Answer]: The Way of Heaven -- Han Hong
广打一工厂用语 —— 【谜底】: 定点厂
Broadly hit a factory term - [Answer]: Designated factory
闻不用耳,猜一个字 —— 【谜底】: 门
Hear it without listening. Guess a word -- [Answer]: Door
赶猪进门里面 (打一明星) —— 【谜底】: 王力宏(往里轰)。
Drive a pig into the door (hit a star) - [Answer]: Wang Leehom (Bang in).
小麦玉米肚里塞,颗颗珍珠吐出来(打一农具) —— 【谜底】: 脱粒机
Stuffed in the stomach of wheat and corn, pearls spit out (hit a farm tool) - [Answer]: Thresher
茶(打一中西医用语) —— 【谜底】: 植物人
Tea (play a Chinese and Western medicine term) -- [Answer]: Vegetables
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