
时间:2022-11-12 12:52:08 | 来源:语文通



初中议论文作文范文字 篇1初中议论文 篇2初中议论文 篇3初中议论文 篇4初中议论文 篇5初中议论文 篇6初中生议论文范文 篇7初中议论文 篇8

初中议论文作文范文字 篇1


We all know that Mr. Lu Xun is a great writer, thinker and revolutionist, and he is also the pride of Shaoxing. After learning many articles about Lu Xun in the sixth grade, I have a better understanding of Lu Xun. With his pen as his weapon, he fought all his life and went through the vicissitudes, frustrations and hardships of the world. I have a lot of topics to talk about with great writers like Mr. Lu Xun. I wish I could travel through time and space to talk about Mr. Lu Xun's time, but it is impossible. Therefore, I want to talk with Mr. Lu Xun through this piece of paper.


Whenever I hear the words, "I look at a thousand people with cold eyebrows and bow my head to be a willing ox", I always think of a pipe in my mouth and a square face... I am deeply moved by your words; You are a person who cares about the country and the people. You serve the people like an ox, and you will die without regret.


Whenever I hear the sentence "only see the four corners of the sky on the high wall in the courtyard", I know that your living place is very narrow. Being confined in the high wall and deep courtyard all day reveals your dissatisfaction with your environment. You are very eager to get freedom and admire the carefree life of the village.


When talking about Outlaws of the Marsh, you were a humorous and implicit person. You criticized Zhou Ye's careless reading with tactful language, which showed me that you care about young people very much. When talking about hitting a wall, you said that the society was very dark, there was no light in sight, and the people did not even have democracy and freedom. I know that you are very patriotic, not afraid of persecution, and can fight with the enemy tenaciously. You are also a person who cares for and sympathizes with the lower working people. You care more about others than yourself.


Not only that, you said how much you cherish time! I remember when I was a child, the teacher often said to us, "Time is like water in a sponge, and there is always time if you are willing to squeeze it." I always thought how time could be like water in a sponge. Even if it is true, we need time to squeeze it? My mother said to me, "You will understand when you grow up." Until now, I still remember this sentence in my heart, and I know that you regard time as life.


You have a pen and a heart, but you have done something that ordinary people can't do. Every night, you rush into the reactionary camp like a sharp dagger. No matter how persecuted you are, you will persevere.


Mr. Lu Xun, I want to say to you: "You live in our hearts forever. You are our pride forever!

初中议论文 篇2


Hope comes from disappointment, and rising from suffering. As a poet said, "Those who feel must digest well, those who feel urgent must be efficient, and those who feel crisis must make rapid progress.".


The days are always like the fine sand at the fingertips, which has slipped down a lot in a hard time. The sadness and sadness of the past, washed away by the time, passed away gently with the waves, leaving laughter and smiling faces lingering in the "hope and disappointment", in their depths forever.


After many life journeys back and forth, through many years of wind and rain, through countless disappointments, through countless hopes and disappointments, I finally understand: 'A helpless cry, the note is all the vicissitudes of disappointment, a small setback, the note is all the hesitations of hope.


In the seventh grade, I learned such a poem. His name is Over the Mountain. This text tells us that if we want to see the sea, we should not only climb over one mountain, but also climb over countless mountains. Sometimes I would climb mountains and look for the sea with a secret look at each other, but in the end it was always in vain. My mother told me that it was because I was not grown up.


In the fifth grade, I learned such an article as "Candlelight of Life and Death". He told us that when there was no hope of life, a lamp gave the old man hope of life.


The teacher once said: In the face of disappointment, don't linger under the tree, don't meditate in the rain, don't cry in the dark. Look ahead, don't look back, hope is ahead, as long as you bravely raise your head, you will find that the haze of scores is just a short rainy season. Looking ahead, there is still a bright sky, which will not make people feel lost. " This sentence has benefited me a lot.


In the face of disappointment, we should work hard. Even if there is only a little light and a glimmer of hope, it may be the beginning of success. The tides and oceans of life are not like the rippling Xizi Lake. With the flow of time, they are as calm as a mirror. Sometimes the huge waves rush to the sky. People experience more disappointment and welcome more hope, and they tend to be stronger.


The soft sunlight slanted on the evergreen branches and leaves of the pines and cypresses, which seemed so quiet and solemn. The green lawn and the white cement road came up, the footsteps were so light, and everyone's hearts were so excited and thoughts were surging.


Because I believe, no! It is believed that everyone has hesitated between hope and disappointment, isn't it?

初中议论文 篇3


We often forget the intense heat, which brings us beautiful weather, and only remember the sweat under the hot sun. We often forget the calm and settled state of mind brought by the cold winter, and only remember the heavy coat on our body. We often forget the happiness and warmth brought by people around us, and only remember the patience of strangers to treat us as light as a feather. We often forget what we are proud of and just want to remember the sporadic regret!


There is no satisfactory thing in life, and there will always be some regret between ups and downs in secular prosperity. People who have no regrets are doomed to be as ordinary as water in their life. In our life, we often forget the innumerable beauty in the world, and always use the fleeting years of leisure to pay tribute to the person we missed, the love and the opportunity of life. Such a day is sad but tasteless. Let me say that the world without regret is doomed to be filled with regret, and the world is also doomed to be filled with regret. What we can do is not to add more regrets to that regret! At least we have tried. We have tried to do everything we can. Even if we have regrets, they are not a burden for us all our lives.


There was a scholar in ancient Greece. On his way to school, he found that the grass was full of beautiful and delicate flowers. At first, she just picked one, but the farther he went, the more impatient he became. Every time he picked one, he felt that it was much better than the last one. He picked the flowers and came to the end of the road. There was a purple and red flower. Although there is still a distance, you can smell the refreshing fragrance! He happily threw away all the flowers in his hands and ran over. It was probably a long walk, and his steps became more and more heavy. When he arrived, the flower had withered and the petals fell one by one. People always sigh, the scholar. But from another angle, the scenery along the way has already taken root in my heart, and sooner or later, it will grow more beautiful than that flower in my heart.


Don't forget our journey through storms just because of one regret. Regret, in fact, is also a more profound beauty.

初中议论文 篇4


Lock, it is pure and strong. The nature of lock is pure. Don't pollute it; The nature of a lock is strong. Don't underestimate it; The nature of a lock is industrious. Don't compare it with yourself. Lock is the most loyal servant of human beings. It listens to any orders of human beings and never complains. Of course, we all have a "lock" in our hearts.


In real life, locks have many uses. For example, "There is a lock on the door and a lock on the window..." If one day, the lock on the door is broken, it firmly locks the other side of the door and cannot be opened. Every lock has a key that can't be opened by the key, which makes people worried. In case of urgent need, people will choose to remove the lock. The lock on the wooden door is OK to remove, but it is difficult to remove the lock on the anti-theft door. The upper, lower, left and right sides are locked. This will confuse us. The professional master who installed locks can remove the whole anti-theft door, but it takes time and takes a lot of time to remove it.


As a human being, everyone has a lock in his heart, and everyone's mood is the key to that lock. The switch of heart lock depends on your own personal mood. If you are happy every day, then the lock in your heart is open; If you are very sad every day, and you are about to become depressed, then the lock in your heart is tightly locked; If your mood is not very stable every day, which will make you anxious and restless, and your mood can not be calm, then the lock in your heart is locked and opened, opened and locked, which is as unstable as your own mood at that time.


As a human being, I think the lock in my heart should be kept open, not to mention kept open. Don't let it be locked tightly. Frustrations, rivers and difficulties that are inevitable in life are inevitable. Don't be sad and cry all day long. When you can't get over it, think about it from another angle. Maybe you have new feelings. When you think about it, you should look at it differently. Maybe this is the important way to keep the lock open.

初中议论文 篇5


On the vast wasteland, a tall and dense tree soaring into the sky is a lifesaving straw for an eagle who is unable to fly;


On the yellow sand filled desert, a hazy oasis is the hope of the lost and outdated survey team;


On the dark road of life, that shining conscience is the salvation of a person and a country.


Conscience is the lamp of life.


Life needs a lamp. It needs that conscience to abide by our principles and guide us where to go.


Lu Xun, a cold observer, pointed out a path for the descendants of the ancient Oriental Dragon. He was a modest ignoramus who squeezed out the sponge of time and engraved the aroma of coffee on the edge of the paper; He is a complex conscience, with sharp pen "painting" the shortcomings of that era, and indifference. Can we look back today and see whether Ah Q in Lu Xun's works has disappeared without trace? On the dark way of life, has conscience become an accessory of people? I don't think so. If so, why was Xiao Yueyue ignored after several times of crushing? If so, why are modern industrial capsules used as edible capsules? Conscience, which does not need to be dyed or modified, is always hidden in people's hearts. It is the noblest and most thorough evaluation of a good person.


Life needs a lamp. Only under the lamp can we see the future. The life with conscience is more dazzling under the common light of gold ingots.


As Roman Roland said: "A man without conscience is like the sky without the sun and the night without the moon." Yes, it is so shiny. Han Yu was sent to Chaozhou, but sighed: "If you want to eliminate the evils for the sage, you will be willing to die and cherish your old age." Lin Zexu's demotion to Ili is even more lyrical: "It is not because of misfortunes and blessings that he can avoid being driven (hastened) to benefit the country's life and death." This is conscience. They are patriotic and worried about the country, and their conscience is on the country; The vice principal of Peking University said, "When people in Peking University see an old man who falls down, they will help him. They are told that the law department of Peking University will support you. When they are asked for money, Peking University will compensate for you!" "I can't bear it," said Aunt Chen, who picked up Xiaoyueyue This is conscience, this is the call of inner goodness, and the awe inspiring righteousness of society! Conscience is the truth of people's hearts. People with conscience will see and even create many beautiful things in their lives.


Life needs a lamp, and the lamp of the soul is needed to shine for us; Life needs a conscience to accompany us in exile and create harmony.


Let the light of conscience shine in front of us, and let us see the beautiful world of "beautiful water"!

初中议论文 篇6


The weak life will not be pitied because of its weakness. He would rather prove his strength with tenacity---- notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article


After school, I went home with a smile on my face. I was very pleased with my teacher's praise. Run all the way home to surprise your parents. Walking along the flower bed, they found that the grass was also trying to pull up. They carefully broke away from the mother earth's embrace and looked at the world curiously.


The days are being chased by the old man of time. It seems that something important is going to happen and we are in such a hurry. However, all the good things in the past were turned into nothingness by a call from the head teacher. I stared at the floor, listening to the teacher's criticism that my mother did not manage the children well, which made me too playful and my grades fell so much, I was anxiously looking forward to the early school.


On the way home, I kicked the stones at random. But the grass grows so well. I stepped on my feet when I was angry. All kinds of people in my heart are not reconciled: my grades are down, why should it grow so strong

第二天去上学时,我本以为那片草地上的小草肯定都枯萎了。可它却长得很好,散发着坚强的气息。深受挫折的我开始自责。自责自己为何如此懦弱?连一棵小草都会凭努力来证明自己。那 https://m..cn/ 我也要重整旗鼓!迎接下一个挑战!

When I went to school the next day, I thought the grass on the grass must have withered. But it is very good, emitting a strong breath. Frustrated, I began to blame myself. Why do you blame yourself for being so weak? Even a blade of grass can prove itself by hard work. HTTPS://M. CN/I also want to rally! Meet the next challenge!


In the future, I am always fascinated by reading. Whenever I want to give up, I often think of that stubborn grass!


In autumn, the weather turned cool, and my efforts brought me infinite glory and praise. I put the meaningful certificate of award next to the grass that let me know that the weak are the most powerful if they can persist, and changed the name on the certificate to "stubborn life".


Looking at it from afar, he was just an inconspicuous grass on the grass. He said goodbye to green with a smile and changed into yellow clothes. He told me that the weak should work harder.


Yes, I heard it. It was the voice of her efforts to grow and the truth he told the world

初中生议论文范文 篇7




Since you have chosen to let me fly to the sky, please don't care about the wind and rain.


You have filled my flesh and blood with your true love, you have built my skeleton with your true love, and carved your painstaking care into my hair and skin. Some people say that children are the most desirable works created by their parents in their life. I understand, I understand, I can deeply understand all the dreams and hopes you have placed on me. Countless times I secretly looked at the sweat drops you shed when you tried to run to let me fly, and countless times I quietly saw the tears you shed because I fell down. I was moved, I was ashamed, so I made up my mind secretly and kept working hard. I longed to see the bright colors of the rainbow with your hopes and blessings when the next wind rose and the clouds flew.


But when I was ready, you were suddenly afraid. isn't it? I'm afraid I can't stand the thunder and lightning and the wind. You are afraid that I will be wronged and lost. You are afraid that I will fly too high to the place you can't see. You are afraid of clouds to cover your eyes. You are even afraid of when I will leave you forever. So you keep tightening the thread in your hand. When the clouds turn overcast, when the west wind is tighter, and when I am approaching the clouds, you pull me back again and again.


I feel your concern and care, but at the same time, a trace of bitterness and helplessness with hands and feet tied up rises in my heart. Do you know how uncomfortable it is for me to watch others soaring in the clouds in the face of your excessive protection? Some people say that it is difficult to rest assured, and the hardest thing is to let go. I understand your deep feelings for me, and I understand your concerns about me. Which child can go out of the mother's sight? How can I fly out of your sight? Don't worry! I just hope you have the courage to extend the line in your hands and give me enough space to fly. I just hope you dare to give me a chance to prove myself in that little storm, to prove that I have been strong and powerful, and no longer need your painstaking efforts.


I long to be infinitely close to the sacred sun and make myself brilliant; I am eager to approach the stars infinitely and make myself brilliant. At that time, I will still look at you, and see how you can let me take off every evening and morning, and how you can melt your love into the long silk thread in your hands.


I will be injured, and I will need you to repair my wings and comfort my wounds. Your place is my permanent home. But now, I just want to say, let go of your line and let me fly!

初中议论文 篇8


I am an authentic Henan person. When I talk about Henan, the most impressive one is Henan Bangzi - Henan Opera! When I was a child, I didn't know how many times I had heard Mu Guiying, not only how many times I had seen Hua Mulan. Everyone in my hometown will sing a piece of "Brother Liu's Speech is Too Deviated", and I am no exception. My mother likes singing very much and listened to her humming when she was very young.


As for Henan Opera, the legend of 'fishing gear' is still fresh in my memory. Let me tell you another origin of Henan Opera and Hebei Bangzi.


Humans have taken advantage of the habit that fish like to swim at night, and set nets with different mesh sizes. Large fish will be caught by a strong big net, and small fish can't escape the adhesion of the small net, which is commonly known as the thin disdainful eye. The fish no longer seek relief, but pray that God will give them a chance to stop swimming near those sharp and flexible nets at night.


Because the fishermen on the north bank had no idea, they decided to let the fishermen on the north bank take care of the fishing gear on the river; The next morning, when the fishermen on the north bank gather their nets to pick fish, or when there are big fish trawling away, or when more people want to steal fish without connecting to the net, the fishermen on the north bank will knock clappers to invite the fishermen on the north and south sides to go out together to catch fish nets or steal fish thieves. The fishermen on the north bank felt that they had no way out, so it was reasonable to send them. Besides, the fishing gear was really managed, so they agreed.


Every day, they don't have to fish. Instead, they knock clappers with bare arms in the sun, shout loudly to frighten people, and call their partners to catch thieves. For a long time, some bored fishermen listen to the sound of banging and make up the tune of "eating with wine". They often knock bangs and sing in the season. For a long time, fishermen called this tune Hebei Bangzi.


When the fishermen on the south bank heard this, they were not convinced, so they made up a Henan opera with the homophonic sound of fishing gear to show off their wisdom in making fishing gear to catch and kill fish.


Up to now, Henan Opera is still full of our life, affecting generations of fans who love and like Henan Opera.