
时间:2022-07-16 13:30:19 | 来源:语文通



Everyone has a phoenix tree in the residential area.


Every spring, the branches are emerald green, carrying a green umbrella, and throwing a green and green shade.A piece of leaves are green like a flawless jade jade.Looking at it, like a green peacock that wants to fly, a soul sword is recorded by jadeite jade.


In summer, the green peacock became a fire phoenix.Ye Ruo Fei Phoenix's feathers, Hua Ruo Danfeng's crown, really like a fire phoenix with winged wings.


Every day, you can always meet an ordinary high school youth to study hard under the Phoenix tree, from a lush tree to a red fire.


It is also a graduation season. The blooming flowers in the Phoenix trees are blooming, and the red sun is like a fire.In spring, the soul sword is carved with green emeralds. Today, the hair on the phoenix is agate, with thousands of branches and low branches.


In the morning, the Phoenix flowers were stained with crystal clear morning dew, and the sun passed through the branches and poured into broken light.Just when the phoenix flower is in full bloom, a red carpet is often paved under the tree.That ordinary high school teenager is here. He is sitting on a bench under the tree with concentric reading. He bowed his head for a while and read a sentence or two for a while. He was intoxicated in Shi Xiang and Fragrance.


On the bench next to the bench, two adults were sitting down.They seem to be an old friend for many years, and they seem to be partners in large shopping malls.One "office worker" talked with a frowning dance, cheerful laughter, and he knew it was a big voice. The other "Glass Brother" reached his mouth with the ring finger, reminding him of a whisper, don't disturb the "Reading Lang" as much as possibleEssence


The morning wind blowing the trees, rustling, the phoenix flowers drifted away, and there was a "flower rain" ...


A young couple came from a distance.His father pushed a baby cart, his mother was holding a big belly, she was pregnant with her second child, and her face was full of happiness.The baby in the baby pushing the car seemed to be dissatisfied with the age, snorting and screaming."Gagak ..." The baby smiled.


"Commodity, whisper, don't disturb the handsome guy to read."


The ordinary high school teenagers listened, raised their heads, and looked at the young couple.He wore myopia glasses, and his handsome face was complemented with the Phoenix flower, and he became more and more handsome.He said to the young dad: "Tomorrow is college graduation day, and I am leaving. This tree has been waiting for me for four years. Please help me take a look."


The young dad received the mobile phone. The ordinary high school teenagers were under the tree. The branches were red -fire phoenix flowers, and a bright smile under the tree ...



Life is grateful.


Perhaps people think of gratitude to their parents, grateful for their "densely dense seams, suspected to return later"; maybe people think of gratitude to friends, thank them for the help of "two threatening knives, no words";Maybe people think of the difficulty of gratitude and the test of "infinite scenery at the peak" ... but I want to be grateful for our lovely alma mater -Shilong Middle School.


The wind is clear, the clouds are quiet, the sky is blue, and the grass green is at the moment when I step into the campus.The hustle and bustle of the city has increased a tranquility, which is away from the lively of the market, adds a reading sound, alienated the noise of the crowd, adding a laugh.Feng Jingjing, Xiao Xiao, shadow, leaves, leaves, and a moment of walking on the campus, how comfortable this is!The breeze wipes away the fatigue of you, the leaves give you a natural baptism, and the trees play a comfortable night song for you.In the past, the dead water of the past was replaced by the green osmanthus garden, and yesterday's dusty playground was replaced by the quiet and stylish plastic runway.Do we not need to grateful for the comfort environment for parent school?


The configuration of the equipment is beyond debate.Do not believe?Please enter the classroom: a neat and clean table, a stable and stable chair, a blackboard that does not reflect light, silently sending the cool wind fan, and the bright light pipes., It's a perfect combination!Go to see the library, laboratory, reading room ... Received, all show it with a new look, you can use "Vientiane update" to describe it!Don't we need to be grateful for advanced equipment for parent school gifts?


Hou's most powerful backing throughout the day is the strong teachers.Each teacher is so excellent, so approachable, they are like magnets, attracting students in a series of land, making ordinary needles a compass, scattered iron sand arranged into a beautiful pattern;Students make the trivial sand become pearls, and the loose sand gather together.For us, the teachers "disappeared for Yi, and the belts gradually did not regret."Teachers' follow -ups and teachings, inspiring the development of our generation after generation, helping us to succeed.Don't we need to be grateful to the strong teachers from their alma mater?


The alma mater not only provides a good environment in learning, but also sets out various extracurricular activities for us: wonderful school games, let us understand the spirit of sports;Let's stay in a row, and ... Doesn't we need a meaningful activity set by alma mater?


We should be grateful to the alma mater too much and too much. How can we narrate with language one by one?How can I express my gratitude to my alma mater in language?I can only use this kind of pen and ink to write the above words.The alma mater to our grace, such as a pot of pure wine, only takes a bite, it is endless; if a bite is cleared, as long as a drop of a drop, it will moisturize the heart and spleen.We can only use our efforts to learn to return to our alma mater to care for us!Today I will be proud of the dragon, and I will be proud of me tomorrow!



In this world, people do not have to deliberately pursue anything.Rather than spend a lot of time and energy to deliberately pursue it, it is better to use this time and energy to improve yourself.Just like you deliberately go to others in order to make friends, it is likely that you spend a lot of time, but others still ignore you.However, if you use this for the time being, there is no time for friends.Improve yourself and enrich your connotation.When you do it, you will have a group of friends with you, and you are also like -minded people. They all have their own excellence and are beneficial friends in the eyes of others.Not fox friends and dog friends.After all, friends who come to Jackie Chan are just temporary.And friends who are attracted by their own personality charm are long -lasting.You must know, "If you bloom, butterflies come yourself! If you are wonderful, you will arrange yourself."


In this world, it is absolutely impossible to rely on others. Only by relying on yourself is the most real. As long as you have the ability, what you have pursued before, what you are expected to come to your door yourself. As the saying goes: "Planting the sycamore trees to attract phoenixes." As long as you have the "phoenix" of the "Indus tree", it will naturally come. There are many people in the history of our country. Like Zhuang Zhou, Zhuangzi lives in Huishui. King Chuwei sent a heavy money to the side of Yishui to ask Zhuangzi to go out of the mountain and serve as Chu State. Why do King Chuwei do this? Is he stupid? No, he is not stupid. The reason why King Chuwei did this is not because Zhuangzi has talent and ability. Because Zhuangzi has talent and ability. Under that person, the seat of more than 10,000 people, the seat that can enjoy the rich and rich, the seat that can protect the descendants of the descendants. For Zhuangzi, it can be said to be a tentacle. There is also Zhuge Liang, because his "Mr. Wolong" is named, because his "Wolong, who gets the reputation of the world, because he does not go out of the house, he knows the great ability of the world. Liu Bei put down his body and took care of the cottage, and asked Zhuge to come up with the mountain assistance. These cases not all showed that because they had the "Indus" Phoenix "Phoenix. Therefore, instead of chasing it deliberately, it is better to improve and enrich themselves. You are more powerful to please others.


Therefore, there is no need to deliberately chase, just like there is no need to chase a horse. If you use the time of chasing the horse to plant pasture, when the spring flowers are in the coming spring, you will have a large horses to choose.Still the sentence "planting the sycamore tree, which attracts the phoenix." As long as you work hard to improve yourself.One day, you will fly high like Kunpeng to fly with the birds and fly high, and shake it straight to 90,000 miles.



1、凤凰:凤凰读音为fèng huáng,是指古代传说中的百鸟之王,羽毛美丽,雄的叫凤,雌的叫凰。常用来象征祥瑞。 具有鲜艳羽毛和优美体型和动作的一种鸟,从前中国皇宫里将它驯养,并与神话中的凤凰相联系,作为好运的象征,有人认为它就是眼斑冠雉(青鸾)凤凰 fèng huáng词语解释:古代传说中的百鸟之王,羽毛美丽,雄的叫凤,雌的叫凰。常用来象征祥瑞。[feng huang;fung-hwang;a Chinese phoenix] 具有鲜艳羽毛和优美体型和动作的一种鸟,从前中国皇宫里将它驯养,并与神话中的凤凰相联系,作为好运的象征,有人认为它就是眼斑冠雉(青鸾)分词解释:传说:民间文学的一种。是对民间长期流传的人和事的叙述。内容有的以特定的历史人物、事件为基础,有的纯属幻想的产物。在一定程度上反映了人民群众的愿望和要求。羽毛:鸟类表皮角质化的产物。被覆在体表,轻而难磨,略有弹性,具防水性,有护体、保温和飞翔等作用。成鸟的羽毛通常分正羽、绒羽和纤羽三种,分别长在体表一定区域。象征:①以具体的事物体现某种特殊意义:红色象征革命。②用以体现某种特殊意义的事物:鸽子是和平的象征。...凤凰怎么造句,用凤凰造句»