There are countless first time in a person's life. They are like the stars in the sky, and one is a tide -like memory.If I want me to pick one the brightest, I can choose the first time catching flies.
Remembering back that summer, my mother sent me to my grandmother's house due to work.In fact, I am very reluctant. Because there are many green plants raised in my family, there are flower gardens, vegetable gardens, and drainage grooves in the yard. Therefore, the flies and mosquitoes in the home need more than the honey peaks in the bee farm.My mother pulled me left and right before dragging it to my uncle's house.
When you rush to the house, you must not set up the flies and mosquitoes, especially the annoying flies, which are enough for the summer Olympic Games.I sat on the sofa with one hip, took the bottle of milk, and looked at the TV leisurely.Just when I felt obsessed, there was a bad buzzing from the ear, which disturbed me uneasily.I stretched out my hand and waved it, and the buzz disappeared.But within a few minutes, the disgusting sound came again. I took out the newspapers and magazines at hand, and made it twice up, down, left and right, and the flies flew away again.I thought that I could finally watch the TV series comfortably. I do n’t know that the flies were so dead without repentance. The third time I brought a lot of flies to sing together on my ear.
It's almost "uncle". I simply closed the TV and paid attention to the flies. Seeing the flies full of the house, I was smart and turned out of my weapon and equipment from the wooden cabinet. I recalled my mother's approach, opened the flies stickers at ease, put it on the table, waiting for the flies to throw the net. A few minutes later, I rushed to the table full of expectations, but I didn't have a large piece of densely I thought. There were only a few of them, and the ten fingers were counted. "Maybe it's too short, maybe more for a while." I adjusted my emotions. Five minutes have passed, I can't wait to see it again, but there are not many flies, and one fly away! At this time, I saw a flies parked next to the flies sticker. Therefore, I held a breath and gradually approached the flies. Seeing it, you need to stick to it, but the abominable flies fly away! Seeing the cooked ducks fly away, anyone will be unwilling. I was so anxious to slap on the table. I pulled it out of the flies with Gongmen, but it was too hard and sticking to the clothes ... After fighting with the flies for a few minutes, the flies sticker was finally pulled out because I completely gave up the outstanding and outstanding of the flies. The difficult task provided the "white flag" to the flies. The human fly war came to an end with my withdrawal.
Now that I think of this "sad" war, I can't help but want to laugh, and I admire myself fighting for many minutes with the flies.
1、第一:第一读音为dì yī,是指1.等第次序居首位或首位的。 2.形容程度最深;最重要。第一 dì yī词语解释:1.等第次序居首位或首位的。 2.形容程度最深;最重要。(1) [the first (1st);firstly;primarily;at the head;in the first place]∶排在最前的 排名第一(2) [first;most important]∶首要的,最重要的质量第一分词解释:次序:1.先后顺序。 2.犹次第。常态。 3.调节;安排。重要:1.指重镇﹑要地。 2.谓重大而主要。程度:1.法度;标准。 2.程限;进度。 3.文化﹑教育﹑知识﹑能力等方面的水平。 4.事物发展达到的状况。等第:1.等级次第。 2.谓分等级。 3.唐代科举﹐由京兆府考试后选送前十名升入礼部再试﹐称为“等第”。...第一怎么造句,用第一造句»
2、苍蝇:苍蝇读音为cāng ying,是指“蝇”的通称。包括家蝇、池蝇、花蝇、丽蝇、麻蝇、舌蝇和皮蝇等。 即家蝇。种类很多,能传染多种疾病苍蝇 cāng yíng词语解释:“蝇”的通称。包括家蝇、池蝇、花蝇、丽蝇、麻蝇、舌蝇和皮蝇等。[housefly] 即家蝇。种类很多,能传染多种疾病分词解释:家蝇:苍蝇的一种。身体小,灰黑色,普通所说的苍蝇多指这一种。食垃圾﹑粪便和人类的食物﹑能传播疾病。常在室内外活动,故名家蝇。通称:1.通常的称呼。 2.一般的说法。包括:包含(或列举各部分,或着重指出某一部分):语文教学应该包括听、说、读、写四项,不可偏轻偏重ㄧ我说 ‘大家’,自然包括你在内。麻蝇:苍蝇的一种,身体较大,灰色,背上有三条黑纹,腹部有黑白相间的方格花纹。也叫麻苍蝇。能传染疾病。...苍蝇怎么造句,用苍蝇造句»
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