
时间:2022-11-28 12:44:42 | 来源:语文通




  1. 浪潮越来越近,犹如千万匹白色战马齐头并进,浩浩荡荡地飞奔而来。

1. The tide is getting closer and closer, like tens of thousands of white horses running forward together.

  2. 同高度的自然带呈现出的自然景观,犹如凌空展开的一幅神奇美丽的画卷。

2. The natural landscape presented by the natural belt at the same height is like a magical and beautiful picture in the sky.

  3. 一部分树枝垂到水面,从远处看,就像一株大树卧在水面上。

3. Part of the branches hang down to the water, which looks like a big tree lying on the water from a distance.

  4. 那翠绿的颜色,明亮地照耀着我们的眼睛,似乎每一片绿叶上都有一个新的生命在颤动。

4. The green color shines brightly in our eyes, as if there is a new life quivering on every green leaf.

  5. 天上的云从西边一直烧到东边,红彤彤的,好象是天空着了火。

5. The clouds in the sky were burning from the west to the east. It was red, as if the sky was on fire.

  6. 微斜的门口,经过仔细耙扫,收拾得很平坦。这就是蟋蟀的平台。

6. The slightly inclined doorway was carefully raked and cleaned up. This is the cricket's platform.

  7. 的叫声,音调严肃郑重,似厉声呵斥。

7. His voice is serious and solemn, like a fierce reprimand.

  8. 每根细丝嫌蜗牛的触角。

8. Each filament is like a snail's antenna.

  9. 远看长城它像一条长龙,在崇山峻岭之间蜿蜒盘旋。

9. From a distance, the Great Wall looks like a long dragon, winding and circling between the mountains.

  10. 城墙顶上铺着方砖,十分平整,像是很宽的马路,五六匹马可以并行。

10. The top of the city wall is paved with square bricks, which is very flat, like a wide road. Five or six horses can run in parallel.

  11. 正面,昆明湖静的像一面镜子,绿的像一块碧玉。

11. On the front, Kunming Lake is as quiet as a mirror and as green as a jasper.

  12. 排成了一个巨大的长方形军阵,真像是秦始皇当年统率的一支南征北战、所向披靡的大军。

12. They formed a huge rectangular array, which really looked like an invincible army under the command of Qin Shihuang.

  13. 我虽未见叶老先生,却从他的批改中感受到了他的认真、平和以及温暖,如春风拂面。

13. Although I haven't seen Mr. Ye, I feel his seriousness, peace and warmth from his comments, like the spring breeze blowing my face.

  14. 阳光都变成绿的,像温柔的小精灵一样在上面跳跃着,闪烁着迷离的光点。

14. The sunlight turns green, jumping on it like a gentle elf, flashing with blurred light spots.

  15. 忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。

15. All of a sudden, it is like a night of spring breeze, and thousands of pear trees and pear flowers bloom.


The tree stood upright like a soldier.

  12. 美丽的衣裳,像朵朵花儿开放。

12. Beautiful clothes are like blossoming flowers.

  13. 我们像小鸟一样。

13. We are like birds.


  1. 急忙打开书,一页,两页 ,我像一匹饿狼,贪婪地读着。

1. I hurriedly opened the book, one page, two pages, and I read greedily like a hungry wolf.

  2. 我和上书,咽了一口唾沫,好像把所有的智慧都吞下去了,然后才依依不舍地把书放回书架

2. I swallowed a mouthful of saliva as if we had swallowed all our wisdom before reluctantly putting the book back on the shelf

  3. 你喜爱的书就像一个朋友,就像你的家。

3. Your favorite book is like a friend, like your home.

  4. 书被人们称为人类文明的‘‘长生果’。

4. Books are known as the '' fruit of life 'of human civilization.

  5. 像蜂蝶飞过花丛,像泉水流经山谷,我每忆及少年时代,就禁不住涌起愉悦之情。

5. Like bees and butterflies flying over flowers and springs flowing through valleys, I can't help feeling happy when I think of my childhood.

  6. 我又发现了一块‘‘绿洲’----小镇的文化站有几百册图书。

6. I found an 'oasis' - there are hundreds of books in the cultural station of the town.

  7. 学校图书馆那丰富的图书,又像磁石一样吸引着我。

7. The rich books in the school library attract me like a magnet.

  8. 平常积累的那些描写苦恼心境的词语,像酵母似的发挥了作用。

8. The words that usually accumulate to describe the distressed mood have played a role like yeast.

  9. 月亮像一轮玉盘嵌在蓝色的夜幕中。

9. The moon is like a jade plate embedded in the blue night.

  10. 祖国就是那地图上像一只金鸡的地方吗?

10. Is the motherland the place on the map that looks like a golden rooster?

  11. 从鼻孔里喷出来的气形成一股水柱,就像花园里的喷泉一样。

11. The air from the nostrils forms a column of water, just like a fountain in the garden.

  12. 它们常常直竖着身子坐着,像人们用手一样,用前爪往嘴里送东西吃。

12. They often sit upright, like people using their hands, and use their forepaws to feed into their mouths.

  13. 噪音像一个来无影去无踪的“隐身人”。

13. The noise is like an invisible person who comes and goes without trace.

  14. 它们就像躲进深幽的丛林一样安全。

14. They are as safe as hiding in the deep jungle.

  15. 这样,它完全放心了,索性用那涂了蜡似的小红嘴,“嗒嗒”啄我触动的笔尖。

15. In this way, he was completely relieved and simply pecked at the tip of the pen I touched with his waxed little red mouth.

  16. 她搂住了我,赞扬声雨点般落到我身上。

16. She put her arms around me and the sound of praise rained down on me.

  17. 它们像两股风不断地向我吹来。

17. They keep blowing to me like two winds.

  18. 时间艰涩地流着,像沙漏坠入我忐忑不安的 心房。

18. Time flows difficultly, like an hourglass falling into my uneasy heart.

  19. 顿时,石头像雹子一样带着五位战士的决心,带着中国人民的仇恨,向敌人头上砸去。

19. Suddenly, the stone hit the enemy like a hailstone with the determination of the five soldiers and the hatred of the Chinese people.

  20. “哗哗”的瀑布声在山谷间震荡着,回响着,似千百架低音提琴在奏鸣,在轰响。

20. The sound of "Hua Hua" waterfalls vibrated and reverberated in the valley, like the sound of thousands of bass violas.

  21. 蒲公英有一蓬金黄色的头发,当起风的时候,头发互相轻触着,像磨砂纸那样沙沙地一阵细响,转眼间,它的头发,全被风儿梳掉了。

21. The dandelion has a blond hair. When the wind blows, the hair touches each other gently, making a rustle like sandpaper. In a twinkling of an eye, its hair is all combed away by the wind.

  22. 羊群一会儿上了小丘,一会儿又下来,走到哪里都像给无边的绿毯绣上了白色的大花。

22. The sheep went up the hill and down again. Everywhere they went, they seemed to embroider big white flowers on the boundless green carpet.

  23. 在这境界里,连骏马和大牛都有时候静立不动,好像回味着草原的无限乐趣。

23. In this realm, even the steeds and bulls sometimes stand still, as if recalling the infinite joy of the grassland.

  24. 走了许久,远远地望见了一条迂回的明如玻璃的带子---河!

24. After walking for a long time, I saw a circuitous belt as bright as glass in the distance --- the river!

  25. 忽然像被一阵风吹来似的,远处的小丘上出现了一群马,马上的男女老少穿着各色的衣裳,群马疾驰,襟飘带舞,像一条彩虹向我们飞过来。

25. Suddenly, as if blown by a gust of wind, a group of horses appeared on the distant hill. The men, women and children on the horse were wearing all kinds of clothes. The horses galloped and danced like a rainbow towards us.

  26. 蜜蜂则嗡嗡地飞着,满身绒毛,落到一朵花上,胖乎乎,圆滚滚,就像一个小毛球,停在上面一动不动了。

26. The bee was buzzing, covered with fluff, and fell on a flower. It was chubby and round, just like a little ball of fur, and it stopped still.

  27. 山溪像绿玉带一样平静。

27. The mountains and streams are as peaceful as green jade belts.

  28. 山洪咆哮着,像一群受惊的野马,从山谷里狂奔而来,势不可当。

28. The mountain torrent roared, like a group of frightened wild horses, rushing from the valley. It was overwhelming.

  29. 我们坐在船舱里,皮垫子软软的像沙发一般

29. We sat in the cabin, the leather cushion was soft as a sofa


  1. 有些维吾尔人喜欢把洗过的衣服直接铺在沙漠上晾晒。远远望去,那大大小小、五颜六色的衣服像一幅巨大的抽象画,给寂静的沙漠平添了几分韵味

1. Some Uighurs like to spread washed clothes on the desert to dry. From a distance, the large, small and colorful clothes look like a huge abstract painting, which adds some charm to the silent desert

  2. 巴扎的闹市里,那一顶顶鲜亮的绣花“都帕”,那一团团飘然而过的“艾得来斯”,犹如天幕上朵朵亮艳的彩云,又似花园里一片片随风摇曳的花儿,真是美不胜收。

2. In downtown Bazaar, the bright embroidered "Dupa" and the "Adelais" passing by like bright colorful clouds on the sky and flowers swaying with the wind in the garden are really beautiful.

  3. 别人在海滩上捡到一块贝壳,她却要研究一下这贝壳是怎样生、怎样长,怎样冲到海滩上来的。别人摸瓜她寻藤,别人摘叶她问根。是她提出了放射性这个词。

3. When someone picks up a shell on the beach, she wants to study how the shell grows, grows, and washes on the beach. Others touch melons and she looks for vines, while others pick leaves and she asks for roots. It was she who coined the word radioactivity.

  4. 期待的日子一转眼就来了。 元旦那天早上,天还未亮,女室一带头,每一间牢房同时响应,像一阵闪电,爆发了洪亮的歌声。

4. The expected day came in a twinkling of an eye. On the morning of New Year's Day, before dawn, when the women's room took the lead, each cell responded at the same time, like a flash of lightning, and a loud song broke out.


5. The little fly can't flick its wings, and the spider doesn't want any more delicious food. The two worms were all drowned in the yellow tears of the old pine tree.

  6. 啊,老桥,你如一位的德高望重的老人,在这涧水上站了几百年了吧?

6. Ah, Laoqiao, have you been standing on the stream for hundreds of years like a respected old man?

  7. 突然,雷阵雨来了,像有一千个侠客在天上吼叫,又像有一千个醉酒的诗人在云头吟咏。

7. Suddenly, the thunder shower came, like a thousand chivalrous men roaring in the sky, or a thousand drunken poets chanting in the clouds.

  8. 窗外是参天的杨柳。院子在沟里,山上全是树,所以我们盘腿坐在土炕上谈话就如坐在船上,四围全是绿色的波浪,风一吹,树梢卷过涛声,叶间闪着粼粼的波。

8. There are towering willows outside the window. The yard is in the ditch, and the mountains are full of trees, so we sit cross legged on the adobe bed and talk like sitting on a boat, surrounded by green waves. When the wind blows, the tops of the trees roll over the waves, and the leaves flash with sparkling waves.

  9. 一儿曰:“日初出大如车盖,及日中则如盘盂不知道他们给了我多少日子;但我的手确乎是渐渐空虚了。在默默里算着,八千多日子已经从我手中溜去;像针尖上一滴水滴在大海里,我的日子滴在时间的流里,没有声音,也没有影子。

9. Yi'er said, "At the beginning of the day, it is as big as a car cover, and in the middle of the day, it is like a dish or a bowl. I don't know how many days they have given me, but my hands are really getting empty. In silence, more than 8000 days have slipped away from my hands, like a drop of water on the tip of a needle dropping into the sea, my days dropping into the flow of time, without sound or shadow.

  10. 那时候,雅鲁藏布江上没有什么桥梁,数不清的牛皮船,别掀翻在野马脱缰般的激流中,许多试图过江的老百姓,别咆哮的江水吞噬。

10. At that time, there were no bridges on the Yarlung Zangbo River. Countless cowhide boats should not be overturned in the wild horse like torrent. Many people who tried to cross the river should not be swallowed by the roaring river water.


  1. 原来,蒲公英的花就像我们的手掌,可以张开,合上。

1. It turns out that dandelion flowers are like our palms, which can be opened and closed.

  2. 再看看笔陡的石级,石级边上的铁链,似乎是从天上挂下来的,真叫人发颤。

2. Look at the steep stone steps. The chains on the edge of the stone steps seem to be hanging from the sky, which makes people tremble.

  3. 我奋力向峰顶爬去,一会儿攀着铁链上,一会儿手脚并用向上爬,像小猴子一样……

3. I try my best to climb to the top of the mountain, sometimes climbing on the chain, sometimes climbing with hands and feet, like a little monkey

  4. 有的往篮里塞着槐米,头一点一点的,像觅食的小鸭子。

4. Some stuffed locust rice into the basket, bit by bit, like a duck looking for food.

  5. 女孩有的弯腰捡着,两条辫子像蜻蜓的翅膀,上下飞舞着。

5. Some girls bent down to pick it up. The two braids were like the wings of dragonflies, flying up and down.

  6. 你看,它把黄色给了银杏树,黄黄的叶子像一把把小扇子,扇那扇那,扇走了夏天的炎热。它把红色给了枫树,红红的枫叶像一枚枚邮票,飘哇飘哇,邮来了秋天的凉爽。金黄色是给田野的,看,田野像金色的海洋。

6. Look, it gives the yellow color to the ginkgo tree. The yellow leaves are like small fans, which fan away the summer heat. It gave red to maple trees. The red maple leaves were like stamps. They sent cool autumn. The golden color is for the field. Look, the field is like a golden ocean.

  7. 海底的岩石长着各种各样的珊瑚,有的像绽开的花朵,有的像分枝的鹿角。

7. There are all kinds of corals on the rocks at the bottom of the sea, some like blooming flowers, some like branching antlers.

  8. 有的周身像插着好些扇子,游动起来飘飘摇摇;有的眼睛圆溜溜的,身上长满了刺,鼓起气来像皮球一样圆.

8. Some people seem to have many fans inserted in their bodies, and they are swaying when swimming; Some people have round eyes, their bodies are covered with thorns, and their air is as round as a ball

  9. 我国东北的小兴安岭,有数不清的红松、白桦、栎树……几百里连成一片,就像绿色的海洋。太阳出来了,千万缕像利剑一样的金光,穿过树梢,照射在工人宿舍门前的草地上。草地上盛开着各种各样的野花,红的、白的、黄的、紫的,真像个美丽的大花坛。

9. There are countless Korean pines, white birches and oak trees in the Xiaoxing'an Mountains in the northeast of China... hundreds of miles are linked together, just like a green ocean. The sun came out, and thousands of golden rays, like sharp swords, passed through the treetops and shone on the grass in front of the workers' dormitory. There are all kinds of wild flowers in full bloom on the grassland, red, white, yellow and purple, just like a beautiful big flower bed.

  10. 对方的矛如雨点般向他刺来,发明家用盾左抵右挡,还是难以招架。

10. The opponent's spear stabbed him like rain. The inventor used his shield to block him from left to right, which was still difficult to parry.

  11. 他不着急离开了,对着池水欣赏自己的美丽:“啊!我的身段多么匀称,我的角多么精美别致,好像两束美丽的珊瑚!”

11. He left in no hurry and looked at the water to enjoy his beauty: "Ah! How symmetrical my figure is, how beautiful my horns are, like two beautiful corals!"

  12. 夏天的山也是绿色的,那绿色浓浓的,一片片树叶,不管是大的还是小的,都像被绿油彩涂过,连雨点落上去,都给染绿的。

12. In summer, the mountains are also green. The thick green leaves, whether large or small, seem to have been painted with green paint, and even the raindrops are dyed green.

  13. 有的树林变成了杏黄色,远远望去,就像枝头挂满了熟透的杏和梨;有的树林变成了火红色,风一吹,树林跳起舞来,就像一簇簇火苗在跳跃;还有的树林变得紫红紫红,跟剧场里紫绒幕布的颜色一样。

13. Some forests turn apricot yellow, which looks like the branches are covered with ripe apricots and pears from a distance; Some trees became fire red. When the wind blew, the trees danced, just like clusters of flames; Some trees become purple red, the same color as the purple velvet curtain in the theater.

  14. 一身乌黑光亮的羽毛,一对俊俏轻快的翅膀,加上剪刀似的尾巴,凑成了活泼机灵的小燕子。

14. A bright black feather, a pair of handsome and light wings, and a scissors like tail make up a lively and clever swallow.

  15. 青的草,绿的叶,各色鲜艳的花,都像赶集似的聚拢来,形成了光彩夺目的春天。

15. Green grass, green leaves and colorful flowers all gathered like a fair, forming a dazzling spring.

  16. 蓝蓝的天空,电杆之间连着几痕细线,多么像五线谱啊!停着的燕子成了音符,谱成了一支正待演奏的春天的赞歌。

16. In the blue sky, there are several traces of thin lines between the poles. How like a staff! The stopped swallow became a note and a hymn of spring to be played.

  17. 荷叶挨挨挤挤的,像一个个碧绿的大圆盘。

17. The lotus leaves are squeezed like big green discs.

  18. 我忽然觉得自己仿佛是一朵荷花,穿着雪白的衣裳站在阳光里。

18. I suddenly felt like a lotus, standing in the sun in snow-white clothes.

  19. 我们村子前面的小山包,远远看上去真像一个绿色的大绒团.

19. The hill in front of our village looks like a big green pile from afar

  20. 水面和潭底,金色的光斑和银色的光斑交错着;水泡闪亮闪亮的,射出红的光、黄的光、绿的光、紫的光……多么像串串彩色的珍珠啊。

20. The water surface and the bottom of the pool are interlaced with golden and silver light spots; The bubbles are shiny, emitting red light, yellow light, green light, purple light... How like strings of colored pearls.

  21. 头上的毛像橄榄色的头巾,绣满了翠绿色的花纹。背上的羽毛像浅绿色的外衣。腹部的羽毛,像赤褐色的衬衫。

21. The hair on his head looks like an olive colored scarf, embroidered with emerald green patterns. The feather on the back is like a light green coat. The belly feathers are like auburn shirts.

  22. 燕子在车厢里叽叽喳喳,仿佛在向人类致谢。

22. Swallows twitter in the carriage as if they are thanking the human being.

  23. 在这条路应该伸延过去的地方,挺立着一颗高高的橡树,他是那么粗壮结实、挺拔,像草原的哨兵一样。

23. At the place where this road should extend, there stands a tall oak tree, which is so sturdy, strong and straight, like a sentry on the grassland.


  1. 看,蓝天上的大雁作出了回答,它们排成一个大大的“人”字,好像在说——勤劳人们画出秋天的图画。

1. Look, the wild geese in the blue sky answered. They formed a big "human" character, as if they were saying that hardworking people draw pictures of autumn.

  2. 就说“仙桃石”吧,它好像从天上飞下来的一个大桃子,落在山顶的石盘上。

2. Let's just say "Fairy Peach Stone". It looks like a big peach flying down from the sky and falling on the stone plate on the top of the mountain.

  3. 远远望去,那巨石真像一位仙人站在高高的山峰上,伸着手臂指向前方。

3. From a distance, the huge stone looks like a fairy standing on a high mountain peak, stretching his arms to point forward.

  4. 立交桥的四周有绿毯似的草坪和拼成图案的花坛。

4. There are green carpet like lawns and flower beds with patterns around the overpass.

  5. 喜讯传来,人们不约而同的涌上街头,北京立刻变成了欢乐的海洋。

5. When the good news came, people rushed to the streets, and Beijing immediately became a sea of joy.

  6. 中华世纪坛人如海,歌如潮。

6. The Chinese Century Monument is full of people and songs.

  7. 冬天,天上飘着雪花,地上铺着雪毯,树上披着银装,到处一片洁白。

7. In winter, there are snowflakes floating in the sky, snow blankets on the ground, and silver dresses on the trees.

  8. 看,那边的山石像一只正要跳起的青蛙,这边的山石像一只展翅欲飞的雄鹰,半山腰的石兔,石龟,好像正在赛跑呢。

8. Look, the rock over there looks like a frog about to jump, the rock over here looks like an eagle about to fly, and the rock rabbit and rock turtle halfway up the mountain seem to be racing.

  9. 湖水像一面镜子,映出了蓝天,白云,还有变幻的山峦。

9. The lake water is like a mirror, reflecting the blue sky, white clouds and changeable mountains.

  10. 半圆的桥洞和水里的倒影连起来,好像一个大月亮。

10. The half round bridge hole is connected with the reflection in the water, like a big moon.

  11. 春天像个害羞的小姑娘,遮遮掩掩,躲躲藏藏。

11. Spring is like a shy girl, hiding.

  12. 要是下起濛濛细雨,日月潭好像披上轻纱,周围的景物一片朦胧,就像童话中的仙境。

12. If it drizzles, Sun Moon Lake seems to be covered with gauze, and the surrounding scenery is hazy, just like a fairyland in fairy tales.

  13. 茂密的枝叶向四面展开,就像搭起了一个个绿色的凉棚。

13. The dense branches and leaves spread out in all directions, just like green greenhouses.


The dense branches and leaves like a pergola block the sun.

  14. 为了欢迎周总理,人们在地上散满了凤凰花的花瓣,好像铺上了鲜红的地毯。

14. In order to welcome Premier Zhou, people scattered the petals of phoenix flowers on the ground, as if they were covered with a bright red carpet.

  15. 灯光闪烁,像银河从天而降。

15. The light flickers, like the Milky Way falling from the sky.

  16. 环形路上,一座座立交桥犹如道道彩虹。

16. On the ring road, overpasses are like rainbows.

  17. 我们看着石头像子弹一样射出,又像流星一样从天而降。

17. We watched the stones shoot out like bullets and fall from the sky like meteors.

  18. 一个孩子翻着跟头,像车轮在转,真好看!

18. A child turns over like a wheel, which is really beautiful!


19. People scattered the petals of phoenix flowers on the ground, as if they were covered with a bright red carpet.


  1. 一座架在水里的桥,很像一栋长长的房子。

1. A bridge in the water looks like a long house.

  2. 小小竹排画中游。

2. The midstream of small bamboo raft painting.

  3. 弯弯的月儿小小的船。

3. The curved moon is a small boat.

  4. 影子在前,影子在后,影子常常跟着我,就像一条小黑狗。

4. The shadow always follows me, just like a little black dog.

  5. 谁的尾巴好像一把伞?

5. Whose tail is like an umbrella?

  6. 不是蝴蝶,不是小鸟,是红叶舞,黄叶飘,像秋姑娘发来的电报。

6. It is not a butterfly or a bird, but a red leaf dance, with yellow leaves floating like a telegram sent by Miss Qiu.

  7. 阳光像金子,洒遍田野、高山和小河。

7. The sun is like gold, spreading all over the fields, mountains and rivers.

  8. 河面闪着阳光笑,小河就像长长的锦缎了。

8. The river shines with sunshine and smiles, and the river looks like a long brocade.

  9. 松树的尾巴好像一把伞。

9. The tail of the pine tree is like an umbrella.

  10. 春雨,像春姑娘纺出的线。

10. The spring rain is like the thread spun by the spring girl.