
时间:2022-10-29 12:56:28 | 来源:语文通



一次特别的拜访作文 篇1一次特别的拜访作文 篇2一次特别的拜访作文 篇3一次特别的拜访 篇4一次特别的拜访作文 篇5一次特别的拜访作文 篇6一次特别的拜访作文 篇7一次特别的拜访作文 篇8

一次特别的拜访作文 篇1


This is a beautiful day. I am very happy today because I have to accept a visit. I have visited many times in my life, but I have never enjoyed such fun.


I have loved painting since I was a child. I have seen on TV that many painters have granted visits to many people. Since then, I have become more and more greedy. I have come up with the idea that I would like to be visited. But how can I achieve this at my level? I look forward to it every day... Today, I finally look forward to it.


On this day, a large number of visitors came to my home, but they were all one or two years younger than me. I was not happy when I saw them. I felt that the realization of this large group was very different from what I wanted. I thought it was a noble figure. It was hopeless. My mother was busy at the same time. She went in and out. After two hours, the visit began. I first said hello to them, and then, Each of them introduced himself to me, which is why I realized that although they are small, they also have a heart to work hard for their dreams. They all love painting. From their language, I began to digest the unhappy mood before that. At the beginning, I also introduced to them. When everyone had a little understanding, we began to discuss, and everyone was very involved, Finally, they asked me this question: Can you draw a picture for us? Let's understand your painting style. I didn't know what to do first, but I finally agreed. All of a sudden, I didn't have a clue at all. My mind was confused and I didn't know what to draw. I was also a face conscious person. I held the pen in my hand, and finally I raised my head slightly. It turned out that everyone's face was full of power that gave me great power, so I drew it vividly with confidence.

一次特别的拜访作文 篇2


The school asked each student to visit a successful person in this winter vacation. I thought for a long time, and finally decided to visit my neighbors. Because they rarely lived here, we were not familiar with each other.


I walked to the door quietly. After hesitating for a long time, I gathered the courage to come forward and knock on the door gently. After a while, the door opened. It was a white haired old woman who opened the door. She smiled and asked, "Little friend, what do you want to do with me?" I told her what I was coming for. Grandma listened and welcomed me to the door warmly: "Come, let's go inside and talk." As soon as I sat down, Grandma told her old story: "My family was not rich before, and I didn't have money to go to school. I was very envious of those who had learned. At home, I had to learn to make clothes from my mother. When I could finish a garment by myself, my mother bought me a machine with the remaining money, so I started my independent life and made a special visit. At first, I worked day and night, and I didn't know how many blisters and tears I had on my hands, I also thought about giving up, but finally I stuck to it. Over the years, I bought a piece of land with my hard saved money, built a factory on it, and gradually expanded the scale. Now there are hundreds of workers in my factory. "


Hearing this, I suddenly felt that Grandma was great. At the same time, I also learned a truth: as long as you persevere, you will succeed! "Nothing is difficult in the world if you are willing to climb." In the future study, I will use this sentence to motivate myself!

一次特别的拜访作文 篇3


In the morning, the new sun has broken a layer of hazy yarn, and everything in front of us is no longer cloudy. Take a deep breath. The fresh air is like milk just squeezed from a bucket, mixed with the smell of hay, making people feel extremely comfortable. Walking to the lake, looking at the empty place, I remembered the old man in rags.


Every morning, at dawn, the old man would set up his small wooden stall by the lake on time. Whenever children passed by his stall, he would raise his mouth, show deep wrinkles clearly and smile at them. Even if some naughty children played tricks on him, he would not say a word, but smiled indulgently, as if he were kind to his grandson. And that kind smile moved me.


To my surprise, I didn't find the thin and curved figure of the old man today. I looked around, but I didn't find it. I asked the people nearby, but I heard an unexpected news that the old man drowned the day before yesterday because he saved a drowning child. Hearing this bad news, my heart could not help feeling sad. Since then, there has been a lack of kindness in the world.


I suppressed myself and quietly came to the old man's house. This is the second time I have visited his so-called "home". Last time I came in a hurry, but this time I paid a visit under such circumstances... This is a simple hut with simple furnishings. After crossing the threshold, I smelled the smell of dry wood as soon as I entered the door. The ground was full of complete pieces of wood. These should be in the future of the old man! Facing the door was a bed made of wooden boards, on which lay a pillow and a thin quilt, which were already in tatters. I looked up and circled around. The original white wall had been covered by the dust accumulated over the years, becoming gray. In the east is a simple stove; The opposite is the old man's "workbench". I walked forward and looked at the wooden models and tools on the table. I thought that Grandpa would carve children's favorite toys with his skillful hands every night when he came back from the stall! How much he loves children!


I turned around and found a photo on the pillow. The old man was also there. How brilliant he was! Picking up the photo, I remembered that the old man had told me that he had a happy family before, but later he was kicked out of the house because his son disliked him. From then on, he could never go back to his original home... How he missed his grandson! He also wants to make many interesting things for his grandson to play with! Such a poor old man... When I tried to put the photo back, I found surprisingly that there were traces of being wet on the photo. Perhaps every lonely and quiet night is a kind of suffering for the old man. Even though he is full of tears, he still cannot wash away the loneliness and homesickness.


I sat on the old man's bed, took his family photo, looked at it again and again, and my vision was sometimes clear and sometimes vague. So I sat all afternoon. It was already dark when I came out of the old man's house. The cold wind blew in and out of my body and heart, and I couldn't help shivering.


I looked up at the sky, starry spots. At this time, I seemed to see the old man's kind face, the most distant star, as if waving to me. However, who will notice that the lonely star is still shining so hard that one day someone will find him and be moved by his embellishment; Who can understand why that lonely star should be lonely and strive to bloom in another day? In order to light up another piece of darkness; Who can hear the call from a lonely star? Calling for distant relatives; Calling pedestrians to look back and smile; Calling for the only warmth

一次特别的拜访 篇4


On a sunny afternoon, I followed Teacher Feng to visit a writer, Teacher Yang Jianxiao, with a feeling of expectation.


I am very unfamiliar with the name "Yang Jianxiao", but after I read the Prose for Children, I seem to know a little about it, and therefore I look forward to meeting with Mr. Yang.


About half an hour's drive, we came to Miss Yang's home, Tongren Garden.


Entering the gate, Mr. Yang was wearing white T, grey trousers and a pair of black framed glasses. He enthusiastically poured water for us and asked us to sit down. I just sat next to him. A closer observation revealed that he had thick eyebrows, small eyes, high bridge of nose, thick lips, and a face of acne, which seemed a little thin. But "people can't be judged by their looks, and the sea water can't be measured", Miss Yang's writing style is unique!


Among his new collection of essays, Essays for Children, I like his Feather best. The main point of this article is that a boy in the third day of junior high wrote only two lines of words when he finished an exercise, and this sentence was copied. So the students laughed at him, but Mr. Yang praised him... "It was unexpected.


Therefore, I asked Mr. Yang curiously, "Why don't you just scold that student?" Mr. Yang's answer surprised me. He said: "That student is the first time to see him. If he criticized him immediately, the students would hate him, but if he praised him, it would make the students more interested and appreciate the advantages of others." It's really admirable to hear such an educational method of Mr. Yang.


From the whole conversation, I think Miss Yang is a teacher who knows how to appreciate others. Although the student performed badly, he would still find the bright spots on his students. We also encourage everyone to learn to develop new knowledge and insights, rather than just one answer.


The good times are always so short, and the visit time is approaching the end. We asked Mr. Yang to sign one by one and take a group photo. This chat made me understand why Miss Yang can teach such excellent students and get everyone's recognition and affirmation. I think: mainly because he knows how to appreciate, and has a pair of eyes good at discovering the advantages of others.

一次特别的拜访作文 篇5


The reality is only in the blink of an eye.




One summer night, I was holding a Chinese book to review the ancient text "The Peach Blossom Garden" that I had just learned. The hot weather made me sleepy. As I read, I saw a mountain. There was a small hole in the mountain. I went in from the hole to the end. Suddenly, my eyes suddenly opened up. I was still thinking: how could this scene be familiar? Oh, by the way, like the scenery in the ancient text "A Tale of the Peach Blossom Garden" just learned, did I come to the Peach Blossom Garden? With doubt and curiosity, I walked forward step by step.

这里的人都盯着我看,像是在问:你是谁?从哪儿来?穿得好奇怪呀!我鼓足了勇气接近他们,并试着和他们对话。庆幸的是我可以跟他们沟通。了解了他们的情况后,我问起了曾经拜访过这里的渔人。源中人说:“很久之前的确有个人来过这里,但他不遵守诺言,把源里的事说了出去,当时我们就设法把外面的环境做了改变,就再也没有人来过了。”接着,他们开始询问我:“你是从哪儿来的?外面是什么朝代?”我答道:“我是从二十一世纪来的。外面已经是高科技时代了。”我随手把手机拿出来给他们介绍起来。他们一个个都满脸的惊奇,我让他们把手机拿在手里,他们不知所措,开始没人敢接,后来又捧在手里一动不动,谨慎的端详着。不一会儿,手机铃声响了,把他们都吓了一跳,连忙把手机还给我。我又劝道:“外面的世界发生了翻天覆地的变化,早已经不再兵连祸结,比你们向往的和平安宁的社会,更多了富足、强盛······”接着,我又说了网络、奥运、环保;改革开放、旅游、股票······滔滔不绝,连我都觉得没有层次,反正是上下两片嘴唇说个不停,源中人自始至终瞪大眼睛,嘴成 O形,太过瘾了。“听你说了这么多,我们对外面的世界也产生了兴趣,有机会,我们一定出去看看。”

People here stare at me as if to ask: Who are you? From where? What a strange dress! I mustered the courage to approach them and try to talk to them. Fortunately, I can communicate with them. After learning about them, I asked about the fishermen who had visited here. The source said, "A long time ago, someone did come here, but he didn't keep his promise and told us what happened in the source. At that time, we managed to change the outside environment, and no one came again." Then, They began to ask me: "Where do you come from? What dynasty is it outside?" I replied: "I come from the 21st century. It is a high-tech era outside." I took out my mobile phone to introduce it to them. They all looked surprised one by one. I asked them to hold their mobile phones in their hands. They were at a loss. At first, no one dared to answer them. Later, they held them in their hands and looked carefully. After a while, the phone rang, which made them all jump, and they quickly returned the phone to me. I also advised: "The outside world has undergone earth shaking changes. It is no longer a chain of wars. It is richer and stronger than the peaceful and peaceful society you aspire to..." Then I said about the Internet, the Olympics and environmental protection; The reform and opening up, tourism, and stocks are so eloquent that even I don't think there is any hierarchy. Anyway, the upper and lower lips keep talking. The source people always stare with big eyes and their mouth is in an "O" shape, which is very satisfying. "After hearing so much from you, we have also become interested in the outside world. If we have a chance, we must go out and have a look."


"Why did I fall asleep?" Mom woke the dreamer with a word. It turned out that I had a dream. What a fantastic dream! It's exciting to talk to the ancients.


Later, I remembered the ancient article "A Tale of the Peach Blossom Garden". Whenever I thought of this article, I would remember this special visit.

一次特别的拜访作文 篇6


The first time I saw Teacher Fei was on the path outside her house. She was walking,. Teacher Fei is a Chinese teacher over 50 years old. When we arrived at her house, we started a short conversation. I don't know why. I was never afraid to face my teacher. When I saw Teacher Fei, I was very nervous. "What do you usually do?" Teacher Fei asked. "I... didn't do anything." When I answered, I was worried that I might say something wrong. The atmosphere became more and more awkward. I, who usually talked most, felt like a mute today. Unless Teacher Fei took the initiative to talk to me, I would shut up. Time seems to be very slow in my heart. The chair looks like a nail. I can't sit still. I really want to escape from this terrible environment.


At this time, Teacher Fei gave me a piece of paper and asked me to write an article topic. This article is about how I felt after meeting Teacher Fei for the first time. I wonder if it is because Teacher Fei's blog is called Old Madam Alcohol, or because I really can't write it, I wrote "Old Madam Humor" on the paper. When the teacher asked me why I went to this name, I actually used disrespectful language to say that the teacher was very funny. The reason is that the foreword does not match the following words. It's almost incoherent. I keep asking myself: am I not good at taking questions? Didn't I also win the composition contest prize? What happened to me just now? Before leaving, Teacher Fei gave me two assignments to write reading notes and composition. Originally, these two assignments were also my strengths, but perhaps Teacher Fei assigned them to me, but I felt that they would be more difficult than the exam.


I thought highly of myself, especially in writing. But after this special visit, I seem to feel that I am the dumbest child in the world, and I even write a composition topic so badly. I obviously feel that there is still a lot of knowledge I need to learn, and I am not as good as I think. In fact, the knowledge I know is so small. In the future, we must remember this visit to make ourselves more perfect and excellent!


So Federer's rule over tennis ended? " I sat in front of the computer and murmured, listlessly looking at the online news headline "Red clay has been ruled by Nadal, Federer has lost the second impact". Federer lost to Nadal twice in a row, which undoubtedly made things worse for him. Will he give up? Keep fighting? Or give up? At night, with such questions, I fell asleep in a daze


Eh? Where is this? Why am I here? It's like a tennis court here. Someone is playing there. He looks like Federer! No, that's it! I was shocked and walked closer. He kept swinging, hitting, swinging and hitting at the three service machines. His clothes on his back were soaked with sweat, and the hairband on his forehead was also wet with sweat and stuck to his forehead. How long he had been practicing? I couldn't help but wonder. I watched him stop and sit at the sideline to rest. I walked over gently, "Hello, Federer, I'm your fan, can I talk to you?" He nodded, "Yes, do you like to watch me play?" I smiled. "Of course, with the perfect forehand and tricky service route, you are a king on the court." "So is Nadal!" "Er, this......" I dare not answer, afraid to touch the softest place in his heart. "Oh, you don't have to escape. It doesn't matter if you lose once, it doesn't matter if you lose twice. It's no big deal, and Nadal is not invincible." "Ah! Roger, you......" I was surprised. Federer has dominated tennis for four years, and he has won every victory. Now he has been defeated twice by the rookie Nadal. I was surprised that his psychological competition is so strong. I looked at him incredulously. Federer is still a gentleman's elegant smile, "It's nothing. Some media say that I have no hope on the red soil, or that this is my limit, but the limit is transcended and exists. Federer will not disappear, and I will defeat Nadal! I will not give up! Persistence, perseverance, perseverance, and I will succeed!" I looked at him, for a moment, I seemed to understand the true meaning of greatness. Greatness is not invincible, but never say die! In a twinkling of an eye, Federer returned to the court and continued to practice. I firmly believe that he will succeed.


When I opened my eyes, I returned home again. Eh, I was chatting with Federer just now. Oh, it was a dream! A month later, "Federer ended the championship shortage and successfully defeated Nadal in today's Madrid clay master tournament." Looking at this news, I felt as if I would fly! The king of heaven will fail, but he will never give up, which is the real side of Fei Tianwang.


Outside the window, a few sparse stars are inlaid in the sky. The moonlight is like pouring down white Lian, sprinkled on the roof of the house, and suddenly it seems that the whole world is lit up. The lead of the moon, the cloud light is thin.


Looking back on that unknown time, looking back on the years covered, in addition to lamenting the speed of time passing, I also covered my mouth and snickered at me when I was young. The universe is measured by hundreds of millions of years, and life is less than a blink of an eye, let alone a shorter childhood. The harmony of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the softness of clouds and mist, the majesty of thousands of rocks and valleys, and the beauty of mountains and rivers. These scenes and ideas may only be felt when you were young


When I opened the door, the room was silent. Only the sound of the sea tide lingered in my ears. I walked in gently, and the moonlight slanted into the hut, as if everything in the room was covered with a layer of light and mist. The look of fog. A burst of footsteps came, looked up and suddenly felt that the face was so familiar. After a while, I realized that the person was me and she was my childhood.


We sat in each other's arms and had a heart to heart talk. She talked about my past, and I told about my present and future. Talk to each other about everything. One produced two,two produced three,three produced all things. I can temporarily misinterpret that childhood to youth, youth to adulthood, is an eternal process. And the center of this process is childhood, where youth comes first. There is youth before there is a future. Then we talked about the future, and said: I am clear, why not live and die.


I felt tired, so I said goodbye to her and ended this bold visit. After a while, I realized that it was just a dream. In a special dream, there was a special meeting and a special visit.

一次特别的拜访作文 篇7


When I just entered the third day of junior high school, the school was again divided into classes. I was very uncomfortable with this new environment. I always felt that everything seemed out of place with me. I don't know whether it is because of too much pressure on study or because I have no friends all day. Being bored and bored, I began to become more and more quiet, and even began to estrange my teachers, alienate my classmates, and blame my parents. It is really "asking how much sorrow you can have, just like a river flowing eastward".


With depression, my study also began to decline, so that once the test scores fell to an unacceptable level. This continuous vicious circle has made me more and more reluctant to learn, and I also have an idea that I don't want to go to school. I know clearly what this means. My future will be dark, but I have no choice but to go on like this.


Until that day, when I happened to see the former head teacher, I suddenly felt a bit warm. Maybe it was because she said a word of concern to me, or maybe it was the smile that I had never seen for a long time. In short, my heart seemed to be immersed in sugar water, as if the surrounding air was full of fragrant and sweet taste, and the sun became very warm and comfortable.


From then on, somehow, I always thought about it day and night, hoping to be transferred to her class. The idea is there, but can it work? Will it happen that "those who eat noodles in soup and those who eat cold noodles sit opposite each other - hot at one end and cold at the other"? I started to think about it again. But at last I summoned up the courage to visit her.


I thought she would be very happy when I saw her, but I didn't expect that I was still very nervous, and my palms and forehead kept sweating. After I explained my intention to her with trepidation, She smiled kindly and said to me: "It's normal that you don't adapt to a class at the beginning, but you don't need to do so! Maybe you are reluctant to part with your former head teacher, or maybe you are unfamiliar with the new head teacher, so you have this idea. Although we are not in the same class, you can come to me with any problems! I will help you! Don't just delay your study, right?"


I nodded and could not say a word.


"Well, 'Little Jinhua, don't cry, dry your tears, and sing a' Taming Mickey Ballad 'to us!' As the saying goes, there is no feast that will never end! What's more, you can get more guidance and help from teachers when you go to the new class. How wonderful! The departure now is to meet better in the future! I think you will face reality, overcome difficulties, and be a strong person in life!"


The teacher's words made me laugh through tears. It is better to listen to your words than to read for ten years. Open the dark clouds to see the sunny day!


I think that Liu Bei made three trips to the cottage and got a third of the world thanks to the guidance of experts. Now I, an ignorant boy, can step into the right learning track and move towards a better tomorrow thanks to my teacher, my special visit!

一次特别的拜访作文 篇8


The first time I saw Teacher Fei was on the path outside her house. She was walking. Teacher Fei is a Chinese teacher over 50 years old. When we arrived at her house, we started a short conversation. I don't know why. I was never afraid to face my teacher. When I saw Teacher Fei, I was very nervous. "What do you usually do?" Teacher Fei asked. "I... didn't do anything." When I answered, I was worried that I might say something wrong. The atmosphere became more and more awkward. I, who usually talked most, felt like a mute today. Unless Teacher Fei took the initiative to talk to me, I would shut up. Time seems to be very slow in my heart. The chair looks like a nail. I can't sit still. I really want to escape from this terrible environment.


At this time, Teacher Fei gave me a piece of paper and asked me to write an article topic. This article is about how I felt after meeting Teacher Fei for the first time. I wonder if it is because Teacher Fei's blog is called Old Madam Alcohol, or because I really can't write it, I wrote "Old Madam Humor" on the paper. When the teacher asked me why I went to this name, I actually used disrespectful language to say that the teacher was very funny. The reason is that the foreword does not match the following words. It's almost incoherent. I keep asking myself: am I not good at taking questions? Didn't I also win the composition contest prize? What happened to me just now? Before leaving, Teacher Fei gave me two assignments to write reading notes and composition. Originally, these two assignments were also my strengths, but perhaps Teacher Fei assigned them to me, but I felt that they would be more difficult than the exam.


I thought highly of myself, especially in writing. But after this special visit, I seem to feel that I am the dumbest child in the world, and I even write a composition topic so badly. I obviously feel that there is still a lot of knowledge I need to learn, and I am not as good as I think. In fact, the knowledge I know is so small. In the future, we must remember this visit to make ourselves more perfect and excellent!


So Federer's rule over tennis ended? " I sat in front of the computer and murmured, listlessly looking at the online news headline "Red clay has been ruled by Nadal, Federer has lost the second impact". Federer lost to Nadal twice in a row, which undoubtedly made things worse for him. Will he give up? Keep fighting? Or give up? At night, with such questions, I fell asleep in a daze


Eh? Where is this? Why am I here? It's like a tennis court here. Someone is playing there. He looks like Federer! No, that's it! I was shocked and walked closer. He kept swinging, hitting, swinging and hitting the ball at the three serving machines. His clothes on his back have been soaked with sweat, and the hair band on his forehead has also been wet with sweat and stuck to his forehead. How long has he been practicing? I can't help marveling at him. I watched him stop and sit at the sideline to rest. I walked over gently, "Hello, Federer, I'm your football fan, can I talk to you?" He nodded, "Yes, do you like to watch me play?" I smiled. "Of course, with the perfect forehand and tricky service route, you are a king on the court." "So is Nadal!" "Er, this......" I dare not answer, afraid to touch the softest place in his heart. "Oh, you don't have to escape. It doesn't matter if you lose once, it doesn't matter if you lose twice. It's no big deal, and Nadal is not invincible." "Ah! Roger, you......" I was surprised. Federer has dominated tennis for four years, and he has won every victory. Now he has been defeated twice by the rookie Nadal. I was surprised that his psychological competition is so strong. I looked at him incredulously. Federer is still a gentleman's elegant smile, "It's nothing. Some media say that I have no hope on the red soil, or that this is my limit, but the limit is transcended and exists. Federer will not disappear, and I will defeat Nadal! I will not give up! Persistence, perseverance, perseverance, and I will succeed!" I looked at him, for a moment, I seemed to understand the true meaning of greatness. Greatness is not invincible, but never say die! In a twinkling of an eye, Federer returned to the court and continued to practice. I firmly believe that he will succeed. Page 12