
时间:2022-11-09 13:25:45 | 来源:语文通



陶渊明议论文 篇1陶渊明议论文 篇2陶渊明议论文 篇3陶渊明议论文 篇4

陶渊明议论文 篇1


You were a generation of talented people with great wealth. However, when you saw the pain of the people and the corruption of the officialdom, you knew that you could not change the filth of the real society, so the idea in your heart came to mind - to be a traveler, regardless of the noise of the world, to be yourself.


Wearing a cloth coat and a pair of sandals, he drifted away, accompanied by happiness in the mountains, and gave the world a firm figure.


Tao Yuanming lived in seclusion at the foot of the Nanshan Mountain for about two years. Although he had a hard time, he could not eat or live well in his patched coarse cloth short clothes. "But there is a real meaning in this." These are all from this poor person who should have enjoyed wealth, but now he is poor. Tao Yuanming has always been indifferent to fame and wealth, not pursuing a prosperous society. He is out of tune with the world and has a reclusive demeanor. He enjoys himself and is fond of reading. He doesn't study as deeply as the world does. He doesn't study for fame and wealth like the world does. Tao Yuanming is happy in spirit, straightforward and bold. I like drinking and have a good time when I drink. I hope I won't return if I'm not drunk. Tao Yuanming is also quiet and seldom talks, which shows that he is not ambitious.


Eating and drinking, but not often, because the family is poor. So I often go to relatives and friends' houses to drink. The pots used to hold rice and ladle water are often empty.


Wear a patched coarse cloth coat without gold thread and silver thread. In cold winter, there is no cotton to resist the attack of low temperature.


I live here. There are no decorations around me. I can't block the wind and the sun.


The bright moon at the foot of the Nanshan Moon illuminates the confusion of the world. We do not study for rights, struggle for interests, or live for official names. It is this bright moon that ushers in the rising sun for the world.


Tao Yuanming lived in seclusion in the mountains in order to live a quiet and leisurely life. He put aside the oppression and exploitation of officialdom. He did not live for money, but only for himself.

陶渊明议论文 篇2


The sun's belly is slightly exposed in the east, the mist is shrouded in gauze, and the river bank is full of water vapor. A hoe man who walks lightly and leisurely, walks to the farmland and starts his farming life. His bean sprouts are very lush and green, but there are weeds taller than him around them, swaying in the wind. He sighs, shakes his head, and points to the weeds, as if he is talking to himself. For a long time, he bent down and carefully hoed the weeds. He saw that the neat bean sprouts were swaying in the wind and wiped off the sweat, showing a happy smile.


At the foot of the mountain, chrysanthemums are everywhere, colorful, with crystal clear dewdrops, emitting a charming fragrance. This is because the hoe man gets up every morning to collect clean dew to irrigate them, and he gently hoes the messy branches with his hands. You work at sunrise and return at sunset, and you are a beast with insects and birds, and a companion with the sun and the moon. The setting sun is golden on one side. The elegant chrysanthemums are smiling and proud in the autumn wind. You lift your sleeves, wipe the sweat off your forehead, and look at the clouds on the South Mountain. You laugh and sigh, and feel comfortable. Let his officialdom ups and downs, the world is difficult and dangerous, and everything has become a thing of the past.


On the head, the angel is blue. At the foot, the flowers are yellow. These charming scenes were all bought by him through labor and sweat. He came to the grass house surrounded by five willows. Wow, it was Mr. Wu Liu. How could the man who "didn't bow down for five bushels of rice" talk to me?


You hated the life of officialdom, and then came to the countryside to start your own hard working life and enjoy your own pastoral life. I know you, you don't care about the poor and the poor, and you don't care about the rich and the noble. Maybe you are convinced by something, and you have to do this; I know you. You often write articles to amuse yourself and show your ambition. Otherwise, how can you stand the loneliness of Nanshan. I understand that the noisy world has given me a dream like today, but let me lose a dream like yesterday. Because of my innocence, happiness has long been destroyed by this secular. I understand that you are watching the Nanshan Mountain alone, not only to stay away from the noisy city, but also to enjoy the idyllic life under the Nanshan Mountain and live out your own style.


Mr. Tao Qian, you use your hard hands to cut through the thorns and beautify life with your hard work. You use your intelligent brain and noble and magnificent personality to forge countless wonderful personalities, enlighten our wisdom, clean our hearts and bloom colorful flowers.

陶渊明议论文 篇3


Tao Yuanming was the most outstanding poet in the 500 year history of Han, Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties, and founded the "pastoral poetry" school. He was born in a declining aristocratic family. When he was young, he had the ambition to help the world. But because of his humble family background, he had to surrender his ambition and humiliate himself and some officials. He was very tired, so he began to give up official fame and fortune to pursue peace and indifference of the mind.


He is a slightly negative person. His "Ci of Returning Home" describes that from the road to the bedroom, then to the courtyard and countryside, at first, he was "really lost, but today is not yesterday", and that it is right to go home, but it is wrong to be an official. However, after appreciating the magnificent scenery of nature, he sighed and sighed that "when we get the good things, we feel that we are going to stop". It must be that most people who are old but too attached to the beautiful things in the world often have such negative thoughts!


At the same time, he is also a person who is good at using positive emotions to resolve internal conflicts. "How long can we live in the world?", "Wealth is not my wish, and the emperor's hometown cannot be expected." More importantly, he uses a positive attitude to persuade his heart to be loyal to the destiny and be content with its duties. This reminds me of a saying, "Sometimes there must be something in the life, and there must be no time in the life." Sometimes success requires time, place, and people to have it at the same time. He also said, "I understand the past without remonstrance, and I know the future can be tracked", which is exactly what I like best.


He is also a person with lofty integrity. The sentence "How can you bow down to the children in the countryside for five tons of rice" deeply touched my heart, and this sentence has also been widely spread, which has been eulogized by later generations.


He is a real hermit. He lives in seclusion only to get rid of the fetters of secular officialdom. At the same time, he deeply loves the beautiful countryside. The sentence "Jielu is in the human realm, without the noise of cars and horses. Ask how can you, and your heart is far away from you" is the best proof. Different from other people's "shortcut", I think only he is the most pure person!


What he showed us was a tranquil picture of being content with poverty and contentment, advocating nature, and indifferent to fame and wealth, but all these scenes were hidden in the scenery for us to explore. The ingenious natural scenery also revealed the ease of rural life and the joy of the author.

陶渊明议论文 篇4


I stood at the foot of the Nanshan Mountain, looking at the half of the world red with the setting sun; Look at the infinite beauty of the sunset; Look at the birds' nests.


The nose is surrounded by a light aroma of wine. Under the hazy moonlight, I can see moss covered bluestone slabs, skewed fences, and a ray of light in the dilapidated cottage. Through the chrysanthemums clustered in the moonlight, I push open the door of "squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky". Ah! This is Tao Yuanming's world.


I saw you singing when you were drunk and laughing freely. I saw you wearing short brown clothes and empty buckets of rice. I knew that you would not bow down for five fistfuls of rice and would not live in the officialdom where you cheated and pursued fame and wealth. You despised officialdom and hid in the vast sea of people. Your noble and pure figure is deeply engraved in my heart.


I want to ask you, have you ever repented? You don't answer, but your meaning is clear. Presumably, "There is a real meaning in this, but I have forgotten to say it if I want to distinguish it." I think of your imaginary world - Taohuayuan. Bursts of singing sounds like sounds of nature, and the happy picture of old people and children emerges in front of us. How pleasant! How free! The yearning world is like the moon in the water. Flowers in the mirror can be touched but not obtained. With a pure and sincere heart, you are really enviable for pursuing your own ideal in that dark and turbulent era.


The horizon grew white. The cottage was frosted with white frost. Looking out of the house, it is already fragrant and full of elegant and simple autumn chrysanthemums. You "pick chrysanthemums under the east fence and leisurely see the south mountain". Your eyes are reflecting the beauty of the mountains and waters. The breeze is blowing, blowing your white hair and disturbing a nest of light yellow. At this moment, you are in harmony with nature. In your life, you have been pursuing the pastoral pleasure of "warming a distant village, smoking in the ruins, barking dogs in deep alleys, and crowing chickens in the mulberry trees". You have created a new school of classical poetry - the pastoral poetry school. I seem to see the scene of birds singing and flowers blooming in your poems. Reading your poems, no matter how anxious your heart is, it will be gradually smoothed.


When you walk through my world, I always think of you when I am restless. The heart that rolls in the mud will be slowly washed away and replaced by calm and positive. It is you who make me change and become positive, and I begin to live every day well. I began to pursue my dreams bravely and persistently. Because of you, I believe that my dreams are not just dreams and thoughts.


Tao Yuanming, you are the pure land in my heart and the faint fragrance of flowers in my dream.


Tao Yuanming, you hide. You just don't want to be rich, you just don't want to give up for five bushels of rice, you just don't want to be covered in the stink of money and keep the integrity of the literati. Take a step back. Your retreat has become the first sect of seclusion and created a school of Chinese seclusion culture. Your chrysanthemum fragrance is not only in my heart, but also in the long river of Chinese culture.