
时间:2022-11-28 12:44:42 | 来源:语文通





The rows of bamboos are as beautiful as hundreds of dancing dancers.


Bamboo is also tall, like the long legs of heaven.


The heavy snow bent the bamboo poles, and the bamboo shoots with branches and leaves stuck smoothly under the hillside, like a group of wild people with hair down their sleeves.


Spring is like satin, lily is like brocade, azalea is like rosy clouds, and narcissus is like clouds.


A tree of white flowers, like snow, like jade, like clouds, like flying spray.


All the green lotus are showing their feelings of the past.


Wild flowers all over the mountain show off their love season.


The eye-catching mountain flowers look like colorful jade.


The purple lilies reflected in the lake kept their heads down.


Clusters and patches of wild roses grow all over the grassland and hills. The colorful flowers are like baby's lips, like pine eyes, like the feather of the bird of paradise, like unmelted snow, like the rosy clouds flying in the morning... They are very bright.


If cactus plants attract you with their uniqueness, azaleas welcome you with enthusiasm. Look, the red is as bright as the morning glow, and the white is as bright as smoke. It is said that this flower is called Jindalai by North Korea, which really deserves its reputation.


I found a cluster of cockscomb flowers under the standing stone tablet. It grew out of a finger wide mud crack in the middle of the tomb path. It seems that someone specially planted and worshipped here. Its thick stems have swollen the entire mud seam, almost squeezing the concrete on both sides.


Youlan is the daughter of Kuaiji Mountain; There is her figure in the cliff and col. She never criticizes the environment, location, treatment and nutrition, nor does she compete for excellence and show her talents. Just rooted in the chest of Kuaiji, Youlan will be leafy and fragrant, and silently and diligently adorn the appearance of Kuaiji Mountain. Youlan is the symbol of Kuaiji Mountain. It is tenacious and persistent. Youlan, in spring, summer and autumn, will bear flower buds and send out fragrance.



The farmers stood on the ground, looking at the yellow rice like a dog's tail, and their hearts were as sweet as honey.


This road is planted with sorghum, which has grown taller than human head and looks green like an endless wall.


The red sorghum, like countless torches, reddened the sky.


The red sorghum ears are full of round and full pearl like fruits, nodding and smiling to the industrious people in the breeze.


When many plants are withered by the scorching sun, only sorghum stubbornly sticks to its waist, and will hold out a spike of bright red grains in autumn.


In the field, the ears of grain bent down deeply, as if they were greeting the host of the visitor politely.


Each grain of millet is big and full, shining like amber.


The ears of grain all over the ground look like a dog's tail. They are golden and yellow. I love them very much!


After several times of infiltration rain, the corn seedlings grew up like air blowing. Soon, the annual green curtain appeared again.


On the fat green sword like corn leaves, there is also wet night dew. When the wind shakes, the dew rolls down the thick straw.


The melon garden looked green from a distance. The watermelons were big and round, wearing green striped coats, and lying quietly in the melon fields.


Yantai pear, a big yellow skin, is like a big belly gourd. When you bite, the sweet pear flows on your tongue and seeps into your throat, just like honey.


The pear is sweet and fragrant. When you take a bite of it, the sweet water flows down your chin.


The skin of Yali pear is very thin, so thin that it sometimes breaks when touched; Big, big enough to surprise you; Juicy, a bite is like drinking a bowl of sweet water from sweet spring.



This cauliflower is white and looks like a baby face.


The cauliflower raised their pale yellow faces and smiled in the face of the red sun.


The newly born young forest is like the velvet on the head of a baby.


The peach forest in the rain, without dust and noise, is quiet like a fairyland.


The primeval forest is like a wild man with rough and tough character.


The forest gives us female tenderness like a mother. We grow together with the green buds in early spring, and give birth in the maple leaves in autumn with the smell of rosin.


I saw the tall and thick trees, like wooden umbrellas.


The acacia tree is like a couple, telling endless love stories.


The sprouting leaves are as delicate as the children in the moon.


Xinjiang Yang, Beijing Yang and Masson Pine form a magnificent military band.


Sometimes there are fire like maple trees, either east or west, like red flags hunting against the wind.


Weeping willows, green bamboos and blue waves form an interesting contrast.


The tall and vigorous Korean pine stands like a giant pillar in the sky among the trees, like the greatest man in the forest.


The soul of the tree is more attached to this land because of the inspiration of the earth's creatures. It absorbs the essence of the sun, the moon, the earth, and the earth, and tries to restore new vitality with indomitable energy and perseverance, setting off another ten mile noisy green waves.



Flowers, since ancient times, how many poets have indulged in chanting and loudly praising them. Its fragrant and gorgeous color fragrance makes people drunk without drinking; It is full of vigor and vitality.


There are green grass on the bank. The green and clear waves are just like a corner of the blue sky cut out, falling among the golden and yellow sand ridges, and also like bright eyes in the desert.


A few small grasses, which emerged from the gap at the foot of the boulder, shook happily in the spring wind. Ah, as long as it is a seed, we should enjoy the intoxication of youth.


The luxuriant branches and leaves are tinged with emerald green.


Pieces of leaves flicker, just like the faces of girls.


One or two drops of rain and dew remained on the tender leaves, as crystal as tears.


The long sword like green leaves are intertwined with each other and are airtight.


Next to a tall and handsome poplar tree, a row of bent willows were planted. Willows on both sides of the road swayed gently, nodding to each other in mid air. Over time, they were like lovers in love, closely following each other and climbing together. Build an arched green corridor for pedestrians.


This is a forest belt composed of ten rows of tall P. davidiana in each row. Standing among them, it is like walking in a majestic honor guard. The wind is blowing the luxuriant branches and leaves of poplar trees overhead, like countless flags hunting loudly.


Only root, in the underground where people can't see, cultivates nervously for the colorful flowers. The sacred project of warming the world -- the big building of spring, is just paved and supported by the roots.



In the Mid Autumn Festival, the peach is ripe. With its red mouth and a coat of fluff, it looks so beautiful and lovely. Like a shy girl, it hangs its head and blushes.


The peach tree with thick mouth grows luxuriantly. The small peaches look like abacus beads.


The appearance of pomegranate is like a spherical vase with a small mouth. Its skin is yellowish brown. Peeling the skin, you can see that the crystal clear fruits are arranged neatly, one layer after another.


The pineapple growing in the heart of the sword leaf pokes its head curiously from the green leaves in the yard, looks around, and spies on the passengers coming and going.


This red, fresh, round lychee has a full, crystal flesh, and is as white as glutinous rice dumplings.


The lychees covered with trees are dense, like countless stars in the sky at night.


A bunch of grapes are long, green and transparent, as if they were carved out of crystal and jade.


He picked a bunch of grapes like amethyst balls, which were so full that sweet juice almost flowed out.


Don't mention eating this grape. It's comfortable to look at it for a long time. If you eat a bunch of it, it will be sweet for several days!


A thousand branches of the persimmon tree lifted up red lanterns, swaying in the autumn wind and flashing on the blue sky.


The red and yellow apples bent the branches, just like many fat dolls grinning at people.


In the vegetable garden, leeks sprout, spinach pouts, cucumber seedlings split into leaves, bean seedlings break the ground, and the border is full of vitality.


In the vegetable field, green vegetables, cabbage, leek and spinach are all shining with dew.


The light red tomatoes are just hanging on the A-shaped trellis, just like colorful lamps.



Grass with their own little bit of green, woven into pieces of green carpet.


The grass quietly greened the whole mountain, weaving and decorating spring clothes for hometown.


With the continuous ups and downs of the terrain, the velvety green grass reaches the sky, like a thick blanket on the earth.


The color of the grass is rich and colorful, connecting one by one, which is better than the tapestry woven by skillful hands. It is alive, natural and harmonious.


The grass looks monotonous in front of the gorgeous flowers, and weak at the foot of the towering trees. However, although hurricanes can uproot trees and blow flowers to pieces, they cannot take root in grass.


When the storm came, many crops, flowers and small trees were knocked about by the wind and rain, while the grass firmly grasped the soil, held its head high, and stood up like a fearless soldier.


The crops were all twisted into ropes, and a puff of smoke came from stepping on the ground.


As soon as the sun rises, the crops in the field will be painted with a layer of color.


The wheat in the field is as green as a lake when the wind blows.


When the breeze blows, the wheat shoots shake gently, as if they are energetic and ready to use their full strength to jump up!


The wheat is weak, thin, withered and yellow, as short and shriveled as dog tail grass.


The wheat seedlings in the ridge were sparse, as if they were looking forward to rain.


The heavy rice, like golden pearls, is really killing me!


The rice changed into a rich gold suit, and bowed its head shyly. The breeze blows and the golden waves roll.



Cactus is a jasper in the yellow sand, an island in the dry sea, and a hero in the desert; They bring vitality, prosperity and mysterious hope to the burning desert.


The reeds are blossoming, and the reeds are floating, white and soft, like clusters of light feathers, swaying in the wind.


The newly blooming reeds in the shallow water beside the river are rustling and chattering with the spring breeze, like whispering a hazy love poem.


Wild flowers are everywhere: miscellaneous, nameless, nameless, scattered in the grass, like eyes, like stars, still blinking.


In the fields and hillsides beside the road, wild chrysanthemums are golden, like stars embellishing the blue sky, and are decorated with vast fields.


After the rain, the wild flowers on the grassland are blooming like a flower scarf that has just been soaked in water. Even dew beads are colorful!


On the grass beside the road, there are clusters of dandelions, umbrella shaped small white flower balls, scattered in the wind.


The yellow flowers of dandelion are gorgeous and brilliant - small, delicate, like some chickens, they flutter, laugh, and look so kind and lovely.


A few days later, two white petals of the flower bone flower on the cactus appeared, like a bird trying to break its eggshell, which was very popular.


The cactus flower, like a long trumpet, is playing cheerful music against the blue sky.


The downy seeds of dandelion were flying in the air, as if they were saying goodbye to autumn.


Mimosa is like a shy girl. As long as you touch it gently on its leaves, it will close up and its branches will also hang down, as if you can't see people.


The grass also swayed under the breeze, as if singing and dancing gently with the morning wind.