Have you ever heard the sound of the little rain drop?In the quiet night, it was got rid of a heavy rain.The large mix of millet grains hit the bluestone bricks, sobbing in half of the precipitation, and they flowed into the river like children, receiving the rivers' stroke.
Have you heard the sound of Xiangyangkui happy communication?Xiang Yangkui, who was tired for a day, bowed his waist and similarly explained the happy things, sad things, ordinary things, or novel things, and spoke all the emotions of the day.
Have you heard the sound of fallen leaves falling?In the early autumn morning, a leaf fell gently from the treetop, floating and floating, falling on the river on the side of the roadside pond, slightly cool, and the leaves were slowly slipped away.
If you ask, isn't this all the sound of imagination?Why can't I hear it?So, let me talk a little more clearly, have you always heard the sound of water?When the sea is hit on the rock reef, when a drop of water dripped gently in the stream, when the hot boiling water rushes across the leaves, what can you always hear!
Have you ever heard these usual voices in daily life?The voice of the sister's crying, the father's sound of the lighter ...
However, people are getting bigger and bigger, and it is more and more difficult to listen to the sound as carefully as before. Is it like a real puppet man?
Are you good at applying your ears?Have you heard the global voice?You will hear it!
1、一定:一定读音为yī dìng,是指1.一经制定;一经确定。 2.固定不变;注定。 3.规定的,确定的。 4.必然;确实无疑。 5.表示坚决。多用于第一人称。 6.某种程度的;适当的。 7.特定。 8.犹统一。一定 yī dìng词典解释:1.一经制定;一经确定。 2.固定不变;注定。 3.规定的,确定的。 4.必然;确实无疑。 5.表示坚决。多用于第一人称。 6.某种程度的;适当的。 7.特定。 8.犹统一。(1) [fixed;specified;regular]∶规定的,确定的(2) [definite;constant]∶固定不变的(3) [surely;certainly;necessarily]∶必定;必然(4) [given;particular;certain]∶特定的在一定的条件下分词解释:不变:1.常用于诗或古文,可以意味不变的恒常性或稳定性。 2.使…不发生不合心意的改变。 3.使 [某物]不再改变。注定:非人的意志或人力所能左右而预先决定的:注定会成功|命中注定。无疑:1.没有疑惧;没有猜疑。 2.没有疑问。确实:①真实可靠:消息确实|确实的证据。②副词。表示情况符合实际:问题确实很复杂|你确实比我强得多。...一定怎么造句,用一定造句»
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