
时间:2022-06-28 13:18:26 | 来源:语文通



There are many discussions in the class room, and only see the teacher's serious eyes.Every classmate is not high, and he can hear even a needle falling on the ground.


Nothing, this class has been taken in this class.Each classmate is thinking about her head down and described.This test is a Chinese lesson. I feel uneasy in the face of this exam. The test papers are difficult!There is no comment on the ancient text, the short text is obscure, and the problem is difficult.


Write the short essay questions.Remaining writing, I just wanted to relieve it. At first glance, I was not calm for a moment!What do you think?This is really difficult!A series of questions flew out of my mind.I died as a living horse doctor and wrote an article at will.After the exam is completed, the day of our country is frightened, and what should always come.The quickly came out, and I couldn't bear to look straight.Some people still have excellent results.I was very envious and asked them to advice, and they only told me the word "reading".


I woke up like a dream: Yes, the students who got the excellent results were all the "rich children" in the eyes of everyone. It happened to be because they read more and deal with various reading short essays.score.I can't help but find this one, the five flavors are mixed!I just hate less when the book is used, right and wrong, I don't know if it is difficult "!


Everyone must read more. Shatabia also said, "Books are the steps of human development." Only when you read more, you can get excellent results.Everyone's Chinese class test scores can be good, because "those who get Chinese lessons, get the world"!This is the feeling I got in the exam. It wants me to wake up like a dream.



1、中的:中的读音为zhòng dì,是指1.指箭射中靶心。 2.指达到目的。 3.犹言中肯,切当。中的 zhōng de词典解释:1.指箭射中靶心。 2.指达到目的。 3.犹言中肯,切当。分词解释:中肯:《庄子.养生主》:“技经肯綮之未尝,而况大軱乎?”肯,着骨之肉;綮,筋骨结合处。肯綮为肢体紧要之处,后即以“中肯”指言论击中要害或恰到好处:你说的话很中肯|其言甚中肯,余深赞之。靶心:靶子的中心。目的:想要达到或希望得到的预期地点或结果:他说这话的目的是想提醒大家别忘了以前同学时的友谊。达到:1.到达。 2.达成;得到。多指抽象事物或程度。切当:贴切恰当。...中的怎么造句,用中的造句»

2、发现:发现读音为fā xiàn,是指①经过研究、探索等,看到或找到前人没有看到的事物或规律:发现新的基本粒子 ㄧ有所发明,有所发现,有所创造。②发觉:这两天,我发现他好像有什么心事。发现 fā xiàn词语解释:①经过研究、探索等,看到或找到前人没有看到的事物或规律:发现新的基本粒子 ㄧ有所发明,有所发现,有所创造。②发觉:这两天,我发现他好像有什么心事。分词解释:心事:心里所想的事;看法:欲将心事寄瑶琴,知音少,弦断有谁听|父亲现在的唯一心事是希望我继续深造。探索:探寻求索:用志不专,探索不精|我想用无言的话去探索她的心。事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。基本粒子:构成物体的比原子核更简单的物质,包括电子、正电子、质子、中子、光子、介子、超子、变子、反粒子等。也叫粒子。...发现怎么造句,用发现造句»

3、考试:考试读音为kǎo shì,是指通过书面或口头提问的方式,考查知识或技能。 通过书面或口头回答、现场操作等方式考查人的技能或知识水平考试 kǎo shì词语意思:通过书面或口头提问的方式,考查知识或技能。[examination;test;exam] 通过书面或口头回答、现场操作等方式考查人的技能或知识水平分词解释:提问:1.传讯审问。 2.提出问题要求回答。考查:用一定的标准来检查衡量(行为、活动):考查学生的学业成绩。通过:1.通行;穿过。 2.议案等经过法定人数的同意而成立。 3.以人或事物为媒介或手段达到某种目的。 4.征求有关的人或组织的同意或核准。...考试怎么造句,用考试造句»