
时间:2022-09-15 13:28:32 | 来源:语文通



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有关清明节扫墓作文 篇1


After some bumps, we came to the martyr's cemetery.As soon as I walked into the door.The first thing that came into view was a huge stone monument, which vividly portrayed the soldiers of the soldiers on the battlefield.This reminds me of the war years of that year.


There is a saying that the ancient poems are "rainy during the Qingming season, and pedestrians want to break the soul on the road."This sentence vividly describes the scene of the Qingming season.Qingming is a day for everyone to sacrifice their loved ones.However, who is our loved ones?It is those martyrs who donate their lives.So this afternoon, all the sixth grade teachers and students of our school came to the Cemetery of Shuangfeng Martyrs with a respectful mood to sacrifice the tomb of the martyrs.


This time, it is very different from usual, so the mood is no longer so excited, but more solemn and sad. After some bumps, we came to the martyr's cemetery. As soon as I walked into the door. The first thing that came into view was a huge stone monument, which vividly portrayed the soldiers of the soldiers on the battlefield. This reminds me of the years of war that year, countless revolutionary predecessors, for the birth of the Republic, and fighting against the enemy heroically, many soldiers presented their young life. With the painful mood, under the leadership of the teacher, we slowly walked to the wide square, and under the monument to the eight characters of "the revolutionary predecessor forever", all our teachers and students held a grand sweeping ceremony. From recitation to oath, every sincere words represent our infinite respect and nostalgia for revolutionary martyrs. Then, we walked around the tomb of the circular martyrs in the center of the cemetery. There were twenty -four martyrs who slept here, and some of them didn't even leave their names. There was a low sorrow in my ears. Gently, the steps of each classmate were gently, for fear of waking up the martyrs who had been "sleeping". We presented the little white flowers we made for the martyrs. Although the flowers were small, they were not exquisite, but they represent our hearts. Finally, we came to the History Museum, which showed us the touching deeds and lives of countless martyrs, and displayed the glorious proof and relics of the martyrs. Although they may be just an ordinary soldier, they all adhere to their posts and make their own contributions to the motherland and the people.


When I was about to leave, I was attracted by a small stele at the door.The eight characters written by Chairman Mao himself on it: "The greatness of life, the glory of death." Isn't this describing all the sacrificed revolutionary ancestors?


I was so emotional when I walked out of the martyr's cemetery.Let us jointly inherit the legacy of the ancestors, cherish the great time in front of our eyes, study hard, actively, and grow up to make their own contributions to the motherland.

清明节扫墓的作文500字 篇2


The Qingming Festival has arrived, and we have to remember the martyrs who are always in the country at all times. In order to defend our motherland, defend the dignity of the motherland, we have presented our precious life!Without the heroic sacrifice of the martyrs, how can there be our happy time today?There is a poem written like this: Aoyama buried loyalty everywhere, why do you need to wrap the corpse!We must not forget the martyrs, forget history!What we have to do in the peaceful age is: study hard!Revitalize China!Let our country richer.


The martyrs faced the danger of life and death in the Chinese nation. They built the Great Wall of Steel and Steel with their flesh and blood, and worked with the Japanese imperialist invaders to have a happy life today.Everyone will sing "Singing the Second Little Cowherd"!On October 25, 1942, the second child met a devil who intended to go into the village when he put a cattle on the hillside.The devil asked him to lead the way, but the second child brought the devil into the ambush circle of the Eighth Route Army.After the devil found the upper, he stabbed his chest with a bayonet ... After Wang Erxiao sacrificed, the local military and civilians buried him on the hillside behind the village."Jinchaji Daily" published the news about his heroic deeds in the first edition.The writer Fang Bing and the song writer robbers were deeply moved by Wang Erxiao's deeds, and quickly created this song that has been circulating for more than 60 years.


At this time of last year, we also went to the grave of the martyrs.When we stood in front of the martyr's monument, we felt sorry.It was not lamenting for the disappearance of the martyr's life, it was shocked by the great life value.We will always remember them because they are indeed the descendants of Yanhuang.


classmates!Let us inherit the legacy of Xianlie, study hard, study hard for the construction of our hometown, for the prosperity and prosperity of the motherland, and create a better tomorrow!

清明节扫墓的作文500字 篇3


Today is April 5 -On the second day of the Qingming Festival, I went with the whole family to the grandfather's grandfather -A Tai Sweeping Tomb.The weather on this day was a bit gloomy, a bit like a rain, which reminded me of the verse of the poem "the rainy season, the pedestrian on the road wants to break the soul".


After arriving in A Tai’s grave, we burn incense first, and then burned the prepared coins to A Tai. May A Tai get a lot of money in another world.The car opens ... I hope I will bless me a bright future.


In fact, the grave sweeping the grave every year is these procedures:


First, cut grass.


Second, burn incense.


Third, burn coins and some things used in other worlds.


Fourth, hoe.


Fifth, set off firecrackers.This is a memorial to the dead relatives.


Thinking about it, I remembered that when I was young, A Tai had not died.At that time, although A Tai's face was full of wrinkles and her hair was white, she still loved me very much. A Tai Cixiang smiled and left me a deep impression since childhood.


From an early age, A Tai has been very concerned about me and loves. At that time, A Tai lived in the grandfather's house. She liked to play small mahjong. GenerallyBuy me a delicious one."Yao Cub! A Tai bought a delicious back!" When I came back, I always hugged and held it gently.At that time, I was happy every day.And A Tai played with me every day, and taught me to play chess and write.I remember once, the neighbor named A Tai to play mahjong.And I disagreed, and even knocked her head with a stick.Thinking of it, I am really sorry for her!I knocked her head, and she didn't blame me, and she said with a smile.I finally regret it.Yes: I hurt the person who loves me the most.


Now, I have gone, and her kind face is still clear in my mind.

清明节扫墓的作文600字 篇4


After breakfast on April 3, I followed my mother, grandparents, aunt aunt and other loved ones to take several cars to worship ancestors.The weather is good today. Although the sun is not heavy, there is no rain.There are long warblers outside the window, and a vibrant scene, my mood is also very flying.


After a while, the car came to a small river, slowly across the bridge on the river, and then stopped on the river beach. We got out of the car, took the worship products bought on the road, closed the door, and started climbing. Come to a forest road, from a distance, a four or four square walls appeared in front of the front, and slowly approached. I saw about one person tall on the wall. , Wave shape. When I came to the entrance, I saw several mauskers in the wall. Several relatives took a broom to sweep the grave. After sweeping, adults put the fragrant candle, firecrackers, wreaths, etc. Come over. I saw a few steps on several tombs. Bricks were built around the grave. It was round. There were black and white photos and Long Feifeng dance on the tombstone. The top of the tombstone was covered with stone tiles to prevent the rain from wet. Each of us took three lit incense, queuing in line in turn, wished, and then inserted a wreath on the grave ... After coming out, the adults began to fire firecrackers. ", The sound of firecrackers rushed into the air over the air, deafening, we all covered our ears, and the sound of firecrackers lasted for a few minutes.


There is another place to worship, so we set off to the next place.The trees are towering along the way, and the green grass is Yin.There are some wild vegetables in the grass and there are wild celery. Listening to them say that there are wolfberry, adults pick these wild vegetables while chatting and chatting.


On the way back, my mother said to me, "The Qingming Festival is our traditional festival in China. Not only is they to worship their ancestors, but also those heroes who donate their lives in the war period, because they desperately defend the country, in exchange for us now.Peace and beauty. "Mom said and turned on the mobile phone and said," Let's worship British Lie online. "Together with my mother, I solemnly tribes the martyrs on the Internet.

清明节扫墓的作文500字 篇5


Today is the Qingming Festival, and we came to the martyr's monument in the People's Park with a heavy mood.


The host finished the manuscript, and the first part was the overseas flag.The five -star red flag that fluttered in the wind made me remind of the prosperity of the motherland. The martyrs were exchanged by blood. At this moment, my heart was full of respect for the martyrs. The salute of each classmate present was respect for the martyrs.


The second part is to sing "Juvenile Pioneer Team Song".The majestic music sounded, and the classmates sang "we are the successor of the communist, inheriting the glorious tradition of the revolutionary ancestors, love the motherland, love the people, and the bright red scarf flutter in front of the chest., To win, move forward bravely, move towards victory, move forward bravely, advance! "Each lyrics strongly moved everyone's hearts present.Revolutionary martyrs gave us a happy life and gave us the world of prosperity.


The third link is the call sign."Ready to struggle for the cause of communism!" "Be prepared at all times!" Yes, prepare at all times, which strengthens the voice of each of us.The Communist Party did not complete, and we did what the Communist Party did not do.


The fourth stage is three bows."One bow!" Expressing our respect for the martyrs; "two bow!" Expressed the martyrs for giving us such a good life; "three bow!" Expressed the love of the classmates for the motherland.


The fifth link is to send white flowers to the martyrs.The classmates rose together one by one, and put Xiaohua under the martyr's monument.The final link was to retire from the national flag, and the five -star red flag returned again.

清明节扫墓的作文600字 篇6


It was another Saturday of the holiday, and it was just a few days before the Qingming Festival. In order to allow us to worship the ancestors, the family came to sweep the grave a few days in advance.But this grave sweeping is not as simple as before. This grave sweeping may bring us many happy things.


Along the way, we once again smelled the unique flavor of the countryside- "fresh air".Everything is good in the bustling cities, but the air is influenced by the industry and becomes a layer of smoke everywhere, making the sky slowly become gray, and the fresh taste has disappeared in the city.Back here, I felt that the sky on our head was so blue, and the white clouds were so white. I really wanted to live in this sky forever and enjoy the taste that we couldn't smell in the city.After watching the sky, and looking at the mountain next to me, it is really impossible to associate.


On the mountain, a wild pine was born upright in the soil of the cliff and steep wall; Yiyi Ying Mountain Red spit out its new branches to us. Accompanied by spring, the flower buds gradually grew out, as if to report to us for the coming of spring; pearThe tree's branches are full of white pear flowers. Under the call of the spring breeze, it sprinkle its small petals into the world and spread a white avenue on the road, as if we are welcome to pass on it here.The atmosphere of spring was injected into my mind, making me feel refreshed.


After watching the perfect spring light, we started our own arrangements -make bamboo rice rice.The clever uncle has long brought the tools they should bring."Da Da Da" came from the sound of uncle chopping bamboo, and then began to see it. After a period of time, we can finally bake the bamboo rice rice on the fire. We waited patiently for a while.Well, we have been screaming in our stomach, and we can't wait to eat it, because everyone has no experience, so some bamboo rice rice is still half -life.This can kill me, and I ca n’t taste the fragrance of bamboo rice rice, but this always gives us a little lesson, let us be better for bamboo rice rice next time.

有关清明节扫墓作文 篇7


In this wonderful day, we remember our thoughts of our ancestors and followed our father to sweep the grave.When we arrived on the mountain, we first worshiped Grandpa and Grandma.Wow, there are so many people!There is a mother -in -law family and my father and brother.Everyone was doing things separately. The two uncle was responsible for removing the weeds around the grave. His wife and dwelling put on sacrifices such as food, fruits in front of the grave.The second aunt, the five aunts of the Tang Dynasty, and the dad were holding the money paper, and three or five made a stack of stones around the grave.After the above things were done, the uncle began to ignite the paper money.So, you took the gold and silver ingot paper and cast it into the fire.The fire is burning and stronger, and the grandmother and uncle keep praying in the mouth: "Grandpa, grandma, please ask your old man in the spirit of heaven, to bless his descendants, safe and healthy, he is a good place, and he has been admitted to famous universities in the future.In the future, make a fortune ... ".


After a while, the money was almost burned, and the uncle set off a row of firecrackers, indicating that the sacrifice was over.My mother -in -law called us to go: "What do you like to eat?" Everyone is really a little hungry, and they all eat a food they like, cousin eats squid, her aunt eats flower clams, and the second aunt daughter drinks Wang Laoji., I do n’t want to eat first, I ca n’t stand the politeness of my wife and uncle, I barely ate a banana. The most interesting thing is my father. I clamped the oil cake in the light cake and chewed it.It's right.Everyone chatted while eating.


After eating, adults started to pick up the remaining sacrifice.The mother -in -law raised the burden and took her family to go down the mountain first.I followed my father, uncle, cousin, and church to go up the mountain, and sacrificed to the grandparents' tomb.When I got up, I couldn't help but look at the mountains, and I noticed that the sound of firecrackers from the mountains all over the mountains were endless, and the grave swept the grave was busy.After a while, we came to the tomb of grandpa and grandma, and saw a lot of grass around the tomb.I remember when my grandmother died two years ago, I came to the burial and didn't see any grass.


The sacrifice has begun, and the entire ceremony process is similar to just now.After finishing, it was a firecracker and a sacrifice.I found that the sacrifice at this time was not the one who sacrificed the grandparents.I was a little curious, so I secretly asked my dad: "Why prepare two sacrifices?" Dad replied, "If you eat the leftovers left to the grandparents, how can you do it?" I feel my dad saidIt makes sense, nodded to understand.Dad also asked me if I knew the words on the tombstone. I didn't understand, so he explained to me again.


After sweeping the grave, we went home to go home.

清明节扫墓的作文500字 篇8


This year is the first year of the Qingming Festival vacation. I can also go to the grave with my parents.


The tomb sweeping of the Qingming Festival is from the traditional exercise of our Chinese nation.


The Qingming Festival is a day when we remember our ancestors, solemn and solemn.


Although the worship of the upside of Qingming on the mountain is very tired, sometimes it will fall a few wrestling, and the mountain road is very difficult, but the mood of commemorating the loved ones is pious.


Today, my parents and I went to the grave of the uncle.When I died, I was only 50 years old. I had not been born at that time. Although I did not exist in the image of the uncle, the feeling of nostalgia did not decrease, so I cherished this tomb sweeping operation even more.Parents come to sacrifice every year, change words for the tombstone, and remove some weeds.But the grass's vitality is so strong, just a year of work to cover the entire tomb.It's really "the wildfire is endless, and the spring breeze is blowing again." It seems that the task of cutting grass is very arduous. I quickly picked up the sickle and weeding.It's off.At this time, Dad came to help me. He said, "Cut the grass first, then press the grass tightly, then press the grass down, and then cut it with a sickle to cut the grass." Follow Dad’s method, I really cut it!With the efforts of my parents and my mother, the grass was finally cleaned.I also helped my mother sweep the ground, and put the flowers respectfully, so that the graveyard of the uncle also turned into a green and environmentally friendly net garden.


Qingming is determined to have advantages and disadvantages on holidays. Although everyone can have time to go to the grave, the traffic on the mountain has become a big problem. On the way back, we blocked the car for an hour.Tired, I think there is also a norm in the security dredging in the future.


Today, although I am very tired, I am very happy. I have learned knowledge and used my own labor to express my nostalgia and respect for the ancestors.

清明扫墓作文 篇9


In the customs of Qingming, the customs of grave sweeping from ancient times have the greatest impact on future generations.Even in the era of "Breaking the Four Old and Four News", the custom was not forgotten and broken.So, what does "grave sweep" mean?The so -called "grave sweeping" is the abbreviation of "graveyard" or "cleansing the cemetery". It is not that people really want people to clean the grave.Such customs have been formed before the Han Dynasty.For example, "Hanshu · Yan Yannian Biography" has a record of "eliminating the cemetery", but it is not determined that the time is Qingming.


Before the Qin and Han dynasties, there were many tombs without tombs.Therefore, when the "Cemetery" or "Clear Cemetery", in addition to cleaning the cemetery to keep the cemetery, the cave on the ground should be filled with soil to prevent the fox and mouse rabbit from entering.Later, the grave was formed above the tomb, but the practice of adding new soils still did not change, and the claims of the grave sweeping were also circulated.The cemetery chosen by the ancients is generally high, so they go up to the cemetery, which is the saying that "the tomb" is generated.


Whether it is "grave sweeping" or "grave", its date is determined during the "cold food" period, not the Qingming season.The cold food is one or two days before Qingming.There is a saying about the origin of the cold food as a commemorative day that it originated from the Jinwen Gong Memorial Journal Push.According to this statement, cold food is related to those who commemorate the death.However, from the Han Dynasty to the Southern Dynasties, many books recorded the customs of the cold food day to ban fire, and did not mention the grave sweeping.In the Tang Dynasty, the situation changed, and the tomb of cold food not only became a custom, but also included in the scope of "ritual".Generally, sacrifices are used to sacrifice their ancestors, which is popular in the home of the people, and the royal family also follows.In this regard, there are related records in "Old Tang Book" and "New Tang Book".


However, why did it become Qingming Tomb after the grave sweeping?One of the reasons is that the cold food is only one or two days before the Qingming, and there is no much difference in time during the cold food and the Qingming period.The second reason is that the cold food forbidden fire is just folk customs. There are no hard regulations for the dynasties of the past, and some do not allow the people to do so.In addition, the north is relatively cold during the cold food, and it is not advisable to eat cold food, so more and more people have given up the custom of banning fire and eating hot food.Cold food can't help but eat hot food, it is easy to be diluted and forgotten.Qingming is a lunar calendar solar terms that cannot be forgotten.Especially farmers, they usually can't forget "planting melons before and after the clear Ming".As a result, the more people remembered the Qingming and Qingming grave, the more people remembering the grave on the grave.After the changes in the past, the content of the tomb sweeping of Qingming has gradually shaped, including adding new soil to the grave, hanging green (actually hanging white salamanders), burning money paper and upper sacrifice.