
时间:2022-07-23 13:21:06 | 来源:语文通



In the classroom, some classmates paint rabbits, some paint fish, some painted cows ... What are we doing?Forecast


I saw the teacher open five fingers, his fingertips facing up, and a "snap" sounded on the blackboard with his palms vigorously. I thought: Thank you, the teacher, the blackboard did not mess with you, why should you fight the blackboard?

接着老师沿着手掌的边缘,描出轮廓,把手放下来后,黑板上出现了一个秀气的手掌印 。

Then the teacher followed the edge of the palm to describe the outline. After putting it down, a showdown of the palm appeared on the blackboard.

然后老师从指尖上画出垂下来的弯弯的线条 ,再添上雨点似的叶子,最后延长手臂,画上年轮,并取名为“手掌柳”。

Then the teacher draws the curved lines hanging down from the fingertips, adds the rain -like leaves, and finally extend the arm, draws the annual wheel, and names it "palm willow".

看着老师的画,我的手也痒痒了,我想了想,要不我画一只鸭吧,因为我非常喜欢鸭子 。

Looking at the teacher's paintings, my hand itching, I thought about it, or I paint a duck, because I like ducks very much.

我说干就干,首先把纸横了过来,五指张开,使劲地压在白纸上,再沿着手的边缘描了一圈,一只鸭子就画出来了,再添上白云和河流,瞧,一只鸭子就在水面上游泳呢!最后我取名为“手掌鸭”。 我看着自己的画得意地笑了 。

When I said, I would do it. First of all, the paper came over, opened the five fingers, pressed it hard on the white paper, and then traced it along the edge of the hand., A duck swims on the water! Finally, I named it "Palm Duck".I laughed at my paintings proudly.


Today, I am really happy, and my palms are really amazing.


手不仅可以写,可以拿东西,还可以作为画画的工具呢!不信,请跟我来 。

The hand can not only write, can be used, but also as a tool for drawing! Don't believe it, please follow me.

我在上作文课时发现丫丫老师拿这一沓五颜六色的纸进了教室。上课了,丫丫老师首先张开了自己的大手掌,“啪”的一声 ,将手用力地按在了黑板上,接着丫丫老师拿起粉笔沿着手的边缘画出轮廓,再放一下手,随后黑板上出现了一个手掌印,然后在指尖上画出了弯弯的线条,再添上雨点似的叶子,最后画上年轮,延长手臂,并起名为“手掌里”,就这样,丫丫老师的一幅大作品就大功告成了。

When I was writing in class, I found that Teacher Yaya entered the classroom with this colorful paper.After class, Teacher Yaya first opened his big palm, "slap", pressed his hand on the blackboard, and then Teacher Yaya picked up the lund to draw the outline along the edge of the hand, and then put the hand again.Then there was a palm print on the blackboard, and then drawn the curved lines on the fingertips, adding rain -like leaves, and finally drawing the annual wheel, extending the arm, and named it "in the palm of the hand". That's it., A large work of Teacher Yaya made great achievements.


Now, Teacher Yaya asked us to draw a picture of ourselves. I first put my palms on the paper, then hooked out the outline, then drawn a sign on the fingers, and then wrote on the notice sign. Finally, draw on the palm of the hand.Match people, I think I painted the most distinctively, because I looked around, some of them painted calfs, some painted small fish, and some painted lizards, and only me who painted me.


I am very happy today because I painted a most creative palm painting.


同学们,有的画大象,有的画 长颈鹿,有的画熊猫……哈哈别以为我们在上美术课,我们正在作文课上画手掌画呢 !

Students, some paintings, some paintings, some pandas ... haha, don't think we are taking art classes, we are drawing hands in composition classWhat!

我心想:我平时最喜欢画小鱼了,那就画小鱼吧!说着我就画了起来,首先我把中指无名指食指并拢,画出了一条小鱼的轮廓,然后画上嘟起来的小嘴巴,卡姿兰大眼睛和漂亮的花纹,再在周围画上珊瑚,海草和一连串由小到大的泡泡,最后取名为“手掌鱼 ”,我的画就画好了,顿时就仿佛有一条可爱的小鱼在水里吐泡泡呢!

I thought to myself: I usually like to paint a small fish the most, then draw a small fish! Speaking of me, I paint it. First of allThe small mouth, Cazilan's big eyes and beautiful patterns, and then drawing corals, seaweed and a series of bubbles from small to large, and finally named it "palm fish".There is a cute little fish spit bubble in the water!


The palm drawing is really interesting, so you can quickly do it!



1、手掌:手掌读音为shǒu zhǎng,是指1.腕关节与指之间的部分。亦指手心的一面。 2.比喻所控制的范围。 指人手的手指基部与腕部之间稍凹的部分,当屈伸时,手指正与之相合手掌 shǒu zhǎng词语意思:1.腕关节与指之间的部分。亦指手心的一面。 2.比喻所控制的范围。[palm] 指人手的手指基部与腕部之间稍凹的部分,当屈伸时,手指正与之相合分词解释:手心:1.手掌的中心部分。 2.比喻所控制的范围。控制:①掌握住不使任意活动或越出范围;操纵:控制数字ㄧ自动控制。②使处于自己的占有、管理或影响之下:殖民地的经济为宗主国所控制ㄧ102高地已完全控制在我军手中ㄧ制高点的火力控制了整片开阔地。范围:①周围界限:地区范围ㄧ工作范围ㄧ活动范围ㄧ他们谈话的范围很广,涉及政治、科学、文学等各方面。②〈书〉限制;概括:纵横四溢,不可范围。一面:1.一个方面。有时指一方的重任。 2.指一个方向。 3.指物体的几个面之一。 4.一方。 5.犹言自行,自主。 6.一次会面。 7.表数量。用于扁平的物件,亦用于成片的景物。 8.表示两种以上的动作或活动同时进行。可单用或连用。...手掌怎么造句,用手掌造句»

2、神奇:神奇读音为shén qí,是指神妙奇特。 非常奇妙的拿着这张神奇的纸就可以和我一样通行无阻这一切初听起来过于神奇怪诞,却正反映了人民对屈原的无限怀念之情。——《长江三峡》神奇 shén qí词语意思:神妙奇特。[magic;miraculous;mystic;supernatural] 非常奇妙的拿着这张神奇的纸就可以和我一样通行无阻这一切初听起来过于神奇怪诞,却正反映了人民对屈原的无限怀念之情。——《长江三峡》分词解释:奇特:不寻常﹐特别。神妙:1.亦作“神眇”。 2.神奇巧妙。● 奇 qí ㄑㄧˊ◎ 特殊的,稀罕,不常见的:奇闻。奇迹。奇志。奇观。奇妙。奇巧。奇耻大辱。◎ 出人意料的,令人不测的:奇兵。奇计。奇袭。出奇制胜。◎ 惊异,引以为奇:奇怪。惊奇。不足为奇。● 奇 jī ㄐㄧˉ◎ 数目不成双的,与“偶”相对:奇数(不能被二整除的数,如一、三、五、七、九等,正的奇数亦称“单数”)。◎ 零数:奇零(不满整数的数)。奇羡(赢余,积存的财物)。有奇(如“八分奇奇”即八分多一点)。● 神 shén ㄕㄣˊ◎ 迷信的人称天地万物的创造者和所崇拜的人死后的精灵:神仙。神怪。神主。神社。神农。神甫。神权。鬼使神差。◎ 不可思议的,特别希奇的:神秘。神奇。神异。神话。神机妙算。◎ 不平凡的,特别高超的:神勇。神医。神通。神圣。神速。◎ 心思,心力,注意力:劳神。凝神。神魂颠倒。◎ 表情:神色。神采。神姿。神志。◎ 精神:神清气爽。◎ 姓。...神奇怎么造句,用神奇造句»