
时间:2022-07-22 13:25:18 | 来源:语文通



We all know such a story. Three poor young people have obtained a treasure map, and they go to find treasure together.When they came to a big mountain, a young man thought that the mountain was so high. If there was no treasure, it would not be a big loss, so he gave up.In addition, the two treasure hunting journey again, when he walked to the half -hillside, it had already passed one day. One of them said that the mountain was so high that he didn't know how long he had to climb at halfway.The only young man climbed to the peak heroically. As a result, he got a large box. There were many golden jewelry in the small box and a small note.It is a reward for you. This year, the light people have become rich, and the other two or one poverty.


I learned a bicycle.


For the first time, I was still hitting a branch when I was learning a bicycle. I gave up, just like the first young man.


For the second time, I was still in a bicycle on the street, and I fell off the bicycle when I came up, but I haven't given up. After an hour of hard work, I was almost hit by the car when I was about to ride a bicycle.I gave up learning bicycles again, just like the second young man.


For the third time, learning to riding a bicycle was in the summer of my sixth grade. When I saw my partners riding a bicycle, I also wanted to try it up, but because the unsuccessful learning license in the previous two times asked me to hit the drum.It may be that they understood my thoughts, and they fought to inspire me to ride a ride, and some came to pull me to ride. I couldn't help but encourage them. I obeyed the arrangement to ride a bicycle.The unsuccessful black shadow, I still fell out of the car without kicking on the foot, and scratched some skin.No matter how painful I fell, they called me up and then came to come. I said that I didn't allow me to go home if I didn't learn the bicycle. At this time, I also had a guts that I was not afraid of difficulties.Two hours later, I knew how to ride a bicycle.


Now my driving skills are very good, and it is much more convenient to go to my classmates or fishing.The whole process of learning a driver's license is that I really understand a great truth. That is, only the persistence of persistence will achieve success. Perseverance is a kind of quality that cannot be lacking in the road of life, a pretty.



Opening the book of memory, I picked up the beauty in it and put it in the brutal sac.I once swam the famous scenery, and I was emotional to the beauty of "flying down three thousand feet"; I also looked up at the starry sky after the rain, and was surprised to the light of the colorful rainbow.But the scene of the mood was fiercely floating on the campus, and there was a kind of unique beauty called persistence.


It was a brilliant morning, wind and sunny.With comfortable emotions, I rushed to the stairs of the college.I was preparing to go up the stairs in advance, and Luo saw a weak shadow -it was a high school sister, which looked very beautiful, and the clothes and pants were neatly dressed.Alas, how can she support two sticks?I took a closer look that her feet were tied with thick gauze, and the swollen was basically like a thick brown seed, only to walk around with the help of the stick.On the side, there is also an older woman, which is about her mother.


"Ah!" I was preparing to return to the classroom in advance, stepped into the indoor stairs, and suddenly there was a weak cry behind me. I turned around, but I saw the sister's face with a pain, and went to the first -level indoor stairs. Seeing the situation, her mother hurriedly helped her, but she was decisively thrown away: "No need to support it, you can do it by herself!" It seemed to be to better confirm her ability to work. Go to another step. The wounded legs trembled slightly, she gritted her teeth, and diligently made the human body as much as possible to move up. Although it has entered the severe winter season, her forehead was full of beans's sweat at this time, flowing down the cheeks, and she was unclear whether it was sweat or tears. "Ah!" When her feet fell at the next step, she shouted in a low voice. People who have not experienced such difficult people must not imagine how severe pain is. But seeing her mouth trembling slightly, as if I was saying, "I will be able to go!" She was so one by one, one by one, and one by one, even when her feet trembled very strong Did not abandon.


Finally, under the difficulties, she was one layer after walking.Standing at the entrance of the stairs, he slowly turned around and smiled at his mother., Go to a sweat, her eyes are so clear, and the smile is so beautiful.I stood still, and my heart was full of shocking, and I was drunk by the beauty.The power of confidence is really beautiful!


I can't forget that beauty.That smile was buried in my heart for a long time.When I was in trouble, it was like a wave of waves in my heart, and told me that there was a kind of beauty and perseverance!



1、一种:一种读音为yī zhǒng,是指1.一个种类。 2.一个部族。 3.一样;同样。一种 yī zhǒng词典解释:1.一个种类。 2.一个部族。 3.一样;同样。分词解释:一样:1.同样;没有差别。 2.表示相似。 3.一种;一件。部族:①中国历史上对聚居的部落和氏族的简称或合称。②一般指还处于奴隶社会或封建社会时期的民族。不以血缘为联系,而以地域为联系并建立在私有制基础上,其内部已出现阶级对立及剥削现象。同样:相同,一样。一个:1.表数量。单个。用于人和各种事物。 2.整个。 3.用在动词和补语之间,表示程度。 4.跟名词﹑动词结合,用在谓语动词前,表示快速或突然。种类:1.根据事物本身的性质或特点而分成的门类。 2.犹种族。...一种怎么造句,用一种造句»

2、坚持:坚持读音为jiān chí,是指坚决保持、维护或进行:坚持原则ㄧ坚持己见ㄧ坚持不懈 ㄧ坚持工作。坚持 jiān chí词语解释:坚决保持、维护或进行:坚持原则ㄧ坚持己见ㄧ坚持不懈 ㄧ坚持工作。分词解释:坚持不懈:懈:松懈。坚持到底,一点不忪懈。保持:维持(原状),使不消失或减弱:水土保持ㄧ保持冷静ㄧ保持物价稳定ㄧ跟群众保持密切联系。坚决:(态度、主张、行动等)确定不移;不犹豫:态度坚决ㄧ认识了错误就坚决改正 ㄧ坚决抓好安全生产的各项工作。...坚持怎么造句,用坚持造句»

3、坚持不懈:坚持不懈读音为jiān chí bù xiè,是指懈:松懈。坚持到底,一点不忪懈。坚持不懈 jiān chí bù xiè词语解释:懈:松懈。坚持到底,一点不忪懈。分词解释:一点:1.汉字的一种笔画。常指书画中的点画。 2.表示甚少或不定的数量。 3.一经指点。 4.一方面;一部分。 5.一小时。一天中的第一和第十三时,也称一点。松懈:①松弛懈怠:斗志松懈。②不密切:关系松懈。^...坚持不懈怎么造句,用坚持不懈造句»

4、美丽:美丽读音为měi lì,是指1.美好艳丽;好看。 2.指美女。 好看;漂亮,即在形式、比例、布局、风度、颜色或声音上接近完美或理想境界,使各种感官极为愉悦美丽 měi lì词语解释:1.美好艳丽;好看。 2.指美女。[beautiful] 好看;漂亮,即在形式、比例、布局、风度、颜色或声音上接近完美或理想境界,使各种感官极为愉悦分词解释:美好:好。好看:①看着舒服;美观:这花布做裙子穿一定很好看。②脸上有光彩;体面:儿子立了功,做娘的脸上也好看。③使人难堪叫做要人的好看:你让我上台表演,这不是要我的好看吗?美女:美丽的女子。艳丽:色彩明亮美丽:那富于色彩的连绵不断的山峦,像孔雀开屏,艳丽迷人。...美丽怎么造句,用美丽造句»