
时间:2022-11-23 13:06:52 | 来源:语文通


最美逆行者消防员作文 篇1最美逆行者白衣天使作文600字 篇2逆行者 篇3赞美抗击疫情的最美逆行者句子 篇4逆行者 篇5疫情过后励志的话 篇6逆行者 篇7逆行者 篇8逆行者 篇9

最美逆行者消防员作文 篇1


Today, the school carried out a fire drill, and we couldn't wait to see the scene at that time.


In the first class of the afternoon, before the class was over, a sharp alarm sounded. We quickly picked up the wet towels prepared in advance in the table, and hurriedly queued down to the playground. On the playground, the gas of smoke bombs roamed the whole playground, and the evil smile made me want to swallow another person. I was fascinated by a louder sound and shadow. I looked around and saw several fire engines behind me. I only played with a toy fire truck when I was young, but I never observed the fire truck so carefully, let alone the one in front of me.


In the rush of time, the drill officially began. A ladder fire truck stretched out the ladder, on which stood two firefighters' uncles. They "attacked" the third floor. The ladder seemed easy to control, but it was actually very difficult. The firefighters' uncles were adjusted again and again. In order not to delay, the firefighter went straight to the building and saved a girl. Later, a boy was saved with a wooden ladder. Finally, a teacher and three children on the top floor were rescued by a ladder, and they successfully completed the rescue task. The students and teachers on the scene could not help applauding. I looked up at the ladder and wanted to feel what it was like to be in the air.


Fire fighting is a dangerous job. Young firefighters always show up when the country and people need them most and lend a helping hand. For example, the big explosion in Tianjin Port shocked the whole country. It happened at 23:30 on August 12. The dangerous goods warehouse of Ruihai Company in the international logistics center of Tianjin Port exploded, killing 173 people, the youngest of whom was under 18 years old, Just a big boy, how sad it is!


Firefighters use their lives to protect their wealth and exchange their lives for others' lives. They declare to the world in the most solemn and stirring way that we have been here before and we are the most handsome rebels!

最美逆行者白衣天使作文600字 篇2


This Spring Festival is the most worrying Spring Festival I have ever had. With the outbreak of novel coronavirus in Wuhan, it quickly spread to all China; With the increasing number of confirmed cases; As the news continues to roll, most regions are in the plight of lack of materials, medical care, and hospital beds... All the pictures make me sad! I fell into a hole in the ice, and there was no place to place that struggle, that helplessness, and that fear!


There was such a picture that I could not help tears and thoughts.


A nurse in Henan, who had been at the forefront of the epidemic since the first day of the New Year, had not returned home for more than ten days. The 9-year-old daughter sent dumplings to her mother. She cried "Mom! Mom..." over and over again, and hugged her mother at the door of the hospital. She didn't leave for a long time.


As a child of the same age, if my mother has been working in a dangerous place, and if I can't see my mother for ten days and a half months, I can't imagine how much I will miss and suffer in my heart. It is the infinite worry and concern for my mother.


There are thousands of angels in white who, like this nurse, gave up to be reunited with their families and fought on the front line day and night during the Spring Festival. They are all worthy of our praise and memory.


I salute the angels in white. In the face of difficulties, they bravely went forward to save others regardless of their own safety. We can at least hide at home to isolate the virus, but they have no way out. They are great rebels!


I salute the angels in white. They are not gods, but ordinary people. They are also the children of their parents, the parents of their children. Many of them fell down or even died. It is their firm social responsibility that supports them. They are the real heroes in my heart.


I salute the angels in white, their dauntless spirit, their sense of social responsibility, their commendable courage and self sacrifice. With the angels in white, I am no longer afraid

逆行者 篇3


"The clouds are light, the wind is light, and the sky is near noon In March, we should sit in the classroom and listen to the pure teachings of our teachers. We should go to school happily with our beautiful schoolbags on our backs. Now we are online at home because of the "COVID-19" epidemic. This special classroom has not stopped our enthusiasm for learning, but I still miss the classroom and our campus.


This year is a special New Year, which is memorable for everyone. The New Year is a happy and expectant year for every Chinese. But in the New Year of 2020, the epidemic of "COVID-19" first occurred in Wuhan, China, which led to the spread of the whole country. "No one is born brave. It is because they are needed that they choose to go against the wind." Yes, many people risk being infected and still choose to go against the trend. Many people say they are heroes and angels in white. However, if this person at the front is your family, how do you face it?


I am a child who combines north and south. Every Spring Festival, I go to my grandmother's house in Henan to celebrate the New Year. My aunt is my closest friend. She is the head nurse of pediatrics in the local hospital, and my uncle is a government employee. Every Spring Festival, they will take me to taste all the food and enjoy the beautiful scenery everywhere. This Spring Festival is different. I was very disappointed that I didn't see them meeting at Grandma's house. Later, I learned that they were sent to the front line and couldn't go home. My uncle couldn't go out to eat and live in the tent for 24 hours because he was guarding the villagers. But the most pitiful are my sister and my brother. My sister is seven years old now, and my brother is less than two years old. I should have enjoyed the warmth in my mother's arms. I cried to find my mother every day. I remember that my aunt called my grandfather and cried that I missed them very much. I was helpless and reluctant to tell him whether I could not go to the front line, But grandpa just calmly said to his aunt, "This is your responsibility. If you have a task, you should finish it first. Don't worry about it at home." Only I know grandpa's sorrow. Although taking care of children is not as careful as mother, it is also a matter of accompanying with all one's heart. My sister and brother know that mother has a heavy responsibility, and they are also very sensible, waiting patiently for Mom and Dad to return!


At this time, I pay homage to my aunt and uncle. They also have family members and have difficulties, but they rush to the front because of their responsibilities. It is because of them that we see the light and hope. Maybe you are the person they saved or helped. Then please say thank you to them. It is they who extend a hand of hope to you, and lead you to the light under the retrograde!


As teenagers, we have to study hard, follow the footsteps of the rebels when we grow up, and explore scientific answers!

赞美抗击疫情的最美逆行者句子 篇4

1、 有这样一群人,他们是最美的逆行者,他们和温馨的年挥手作别,背起行囊,戴上护目镜,身穿防护服,坚定地投入到一个无声的战场,到患者需要的地方去。向他们致敬,期待他们平安凯旋!冬天即将结束,万物复苏更新。敬畏自然,守护生命,转发!致敬最美的逆行者。

1. There are a group of people who are the most beautiful traitors. They wave goodbye to the warm Nian, carry their bags, wear goggles, and wear protective clothing, and firmly commit themselves to a silent battlefield to where the patients need to go. Salute them and look forward to their safe and victorious return! Winter is coming to an end, and everything is reviving. Fear nature, guard life, forward! To the most beautiful traitor.

2、 冬天即将结束,万物复苏更新。敬畏自然,守护生命,转发!致敬最美的逆行者。

2. Winter is coming to an end, and everything is reviving. Fear nature, guard life, forward! To the most beautiful traitor.

3、 致敬我们身边最美的“逆行者”!因为有你们、我们的城市才美好!逆行奔波在所有困难面前,让我们携手,一定要相信明天会好的!

3. Salute the most beautiful "reverse walker" around us! Because of you, our city is beautiful! In the face of all difficulties, let's join hands and believe that tomorrow will be better!

4、 你们永远永远永远都是世界上最美最美最美的人!请你们注意安全,疫情过后,你们还要穿的美美的,化着美美的妆。你们真的是最美的

4. You will always be the most beautiful people in the world! Please pay attention to your safety. After the epidemic, you should wear beautiful clothes and wear beautiful makeup. You are really the most beautiful

5、 临行前,一位丈夫依依不舍,送别身为医护人员的妻子。“相识20载,今日送你出征是我最艰难的决定。虽然忧心,但我更有信心!”为了千家万户的安康,多少“白衣天使”舍小家为大家,毅然奔赴疫情防控第一线。无畏出征,扶危渡厄——向最美逆行者致敬!向默默支持他们的家人致敬!祝福“白衣天使”们平安凯旋!

5. Before leaving, a husband was reluctant to part with his wife, who was a medical worker. "I've known each other for 20 years. It's my hardest decision to send you to the war today. Although I'm worried, I'm more confident!" For the well-being of thousands of families, many "angels in white" left their families to the front line of epidemic prevention and control. Fearless to go to war, help the dangerous and overcome the difficulties -- pay tribute to the most beautiful rebel! Pay tribute to their families who silently support them! Wish the "angels in white" a safe and victorious return!

6、 新春佳节,人们都全家团聚,他们却毅然出发;病魔袭来,人们都避之不及,他们却迎面出击。他们柔弱的身躯将担负天大的重任;他们天使的心灵将负起战士的使命。

6. During the Spring Festival, people gathered with their families, but they set out resolutely; When the disease struck, people could not avoid it, but they attacked head-on. Their weak bodies will bear the great responsibility; Their angel's soul will take up the mission of a soldier.

7、 每一个前线的医务人员们,都用生命履行着自己的医学信仰,他们迎难而上,不计报酬、无论生死。致敬这些逆行者们,一定要平安回来

7. Every medical staff on the front line is fulfilling their medical beliefs with their lives. They rise to the challenge regardless of pay or life or death. Pay tribute to these rebels, and be sure to come back safely

8、 辛苦啦,最美的人!每当危难时刻,总有一群人冲在最前线保护我们!我很骄傲我是一个中国人。加油,武汉!

8. Hard work, the most beautiful person! Whenever we are in danger, there is always a group of people rushing to the front to protect us! I am very proud that I am a Chinese. Come on, Wuhan!

9、 眼含泪水,心系天下“钟”究是你,迎“南”而上,重于泰“山”!致敬最美的人!

9. With tears in my eyes, I feel that the "clock" in the world is you, and it is more important to welcome the "south" than the Thai "mountain"! To the most beautiful people!

10、 辛苦了!向所有医护人员致敬!希望你们保护好自己!没有你们的负重前行就没有我们的幸福安康!你们就是最美的人!

10. Hard work! Salute to all medical staff! I hope you can protect yourself! Without your weight, we will not be happy and healthy! You are the most beautiful people!

11、 春节在岗,疫情坚守,最美的人!你和战斗在疫情一线的医护工作者及一切为抗击疫情默默工作的人员,都是这座城市最美的风景!值得我们为你们点赞!

11. Spring Festival on duty, adhere to the epidemic, the most beautiful person! You, the medical workers fighting on the front line of the epidemic and all the people who work silently to fight against the epidemic are the most beautiful scenery in this city! We deserve to praise you!

12、 如果这次疫情,放过了人类,那么请人类,今后放过野生动物!如果这次疫情,被医护人员击败,那么请社会,今后善待医护人员!因为危难时,是他们用自己的命守护着你的命!他们不是不怕,也不是想要做英雄,只是使命在前,不能退缩。最美的人,最勇敢的心值得最高的敬意!

12. If this epidemic has spared human beings, please let wild animals go in the future! If this epidemic is defeated by medical staff, please treat medical staff kindly! Because when in danger, it is they who protect your life with their own life! They are not afraid, nor do they want to be heroes, but their mission is ahead of them, and they cannot shrink back. The most beautiful person and the bravest heart deserve the highest respect!

13、 最美的人,也请保护好自己,谢谢你们

13. The most beautiful people, please protect yourself, thank you

14、 我们不知道你是谁,但我们知道你为了谁。最美逆行者!

14. We don't know who you are, but we know who you are for. brave heroes who put themselves in harm's way

15、 这些在病魔灾难前面替我们负重前行的人们,他们是最伟大的!虽然在防护衣的掩盖下,我们看不清他们的面孔,但此时他们是最美的人。向他们致敬!

15. These people who carried the weight for us in front of the disease disaster are the greatest! Although we can't see their faces clearly under the cover of protective clothing, they are the most beautiful people at this time. Salute them!

16、 当理想,飘扬在一线战场 当逆行者奔忙,千万里万众守望 当温暖的呐喊,在耳边回荡 当英雄倔强,誓击倒病毒的狂 时间狠狠刻下人类伤疤和彷徨 也记录那勇敢的成长 不惧黑夜长,信念作火光 定有春暖花开万户汉加油!

16. When the ideal is flying in the front battlefield, when the rebels rush, when thousands of miles of people are watching, when the warm cry echoes in the ears, when the heroes are stubborn, when the crazy time of vowing to knock down the virus is ruthlessly engraved with human scars and hesitation, and also records that the brave growth is not afraid of the long night, and when the faith is made, there must be spring flowers and thousands of Chinese come on!

17、 这些逆行者,不是没有家人、没有牵挂。他们都只是平凡的爸爸、妈妈、儿子、妻子。面对严重扩散的疫情,他们也会害怕向所有为国内疫情防治工作作出贡献的医护人员们致敬!热切盼望最美逆行者们平安归来,我们始终在一起武汉加油!湖北加油!

17. These rebels are not without family and care. They are just ordinary fathers, mothers, sons and wives. In the face of the serious spread of the epidemic, they will also be afraid to pay tribute to all the medical staff who have contributed to the prevention and control of the epidemic in China! We sincerely hope that the most beautiful traitors can return safely, and we will always come to Wuhan together! Come on Hubei!

18、 没有你们的负重前行,哪来我们的春暖花开。一线医护人员,你们辛苦了!我们都在等你平安归来!重庆幺妹雄起!当代最可爱最美的人!

18. Without your weight, we can't have the spring flowers. First line medical staff, you have worked hard! We are waiting for your safe return! Chongqing Yaomei stands up! The cutest and most beautiful person in the contemporary era!

19、 最勇敢最美的人出发了,你一定要平安健康归来,我们都在等着你回来!加油!

19. The bravest and most beautiful people have started. You must come back safe and healthy. We are waiting for you! come on.

20、 逆行而上,最美的人!为了国家,为了人民,明知前面危机四伏,却不顾一切向前冲,你们是时代的真英雄!为了出色完成任务,请做好个人防护!我一直与你们同在!祝愿英雄们一切安好,平安归来,武汉加油!

20. The most beautiful person! For the sake of the country and the people, you are the true heroes of the times, knowing that there are many dangers ahead, but you rush forward regardless of everything! In order to complete the task well, please do a good job of personal protection! I am always with you! I wish the heroes all the best and come back safely. Come on, Wuhan!

21、 防控疫情,我们在一起! 少出门、戴口罩、勤洗手;室内勤通风、室外少聚集;打喷嚏捂口鼻,喷嚏后慎揉眼;远离野生动物,食物煮熟再吃;注意个人卫生,如有症状请及时就医;保护自己、保护家人、保护他人。愿大家健康平安!向疫情前线的医护人员们致敬!武汉加油!

21. We are together to prevent and control the epidemic! Go out less, wear masks and wash hands frequently; Frequent indoor ventilation and less outdoor gathering; Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing, and rub your eyes carefully after sneezing; Keep away from wild animals, and cook the food before eating; Pay attention to personal hygiene. If you have any symptoms, please see a doctor in time; Protect yourself, your family, and others. May everyone be healthy and safe! Pay tribute to the medical staff on the front line of the epidemic! Come on, Wuhan!

22、 到达武汉后,为了方便,女医护人员们果断剪掉心爱的长发,全身心投入到一线救援中。致敬,无论长发短发,你们都是最美的人!

22. After arriving in Wuhan, for convenience, the female medical staff resolutely cut off their beloved long hair and devoted themselves to first-line rescue. Salute, no matter long hair or short hair, you are the most beautiful person!

23、 为节约穿防护服的时间,医疗队的医护人员剪发上阵。你们一点都不丑,是最美的人。武汉加油!中国加油!

23. In order to save the time of wearing protective clothing, the medical staff of the medical team cut their hair. You are not ugly at all. You are the most beautiful people. Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

24、 辛苦了,战斗在第一线的英雄们。穿着防护服不能上厕所,不能留长发。你们穿着成人尿不湿,剪掉了留了一辈子的长发,不敢多吃,不敢多喝水,还要冒着被病毒传染的风险,受了常人无法言语的苦。你们是20__年最美的人,新时代的英雄。加油,最美的人

24. The heroes who fought on the front line after hard work. Do not go to the toilet or wear long hair when wearing protective clothing. You wear adult diapers, cut off long hair that has been left for a lifetime, dare not eat more, dare not drink more water, and risk being infected by viruses, suffering from the unspeakable suffering of ordinary people. You are 20__ The most beautiful person in the new era. Come on, the most beautiful person

25、 苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之?我的同事,我的战友,每天都奋战在一线,他们仅仅是只戴着个口罩,有的人口罩或许已戴了两天?三天?一个小小的口罩,真正体现了同呼吸,共命运的呼唤,他们生怕漏掉了哪一户,哪一人,不时还要遇到不理解的群众,遭受冷眼冷语。他们,是最美的人。

25. How can we avoid the fate of a country because of its misfortunes? My colleagues, my comrades in arms, fight on the front line every day. They just wear a mask. Some people may have worn a mask for two days? Three days? A small mask really reflects the call of sharing the same breath and destiny. They are afraid that they may miss out on any household or person, and from time to time they may encounter the incomprehensible masses and suffer from cold words. They are the most beautiful people.

26、 有你们的关心和支持,这个冬天不再冷!向疫情防控一线的最美逆行者致敬!战“疫”之路,你我同在!

26. With your care and support, it will not be cold this winter! Pay tribute to the most beautiful traitors on the front line of epidemic prevention and control! Fight the way of "pestilence", you and I are together!

27、 致敬抗击疫情前线最勇敢的白衣战士,致敬最美的逆行者!武汉加油,湖北加油,中国加油!

27. Pay tribute to the bravest white clad soldiers in the front line of fighting against the epidemic, and pay tribute to the most beautiful rebels! Come on, Wuhan, Hubei, China!

28、 她依然和同事们一起坚守岗位战斗在疫情第一线,婚礼延期,爱却不延期,这份大爱,是为了千万人的幸福,致敬前线的医护人员,你们是世界上最美的人!感谢他们在危难之际放弃家庭走在队伍的最前面,毫无畏惧,这么多人在背后默默的付出,相信这场战役最后的胜利终将属于我们。

28. She still stuck to her post and fought in the forefront of the epidemic with her colleagues. The wedding was postponed, but love did not. This great love is for the happiness of thousands of people. We salute the medical staff at the front. You are the most beautiful people in the world! Thank them for giving up their families and walking in the front of the team when they are in danger, without fear. So many people have paid silently behind their backs, and I believe that the final victory of this battle will belong to us.

29、 最美的人你们一定要平安回家!

29. The most beautiful people must go home safely!

30、 我这个人泪点特别低,可是真的有那么多人正在为我们拼着命,所有的人间理想不过是有人在替我们负重前行,致敬每一位正坚持在工作岗位上的平凡英雄,你们都是最美的人。

30. I have a very low tear point, but there are really so many people fighting for our lives. All the world's ideals are just that someone is carrying a heavy burden for us and honoring every ordinary hero who is sticking to his job. You are the most beautiful people.

31、 不用遮掩,因为你们就是最美的人。辛苦啦!舍小家顾大家,你们是最棒的!

31. Don't hide it, because you are the most beautiful people. well done! You are the best!

32、 护士为抗击疫情,推迟婚礼坚守一线,致前线的医护人员,你们是世界上最美的人!

32. Nurses stick to the front line to fight the epidemic and postpone the wedding. To the medical staff at the front line, you are the most beautiful people in the world!

33、 我爱你,中国!致敬逆行者,最美的人!从冠状病毒发生以来,每天一看到这些信息,心酸心疼。我是湖北的,我们很好,朋友圈各微信群显示防控很好。我很无力不是医生,军人,警察,政府机关。我不能参与到这场战斗中,但我知道你们拼尽全力,谢谢!我知道我可以安睡到天明,我可以在家休闲美食,因为你们在负重前行,在困难来临时,我们只有战胜它。我在家里安心等待着,也请所有和我一样的人安心等待。安心等待是我们对中国深情的爱。灾难面前最显人性,我们站在中国的土地上,我们是骄傲的中国人,春节到了,春天不远了,众志成城,共同守护中国。

33. I love you, China! Salute the most beautiful person! Since the occurrence of the coronavirus, seeing this information every day makes me sad and distressed. I'm from Hubei, and we are very good. The WeChat groups in the circle of friends show good prevention and control. I am not a doctor, a soldier, a policeman, or a government agency. I can't participate in this battle, but I know you do your best, thank you! I know I can sleep until dawn, and I can relax and eat at home, because you are carrying a heavy load. When difficulties come, we have to overcome them. I am waiting at home, and all people like me are waiting. It is our deep love for China to wait at ease. We stand on the land of China. We are proud Chinese. The Spring Festival is coming, and the spring is not far away. Let's work together to protect China.

34、 谁都没有想过,20__年刚刚到来,就迎来了一场病毒生死战。感谢这场疫情战役中的“最美逆行者”们:医生、护士、军人、警察、一线记者……谢谢你们在这场战斗中的坚持与付出。武汉加油!中国加油!

34. Nobody thought about it, 20__ The new year has just arrived, ushering in a war of virus life and death. Thank the "most beautiful rebels" in this epidemic campaign: doctors, nurses, soldiers, police, front-line journalists... Thank you for your persistence and dedication in this battle. Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

35、 致前线的医护人员,你们是世界上最美的人!

35. To the medical staff at the front line, you are the most beautiful people in the world!

36、 灾难一定会过去的。致敬所有因这次疫情而加班的工作人员,你们辛苦了!你们是最美的人

36. The disaster will surely pass. To all the staff who worked overtime because of this epidemic, you have worked hard! You are the most beautiful people

37、 为新时代最美的人致敬!你们是最棒的!加油!

37. Pay tribute to the most beautiful people in the new era! You are the best! come on.

38、 这个春节,有数以万计的工作人员坚守在疫情防控最前线,他们主动请缨,毅然选择走进这看不见敌人的战场。在这个团圆的日子里孤身上前,披上使命的外衣,成为这个时代的英雄。致敬每一位“最美的人”,愿你们:逆风而行,平安归来!

38. This Spring Festival, tens of thousands of staff stood at the forefront of epidemic prevention and control. They volunteered and resolutely chose to enter the battlefield where the enemy could not be seen. In this day of reunion, I come forward alone, put on the coat of mission, and become a hero of this era. To every "most beautiful person", I wish you: walk against the wind and return safely!

39、 虽然你戴上口罩,已经无法辨认你是谁?但是我坚信,你是这个春节里最美的人!

39. Although you wear a mask, you can no longer tell who you are? But I firmly believe that you are the most beautiful person in this Spring Festival!

40、 武汉加油,中国加油!此时的一线医务工作者就是最美的人!

40. Come on, Wuhan, China! At this time, the front-line medical workers are the most beautiful people!

逆行者 篇5


In front of me, there was a lot of traffic and the hot sun was in the sky. I opened my eyes under the dazzling blue sky. The sudden sunlight made me dizzy. I looked at it in a trance. The road was empty, leaving only loneliness. I should have celebrated more than years on the streets, but now it has become a common fight against the epidemic.


In the footsteps of evacuation, those firm steps ran against the flow of people, and they had a direction in mind. Even in the face of danger, people would be saved from this repeated nightmare. So, wearing white clothes and moonlight, he went to bear heavy responsibilities. They are our dear front-line medical staff.


The Year of the Boxer Rat came as scheduled. The firecrackers were not heard, but the war drums were seen frequently. The epidemic situation was threatening. The angel in white, who was in danger, was like a "rebel". One by one, people gathered into the warmth and strength of the epidemic, turned into a warm current, and stepped forward in the gloomy days.


I will never forget that on the letter of invitation, there are bright red finger prints one after another, and the words "no matter life or death" are filled with lofty doctors; I will never forget that they, who are both wives and mothers, shed their beautiful clothes and stick to the battlefield. They can't hide their tiredness in white clothes. They don't know the danger ahead. The epidemic situation is unpredictable. But when the country is in trouble, they only see the land that is moaning. They give up their ego in order to keep the country safe.


Before the New Year, the mask factory assembly line conveys simple and selfless care; In the collection of donations all over the country, every piece of material is haunted by persistent and firm belief; The figures sleeping on the ground in the hospital are countless doctors and nurses who stick to the battlefield in the light of thousands of lights. People from all corners of the world who have lost the celebration and reunion of the New Year, have built the Great Wall for thousands of miles with their own efforts, and only wish the country is peaceful and the people are peaceful, and the grand scene of China will reappear.


Patriotism is a word that the Chinese people will always keep in mind, and it is the most appropriate word to describe the front line medical care at this time. The foundation of the world lies in the country, and the foundation of the country lies in the home. The family and the country are the same. Their feelings of home and country are not eloquent emptiness, but simple feelings in the hearts of Chinese people, and also basic responsibilities on their shoulders. They use courage to light up the future of the epidemic. The family and country feelings have no profound intentions, and no impressive brilliance. They are willing to sprinkle their blood on the great rivers and mountains of the motherland; We are willing to let our footprints multiply in every inch of land, and we are willing to dedicate our youth to the bright future of our motherland. Even if the road ahead is overcast, they will continue to move forward and explore the light.


They are more heroes, regardless of their home or country, regardless of whether they are in their prime of life or over their sixties, because they chose to travel far away, they only care about trials and hardships. On the way to fight against the epidemic, there are bumpy deceleration strips everywhere, but they will not stop until the sun rises and the sense of sleepiness strikes. They will keep fighting and stand in front of the gate of hope until everyone cheers and celebrates.


Under all the details, there is the sound of spring flowers blooming and ice breaking, and under all the haze, there is the hope that the willows are dark and the flowers are bright. May the epidemic situation all over the world be over and the disease disappear forever. I wish you peace and joy, and all the peace at the front.


Next spring, we will go to Jiangcheng again and enjoy the cherry blossoms for ten miles.

疫情过后励志的话 篇6


1. Fame and position are tumors, and wealth is dust.


2. To profit from the state, one must live and die.


3. A superior heart need not be gorgeous, but it must be firm.


4. Some people wear beautiful clothes, but their souls are full of patches; Some people have patches on their clothes, but their souls are full of beauty.


5. The beauty of life lies in doing good at once, the beauty of life lies in living value, the beauty of life lies in contentment, and the ultimate beauty is the pursuit of health!


6. If you are safe, the world will be fine.


7. Life, there is no perfect, life, nothing satisfactory. If you can't do it, don't blame yourself. If you can't get it, don't hold grudges. Leave sadness in yesterday, happiness in today, and hope in tomorrow.


8. May the epidemic be over as soon as possible, and may 20__ Years are no longer difficult. May everything you wish for, everything you ask for, and everything you do go smoothly.


9. We all need catalysts to activate and open the parts of ourselves that are closed for various reasons.


10. No winter is insurmountable, and no spring will not come. I hope the epidemic can be ended earlier, and the prosperity and peace of the country can be restored as soon as possible.


11. Right and wrong gratitude and resentment are all ignored. In the face of life and death, it is meaningless who is right and who is wrong. Right and wrong gratitude and resentment are no longer important. Right, wrong, right, wrong, love, hate, all disappear with life. It's better to look down on all the right and wrong, cherish the people in front of you, and live each day well.


12. Only in good health can we live happily; As long as our family members are healthy, we will win in life. The most expensive thing in our life is not money, nor house or car, but our body. Only with good health can we have a good life!


13. I hope the epidemic will pass soon, the world will be safe, the mountains and rivers will remain unchanged, and everyone will return!


14. Mountains and rivers are alien, and the wind and moon are in the same sky. How can you say that you have no clothes and wear the same clothes as your son.


15. No winter will not pass, no spring will not come, salute all front-line people, and praise them!


16. When the spring flowers bloom again, I wish the epidemic would end earlier and our motherland would be prosperous! the wind is mild and the sun is bright! Normal life of peace and prosperity!


17. An epidemic has made us understand that everything is trivial except life and death.


18. We are willing to eliminate the epidemic at an early date and wish everything well.


19. No winter will not pass, no spring will not come. I hope that the children will return to the campus one day early and the adults will return to their jobs to reproduce the complexity, excitement and laughter.


20. The past belongs to death, and the future belongs to oneself.


21. All things revive! May the epidemic break away early and everything in the world be fine!


22. It's cold in winter, warm in people's hearts, and the epidemic has no lover's feelings. When I brush my blog late at night, I feel confident and full of positive energy!


23. Life is a process of constant addition, loss, damage and replacement.


24. When we are most humble, we are closest to the great.


25. No one is strong enough not to need help from others, and no one is weak enough not to help others.


26. Few of us can do great things, but everyone can do ordinary things with lofty love.


27. The husband wind is born in the earth, starting at the end of Qingping.


28. God, save them. May all peace be with them!


29. What we have done is so insignificant, but how important it is for me to do it!


30. Under the epidemic situation, I wish you well.


31. With an indomitable ambition, you will never return.


32. May the epidemic end at an early date, and you return safely. May the mountains and rivers be safe and the world safe.


33. The earth is moving, and one cannot always be in a bad position.


34. You should believe in the power of goodwill. Within your ability, kindness to others will circulate like air, and then there will be positive energy returned to you.


35. May we live in peace with all things, keep balance with all things, be safe in the world, be healthy for everyone, be safe for heroes, and be safe for us.


36. With a good heart, we will always go through the cold winter and return to the world in spring. May the epidemic subside as soon as possible!


37. Life is like a dream and a dream is like a life. How many people's lives have been cleared in this epidemic. Dust returns to dust. May the dead rest in peace and the living be strong.


38. Life is indeed impermanent, but the loveliness of life is mostly in this impermanence.


39. Good morning for a new day. I wish the motherland and the people an early victory over the epidemic and all the best.


40. When the epidemic comes, as long as you are always by my side, everything else is just floating clouds, and I will always love you.


41. A sudden epidemic. I don't want to see things for thousands of years anymore. Love at first sight no longer belongs to me. I only want to stay with you for one second and talk to you more.


42. Winter is over and spring is around the corner. May the mountains and rivers be safe and the world safe.


43. The thorn of life is here. It's the things you don't want to leave.


44. The dark clouds will disperse and the sky will clear after the rain. Believe that everything will pass!


45. In an epidemic situation, we understand that all the reasons are deep and shallow, which is the will of heaven. The reason comes and goes, which is determined by heaven. The reason is around us, so we should cherish it. If the reason goes away, we should be relieved. It is better to face calmly and accept cheerfully if you do not entangle or complain.


46、20__, Outbreak, epidemic situation, fully understand. Life is not a hundred years long, and life can not live forever. In this limited time, everything is indifferent, and everything depends on fate. Only when you are indifferent, can you feel at ease, and only when you depend on fate, can you have no resentment!


47. After surviving the epidemic, we rushed out of the room and shouted to embrace the spring under the sun.


48. Money is nothing in the face of health, fame and wealth are nothing in the face of peace. As long as we are healthy and our family is safe, our life is a happy life, and our days are excellent days.


49. The poison epidemic in Sanshan Town, the thunder fire lock bat demon, will eventually be eliminated when the flowers bloom in spring.


50. May this epidemic, like this snow, soon disappear and bring peace to the world.

逆行者 篇7




This is probably the Spring Festival Gala with the most mixed feelings after I watched it.


This year's Spring Festival Gala is very successful. In the program list, there is a program that impressed me deeply: a speech on pneumonia. It can be said that this speech may be the shortest rehearsal program since the beginning of the Spring Festival Gala. However, several experienced moderators did not disappoint everyone: they encouraged those staff who stuck to the medical front line with the most affectionate words, expressed condolences to those workers who could not go home due to work, thanked those staff who remained firmly at work during the Spring Festival, and thanked those who silently gave their dedication and dedication!


Those who go against them have paid their precious rest time, and they have won precious time for the safety and health of millions of people; Those traitors gave the opportunity to reunite with their families, but they escorted thousands of people to reunite with their families. Those traitors did not care about their health and gambled on their safety, but they were appreciated and loved by thousands of people.


Perhaps, in the eyes of some people, the behavior of those who are rebels is not worth it at all, but these people may not have thought that if we did not have the most beautiful rebels, maybe our life would have collapsed long ago. It was they who stood up when the country was in danger. It was their unity that enabled the people to have confidence and courage to defeat difficulties when the country was in danger!


Remember Mr. Zhong Nanshan? Academician Zhong Nanshan was 84 years old, but when pneumonia came and the country needed him, he immediately devoted himself to the first line of epidemic prevention. As early as 17 years ago, when SARS came, he also went to many places for the first time to actively explore the best epidemic prevention plan. Seventeen years later, at the age of 84, Zhong Nanshan became a "traitor" again. In his own way, he told everyone that as long as everyone is united, there is nothing that we humans cannot defeat! The photo of Academician Zhong Nanshan resting on the high-speed railway dining car is considered the most touching picture since the New Year in 2020. I believe that the name Zhong Nanshan has long been imprinted on people's minds, and he has become an example for every medical staff, even the masses.


Retrogression refers to going in the opposite direction. What a "traitor" should do is to stand up when the people are in danger and be willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the masses. Such a person is called a "traitor".


It is precisely because of these great traitors that our motherland has saved the day in times of danger; It is precisely because of them that the national spirit of the motherland will never decline. My dear friends, please let us take them as an example to contribute our strength to our motherland and become a rebel of the times.

逆行者 篇8


In 2020, an epidemic called COVID-19 was born in Wuhan. This virus is extremely infectious. It should be a time for family reunion, but we were forced to fight a war of life and death. So. Chinese people who like to go out to welcome the Spring Festival can only stop at home and leave the Spring Festival temporarily.


"On the road of life and death, every line of retrograde steps is a charge again and again" Yes, every white angel's fingerprints are full of determination, and the red on the fingerprints is not ordinary red, but blood red. You leave your health to everyone regardless of your comfort. At this time, I thought of my father. Because of the epidemic situation, my father went to Shanghai to prepare medical supplies such as disinfected water, masks and so on to make a modest contribution to the epidemic area. He was busy in the hospital all day. He said he would spend the winter vacation with me, but he hurried back to Shanghai with me only for a few days. Before, I always couldn't understand my father (I had ten thousand complaints in my heart, why others had a father to accompany me, but I didn't have one in my composition). But when I saw the moving pictures on the news and the Lantern Festival Gala, the captions of the people who acted (the director with progressive frostbite and the nurse who was five months pregnant still stuck to their posts; they were tired and sleepy, so they could only rest on the chair for a while...), I felt very sorry for thinking about it, Because I wronged my father. My father collected materials when the motherland and the people needed without hesitation. I was deeply touched by my father's spirit of giving up for everyone. At the moment of the epidemic, there are still many people who have made silent contributions like my father. Let's give our best wishes and deep respect to the "rebels" who participated in the prevention, control and treatment of the COVID-19, such as special police, nurses, doctors, urban management, environmental sanitation, etc.


Unite as one to unite the fight against the epidemic. Dear students, our competition against viruses is not over yet. Please pay attention to it. Wash your hands frequently and go out less, so as not to give opportunities for the spread of the virus or cause trouble to the society.

逆行者 篇9


The bell of the Year of the Rat is about to ring, and I count the days every day with my fingers on the end of the winter vacation, hoping that the Spring Festival will come soon. Spring Festival is my favorite festival. You can not only wear new clothes and get lucky money, but also go to my grandma's house far away from my home for a few days. But a guy who made people all over the country panic appeared, that is, we can hear countless times of "novel coronavirus" every day, and our life has changed a lot since then.


On TV, Wuhan epidemic situation is reported every day on the Internet: this virus is very contagious. In addition to close contact, air droplets can also spread! This is really terrible. Although the virus is surging, I have seen countless anti epidemic heroes stand up during the crisis, and many post-90s brothers and sisters have also chosen to "go against", rush to fight the epidemic and choose to share difficulties with the country.


The most impressive one was an aunt, Sun Lili, a pediatrician of the First People's Hospital of Datong. He was a young colleague of my aunt. After receiving the notice, he ignored the family's persuasion and left two young children. He had no time to say goodbye to his lover on the night shift. He hurried to the hospital and set out to support Wuhan. To avoid cross infection, she shaved her waist length hair about the time she wore protective clothing. She said: "The hair can be longer without it. Now the first thing is to protect yourself, save time, and do your best to save more people." Her words are decisive and powerful, and they have echoed in my ears.


Now, the epidemic is not over yet. In addition to doctors, public security, security, volunteers and environmental protection workers all over the country have been working tirelessly on the front line. Although we primary school students can not go to the front of the epidemic fight to contribute, we can not cause trouble to the angel in white and the country! To protect yourself at home is to contribute to the fight against the epidemic. Don't go to places where there are many people, wash your hands frequently, do a good job of cleaning, ventilate the windows at any time, do a good job of self-protection when going out, wear a mask, and report in time when you are uncomfortable. Don't believe the rumors, don't spread the rumors. I believe that everyone will work together, and COVID-19 will be eliminated soon. We will win this battle!


In this war without gunpowder smoke, I learned what is "first level response" and what is "support from all sides when one side is in trouble". I salute every "rebel" who silently pays in his own post! At the same time, I will also encourage myself with these heroes who bear heavy burdens and are retrograde. I will study hard to become a person who can build the motherland and protect the people in the future.