
时间:2022-10-19 13:20:10 | 来源:语文通



建筑作文500字 篇1建筑作文500字 篇2小学植树节作文 篇3小学植树节作文 篇4

建筑作文500字 篇1


Although I have a ferocious face and small body, I am one of the greatest architects of nature - termites.


I live in a dark and humid environment and live a dark life of "no light" all day long. In order to survive, our termite family will also build nests in human houses, which will do great harm to the houses. Therefore, as soon as humans see us, they will want to kill us.


Although my body is very small, I can build an ant hill 1000 times larger than our body, which can hold two million termites, and even human beings will "bow down". The six foot tall house has complete supporting facilities and a huge ventilation system to ensure the air circulation of the ant hill; There is a sharp roof, and the temperature of the people is kept at 25 degrees all the year round. There is neither cold nor hot; There are crisscross roads, so that I can freely shuttle in this huge ant hill. If Ant Hill is a city, it will definitely be more prosperous than the most prosperous city in the world.


On that day, unfortunately, the lightning struck the grass beside the ant hill, and immediately lit a raging fire, burning down a corner of the ant hill. How can we stand by when our homes are destroyed? We millions of termites immediately poured out and rushed to the front to repair this vacancy. We worked together to move stones and sand. They were all busy, but they were in an orderly way. They all worked hard without complaining. Within a few days, the gap was repaired seamlessly, and the repair was completed. Don't underestimate us termites. Although our bodies are small, only 6mm, they are the greatest architects of nature. We have existed on this earth for 250 million years, and I think we are also strong!

建筑作文500字 篇2


In the first class in the afternoon, Ye Runjin's father came to our class and gave us a lively and interesting architectural lesson.


First of all, Uncle Ye told us: "I am a city planner." Hearing the name of this profession, I was very curious and thought: What is the profession of city planners? Then Uncle Ye said, "Urban planners are beautiful people who build cities." Then Uncle Ye talked about many things about urban construction and many knowledge about architecture, such as where to build a tall building, where to build a beautiful park, where to build a beautiful school, where to build a hospital, etc, The city wall of our ancient capital Xi'an is divided into 18 gates and caves, including Anding Gate, Zhuque Gate, Yongning Gate, Duanlu Gate... Uncle Ye also told us: "In the Qin Dynasty, the First Emperor of Qin asked craftsmen to build a lot of palaces for him, so that the people had no place to live, and many people moved away. Then Xiang Yu led a large army to defeat the State of Qin, and then clever Liu Bang took the opportunity to kill Xiang Yu and seize power." Uncle Ye showed us some pictures. My favorite is Banpo Museum. Uncle Ye actively interacted with us. The students all rushed to put forward many questions. The atmosphere of this class was very lively.


Today, Uncle Ye gave us a wonderful architectural lesson. I broadened my horizons and learned knowledge. Uncle Ye is really amazing and has mastered so much knowledge. Uncle Ye finally said to everyone, "You should study hard, master more knowledge, know astronomy and geography, and be a knowledgeable person." This lively and interesting architectural lesson has benefited me a lot. Thank you Uncle Ye!

小学植树节作文 篇3


March 12 is the Arbor Day. On this day, our school carried out a parent-child tree planting activity. Because I have never participated in such activities before, I must not let the opportunity slip away this time. As soon as the teacher said the news, I immediately signed up.


On the Arbor Day, we took the school bus to Greenson Forest Park. I always thought about the process of planting trees, digging holes and watering. But when I arrived at the park, I found that there was still a gap between reality and fantasy. As soon as we could see the place where trees were planted from afar, we heard someone say: Wow, it's so simple. Even the pit has been dug. I hurried to the tree planting place and picked two tall, strong and leafy saplings. Since it was the first time for the eldest girl to take a sedan chair, I don't know where to start. It's still ginger. My mother put the bucket aside with one hand and filled the pit with a shovel with the other. My mother shouted to me, "Hold the saplings fast.". As soon as I heard, I finally had something to do. I hurried to help the saplings. However, I was not willing to do so little work. I picked up the shovel without saying a word and followed her example to fill the hole. Although the speed is far from fast enough for my mother, it doesn't help. Finally, the hole was filled, and I quickly poured water into the root of the tree, so that I could get a small tree. I jumped left and right excitedly. Because the mountain was slippery, I almost rolled down. Fortunately, my mother came here in a hurry, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.


I was so happy that I made five trees just as I had done. Although my clothes, hands and shoes were all dirty, I even ignored them.


My feelings and experience from this parent-child tree planting activity is that this parent-child tree planting activity really achieved three things with one stone. On the one hand, it can enhance the feelings and friendship between mother and son, father and son. Second, we can plant trees to help our green Guangzhou. And it can also clean our dirty air and beautify our environment. Third, we can cultivate our labor concept from childhood, and also help us develop the environmental awareness of greening mountains and forests.

小学植树节作文 篇4


Spring girl quietly came to the world with light steps. Everything on the earth revives. The grass has a cute little head, adding vitality to the world. I went to the mountains with my parents to plant trees.


We walked up the mountain for dozens of minutes, and finally we reached the middle of the mountain. I was very happy to shout: "Start planting trees!" Then he planted it. It's really difficult to plant trees. You have to dig a big hole first, then fork the seedlings in, finally fill the soil, and then water a little. Who knows, it's easy to say, but hard to do.


I dug a hole, then put the saplings into the hole, and then filled it with soil. But as soon as I let go of the sapling, I fell down. Undaunted, I dug a hole, put the sapling away, and then filled it with earth. I could not fill it after dozens of times. I was so angry that I was about to break the sapling. At this time, my father came up to me and said, "You can't break this sapling." I said strangely, "What contribution has he made to our humanity?" Dad said: "He is very useful. He can not only absorb carbon dioxide, but also release oxygen. He can not only regulate the climate, but also block sandstorms and raging floods. In a word, if there are no trees on the earth, there will be no us." "It won't be so serious, Dad, but I can't plant a tree well." I said calmly. My father looked at the hole I dug and said, "The hole you dug is not deep enough, at least 45 cm."


I did as my father said, and sure enough, I planted many trees. I was about to pee when I told my father, but my father asked me to pull here. I asked strangely, "Why do you pull here?" My father said seriously, "Because our urine is just like the nutrient the tree needs, and urine is fertilizer." I felt embarrassed and pulled it on the sapling.


I feel very happy to plant trees this time. Not only do I know how to plant trees, but also it adds beauty to the society. You add green to the earth!