
时间:2022-07-07 14:04:04 | 来源:语文通



With the proposal and steady implementation of the "rural revitalization" strategy, rural development has been placed in a higher level, and rural revitalization has achieved a beautiful China.As a young man in the new era, we should bear the burden of revitalizing the countryside and help the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream.


The implementation of rural revitalization strategies is an inevitable requirement for solving the main contradictions in the new era and achieving the goal of "two hundred years". It has great practical significance and far -reaching historical significance.The agricultural is not strong, the rural areas are beautiful, and the peasants are rich and rich, which determines the success of a well -off society and the quality of socialist modernization."China, fundamentally, is locality." Beautiful villages with both cultural heritage and modern civilization will show the most real three -dimensional China.From this point of view, the country is prosperous, and the country declines in rural decay.To make China stand in the world, the rural rejuvenation is urgent.The rural revitalization strategy is the call of the times and an inevitable choice for building socialism with Chinese characteristics.


The key to rural rejuvenation is people.In such an era of great development and prosperity, the majority of young people should have a big, ambitious, and consciously take the initiative to take the initiative to shoulders the heavy responsibility of rural revitalization.The leaders have repeatedly sent a variety of young people: "Go to the grassroots level, go to the most needed places in the motherland, take root in the people, and dedicate the country." In response to the call of the leader, a group of active elements for rural construction have emerged in my country -the most beautiful The village official Qin Yifei gave up the opportunity to work in the United States and resolutely returned home to improve the life of the villagers; the "rider" female driver Yan Kemei resigned from Shanghai to work, riding a world in the mountains and mountains, and presented his own strength to the revitalization of the countryside.


When "youth" meets the "rural revitalization", it can go around or usher in difficulties.The choice of the latter gives the ideals with calcium, the soul has roots, and the skills have a platform.Young people have joined the upsurge of popular entrepreneurship and innovation, and planting ideals on the land is the most correct way to serve the motherland.Young people are strong and strong. In the historical conversion period of the "two hundred years" goal, we should remit the dreams of life into the trend of the times and allow the vigorous youth and the country to resonate.Dedication.


Agricultural and rural areas are now a vast world.More and more young volunteers went to the countryside and went to the countryside. In 2018, 2.8 million village cadres fought on the front line of poverty alleviation.Participating in rural construction is a process of refining the strong will of young people, an important way to reward the motherland, and the best stage for our work and work.We should closely associate personal ideals with the future destiny of the country, flying the dream of youth and realizing the Chinese dream in the practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics.


The drums of rural rejuvenation in the new era have been rang. The revitalization of the countryside and building a beautiful China are by no means an empty slogan.As a young man in the new era, we should shoulder the historical responsibility of the new era and earnestly make our own contributions to revitalizing the countryside and building a socialist modern power.



Of the more than 1.3 billion Chinese people, nearly 1 billion farmers have become an important part of China's population.The improvement of the relationship between the relationship between farmers, rural areas, and agricultural issues has increased. It is related to the realization of the vision of the "beautiful countryside" and is related to the sustainable development of "local China".But with the sharp transformation of social changes, the issue of agriculture and rural areas has become a concern for our hearts."Children's pick -up asked, why is it too late to return?" The revitalization of rural areas is urgent, and only people are willing to return, return, and leave, and the rural rejuvenation has hope.


The rural rejuvenation, farmers must be rich, making people willing to return.If the village is a "sycamore tree", it will attract the "golden phoenixes" of villagers.The gravity of the "city return" of the countryside of the countryside is rooted in the richness of farmers' lives., Laid a solid living security for farmers' lives, only mobilized the enthusiasm of migrant workers to return to their hometowns to start a business; at the same time, migrant workers returned to their hometowns, and they could continue to promote the prosperity of vast townships and villages.The new situation of agricultural modernization, urbanization, and even the construction of new rural areas have become a powerful helper for rural revitalization.


The rural rejuvenation, the rural areas must be beautiful, let people go back.The rural areas are farmers' homes. Everyone expects their own homes to be beautiful in mountains, birds and flowers, change the rural environment, and create a good living environment.We are pious.When the use of pesticide chemical fertilizers pollutes the land; when the domestic waste is defiled by the bending spring; when the straw is burned and the sky is clear, the soil, water body, and atmospheric pollution of the countryside directly affects the safety of vegetable baskets, rice bags and water tanks.He talks to consolidate the foundation of returning home and loses the fresh air, clean water quality, and safe food in the countryside. The rural revitalization has lost the favor of the tourists, and the strategic resources of sustainable use will be lost.As a result, the beautiful rural construction of the beautiful rural construction of hometown, seeing water, and remembered nostalgia is the support of rural revitalization.


The rural rejuvenation, agriculture must be strong, let people leave.To become rich is the source of many people's dreams, and the living and living in the industry is the reassurance of the majority of agricultural operators.Rural retaining talents is the deserved meaning of the continuous revitalization and development of the countryside, and the sustainable development of agriculture is the only way to allow the "city to return" to leave entrepreneurship.When agriculture takes the "tourism+" express, rural tourism provides the opportunity to "reshape" and "regeneration" for the countryside.With the diverse of tourism demand, tranquility is far away, and the rural tourism of the pastoral Danqing has become a new choice for people because of its unique charm, especially in the era of "mass entrepreneurship, innovation" and the economic entry into the era of new normal, the industrial structure's continuous transformation and upgrading,In the context, rural tourism will have greater actions and greater responsibilities to continue to fill the background of rural revitalization.


It is not advisable to seek fish in Yuanmu, and it is not feasible for exhaustion and fishing.Today, the whole people look forward to the "beautiful countryside" today, using the beauty of the people to give the villagers a rich living conditions, use the beauty of ecology to give the family a home that rests physically and mentally, and use the beauty of strong business to return to the city with a strong vitality.The win -win road of beauty and strong business will realize the dream of revitalization of rural areas and health.



The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that the implementation of rural revitalization strategies.It is necessary to adhere to the priority development of agricultural and rural areas, and establish and improve the urban -rural integration development system and policy system in accordance with the general requirements of industrial prosperity, ecological livability, rural civilization, effective governance, and wealthy life, and accelerate the modernization of agricultural and rural areas.As a student of the Youth Class of the Provincial Party School, the author recently listened to the teaching of the party school professor on the strategy of rural revitalization. Through on -site learning and online search methods, I learned about the implementation of rural revitalization strategies in some areas.Overall, we vigorously implement the strategy of rural revitalization, actively promote the prosperity of rural industries, improve the rural ecological environment, cultivate rural customs and civilization, and promote the wealth of the people's lives.It seems that there is a hard hand.


Effective governance is one of the general requirements for rural revitalization strategies. Good public security is an important manifestation of effective governance. From the actual perspective of our province, the situation of rural public security is closely related to the prosperity of rural industries and rural civilization. A rural areas with chaotic public security, industries are often difficult to develop, and rural style is often adversely affected. For example, some provinces have some regions of key rectification areas of relevant national departments due to drug problems, and some areas that are highly governed or listed by relevant provincial departments due to murder cases, gun -related explosion and other issues. Some foreign companies are concerned about local investment, local industries are not prosperous, and some people have difficulty living in business. Some people in these areas "illegally get rich" and produce bad demonstration effects, which seduce many people to combine with flow, seriously corrupt local rural civilization. Of course, there are also some towns and towns in the Pearl River Delta. Although it highlights the endless illegal crimes, the rural industry is prosperous, ecologically livable, and rich in people's lives. These townships often face the threat of "two robbers and one theft", yellow gambling poison and black abduction, etc., and their personal safety and property safety cannot be effectively guaranteed. From the perspective of third -party investigations, the sense of security in these areas is generally not high, even lower than the province's average. If the masses are affected and the sense of safety is affected, the sense of security is low, even if the industry is prosperous and the life is rich, it will not be effective in governance. It is not a comprehensive rural revitalization.


On April 26, the province's rural revitalization work conference was held in Guangzhou. The meeting thoroughly studied and implemented Xi Jinping's thoughts of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, especially the "agriculture and rural" thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping. The province's implementation of the rural revitalization strategy in the province was fully mobilized. Comrade Li Xi, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, emphasized at the meeting that "unswervingly follow the road of revitalizing the revitalization of socialist villages with Chinese characteristics, in accordance with the general requirements of industrial prosperity, ecological livability, rural customs, effective governance, and rich life, focus The breakthrough port is concentrated, promoting the comprehensive upgrade of ** agricultural, comprehensive progress in rural areas, and comprehensive development of farmers. " Fighting for three years of fighting for evil and eliminating evils. The province's rural rejuvenation work conference closely combined with the actual situation of our province to indicate specific directions for the implementation of rural revitalization, and put forward specific requirements. The implementation of rural rejuvenation in our province must take into account the general requirements, increase efforts to promote rural governance, ensure that the countryside is stable and harmonious, and the social security is good. To this end, we must carry out the special struggle for anti -crime and eliminating evil, severely crack down on rural evil forces, eradicate the soil to breed the evil forces; take the special struggle to eliminate evil and remove evil, and effectively investigate and rectify the public security issues. , Turn, fraud, fire -related explosion, telecommunications fraud and other prominent public security issues; we must strengthen the construction of rural security prevention and control systems, improve the level of prevention and control of various types of public security issues; improve the mechanism for investigation and adjustment of rural contradictions and disputes, and timely prevent and resolve resolution Various contradictions and disputes in rural areas are prominent, and the legitimate rights and interests of farmers must be effectively safeguarded; we must strengthen the propaganda of the law of law on farmers, enhance the legal awareness of farmers, and create a good atmosphere of abide by discipline and law.



In the early morning, the sun was just right.It was a huge door of an antique and ancient color.From a distance, the contour of the three words "Viewing Village" on the door frame made people feel like wearing a long river of history.


Strolling on the road, there will be a breeze kissing your cheeks, the sun gradually climb up, and the entire village is immersed in the golden ocean.There are many trees on the side of the road, and the tender green leaves are lined with slender and curved branches, and the green shades are cast.


The corner of The corner is a wall painting one after another. The content of the painting is some common disciplinary matters, reminding the villagers with the wrong behavior of various characters.The wall painting is vivid and interesting, and it has the finishing touch in rural construction.Many children pointed at the wall painting, and they talked to the sky, and their naive laughter came from the ears.


I do n’t know how long I see a white -wall and gray tile building. This is the base of the village party committee.There are a few potted plants in front of the door, but it makes people shine.The afternoon sun was sprinkled through the leaves and beating on the petals of the Bougainvillea, it seemed more cute.We walked in to interview several issues about rural construction to the police here.


He immediately agreed and asked us to answer our question seriously after sitting down."It used to be an ordinary small countryside. Where is so clean and tidy as it is now, it is the party's development and progress, so that there will be such a village like this." While he said, he used gestures to express him to express him with gestures.The point of view: "We are a multi -ethnic country. We are devoted to the party, and we will be carried out to the Party Central Committee.The sound is getting loud and emotional."After 20 years, you are amazing, you are that." He said that he had a thumbs up."Our country is progressing day by day, surpassing day by day, and more than 20 years, maybe even 20 years, our country is this." He continued to show a trace of pride in his eyes.Printing a tiny, red red flag pattern, as if shining.


"Young is strong, and the country is strong." We should meet the dreams of our lives in the times, let the vitality youth grow to the country's revitalization, shoulder the historical responsibility of the new era, and to contribute to the party's rejuvenation together.The rural rejuvenation, building a beautiful China "is just a slogan, but an action.



From the development of the countryside, people's lives are getting better and better, and the family is full of happiness.Rural revitalization illuminates our lives like light.


Two years ago, as long as the garbage and messy walls that can be seen everywhere make people see it, they are unhappy and don't want to go out. In recent years, rural rejuvenation, people are civilized and courteous. The previous garbage pit became Lake Lake, and the walls that were painted and painted became the scene of Jiang Taigong fishing. There is also a brown gazebo near this lake. The rain and rain in the summer in the summer are very easy to use. There are many flowers and small stones in the gazebo. Poker cards, etc. ... Since the reorganization of rural revitalization, the original quiet village has become very lively and laughing. The garbage everywhere has become very clean. There are two large trash cans at each intersection. Clean up, the east side is where the children play are special venues for children, and the square in the south is the paradise of middle -aged and elderly people. As soon as it is singing and dancing at night, it looks particularly lively. The revitalization of the countryside brings a lot of convenience and happiness to people. Help those who are lonely and lonely, so that they are so happy that they are no longer frozen and hungry. What can we do with insignificant ways? Only don't bother, don't follow the rules, don't gather without gambling. Learn hard and work hard to make great contributions to the village and even make great contributions to the country, making the beautiful tomorrow brighter and brilliant.


Rural revitalization brings people a lot of happiness and convenience.We also applied for their gratitude to them.There are also some fitness equipment to help us exercise the body and mind.The cadres of the village were selected to inspire the fighting spirit of young people to make them advance.Let them do it, and become a role model for children to learn.There are tens of millions of construction methods, and half of rural revitalization.Come on for a good tomorrow, let us work together!



Now the wish of poverty alleviation has been realized. Next, the plan of the national leaders will make the countryside revitalize. First of all, it must be a beautiful countryside. The "beauty" here is at most.Good spirit, so as to achieve rural revitalization.


Filial piety and respect for the eldestness are a good spirit, but it is not just talking about it. It is necessary to use practical actions to achieve it, respect the elderly, respect the elders, and ask the elders when meeting.Be closer to the elders and chat with the elders when you are free.Middle school students should read more beneficial extracurricular books, play less online and less mobile phones, get up early and get up early, and have good habits.


It can also carry forward the characteristics and advantages of rural areas to make a little change in the village.Or allow the village to apply for subsidies to the country, do the construction in the village, or use the money they apply for in the houses in the village's houses, so that more people can appreciate it.The construction of rural areas has been done, and environmental protection cannot be ignored.General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Green water and green mountains are Jinshan Yinshan." We must also pay attention to do not destroy some of the original good buildings when making these changes.


At the same time, we can also promote the products in the village, or to promote good products through the Internet.I think the revitalization of the countryside not only depends on the scenery and things in the village, but also the quality of the rural people. In short, it is better to make the countryside better.EssenceRevitalizing the countryside is not just about talking. It is necessary to completely change the bad habits of the past rural areas, but also make themselves better. Each villagers must also have a good family style.Rural revitalization.



1、乡村:乡村读音为xiāng cūn,是指亦作“乡邨”。1.村庄。2.今亦泛指农村。3.乡里,家乡。 针对城市来说,以从事农业为主要生活来源人口较分散的地方乡村 xiāng cūn词典解释:亦作“乡邨”。1.村庄。2.今亦泛指农村。3.乡里,家乡。[village;countryside] 针对城市来说,以从事农业为主要生活来源人口较分散的地方分词解释:家乡:自己的家庭世代居住的地方。乡里:1.周制,王及诸侯国都郊内置乡,民众聚居之处曰里。因以“乡里”泛指乡民聚居的基层单位。 2.家乡;故里。 3.居里或籍贯相同的人。犹乡亲;同乡。 4.指居里或籍贯相同。 5.指妻。村庄:农家聚居之地:每个村庄都有文化娱乐设施。农村:以从事农业生产为主的劳动者聚居的地方。...乡村怎么造句,用乡村造句»

2、振兴:振兴读音为zhèn xīng,是指发展使兴盛:振兴中华|振兴工业|振兴教育。振兴 zhèn xīng词语解释:发展使兴盛:振兴中华|振兴工业|振兴教育。分词解释:振兴中华:原为孙中山在建立兴中会时提出的挽救国家危亡的口号。现指奋发图强,使祖国更加繁荣强大。工业:采取自然物质资源,制造生产资料、生活资料,或对农产品、半成品等进行加工的生产事业。教育:①培养新生一代准备从事社会生活的整个过程,主要是指学校对儿童、少年、青年进行培养的过程。②用道理说服人使照着(规则、指示或要求等)做:说服教育。发展:①事物由小到大、由简单到复杂、由低级到高级的变化:事态还在发展ㄧ社会发展规律。②扩大(组织、规模等):发展新会员 ㄧ发展轻纺工业。...振兴怎么造句,用振兴造句»