
时间:2022-11-14 13:06:16 | 来源:语文通



有梦想真好作文 篇1梦想议论文 篇2我有一个梦想作文600字 篇3有梦想才能成功作文400字 篇4拥有梦想作文600字 篇5初三,我有梦想作文 篇6我有梦想作文 篇7梦想议论文 篇8我有一个梦想作文600字 篇9初三,我有梦想作文 篇10

有梦想真好作文 篇1


In the world of life, flowers bloom all the year round. For whom do flowers fade? Who is the traveler in the vast sea of people? Spread your ideal wings and make great progress; Open your fantastic wings and soar. The sky is blue, the sun is bright, and the grass is green. Under the protection of the trees, go forward bravely to find your dreams, your ideals, and your future.




The living must do something, make something, and give something. Ideal determines a person's future, thinking determines a person's life, education determines a person's accomplishment, standing in the parking lot of life, standing, standing, flying to the blue sky with open wings.


Standing in the future of the ancients and the history of future generations, my thoughts are flying. The face, the eyes, the moment of rising, the moment of brilliance, the waves rise and fall. Staying in their moments, I felt the amazing power and passion, but finally moved towards the future. Stay in their brilliant moment. They are pitiful, lamentable, but not deplorable; Can sing, can sing, and can not be lost; It can be strong, it can cry, but it cannot be pulled.


History is always like this, intertwined with reality and constantly cut. There are always frustrations, twists and turns, and disappointments, but it finally leads to the present; Still tortuous, still bumpy, still unhappy, finally must also lead to the future. "There is a long way to go, and I will search up and down." There is only a moment of light, the most dazzling moment, but there is no choice behind the dazzling, and who knows? Face the difficulties squarely, meet the challenges with a passionate heart, and cut through the thorns with a vigorous ideal.


Take your dreams and ideals with you in the ordinary current, and stir up huge waves.


Imagine the future, like this blazing sun, dazzling but unavoidably strong; Like the drizzle in spring, continuous but unavoidably has moistening things silently melodious; As the leaves in the autumn wind are rustling, but they cannot help but devote themselves. Standing at the turning point of reality and the future, they choose the supremacy of the ordinary and the supremacy of achievement in life.


Open your eyes, ignite your wisdom, see the world clearly, see through the world, and see that they have come to the present with some dream, and also to the future. Don't be diluted by the wilderness, don't be overwhelmed by time, don't be overwhelmed by difficulties, and go forward bravely.


The mediocre person will not have the ideal, will not have the future; The down-to-earth and busy people must have their own upward pursuit, and strive for the ideal.


Standing by the passing river, watching the surging waves, the tides rise and fall, setting up ideals and achieving the top of life.

梦想议论文 篇2


When I opened this book, I entered a beautiful world full of ideals. I was always inspired by the touching story in the book: Zhang Haidi was sick from childhood; Shi Tiesheng has been accompanied by wheelchair since his youth; Tai Lihua can't hear the beauty of music; But their life is not short of wonderful. On the contrary, they are even happier than healthy people. Their experience made me understand a new truth; People with ideals are happy and happy. But in the process of pursuing ideal, we should have the courage to overcome difficulties. Foolish Old Man moved mountains with many difficulties and was ridiculed, but he never gave up; In order to realize his ambition of serving the country, Lin Zexu did his best to do a lot of good things for the country and the people, and was deeply loved by people; In the face of white terror, Xia Minghan bravely carried out revolutionary work under the eyes of the enemy, but was finally arrested for betrayal. But before the enemy killed him, he wrote an impassioned poem of martyrdom for posterity! We should follow their example, challenge difficulties with perseverance, overcome difficulties with firm faith, and overcome difficulties with tenacious perseverance. Only in this way can we reach the other side of the ideal.


What is my ideal? I thought about Mr. Lu Xun's profound writing style. Some words that I could not understand for a long time often jumped in front of my eyes and were accepted by me in joy. I like Mr. Lao She's ordinary and plain words, which I can't bear to put down. Literature and writers are like trees and loess. Writers are born for literature; Literature becomes beautiful and resplendent because of writers. I do not expect, nor do I expect, to be famous in the literary world as outstanding writers like Ye Shengtao and Li Hanrong. I just hope that one day my words will be recognized and approved by readers. I often have a naive illusion: walking in the street, through the window of the bookstore, if I see a child or an adult, holding my book and looking at it with a silly smile, whether it is concentration, frowning, shaking his head, or laughing, I must feel extremely happy and satisfied.


Ideals are not unreachable dreams. As long as I work hard to absorb nutrients, perhaps in a certain spring, they will bloom and show their most beautiful appearance. Looking for water source and absorbing nutrients, like the saplings in mahogany, they strive to grow and create their own blue sky. I like reading books, historical, literary and artistic, mysterious... "To write good articles is to accumulate in ordinary times." My teacher often says so, and I often think so. In addition to reading more books, I also need to practice my writing style in ordinary times. I think like this and work hard. Perhaps this will be closer to the writer's dream!


Ideal is like a butterfly flying in front of me forever. I believe that one day I will hold it in my hand. Break the cocoon into a butterfly and achieve my ideal.


Go beyond the ideal and never give up!!!

我有一个梦想作文600字 篇3


I have a dream that children in poor areas can live a happy life.


Nowadays, most children in poor areas are left behind children. In order to make a living, their parents have to leave the elderly and children behind and go out to work. They are rarely reunited once a year. Those children, when they were supposed to go to school, wore patched clothes, went to the mountains to cut firewood and grass, and helped their parents do housework. Some of them don't have a decent bed and can't eat a decent meal; They are often awakened by the cold wind on winter nights, shivering with cold; They are even sick but have no money to cure them. They are tortured by the disease


By contrast, our life is much happier. We sit in the bright classroom every day, wearing temporary new clothes, using good stationery, but also complain about too much homework and too little time to play; We eat delicacies every day, but we are picky. Our picky life is paradise for children in poor areas.


Many of us will look down on the children in poor areas and think that they are stupid, backward, dirty and unwilling to make friends with them. But in fact, those children are more innocent, more pure and more ambitious than us. We only want to play every day, but they are eager for learning opportunities; We are selfish, only for our own sake, but they can share the pressure of life for their parents; We don't know how lucky we are, but they can be happy for a long time if they get a new dress, a book and a few pencils. Aren't they better than us?


I stand here today to appeal to the society to care about children in poor areas.


I have a dream. I hope you can put aside your wrong prejudices and become sisters to children in poor areas; I have a dream that all children in China can read and write in bright classrooms and receive education; I have a dream that all children can live with their parents and not experience the pain of missing; I have a dream that the sun will shine on the whole land of China

有梦想才能成功作文400字 篇4


"Ideals are stones, which knock out sparks; ideals are fire, which lights up the extinguished lamp; ideals are lamps, which illuminate the dark road; ideals are roads, which lead you to the dawn..." This is the poem "Ideals" written by the writer Liusha River. I also have ideals, and many of them disappear or appear with the passage of time.


When I was young, when I saw the stories of scientists in the book, I felt envious and envious. I decided to be an inventor and make a lot of things so that future generations could compile me into the book. I don't know from which day I fell in love with handwork. I began to play with it whenever I was free. Gradually, I also had some ideas. But when I was in the sixth grade, I didn't have much time, so the inventor gradually became far away.


Sometimes, when inspiration comes, I want to write a book, but I can't stick to it. After I write a little, I can't write anything anymore, so the book also follows the inventor.


In the fifth grade, I had another ideal: I was admitted to the First High School of High Tech or the Affiliated High School of West China University of Technology. Therefore, I learned the experience and lessons that the previous ideals had not been achieved. I studied harder and harder. When I could not persist, I warned myself that I could not fail again if I could bear it! Finally, with excellent results, I was admitted to the First Middle School of High tech and the Affiliated Middle School of Western Polytechnic University successively! When I received the call, my joy was hard to express, and I realized the taste of success.


Now, my ideal is to get a good result in the class examination, and I will definitely redouble my efforts!


People without ideals can never feel the joy of realizing their ideals. I firmly believe that only with ideals can we succeed.

拥有梦想作文600字 篇5


"I want to be a wanderer under my dream, running after the light regardless of everything. I want to shout out to the world, only faith responds to my love." Facing the other side of the dream, we have faith to cross the sea, pursue the light and realize the dream.


If a person has faith, his dream is not out of reach. If one has enough faith, he can create miracles. If a person has a firm belief, he is invincible.


Keep faith and pursue goals. For four years, Mr. Xiao completed his work with firm perseverance.


Don't be afraid of hardships and overcome difficulties. Mr. Xiao stands in the literary world with the spirit of struggle. Annotations, beautiful articles and masterpieces all permeate Mr. Xiao's dedication to dreams. How could Xiao Qian, one of the most influential and dynamic contemporary Chinese writers, have been born without perseverance and firm faith!


He was born for literature and insisted on his dream. A great literary volcano, a great legend of the world!


Firmly persevere and pursue dreams. After countless failures, Ma Yun never gave up his dream.


Perseverance and courage. Ma Yun fulfilled his ideal with faith. Not admitted to the ideal high school, but still calm despite the pain, continue to struggle. Failed to be admitted to the ideal university, but still hot despite heartbreak, try again. A company that failed to create its own successfully, but still confident despite the collapse, never say die. It is faith that enables Ma Yun to finally build a real business empire. It is faith that enables Ma Yun to realize his dream after repeated failures!


He strived for his dream and insisted on his faith. A successful person is an ideal winner!


Be tenacious and persevere to realize your wishes. With constant breakthroughs, Deng Yaping has become a brilliant player in table tennis.


Struggle tenaciously and never give up. Deng Yaping has won worldwide recognition for her love and perseverance. She won the honor in the world table tennis competition with 16 baskets of balls every day, 3000 meters every time, and every drop of persistent sweat. If she is frightened by difficulties, how can she have this legendary athlete, Deng Yaping!


She fought for her ambition and realized her dream with her faith. An athlete, a generation of brilliant world!


"Life is not just about the present, but also about poetry and distance." Use faith to break out of the fog on the way to pursue dreams. Chase dreams and hopes with faith, and rush to the bright future in the distance!

初三,我有梦想作文 篇6


Dream is a stone, knocking out the spark; Dream is a fire, lit and extinguished lamp; Dream is a lamp, illuminating the road at night; Dream is the way, leading me to the dawn. I have a dream, a Chinese dream.


"Alas, if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer a loss in front of you!" My father helped me wash my eyes while complaining, "You don't believe it if you talk more and watch less TV. It's good to wear glasses now!"


Listening to my father's chatter, I turned my head and looked at my father. He was holding a piece of light blue eyeglass cloth and rubbing it on his glasses. He saw his left hand holding the frame and his right hand placing it on the lens. With a little effort, I saw only a light blue shadow sliding across the lens, once or twice... After a while, he sighed, scratched his head, and pointed his glasses at the light, His eyes swept over the lens, "Well, after washing, put it away." My father lowered his head and handed me his glasses... I walked slowly and inadvertently saw a few silver lights beating in my vision.


I continued to walk slowly, but my eyes could not get away from the silver light. The light, like a sword, engraved the traces of years on my father, telling me that my father was getting old like an alarm bell.


"Hurry up, why are you so slow!


"Oh, here we are!" I strode forward and took my glasses. Through the lenses, I saw the wrinkles on my father's forehead and his fat body... My eyes moistened, and my tears fell on the lenses with a click.


"Why are you crying? It's time to wash again. Hurry up and do your homework..." Father waved to me.


"Dad, let me help you beat your back." I held back tears.


"Chuck, go to do your homework..." I walked back to the study and sat on a chair. A familiar tune came from downstairs, Father. I hummed in a low voice, "... Dad, who is strong in life, what can I do for you? Take it with negligible care..."


Oh, I have a dream, a Chinese dream, in which you and I sit on the rocking chair and I sit beside you to help you beat your back, make tea for you, and chat with you about family affairs


I have a dream, a Chinese dream, which is not prosperous but also precious.

我有梦想作文 篇7


Confucius, who has always been regarded as a sage by Chinese people, once said thousands of years ago: "Only women and villains are hard to support, and it is not bad to be near, but resentful to be far away."


Do women really belong to the same category as villains? I'd like to ask whether the woman mentioned here by the great sage Confucius includes his mother?


From ancient times to the present, from the patriarchal clan society to the present, women's rights have not been fully realized. Take ancient China as an example. After more than 20 dynasties, only Empress Wu Zetian and Cixi were the real female rulers in China. Moreover, the emperors specifically stipulated that the imperial palace was not allowed to interfere in politics. The ministers in the court are 100% male. Isn't this a denial of women's rights? Men and women live together on the earth. Everyone should have the opportunity to serve their country. Then why should women not be allowed to participate in politics? Women are also human beings. Why should they live a life of looking after their husbands and educating their children? We should firmly affirm that women are not the foil of men, but stand on the same level with them. Women and men are completely equal.


Talk about modern China again! From primary school to university, the number of girls in the class is generally decreasing. Some modern parents stubbornly believe that a girl will be married to someone else. So why do some people often say that girls are not as intelligent as boys? Because thousands of years of thought that men are superior to women has left a deep imprint in people's minds. Girls' intelligence will never be inferior to boys', which is something we should be sure of and we should adhere to.


In the talent market, many recruitment units will tell female applicants: "We only recruit men, not women!" Why is this? It is clearly stipulated in the law that men and women are equal. Is this the so-called "equality"? Why do employers only recruit men and not women? The only answer is that gender discrimination has not really disappeared.


For thousands of years, why don't women stand up? We can no longer let men classify women as villains. What we need now is to be like Susan. Like Anthony, he bravely defended his rights. (Article reading website:)


I have a dream that one day men and women will really wait, and the recruitment unit will remove the "only recruit men, not women" brand.


I have a dream that one day half of the women's faces will appear at the world summit.


I have a dream that one day women will have as many rights as men, and the society will be truly equal to men and women.

梦想议论文 篇8


Dream is an almost abstract word. It seems so beautiful that it is unreachable, just like a bright star in the Milky Way sky; Sometimes I feel it is right in front of you, and the dim shadow seems to smile at you... However, once I embark on the dream journey, I will have unpredictable hardships and happiness after rain.


When I was in the fifth grade, I read Gorky's autobiographical trilogy. From then on, I had my dream of becoming a writer.


My literary talent is good, which makes me a little proud. I think it is not difficult to realize my dream. With a flick of the pen, the article flashed on the notebook like flowing water. However, on the smooth sailing sea, the sudden storm gave me a heavy threat.


On the composition book, the huge 85 points made me breathless, and tears stagnated in the corners of my eyes. I have never heard the words praised by teachers, and I have never seen the envious eyes of my classmates. I always get a score of 100, and I have never lost! The unprecedented pressure hit me, and I began to be anxious and hesitated: How could it be? Why is it only 85 points? Is the teacher wrong! Grievance, pain, incomprehension... spread in my heart, corroding my confidence like poison - I seem to see that the dream is so far away from me that I can't be sure whether I have seen it... Two villains appeared in my heart, one said: "Give up! Why do I have to take this difficult road?" Another said, "You can't give up! You see, many great people have achieved success by overcoming difficulties with dreams! What does this difficulty count for?" I am calm, yes, how can I give up easily? The bright red characters are no longer a sneer at me, but full of inspiration.


I wrote the revision quickly. For argumentative papers that I am not familiar with, I look through many similar compositions to find the knack. In order to be impartial, I will read the topic of the composition several times before writing


Finally, I crossed this threshold, gained a new way of writing, and felt the joy of no pains, no gains. Dream of the journey, there will always be unexpected surprises. Although, on the way to pursue my dream, there will be difficulties waiting for me. But no matter what, I will smile and raise my head to face the wind and rain, because I know that as long as I survive the wind and rain, there will be a rainbow.


In the future, I will be stronger and more brave on the way to pursue my dreams!

我有一个梦想作文600字 篇9


In everyone's heart, there will be a colorful balloon, that is, a dream. The balloon will fly to the depth of the rainbow. If you work hard, it will become a reality.


I also have such a colorful dream. I believe that as long as I keep forging ahead, she will no longer be a dream.


I want to be the next Mo Yan and the next person who can win the Nobel Prize for Literature. When I saw that Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for Literature on TV and in the newspapers, I couldn't help but feel waves in my heart. This made me feel how great it was when I stood on the highest podium. It was an affirmation of how much sweat I had earned. This is not just an award, it is an honor that can make thousands of people sincerely admire. This honor can convince those countries that look down upon China. I want to be such a person who can add luster to our country no matter how hard or tired he is. Don't let foreign countries look down on him, let us all Chinese people move!


I know that it is difficult to achieve this dream, but I insist, I believe, I am not afraid of difficulties! I want to contribute to my country and let foreigners know that we are great and brilliant! With our new chapter, we are the strongest!


Only with dreams can there be hope, only with hope can there be confidence, only with confidence can there be a career, and only with a career can there be a future! I have dreams, and I believe that my dreams will become the future.


Only after rain will there be a rainbow. The most beautiful future will go through storms and difficulties. I am not afraid of difficulties. I will go forward step by step without looking back. Each rainbow will always be remembered in the heart, which will be a unforgettable memory.


The colorful balloon in my heart, she is flying, she has been flying. She is looking for the "eternal rainbow" and she will fly to the place she wants to go.


As long as we are firm, as long as we believe, the dream is no longer a dream. She will become the future, the future and the history.


I have a colorful dream, she will become the future, because I believe, because I am firm.


Facing the ideal sky, shouting toward the "eternal rainbow": "My future is not a dream, because I believe, because I am firm!"

初三,我有梦想作文 篇10


I am a blue planet in a corner of the Milky Way, called Earth. In my early days, I created many lives and let them grow on me, evolving again and again, finally making me a beautiful lady.


Now I think about it. It was really comfortable to be chased by many planets at that time.


Among many choices, I have chosen you human beings - the most intelligent life in me. I dream that I will nurture you with my love and become an honor to me.


However, I regret later that you humans, bathed in my selfless love, have turned into a cruel, ignorant, vicious, greedy devil, who plundered all kinds of nutrients on my body crazily and polluted my clean body. For this reason, I went to the Cosmos One General Planetary Hospital for the first time in my life. There, I still met the planets that admired me before. But this time, their attitude changed completely. They all laughed, satirized, and ridiculed me, saying that I was really stupid, and that my dream was just a daydream. You did not know that I secretly cried in the dark for a long time!


The hospital issued a diagnosis and treatment record: the earth is now suffering from comprehensive man-made damage defect and biological cancer. The doctor sighed, and then I was rushed to the intensive care unit.


In the intensive care unit, Doctor Sun opened his mouth and saw the once dazzling earth. He was so surprised that he could not speak. After he recovered, he disinfected me with high temperature, and then started and strengthened my own immune system. As a result, the high temperature, rainstorm, mountain torrents, avalanches, volcanic eruptions, and the symptoms that make me very uncomfortable - what you call natural disasters, followed, and became more and more severe. Although this can kill a small part of you, it is a drop in the bucket for the 7 billion people. Finally, Doctor Sun said helplessly, "I can't do anything. Now only humans can save you."


I warn mankind: "If you continue to destroy my body, you will eventually suffer."


Humans suddenly realized that they would no longer destroy my body and live in harmony with me.


Since then, my body has slowly recovered. Although I still have the above symptoms, I believe that as long as I live in harmony with human beings, my dream will certainly come true!