
时间:2022-09-27 13:27:07 | 来源:语文通



国庆见闻作文精选500字3 篇1国庆见闻小学作文 篇2国庆见闻小学作文 篇3国庆见闻小学作文 篇4国庆见闻小学作文 篇5国庆节见闻 篇6

国庆见闻作文精选500字3 篇1


The Folk Piao color art exhibition is held in Panyu Plaza in the city!Dad and I used breakfast and drove to Panyu Plaza to watch the color performance.


As soon as we came to Panyu Plaza, we saw that the road was piled up on both sides of the road. We worked so hard to find a position. At this time, the sound of horn and gongs and drums rang rhythmically. Everyone couldn't wait to force up, as if never watched it. The floating color performance began. We saw the floating performance of "Seven Sisters down the Mountain", where there were seven beautiful fairy, one in green clothes, a orange clothes, one in blue clothes, and one wearing a dress Yellow clothes, one wearing dark pink clothes, a pink clothes, and a purple clothes, they are still wearing headwear on their heads! These beautiful clothing made me want to try it on my body. They were standing on both sides of the Tower, which was really noticeable. We also saw the colorful performance of the Olympic athletes! I saw a little girl holding a bicycle with tennis rackets. There were two little boys on the car, wow! Why do little girls have such a big effort to use such a heavy bicycle with tennis rackets, and there are two little boys on the car! Why is this? This question mark has been hit in my heart. However, the most interesting thing is "Awakening Lion Climbing Olympic Games, Holy Fire Yao Shenzhou". A torch holding the holy fire, as if athlete who looks like the Olympic Games! Do you say it is fun or not?


After watching this floating color performance, I realized that there were so many exquisite folk art in my country, which was really eye -opening, and these arts were around us. I really want to be an excellent literary room in the future Artist!

国庆见闻小学作文 篇2


The National Day is here. I put on new clothes. In the morning, my father and I went to climb Zijin Mountain.


We took the car to Taipingmen. After the winding boardwalk, we came to the mountain and stopped. Dad asked, "Wang Jiajie, do we go up the mountain from the official road or from the wild road?" I asked curiously: "What is the official officialTao, what is the wild road? "Dad pointed at a crowd's endless stone steps, and saw that the road on the mountain was very crowded, and the crowds of crowds became unable to look at the long dragons.There are colorful flags flying next to the road. There are bright red lanterns hanging on the door building, which is really lively.Dad said, "This manual paving is the official Tao." Then Dad took me a few steps and pointed at another quiet and profound sheep intestine trail: "That is the wild road!" I said, "Then we will go up the mountain from the wild road.Bar! Because it must be thrilling! "Dad happily agreed.


We crawled up along the rugged mountain road, around the dense jungle.Mother Qiu put gold in the woods.The autumn wind was blowing, the leaves were drifting, and some danced like a butterfly, and some rotated lightly as dancers.The ground is full of fallen leaves, as if a thick layer of carpet is paved.There is a maple tree on the hillside not far from the front of the front. In the autumn forest of Xiao Se, it has become more red, and it is so moving. The hillside seems to be burning.It's about to reach the top of the mountain, I am already panting and sweat.At this time, a refreshing fragrance passed over.I looked up, and my eyes were full of green, and a cluster of small yellow flowers were dotted, and I smiled at me!I remembered the word "Danggui Fragrance". It smoked me and was so angry, forgot to get tired, and reached the top of the mountain with my father.


I stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the rolling Zijin Mountain. I was proud of the landscape of the motherland!

国庆见闻小学作文 篇3


Today is the first day of the holiday. Early in the morning, Mom and Dad woke me up from my sleep and started a journey of Luzhou.It is not only the hometown of grandparents, but also the hometown of Cao Cao and Hua Yan.


Our car moves quickly on the highway. Looking at it, the peasant uncle is harvesting rice in the field. There are golden corn in front of the farm house, and the scene of autumn harvest is good!


At noon, we arrived in Bozhou, and Dad took us to taste a lot of delicious things: hand torn rabbit meat, dog soup ... After lunch, his cousin brought us to Cao Park.As soon as I entered the door, I saw three Malaysian Malaysia. I was very excited and shouted "I want to ride a horse!" Dad asked me to pick a strongest horse and rode up.At the beginning, the trainer made the horses walking slowly. I felt very unhappy, so I wanted to let the horse run faster.The trainer agreed to see me riding.He yelled at the horse: "Drive!" Ma Fei ran quickly.I grasped the armrests on the saddle, my legs clamped the horse's body, my body fluctuated up and down with the rhythm of the horse, and the sound of the wind in my ears felt very cool!


The next day, the little aunt took us to visit the famous historical monument -Cao Cao's ancient shipping road.We entered the ancient road from a small hole.The ancient roads are made of blue bricks. The height of the ancient road is only a little higher than me. Adults should lower their heads to pass.The terrain structure of the ancient roads is complicated: there are parallel roads, upper and lower roads, circular aisles, ventilation holes, and traps for preventing enemies.We turned around, so big!Like a maze!It is said that the area of Gu Dao is as large as half of Luzhou City.In ancient times, Cao Cao used the ancient road to transport soldiers. God did not know that the soldiers were dispatched to anywhere, making the enemy unable to clarify the situation, thereby winning a hundred battles!After listening to the introduction of my aunt, I think the ancients are really smart!So great!


The happy time seems to be very fast, and the five -day holiday is over.We reluctantly embarked on the return.

国庆见闻小学作文 篇4


Today is the mother of the motherland _ 今天 birthday!The streets on the street, the flags on the building fluttered, and each shop was greatly reduced. Everyone was preparing for the National Day.


Naturally, my mother and I will not let go of this good opportunity, so I picked up the shopping bag and set off.We were stunned when we drove the car to the parking lot of the mall. The parking spaces were full, but there were still many cars in the door.My mother and I found it for a long time before I found an empty position.When we walked into the mall, we could see all kinds of promotional billboards, and we couldn't help speeding up.


There are colorful flags hanging in the mall. Not only are there advertisements, but also the salesperson shouted: "Sell, sell it, come and see!" My mother and I carefully shuttled between the crowd, and after a while, I was sweating.EssenceAlthough the supply was fast during the National Day, I still saw that there were very few goods and even sold out the scene.My mother and I bought something to pay.


There are more people there, and the cash register can be leaked.Seeing my mother, I hurriedly found a relatively small cash register. After more than ten minutes, it was finally our turn.I took a look at the reception. It was so terrible that it was 248 yuan. After the discount, it only took 196 yuan.


When we drove out of the parking lot, we took a long breath: National Day is really "sad and happy"!"Hi" is too cheap to buy things. There are too many people who are sad, and they ca n’t go.When can you turn "sadness" into "joy"?

国庆见闻小学作文 篇5


The second day of the National Day is really unforgettable.


On this day, our family went to Damisha and saw the beautiful sea in my dream.


As soon as we walked into Da Meisha, we saw seven different colors of "angels" in "flying", saying that they were angels because they had wings, but I believe they were people, and a group of dreams could fly freely.people.Hehe, I am such a person.


We paved the buying mats on the beach. As soon as we sat down to rest, we were attracted by the cheers from people not far away.My mother and I quickly took off their shoes and socks and ran to the sea.Because of the wind, there was a lot of waves on the sea. I heard the sound of the waves slap beach: Boom, Boom, Boom ... People danced with the waves at the sea. After a while, I played well.Unfortunately, we can't swim, we can only play on the beach.At this moment, the waves rushed towards us like a wall, my mother saw it, pulled my hand and ran, and the mother accidentally stepped on the pit dug by the children.The body is sand, making everyone laugh.


At this time, Dad bought me a swimming circle and swimming trunks.When Dad changed his clothes, he was going to take me to the sea to swim.I'm so nervous, I'm afraid I will be washed away by the waves.Dad seemed to see my mind and said, "There is a dad, don't be afraid." Dad put me on the swimming circle and led me into the embrace of the sea.The waves are sometimes like a naughty child, chasing us, sometimes like an angry adult, patting us hard.When we were having fun, a big wave came up and patted me and my dad on the beach.I took a few sips of water, and even my nose came out.So dangerous.


It's an unforgettable day. I not only saw the sea, but also had intimate contact with the sea.Today I got happy and happy.

国庆节见闻 篇6


Finally holiday!My mother took me to Tianjin to visit my uncle, and she ate my favorite pancake fruit again.

虽然煎饼起源于山东,但是煎饼果子的做法却始于天津地区。在明朝的时候,天津有很多很多来自各的的商人,有山东商人带来了煎饼,会吃会做的天津人在煎饼里夹上“果子”,也就是油条,成为了煎饼果子。天津的煎饼果 www..c www..cn n 子已经申请为非物质文化遗产呢了!

Although pancakes originated from Shandong, the practice of pancakes began in Tianjin.During the Ming Dynasty, there were many many merchants from Tianjin. Some Shandong businessmen brought pancakes. The Tianjin people who could eat and could do "fruit" in pancakes, that is, churros, became pancake fruit.Tianjin's pancake fruit www..c www..cn nzi has applied for intangible cultural heritage!


The next morning when I returned to my family, I woke up with my mother and my uncle to buy pancake fruit. We came to the booth of the pancake every time. This booth has been settled for almost twenty years.The grandma of the stalls will definitely appear here every morning.As usual, I was going to line up. While I was queuing, I ran to the booth carefully to observe.I saw a machine grinding mung bean, constantly turning, like a gyroscope, make a pancake from time to time, scoop a spoonful of mung beans with water, and the grinding mung bean sauce flows along the groove.To the small pot below the stage.But don't underestimate this mung soybean milk. This is the most distinctive place in Tianjin's pancakes. The main composition of pancakes is mung bean noodles.


One of the characteristics of Tianjin people buy pancakes is to bring their own eggs, and the queue people basically carry a few eggs.Mom joked that everyone's money was not scratched by wind. They all wanted to save money. The eggs at the booth would be more expensive than their own eggs.Therefore, it is estimated that it is also one of the characteristics of Tianjin pancake fruit.


Grandma who makes pancake fruit, put the grinded mung soy milk on a large iron cake, spread the batter, then add 1 to 2 eggs, as required in advance of the guest, put the fruit or crispy, brush the sauce, put on the sauce.Then stack up a pancake fruit and make great achievements.I also found that there are a lot of cooked passengers in this pancake. Most people know the old grandma. When the pancakes are, everyone talks about the sky.


I really like to gather with Grandpa to eat pancake fruit, and also like the strong life of Tianjin, and look forward to the next pancake fruit!