
时间:2022-06-25 13:39:31 | 来源:语文通



The annual Mid -Autumn Festival is here again, and my parents take me to the countryside to visit my grandfather.Everyone was chatting, and the mother suddenly looked at the photos of her grandmother on the wall, and said sadly: "Mom's photos are pale!" Everyone listened, looked at her grandmother's photos carefully, and she was silent.I looked at my grandmother's loving smile, and many old things could not help but feel involuntarily.


My grandmother cherishes me very much. Every time I call, I need to ask my mother to let her bring me, always telling her that she can't live up to children anyway.When I was a child, I was too busy at work and was put in my grandmother's house for a while.As soon as my grandmother was going to see me, I bought a soft pillow and asked me to sleep well.She also asked Xiaoyu to buy a four -wheel bicycle, asking me to play freely on the concrete ground at the gate every day, and to exercise my courage and fitness work ability.As soon as I learned to ride a bicycle, she kept boasting: "Our family is doing it, and I will ride a bicycle so soon!" After listening, he kept giggling, the more he rides the stronger.To this day, cycling is still one of my favorite fitness.


In particular, I still remember the hot summer noon, and I kept crying, and the leaves did not move. Grandma went to the ground to cut weeds and brought me because of me. Every time I go to the ground, she will bring a small stool for me to cool under the tree on the side, and I will continue to help me carry my favorite snacks and toys I like to play. On that day, the sky was really too hot. I have always been smart. I came to my grandmother to pull her clothes and pants to buy drinks and drinks in the shop. As soon as she heard it, she agreed without thinking, and kept saying, "Okay, okay! Mother -in -law go to buy it!" She said she learned to let go of her work and pulled me to a very close shop. Buy drinks. But as soon as she came to the shop, she touched the packaging bag, oh, no money was brought. She quickly installed me in a cool area and ran home all the way to get the money. Because of the hot weather, her hands and feet were not very spiritual. When she returned, she was already sweaty. But she didn't complain at all, and said with a smile: "Mother -in -law used money, what do you need to eat, come and pick it yourself!" At that time, I was still young, not obedient, I didn't know for her. It's right. Now I turn around and think about it. At that time, she was not easy to have a major illness at that time!


My grandmother will work hard and diligent, because it is too tired, the tragedy died for the second time.When I grow up slowly, I often think of my grandmother's goodness to me, and I really look forward to the time of time!Indeed, there are tens of millions of feelings in the world. There is an emotion called miss!



1、一种:一种读音为yī zhǒng,是指1.一个种类。 2.一个部族。 3.一样;同样。一种 yī zhǒng词典解释:1.一个种类。 2.一个部族。 3.一样;同样。分词解释:一样:1.同样;没有差别。 2.表示相似。 3.一种;一件。部族:①中国历史上对聚居的部落和氏族的简称或合称。②一般指还处于奴隶社会或封建社会时期的民族。不以血缘为联系,而以地域为联系并建立在私有制基础上,其内部已出现阶级对立及剥削现象。同样:相同,一样。一个:1.表数量。单个。用于人和各种事物。 2.整个。 3.用在动词和补语之间,表示程度。 4.跟名词﹑动词结合,用在谓语动词前,表示快速或突然。种类:1.根据事物本身的性质或特点而分成的门类。 2.犹种族。...一种怎么造句,用一种造句»

2、思念:思念读音为sī niàn,是指怀念;想念:思念死去的父亲|思念乡亲们。思念 sī niàn词语意思:怀念;想念:思念死去的父亲|思念乡亲们。分词解释:怀念:思念:怀念故乡ㄧ怀念亲人。想念:①思念;怀念:想念昔日诸好友。②念头:频生想念,夜不安寐。父亲:有子女的男子是子女的父亲。...思念怎么造句,用思念造句»

3、感情:感情读音为gǎn qíng,是指①对外界刺激的比较强烈的心理反应:动感情ㄧ感情流露。②对人或事物关切、喜爱的心情:联络感情ㄧ他对农村产生了深厚的感情。感情 gǎn qíng词语意思:①对外界刺激的比较强烈的心理反应:动感情ㄧ感情流露。②对人或事物关切、喜爱的心情:联络感情ㄧ他对农村产生了深厚的感情。分词解释:流露:(意思、感情)不自觉地表现出来:流露出真情 ㄧ他的每一首诗,字里行间都流露出对祖国的热爱。强烈:①力量很大:强烈的爆炸|强烈地震撼着人心|夏日的阳光很强烈。②鲜明;程度很高:强烈的对比|强烈的反应|服装的色彩很强烈|心中的欲望十分强烈。事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。心情:情绪;感情状态:心情不好|心情舒畅。农村:以从事农业生产为主的劳动者聚居的地方。...感情怎么造句,用感情造句»