
时间:2022-08-10 13:15:19 | 来源:语文通



One of the most favorite things in the summer vacation is of course watching "Happy Boys".I like Chen Chu the most, I think many people like him, some people like his voice, some people like the look of his guitar, some people like his story, some people like him as a person ... I like him, it seems that I doWhat seems to be because of everything.


When he saw him again, he was already attracted by him because of his voice, and he sang with the guitar with heart, telling the story with music, remembering that when he heard him sing, the whole person was over.It's completely trapped in, it seems that you have entered his story, and it seems that he has entered the depths of your heart. This feeling was that all other players present at the time. Other players were singing.Simple mechanical listening, and listening to Chu Sheng.


In the later games, his likes to deepen him again and again.Between Chen Chusheng and awakening, the fans were divided into two factions, the judges were divided into two factions, and the host seemed to be divided into two factions. After the final result came out, Teacher He also mistakenly told Chen Chusheng as awakening.Chen Chusheng and awakening are all people in the two worlds. One selling lunch and one teenager overseas.The final champion was Chen Chusheng. I shouted loudly, I won, and we won.


In this world, I believe that everyone's persistence and efforts are returned.



My summer vacation life


Thursday, July 21st


This week, the most worrying is the 3A school exam.Because we have too much content in this issue.There are many contents of the Olympic language not only to understand, but also recite.What "Three -character Classic", "Zeng Guangxian Wen", idioms, ancient poems, and words, there are so many things to understand and recite.In order to get good results in the exam, I recite, write and review every night, plus the Olympic, reading and composition, I slept very late every day.


Exam.When I walked into the test room and got the test paper, my hanging heart finally landed.The topic is not difficult, I finished it in less than half an hour.After checking it a few times, I found and corrected a few errors, and I handed it out.I told my mother that I should get it this time.I am very confident in myself.


My summer vacation life


Thursday, July 28th


In this week, I read a lot of articles, one of which was a small story called "Success" aroused my great interest.The story is an interesting thing that happens to the famous French writer Bellner.


On one occasion, a French newspaper has a compelling intelligence competition. There is such a topic: If the Louvre of the largest museum in France is caught fire, only one painting is allowed to be rescued. Will you grab that?


As a result, in the answers from thousands of people received by the newspaper, Bellner received the highest bonus of this question with the best answer.His answer was: "I grabbed the recent painting from the exit."


I think Bellner's thinking is different from our ordinary thinking.Our answer may also be: "I grabbing the most precious painting." Kebelner's answer was unique.


This story tells us: The best goal of success is not the most valuable one, but the most likely to be achieved.



Dad took me to see Chinese medicine this morning, and then took me to his aunt's house. I asked my dad to stay with the grandmother's grandson (also my good friend Xun En))Play?Later, I stayed from 11 o'clock in the afternoon at 11 o'clock in the afternoon. I went with him to ride a bicycle, a palm -type amusement instrument, played games with cats, etc. I spent a happy time there.


After I came back, my brother and his classmates were playing "Wiisport". Another classmate and I was playing with a computer "LF2". One of the big sisters was very good to play with boxing. We all could not win her.Dad and mom leave us home, so that we can play with them, go out for a ride. After the father and mother come back, we go outside for dinner, and my brother goes to tuition after eating.


Today is a lively day.



That's right, next semester I went to the first day of the first semester and changed my head, so I had to prepare. I used this full summer vacation to do something.


You must be thinking about where I went in July. In fact, I participated in the military summer camp of primary and secondary school students in Longyan City. I was very glorious. I just entered the summer camp and I was elected as the length of the fifth row because of my courage.For more than 20 days, I got along well with the instructor and all my classmates, including girls, they all like me, and they have made a piece with me.....The internal affairs of our dormitory are still the first. I was working hard and doing well. When I filmed the documentary, my shot was the most.Although I am the biggest among all the platoon lengths, my rights are far less than them. The other instructors of the other row gave them whistle. Basically, they were commanded by them, but I would not feel sad at all, because I was humble and low -key.Unlike them to grab the limelight all day, they will make mistakes and be punished by the instructor, and I will never be. Some of them are not harmonious with the classmates in the row. This kind of thing will never happen in me.Okay, I finally left reluctantly.


In August I came back, I borrowed a book from my sister to preview the text of the first year, so that I know that there are seven subjects in the first year.Biological ethics, taking notes in class, other hardships, do n’t have a discipline, otherwise it ’s not easy! Now I also understand the nature of junior high school. I imagine that SpongeBob said, I am ready!


I also went to the teacher's Steve's family to learn English on the first day. The grammar is very critical, but I know that we have a class for more than 10 days. The teacher is very humorous and the class is interesting.But I want to go, I want to go for 10,000 years.



1、初一:初一读音为chū yī,是指1.第一,最先。 2.指农历每月的第一天。 3.初级中学一年级的省称。初一 chū yī词语解释:1.第一,最先。 2.指农历每月的第一天。 3.初级中学一年级的省称。分词解释:省称:简略的称谓。初级中学:我国学校教育制度规定,中学阶段修业年限为六年,前三年为初中。只设初中教育的中学称为初级中学。第一:1.等第次序居首位或首位的。 2.形容程度最深;最重要。农历:1.我国古代历法之一。平年十二个月,大月三十天,小月二十九天,全年354天或355天(一年中哪个月大,哪个月小,年年不同)。由于平均每年的天数比太阳年约差十一天,所以在十九年中设置七个闰月,有闰月的年份全年十三个月(383天或384天,闰月在几月份也没有一定)。又根据太阳的位置,把一个太阳年分成二十四个节气,便于农事。纪年用天干地支搭配,六十年周而复始。俗称阴历。这种历法相传创始于夏代,所以又称夏历﹑旧历。 2.农业上使用的历书。...初一怎么造句,用初一造句»

2、暑假:暑假读音为shǔ jià,是指学校夏季的假期,一般在公历七八月间。 指学校夏季的假期,在七、八月间暑假 shǔ jiǎ词语意思:学校夏季的假期,一般在公历七八月间。[summer vacation] 指学校夏季的假期,在七、八月间分词解释:七八:1.七八成。表示将近达到某种极限。 2.差不多;大概。 3.七乘八,五十六。夏季:1.见“夏天”。2.埃及古历一年三季之一,每季四个月,其他两季为冬季和洪水季。...暑假怎么造句,用暑假造句»

3、生活:生活读音为shēng huó,是指①指人或生物的各种活动:文化生活|政治生活|蟋蟀的生活。②进行各种活动:我们生活在一个开辟人类新历史的光辉时代。③活着;保存生命:民非水火不生活。④生计;衣、食、住、行等方面的情况:生活水平不断提高。⑤方言。活儿:做生活|这生活做得灵巧。生活 shēng huó词语解释:①指人或生物的各种活动:文化生活|政治生活|蟋蟀的生活。②进行各种活动:我们生活在一个开辟人类新历史的光辉时代。③活着;保存生命:民非水火不生活。④生计;衣、食、住、行等方面的情况:生活水平不断提高。⑤方言。活儿:做生活|这生活做得灵巧。分词解释:我们:代词。称包括自己在内的若干人。蟋蟀:1.亦作“螅蟀”。 2.昆虫名。黑褐色﹐触角很长﹐后腿粗大﹐善于跳跃。雄的善鸣﹐好斗。也叫促织。 3.《诗.唐风》篇名。小序谓刺晋僖公“俭不中礼”。 4.象声词。情况:1.志趣,志向。 2.情谊,恩情。 3.情形。 4.犹体统。 5.情趣,兴致。 6.心情,情绪。 7.今亦特指军事上敌情的变化。灵巧:1.指聪慧灵敏的才思。 2.聪慧灵敏。 3.精致小巧。...生活怎么造句,用生活造句»