
时间:2022-06-29 13:57:05 | 来源:语文通



Previously, I felt very happy about the beach camping. I looked forward to sleeping with the sound of the waves, but I never felt it.But when I really went to camping, the kind of feeling was greatly reversed with the original imagination.


On the morning of the third day of the summer camp, the coach told everyone that when everyone was camping by the seaside at night, I applauded: "Oh! It's so good!" From that moment, I would like to come as soon as possible at night and play camping at the seaside as soon as possible.


At that moment, I arrived at the forefront of the team, but when we followed the position of the teacher's fingers and saw the tent to live at night, I stunned — said that it was a tent, it might as well say that it is better to say that it is better to say that it is better to say that it is better to sayIs it a cover that was picked up on the floor with a hardcore!Is this the legendary tent?Alas, the happiness that I felt before was just reduced.


It's too tired to go to bed. I entered the tent and found that I didn't sleep on the ground at all, but I put a single bed! I was so sleepy that I couldn't stand it. I changed my pawns and lay down. Because of the seaside, the gas is very wet and cold, and the smell of aroma is fragrant, it makes me feel uncomfortable. The bed was also uncomfortable. Don't talk about the hot beach, but the electric fan in the tent can't blow me, which makes me difficult to fall asleep. When I wanted to close my eyes, a mosquito flew to my ears and talked to me about "little secret". I quickly sat up and knew that I was a person who was afraid of mosquitoes. I ran to the teacher and asked the teacher if there was any anti -mosquito items. The teacher responded: "There is no mosquito anti -mosquito anti -mosquito, I have a sleeping bag here, you can take it!" I can only return to the tent with a sleeping bag. I think: In this hot summer, put on a sleeping bag, isn't it stuffy? Forget it, or put it on, who makes me so afraid of mosquitoes! When I wanted to close my eyes, the toads in the pond next to the tent screamed, and there seemed to be a lot of it. I almost fainted, where is this? Also mosquitoes and toads, let people fall asleep? That's it, I didn't look at it all night, and stayed until Tianming.


In the morning, I ran to ask the classmates in other tents, and they didn't sleep well all night like me.Now think about it, that's a special experience, but it makes me feel all the happiness of the beach camping!I don't have to play camping by the beach!



1、海滩:海滩读音为hǎi tān,是指海边的沙滩。 指位于平均高潮面与平均低潮面之间的潮间带海滩 hǎi tān分词解释:海边的沙滩。[beach;seabeach] 指位于平均高潮面与平均低潮面之间的潮间带分词解释:海边:1.海的边沿一带。 2.指海疆。沙滩:1.亦作“沙潬”。 2.水边或水中由沙子淤积成的陆地。● 滩(灘) tān ㄊㄢˉ◎ 河海边淤积成的平地或水中的沙洲:滩头。滩涂。河滩。海滩。盐滩。◎ 江河中水浅多石而水流很急的地方:险滩。● 海 hǎi ㄏㄞˇ◎ 靠近大陆,比洋小的水域:海洋。海域。海拔。海疆。海内。海岸。海誓山盟。五湖四海。◎ 用于湖泊名称:青海。中南海。◎ 容量大的器皿,巨大的:海碗。海涵(敬辞,称对方大度包容)。夸下海口。◎ 喻数量多的人、事物像海的:人山人海。火海。◎ 漫无目标地:海骂。海找。◎ 古代指从外国来的:海棠。◎ 特指中国上海:海派。◎ 姓。...海滩怎么造句,用海滩造句»

2、露营:露营读音为lù yíng,是指1.军队野外宿营。 2.以军队组织形式到野外过夜﹐晩间有行军﹑营火会等活动。 搭建帐营,在野外住宿露营 lù yíng词语意思:1.军队野外宿营。 2.以军队组织形式到野外过夜﹐晩间有行军﹑营火会等活动。[camp;encamp] 搭建帐营,在野外住宿分词解释:军队:为政治目的服务的武装组织。过夜:①度过一夜(多指在外住宿):在工地过夜。②隔夜:不喝过夜茶。营火会:一种露天晚会,大家围着火堆谈笑歌舞、表演节目等。参加的多是青少年。...露营怎么造句,用露营造句»