
时间:2022-06-25 13:39:27 | 来源:语文通



There will be some things in daily life. Some things make us feel very happy. Some things will make us regret it very much.


I think everyone should have something like that, and I am not except.It should be the third grade of elementary school. At that time, some people in the college came to sell the materials for learning and training. Many people bought it. Therefore, because I went home to go home, I needed money from my grandma.After the price, I helped me (the thing I wanted to regret was that I asked my grandma more money. In fact, the material was 6 yuan.I ordered me not to lose money.I understand that at that time, I was not very rich in my family. This kind of money was enough for my 3 pocket money. I said that I could save money.


After school at night, my grandmother told me the name in the past, how much does the material cost?At first I did not say frankly. I told the truth under the questioning of grandma, and I told my grandmother that the material only cost 6 yuan.Then I returned this more 4 yuan to grandma.Grandma didn't say me, none of them hit me, just told me, do not lie to others, and be a honest person.I would like to say to my grandmother to say that the next time, it would never be that.This matter has always been something I regret.


I think I must be a honest and friendly person.If I can get it again, I will not be easy to do that.



What you leave me is the most beautiful memory.You are a sincere friendship when you were young. When I picked up the wine in my memory and wanted to invite you to drink, I drunk myself first.


Remember what we said for the first time? It doesn't matter, I remember."What is your name?" "My name is Xue Chenyue." From that moment, we have become friends with shadows.But time was in a hurry, and six years later, we were about to separate.


Remember in the last few days, you always ask me to accompany you to the trail."Yiyi, let's go again!" You always said."Then ... well." At this time, you will pull my hand and tell me the gossip in the grade.This trail is full of laughter and laughter, and this trail is full of our memories.But now you are gone, leaving me alone.I still love to go that trail, because there are you in that path, with your smile, and our memories.


If time can go backwards, I really want to go back that day and say "goodbye" to you.


On that day, as always, we walked from a small dining table to the station.You are still telling me the fun in the class, but I can't hear it anymore.Watching a car drove from my eyes, how much I hope time can live a bit slowly! I sighed, you suddenly stopped and looked at me, "What did you do?" I took your handSay: "Axue, the car is here." You were silent for a while, raised his face to me, and said, "It's okay, sit down." I also laughed: "Okay, I am accompanied by you."Here, the next ... more than 10 minutes, 713 came.I waved to her and said, "Axue, I'm leaving." You just said it lightly: "Oh." The car started, through the glass window, I watched your figure gradually hidden in the crowdEssence


In this way, we separated and didn't say a word, goodbye.


Now, my ears echoed a song: "Friends walk together in their lives, there are no more days. In a word of life, a glass of wine. Friends have never been alone, a friend you, you, youWill understand, there are still injuries, pain, but also to go, and me ... "


This time, I really regret it.I regret not saying to you, goodbye.Because I am afraid that I will be sad, sad, and fear of tears will fall off, I am afraid to separate from you.However, we finally separated ... Dear Axue, I owe you, goodbye.Sorry, dear friend!



1、后悔:后悔读音为hòu huǐ,是指事后懊悔:后悔莫及丨事前要三思,免得将来后悔。后悔 hòu huǐ词语解释:事后懊悔:后悔莫及丨事前要三思,免得将来后悔。分词解释:免得:1.亦作“免的”。 2.以免;省得。 3.犹免除。将来:时间词,现在以后的时间(区别于‘过去、现在’):这些资料要妥为保存,以供将来参考。三思:再三思考。语出《论语.公冶长》:“季文子三思而后行。子闻之,曰:‘再,斯可矣。’”事后:事情发生或处理﹑了结以后。事前:事情发生或处理﹑了结以前。...后悔怎么造句,用后悔造句»