
时间:2022-10-17 13:29:56 | 来源:语文通



关于中秋节作文 篇1中秋节的作文 篇2中秋佳节的作文 篇3中秋节的作文 篇4写中秋节的作文 篇5中秋佳节的作文 篇6中秋节的作文 篇7中秋的作文700字 篇8

关于中秋节作文 篇1


There are only a few pieces of moon cakes, which adults are reluctant to eat. They are left to us. Every time I share a whole piece of moon cakes, I will not be willing to eat them. They can be wrapped in thin paper for a long time. Every time I smell the sweet taste on the paper, my heart will be filled with joy. After the Mid Autumn Festival, I will open the paper bag and put a piece of it in their mouth in the envious eyes of my younger brothers and sisters, which will always bring us cheers all over the room Once upon a time, that simple happiness was lost in the years. Tonight is the Mid Autumn Festival again. It was the bright day of the moon. It was this shadow that pulled out the distant memory. There was no moon outside the window, but the bright moon in my heart was very bright.

中秋节的作文 篇2


Today is the annual Mid Autumn Festival. It's overcast and overcast in the morning. The weather is much cooler than yesterday. The sun hid in the clouds and the birds flew back to their nests. It seems that the next rain is inevitable. It is said that the moon on the Mid Autumn Festival is big, round and bright. I think how can I enjoy the moon when it rains?


In the evening, my parents and I went to Grandma's house. Uncle, aunt and sister are here too. It's really lively. The table is full of rich dishes, as well as delicious moon cakes and fruits. We sat around and ate with relish. Grandma smiled. How I wish every family could get together!


There is a light rain in the sky. Although the moon hides, this Mid Autumn Festival is really unforgettable to me!

中秋佳节的作文 篇3


Finally, the sun came back. I opened my eyes and saw that it was dark all around. Suddenly, a very small girl tore my "clothes", and then cut me open. I became two pieces.


When I look at my other half, ah! I am a moon cake. I am a moon cake of the Mid Autumn Festival! I am a popular food for the Mid Autumn Festival. On August 15 of the lunar calendar, it is the traditional Mid Autumn Festival. This is the middle of the autumn, so it is called the Mid Autumn Festival. In these days, we produce a lot of moon cakes.


As my companions were taken away one by one, my surroundings gradually became desolate, and I became uninterested. Suddenly, a little boy burst into the door with high spirits, and carried me and the few remaining mooncakes together. I was put in a plate, and it was the top one in the middle. There were also two plates beside it. It seems that I was the C position in the C position. The boy picked up my plate. I saw that it was a mid-autumn moon cake tasting party held in the classroom. At this time, a teacher was taking pictures for everyone. The little boys and girls were all smiling and full of expression with all kinds of moon cakes. Look: a boy on the right was confused, and he vividly reflected the expression described in the lyrics "Little friend, do you have many question marks?". A tall classmate obviously failed in expression management, and the one who smiled was called a wretch. The first classmate, the classmate, seemed to have experienced many things, and he regarded everything as insipid. He was not surprised at a young age. A little boy in the middle, like a little monkey, fidgeted and looked around. With the "click" of the teacher's mobile phone, the above pictures were permanently frozen at this moment.


Then I was picked up by the little friend who scratched his hair, the little boy with an ignorant expression. Then there was another classic advertisement screen reappearing, "Look at me, look at me again, and I will eat you..." Sure enough, after looking at me for ten seconds, the little boy opened his mouth and ate me with one mouthful of "Owl", and I also completed my short and wonderful mission!

中秋节的作文 篇4


The Mid Autumn Festival on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month is coming, and mooncakes are starting to sell. The streets were shouting, and banners of "Celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival" were hung at the entrance of all supermarkets. Everyone wanted to buy moon cakes, and there were long queues in front of the shops specializing in moon cakes. The streets are filled with fragrance and people.


Dad got off work. He was holding a box of exquisite mooncakes in his hand. I saw it and went forward to take it and opened it eagerly. I saw many flavors of moon cakes, and they smelled delicious. I opened the bag containing moon cakes, and there were various patterns on the moon cakes inside; Some are lotus paste, some are bean paste, and some are salted egg yolk, which makes my mouth water. I chose a bean paste flavored moon cake. As soon as I opened the package, I wolfed down. I was not satisfied with one of them, and I tasted salted egg yolk and fruit one after another.


Hee hee, after listening to my introduction, do you also want to eat? If you want to eat, go to buy it now. If you don't buy it now, there will be no shop after passing this village. Be careful!

写中秋节的作文 篇5


The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, and we will have a different Mid Autumn Festival. Usually we eat moon cakes and watch the moon on the Mid Autumn Festival. But let us be no exception. The Mid Autumn Festival was also very enjoyable in previous years. Our story is extraordinary.

今年中秋前期,我们将做起一个个大月饼 。木头模子是很久以前的。当然我家没有,要去一个邻居家做。我们做的是五仁馅儿的月饼。花生,橘子皮,瓜子是由我们准备好才送去的。我们的任务是做好准备工作。

At the beginning of the Mid Autumn Festival this year, we will make large mooncakes. The wood mold is from a long time ago. Of course, my family doesn't have one. I have to go to a neighbor's house to do it. We make moon cakes with five kernel fillings. Peanuts, orange peel and melon seeds were sent only when we were ready. Our task is to get ready.


First of all, we need to make shredded oranges in moon cakes. The orange peel is green, which is exactly what the moon cake needs. But what should we do if we need red orange peel in the moon cake? After much thought, I decided not to use the red orange peel, because I think the red orange peel is made of pigment, and it is almost yellow and green at ordinary times. So with my efforts, the orange peel problem was solved!


Next, I will cut the melon seeds. The small melon seeds in the moon cake are indispensable. One, two, three A plate of yellow melon seeds has been cut! Finally, I prepared all the food. I gave my family a surprise before they came back. After the "achievements" were packed, I watched them leave.


In the future, I will eat the big moon cakes with my "achievements"!

中秋佳节的作文 篇6


I like festivals very much, especially the Mid Autumn Festival. Every time the Mid Autumn Festival comes, I feel very happy.


On the Mid Autumn Festival, round moon cakes, apples, pears, grapes and other fruits are on the market. In the round moonlight, people taste the delicious food and talk about harvest. While appreciating the moon, I miss my relatives in a foreign land.


During the Mid Autumn Festival, our mother made the moon cakes herself. The moon cakes look like big cakes, very thick, fresh noodles and fresh fillings. The main ingredient of the filling is Hongtang, which is filled with sesame, Qinghong silk, nuts, raisins, etc. The newly made mooncakes are steamed, soft and delicious, suitable for the elderly; It is baked, scorched on the outside and tender in the inside. Young people like it very much. You see, the new moon cake is steaming hot and smells delicious. It's really mouth watering. There are all kinds of fruits and melons, but I still like to eat the moon cake made by my mother. The patterns of moon cakes are always clear, uniform, beautiful, and delicious


There will be a lot of meat, vegetables and seafood on the Mid Autumn table. On this happy day, adults will have a few glasses of wine to celebrate the festival.


The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. I hope the moon will be rounder and brighter this year.

中秋节的作文 篇7


"Look up at the bright moon and bow your head to think about your hometown." Whenever the Mid Autumn Festival comes, I always think of this poem. The Mid Autumn Festival is a gathering night for thousands of families, and my family is no exception.


Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. Our family has returned to our hometown to prepare for this wonderful festival.


After dinner, our family came to the yard, where we planted a big tree. We sat beside the tree, surrounded by a small round table, ate moon cakes, talked and laughed at the table, and looked up at the stars in the sky from time to time.


I did not interfere in the conversation of adults, but held my chin and looked at the bright moon in the sky. The vast and boundless sky is wide and hard, and the twinkling stars are like noble sapphires. But tonight, the most eye-catching one is the "big jade plate" - the moon.


Looking at the shadow of the moon, I remembered the beautiful and moving myth my mother told me: "It was an empty Guanghan Palace, in which lived the beautiful Chang'e and the lovely Jade Rabbit. The tall dark shadow was a sweet scented osmanthus tree, and under the sweet scented osmanthus tree was Wu Gang who kept cutting down the sweet scented osmanthus tree." The moon was bright and round, like a lamp, scattering silver on the ground.


Looking at the beautiful moon, I think of the stories of ancient poets and the moon, and the ancient poem describing the moon. I can't help but be intoxicated with the beautiful moonlight.


I looked at the moon, the moon that makes people think endlessly, and I looked at it for a long time

中秋的作文700字 篇8


The annual reunion festival, the Mid Autumn Festival, is here again. Here I use a poem that does not describe the Mid Autumn Festival to express the heart of overseas travelers: I am a stranger in a foreign land alone, and I miss my relatives every festival.


Today, the Heavenly Lord was a bit ugly. He knocked over the inkstone pool and then it rained. Maybe it was the Heavenly Lord who wanted to make a picture of the Mid Autumn Moon this evening! All right, here I look up to the sky and shout: "I advise the Heavenly Father to be energetic again, and rain heavily regardless of the style!"


In the evening, we went to have dinner with my uncle. The restaurant was full of people. It can be seen that there were many people coming out to eat, drink and enjoy the moonlight during the Mid Autumn Festival. Many drunk people "raised their glasses and invited the moon to have a drink of brandy! How ridiculous! My cousin and I were talking and laughing here, tasting all kinds of delicious food and orange drinks. It can be said that "delicacies of mountains and seas are stored in the stomach, and the nectar passes through the throat". This "reunion dinner" is really worth eating.


On the way home, a bright moon shuttles between the clouds, hiding and showing its true face. Even the stars are eclipsed. They all hide. How poetic! It seems that the famous lines of the ages, "I hope people will live a long time and share the beauty of the moon" and "The moon is born on the sea, and the horizon is at this time", cannot describe its beauty. I wonder whether Tiangong is creating the Mid Autumn Festival Moon Appreciation Map. In the distance, the Kongming Lantern and the Lotus Lantern complement each other. From a close look, the sky and the world are one and the same!


It's time for the folk custom of "worship the moon" again. I suddenly got inspiration and decided to make a shaddock lantern. After hollowing out the grapefruit and hollowing out the skin a few times, a naughty face will come out. Light a candle inside and cover the grapefruit. A high-end, grand, low-key, luxurious and connotative grapefruit hollowing lamp will be completed. Looking at the pomelo lamp, I thought like a spring of water, and wrote an article called "The Water Melody", Here I made a fool of myself: "The moon cake, the snail and the grapefruit, raised a glass to invite the sky. I don't know the Jade Rabbit in the sky, but who can taste the medicine? I want to ride the clouds. There are skyscrapers available, and the temperature difference on the moon is big. I sing loudly and the sound is lingering. I can sing K. I put candles, hang lanterns, and admire the moon. It should not be too late, and I should go to school tomorrow. People have black and white lights, and the moon is expected to be dark and clear. This matter is also reasonable. I hope to work less, and share the beauty of thousands of miles."