
时间:2022-08-12 13:46:53 | 来源:语文通



July 21 (the first day of the lunar calendar) on Tuesday, fine


Today is the first day of the lunar calendar, commonly known as "half a year", so our family decided to make dumplings together. This time I participated in the whole process. This process made me very fulfilling.


We first prepared noodles, put it in the basin to wake it up, and at the same time, Grandpa and I started to fill with stuffing.Grandpa put the meat, green vegetables, and shrimp in the vegetable basin, and then put the seasonings such as salt, monosodium glutamate, and stirred them with a pair of chopsticks.It's still a physical work! "The preparation was done. Grandma said," One by one, let's start to pack! "Grandma and I cooperated with the wake -up noodles into long dough. At this time, grandma then grandma.Pick up a long dough and pull it into a small circle of similar sizes. I am surprised: "Wow, grandma, you are so good, each size is almost the same, let me try it too!" SoI also picked up one child and started to pull. As a result, the noodles I pulled were small and small, which caused the whole family to laugh, and my grandma reworked again.


Grandpa rolled the lip -to -noodles into a dough, and finally started the work of the bag. I picked up a noodle, dug up the stuffing with a spoon, fold the skin first, pinch the two sides, then use the big side to use the big big side, and then use the big side to use the big side.Hold the corners of the two sides of the thumb and index finger squeezed in the middle, and a dumplings are wrapped.I was even more interested in watching the dumplings in my bag, so I slowly wrapped more than ten.


Today I have mastered a new life skill. Grandma praised me, "You are really a clever child." I watched myself wrapped dumplings and smiled with satisfaction.



1、大显身手:大显身手读音为dà xiǎn shēn shǒu,是指显:表露,表现;身手:指本领。充分显示出本领和才能。 身手,本领、才能。充分地显示出自己的才能大群街溜子,二流子也都大显身手。——端木蕻良《曹雪芹》大显身手 dà xiǎn shēn shǒu词语解释:显:表露,表现;身手:指本领。充分显示出本领和才能。[be at one's best;cut a brilliant figure] 身手,本领、才能。充分地显示出自己的才能大群街溜子,二流子也都大显身手。——端木蕻良《曹雪芹》分词解释:表现:显露出来:表现得很勇敢|良好表现|故意表现。表露:流露;显示:一个人的喜怒哀乐最容易在脸上表露出来。本领:技能;能力:有本领ㄧ本领高强。身手:本事:身手不凡|略显身手。...大显身手怎么造句,用大显身手造句»