
时间:2022-07-21 13:40:47 | 来源:语文通



My grandmother's neighbor's house has a little brother. He is much younger than me and is counted as age. On September 1st this year, it happened to be kindergarten on September 1st, but if he saw someone looking at him, he would hide in the *** mother orBehind his grandmother's arms.


One night, we finished meals and took a walk downstairs. I happened to meet him and *** mother.Seeing the child, my mother called his name enthusiastically. As soon as he heard someone calling him, he looked around the voice.He saw us, recognized us, and quickly hid behind *** mother's back, holding the leg of the *** mother.The closer we walked, the tighter he hugged, and he wanted to let the *** mother pick him up.*** Mom picked him up, and he buried his face into the arms of the *** mother, but from time to time, his eyes emerged to see what we were doing.But if you stare at him again, he will hide his face again.After a while, the mother joked him again: "What are the little boys still shy? It's almost the kindergarten, what's the case?" He heard that he was talking about him, and he was even more embarrassed.I buried my face deeper and screamed in my mouth. We were all laughing by his look. This was even more shy and buried deeper. Now we can only see that we can seeThe hat he wore on his head could not see his face.


Farewell to them, we went to take a walk.When he saw someone, he came down from the *** mother and walked by himself.



1、害羞:害羞读音为hài xiū,是指因胆怯、怕生或做错了事怕人嗤笑而心中不安;怕难为情:她是第一次当众讲话,有些害羞丨你平时很老练,怎么这会儿倒害起羞来了。害羞 hài xiū词语解释:因胆怯、怕生或做错了事怕人嗤笑而心中不安;怕难为情:她是第一次当众讲话,有些害羞丨你平时很老练,怎么这会儿倒害起羞来了。分词解释:老练:阅历深,经验多,稳重而有办法:他年纪不大,处事却很老练。平时:1.平日,平常时候。 2.太平时日。不安:1.不安定;不安宁。 2.不当,不稳妥。 3.不适,指有病。 4.客套话。表示歉意和感激。起羞:1.招致羞辱。 2.产生羞耻之感。了事:使事情得到平息或结束(多指不彻底或不得已):含糊了事ㄧ草草了事ㄧ应付了事ㄧ他想尽快了了(.le)这件事。...害羞怎么造句,用害羞造句»