
时间:2022-11-30 12:46:26 | 来源:语文通




  论曰:庄子有人貌而天之说,帆山子真气盎然,盖纯乎天者也。年七十四而终。闻临终预知死期,奉其祖父木主埋先人垅中,而以所玩器物尽贻朋好,拱手而逝。自称无方之民。其信然矣。其挚友江吟香素敦风义,有友五人,哀其无后,每逢寒食,辄具鸡黍纸钱。设位,祀之于江上之延生佛舍。帆山,其一也。盖即宋玉招魂、圣人于我殡之义。呜呼,仁哉! (选自《袁枚全集》,有删改)

  注:①嗢噱(Wà jué):笑谈,笑话。 ②金夫:有钱有势的男子。





9. (3 points) B (Old events, past events. "Trace" means deeds.)


10. (3 points) B


11. (3 points) C ("Alas, benevolence!" The author praised Jiang Yinxiang. Zhang Guanli Dai)


12. ⑴ Fan Shanzi can understand (understand) the scriptures (ancient classics) and is not bound by the ideas of Confucianism of the previous generation.


(2) Those who are good at learning must seek (explore, explore) the truth and follow the human temperament to implement enlightenment.


(3) (3 points) When you live in a certain family, if you occasionally feel unhappy (not suitable for your heart), your face will show immediately.



9. The incorrect explanation of the words added in the following sentences is (3 points)

  A.其持论快彻     彻:透彻

A. His argument is clear: clear

  B.圣人诏我矣     诏:教导

B. The sage called me to teach

  C.叙先贤遗迹      遗迹:留下踪迹

C. Xu Xianxian Relics: Leave traces

  D.自称无方之民     无方:不行礼义

D. People who profess to have no ways, no ways: no courtesy


10. In the following sentences, the group that all reflect Fan Shanzi's "unruly" character is (3 points)

  ①汉儒泥器而忘道,宋儒舍情以言性,皆误也 ②扼腕而谈,汩汩如倾河

① The Han Confucians forgot about the Tao while the Song Confucians gave up their feelings to express their nature, which was all wrong

  ③腾其口抑扬而高下之 ④逡巡有耻,遇人无机心

③ Raise its mouth and hold it high. ④ It's shameful to wander around, and when you meet people, you have no heart

  ⑤居常不系袜,或戴道士冠,挂尘尾 ⑥椭狭零星,手自摹拭

⑤ They don't wear stockings, or they wear Taoist crowns. They hang dust tails ⑥, which are narrow and scattered. They are copied by hand

  A.①②④ B.②④⑥ C.①③⑤ D.③⑤⑥

A.①②④ B.②④⑥ C.①③⑤ D.③⑤⑥


11. The following analysis and summary of relevant contents of the original text are incorrect (3 points)


A. In Fan Shanzi's opinion, it is not human nature to order people not to look at beautiful women directly on the road, or to beat their brothers and sisters at home.


B. At the end of the article, it said that Fan Shanzi had a benevolent heart, so after his death, his good friend Jiang Yinxiang would set up a shrine in the temple to worship him every Cold Food Festival.


C. Fan Shanzi was flustered when he saw a beautiful man. His eyes stared at him and his feet seemed to follow him. However, he humorously explained that he was in line with the way of saints.


D. Fan Shanzi is a hermit. He is uninhibited and has self-respect and self love. His speech and behavior show that he is a "real person".


12. Translate the underlined sentences into modern Chinese. (9 points)


(1) All the people who read the scriptures know well that the people who died were not confined by the former Confucian scholars. (3 points)


(2) To be a good scholar, we should follow the principle of justice and follow the human feelings to teach. (3 points)


(3) There is something unexpected in the fake hall, so I can't help it. (3 points)