
时间:2022-10-15 13:25:40 | 来源:语文通



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植树节作文 篇1


This Sunday morning, our small press group went to plant trees on both sides of the Xixin River.


Early in the morning, we waited for the bus at the bus stop. The bus finally arrived. When we got on the bus, we saw that there were all small journalists on the bus, which was almost a "special bus for small journalists". After arriving at the destination, look at many people! They all come to plant trees. I took two saplings first, and then I went to wait for a shovel to dig a hole. When digging a hole, I had to dig it deeper and bigger, so that the roots of the small saplings could take root deeper. We first dug a pit, and then put the saplings into the pit. When filling, we should put soft soil near the roots of the trees and then pat the soil firmly. Then we surrounded the small trees with a circle of soil for watering, and we were done. We planted three small trees in this way.


Through this tree planting, I understand that afforestation is everyone's responsibility, and protecting trees can protect our environment.

植树节作文 篇2


Today is Arbor Day. Class 2, Grade 2, went to the countryside to plant trees.


The teacher said, "Two people plant a tree." So the students rushed to the saplings and picked out the stronger saplings to plant. Then the students began to plant trees by heart. Dandan and I were the most serious, and the teacher praised us!


At noon, we went home for dinner.


Although I am very tired today, I have experienced endless happiness.

植树节的作文 篇3


With the warm wind blowing, we ushered in the annual Arbor Day.


The Sunshine Dedication Team of Class 51 came to the first teaching building orderly. Mr. Liu began to assign tasks. We are responsible for cleaning in front of the dormitory.


After that, we came to the front of the dormitory and began to water the trees. We took buckets to the canteen to fetch water. After receiving the water, the students came to Qingtong and began watering. One barrel, two barrels, three barrels, four barrels. I don't know how many buckets of water have been poured. I only see that the students are already sweating heavily. It seems that time has passed for a long time.


The students are actively watering the small trees. The little tree is also cheering for the students. The students may feel that the little tree is cheering for them and studying harder.


Time passed little by little. Finally, the water was sent to Qingtong. The students looked at their works and smiled in the sun. Finally, the students took a photo with their work results.


This activity not only watered trees, but also improved students' awareness of environmental protection. Now, everyone is willing to make contributions to greening.


Today is my most unforgettable day. Today is the Arbor Day, so Ge Zi and Duan, together, represented our class to participate in the tree planting activities organized by the ancestral temple community.


In the morning, when the spring breeze caressed our faces, we wore a bright red scarf and happily walked out of the school gate, passed through the ancestral hall square and came to the vacant floor A of the residential area. Soon our tree planting activity will begin. I saw my aunt and uncle pick up shovels and start digging. Soon they dug a trench. Our children's task is to put the saplings into the dug ditch. I helped the saplings carefully. Guo Zihe and Duan are responsible for the cultivation of the earth. Soon, a small tree was planted. Everyone has done their own work and they have done their best. Soon, the ground was covered with saplings. Looking at the green saplings, I think I have a magic wand in my body, which makes me more and more like green.


Let me tell you a little secret: today is also my birthday. I think today's tree planting activity is my birthday gift! I know that spring is the planting season, and many kinds of trees can protect our earth. I hope to organize more such tree planting activities in the future, so that we can be surrounded by green!

植树节作文 篇4


Today is the Arbor Day on March 12. My uncle took me, my mother and my sister to plant trees in Shangsi Village, Honghetun Township, Anyang County. Many tree pits have been dug there. In some places, my mother and uncle dug several tree pits to plant trees because the excavator couldn't get on. Today we plant poplars. I want to plant pine trees very much, and my mother said that I can plant pine trees every year.


My uncle carried 10 small saplings. My mother put them in the tree pit and held them. I filled the soil beside them. When I filled half of them, I had to step on the soil with my feet and then fill the tree pit. Follow me to the canal to fetch water. I picked up three buckets of water and stepped on the mud. I want to remember this place. It's under the No. 57 electric pole. When I pass here, I will come to see the small trees I planted. The survival rate of this kind of tree is low, so we should take good care of it.


I was very tired. I came back from my grandpa's dinner. I had to take part in activities in the afternoon, but I didn't go when I felt uncomfortable.


I had a good time today.

植树节的作文 篇5


The day before the Arbor Day, my father bought a sapling and put it in the garden, but I can't wait. I really want today to be Arbor Day. I can't wait to pick up the sapling and go to my grandfather's house to plant trees.


On Thursday, March 12, 2009, the long awaited day finally arrived. In the morning, I went to school happily. When I got home in the afternoon, I hurried to do my homework. After finishing my homework, I had a quick meal with my father for fear of wasting time. After dinner, my father and I picked up the sapling, then found a motorcycle, and we went to my grandfather's house.


When I came to my grandpa's house, he welcomed us warmly and asked if we had eaten? I said, "Grandpa, we have eaten. Today my father and I are here to plant trees." I asked again, "Do you have tools for planting trees?" Grandfather replied, "Yes! There is a shovel. You need to water trees, so take a load of water!" Dad and I nodded.


Then my father carried water, and I took saplings and shovels. Along the way, I walked and sang: "There is no fragrance of flowers, no height of trees. I am a little grass that nobody knows. I never feel lonely, never worry, look at me..." Before I finished singing the song "Grass", I came to the place where we planted trees.


Dad first pried the soil with a shovel, and then I put the sapling into the hole pried, held the sapling, and Dad filled the soil. Finally, I watered the sapling, and soon we carried the first tree. In this order, my father and I carried the saplings. I looked at the small tree and suddenly thought: I don't know what the saplings will look like when they grow up? What if it grows up and is cut down? I thought: I had an idea, and said to my father: "Dad, let's put a fence around the saplings, and put up a sign." Dad said, "Good! This will not only protect the saplings, but also remind everyone to protect the environment. You can write something on the signboard about protecting the environment!" As soon as Dad finished, I put a fence around the saplings and hung a sign on the saplings, which said, "Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment." When I was leaving, I made a wish: I hope everyone can protect the environment and make the earth greener and less polluted.


Finally, my father and I looked at the saplings we had just carried and reluctantly left the place.

植树节作文 篇6


I'm so happy today, because I went to plant trees today. Do you know what festival is today? March 12, Arbor Day.


In the afternoon, the sun was very fierce, which seemed to cause me trouble and made me sweat. We took hoes and dug and dug. When we were tired, we changed people to hoe and hoe all the time. I don't know how long it took. There were saplings everywhere. Watching everyone busy there, I was sweating too, but I was always happy because I planted many trees and made new achievements.


On the campus, all the students were sweating, but they all wore smiling faces. On this day, my classmates and I were very tired but happy. We sincerely hope that we can cherish the environment. As my headmaster said: Greening the campus 312, beautifying the campus. It will be green on March 12, 365, and protect the environment in 365 days.

植树节作文 篇7


Arbor Day, first, from the tree planting season analysis; Second, to commemorate the achievements of Dr. Sun Yat sen in advocating afforestation.


Dr. Sun Yat sen liked planting trees since he was a child. Today, there is still a century old Honolulu sour bean tree in his former residence. In 1883, Sun Yat sen, who was only eighteen years old, brought back seedlings from Honolulu, the United States, and planted them himself. With his careful cultivation, they finally became useful.


Sun Yat sen was also the first person who strongly advocated afforestation in modern China. In the political document Shangli Hongzhang Shu, which he personally drafted, it was pointed out that if China wants to become strong, it needs to "vigorously promote agronomy and pay attention to tree art".


In the future of the Revolution of 1911, Dr. Sun Yat sen proposed a plan for large-scale afforestation in northern and central China. In 1924, he stressed in a speech in Guangzhou that the fundamental way for everyone to prevent floods and droughts is to continuously plant trees and build large-scale forests. In addition, he also repeatedly emphasized the harmfulness of deforestation and the importance of afforestation in many works and speeches, and he personally planted trees.


At the initiative of Dr. Sun Yat sen, it was first stipulated in China on July 30, 1915 that the annual Tomb Sweeping Day was the Arbor Day. On March 12, 1925, after Sun Yat sen died, he decided to designate March 12, the date of Sun Yat sen's death, as the Arbor Day to commemorate his achievements in advocating afforestation.