
时间:2022-11-17 12:49:09 | 来源:语文通



春节的作文:春节印象 篇1春节的作文 篇2过春节的作文 篇3过春节的作文 篇4关于春节的作文 篇5过春节的作文 篇6过春节的作文 篇7春节的作文 篇8

春节的作文:春节印象 篇1


"The firecracker sounded like a year old." The New Year is coming. In my mind, the Spring Festival is very lively and interesting.


On the evening of New Year's Eve, everyone gathered around a round table to have a meal. The dishes on the table were very rich, with spicy braised fish - more than every year; Green fried vegetable head - every year has a bright future


The Spring Festival is not only lively, but also accompanied by many interesting customs.


It is said that in ancient times, there was a mythical beast called Nian. It had the head of a dragon, the body of a unicorn, and the hoof of a bull. It was huge, like an elephant. Its face is ferocious and terrifying, so people are very afraid of it. It always eats people in the village on the last day of the year. As a result, the common people will escape to the mountain with their own food on the last day of the year. However, there was a child who couldn't go up the mountain because of his injured leg. His grandparents couldn't bear to stay with him. They were ready to die. At this time, a white haired old man of unknown origin came up to him and handed the child a red suit, a pair of red shoes and a red envelope, He said, "As long as you put these things on your body and put the red envelope in your pocket, Nian will not be able to bite you." Then he handed the lantern and the couplet to his grandparents and said, "Hang the lantern, paste the couplet, and eat the dumplings with the whole family. After eating, set off firecrackers to scare Nian gezi away." Grandparents and grandchildren were half convinced, but they followed suit. Unexpectedly, Nian was really scared away.


Since then, on the last day of each year, people will wear red hot new clothes to get together and eat dumplings, paste couplets and hang lanterns - gradually becoming the custom of the Spring Festival. It has also become my favorite festival - Spring Festival.

春节的作文 篇2


It's sunny today. My mother suggested that our family go to the playground. I jumped three feet high happily. I like the playground very much. I can't wait to urge my mother to start quickly.


As soon as I got off the bus, the first thing I saw was a row of tall and spectacular buildings, which is our destination today, "Huayi Brothers Film World". I saw people coming and going in the square in front of the gate, and there were several long lines at the ticket office. Fortunately, my mother has booked tickets online, so I can go to play soon.


After entering, I went straight to my goal - the amusement park. There are too many interesting things here, but some projects need to queue for a long time, so I chose some places with few people to play first.


While I was playing, my mother said that there seemed to be fewer people jumping there. Would you like to play? Of course, I have to go. I hurried to queue up with my mother. When I was queuing, I suddenly heard a shriek. I followed the sound and saw that it was the people above who were afraid to scream. I thought in my heart: I won't be afraid!


But when it was our turn, I was still a little nervous. I sat in the chair and fastened my seat belt according to the instructions of the staff. The seat slowly began to rise, stopped in mid air, and suddenly fell down. Before I could react, it started to move up again. I don't think it's anything. Why are they afraid to scream? When the seat came to the top of the column, which was about five meters from the ground, I felt like a broken bucket, rushing straight up to the ground. I was so scared that I couldn't help screaming... Suddenly, I stopped again, stopped in mid air, like a car stepping on the emergency brake. But before I could take a long breath, I rushed down again and screamed again. In this way, the lifting and lowering were repeated several times, and I screamed more and more loudly. Finally, I stopped. I returned to the ground and felt my heart was still pounding. It was so exciting! It's great!


Of course, how can we not watch a movie in the movie world. We went to the film shooting scene and experienced the live kung fu stunt show, which was also irresistible.


I really enjoyed myself today. I enjoyed watching performances, taking trains, merry go rounds, etc. It was very late to go home reluctantly.

过春节的作文 篇3


On the New Year's Day, when I got up in the morning at my grandparents' house, I heard the sound of gongs and drums beating outside. I knew there must be an activity, so I quickly got everything ready and went out to participate. We walked to some fixed places to burn incense and set off firecrackers. It is estimated that it is to offer sacrifices to gods and heaven and earth. The name of this activity is "The End of Heaven". As the name implies, it is to pray for immortals to have a good harvest this year.


The third day of the New Year. I got up early that day and helped my grandparents burn the fire, but it didn't burn. Then I went to the town with some people in the village to pick up the immortals. Some people held some colorful flags, and I also carried the only one. I took a truck to Wangfuzhuang, walked around Wangfuzhuang with gongs and drums, put these things in a house, and then all families came here to set off firecrackers, which made my ears ringing. This is "Meeting Tai Gong", a very interesting activity.

过春节的作文 篇4


On the morning of December 29, my brother set out from Wuhu, Anhui Province. In the afternoon, my sister and brother-in-law to be set out from Shanghai to Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, to meet our family and return to our hometown in Jiangxi Province for the New Year. In the evening, we agreed to get up at five and start at six.


I woke up before 4 am the next day. Why did I wake up so early? Maybe it's because we are going back to our hometown today, so excited. Will you get carsick on the way? What's good in my hometown? What's so funny? Although I woke up, I didn't want to get up. First, there is nothing to do when we get up; The second reason is that they are afraid of waking others. I have been waiting in bed, thinking while waiting, waiting until five o'clock, until the alarm clock rang, I got up.


After I got up, I first went to see if my parents got up, because my father told me last night that I should wake him up in the morning to prevent oversleeping. Open the door, the light is on, and Mom and Dad are getting dressed! When I was ready, it was almost six o'clock. I was very excited and decided to get down and wait for the bus.


It was freezing outside. I stood outside. It was dark all around. I only heard the howling wind. Then everyone got down and the car came. We rode in a car. Although it was very crowded, everyone was very happy.


When the vehicle was driving on the Hefei Nanjing Expressway, it stopped at the Gongling service area for a while. At this time, it was already light. The fire like morning glow, holding a golden red giant ship, is spitting out from the remote ridge and scattering thousands of rays of light to the light blue sky.


On the next road, although the car is driving very fast, I hope to drive faster and faster. I'm really eager to return! At more than eleven o'clock, we finally arrived at the uncle and his wife's house.

关于春节的作文 篇5


This year's Spring Festival is as lively as ever. There is a fixed fireworks display area in the community. Every year, people in the community gather here to set off fireworks, and the scale seems to grow year by year. We also bought a lot this year. It was too heavy, so we just drove over. The scene was no worse than the Tian'anmen Square on National Day. The fireworks in the sky are colorful and beautiful, and the children get together to play happily with the hand-held fireworks sticks.


On the fourth day, I went back to Taiyuan with my husband and daughter to celebrate my mother's birthday. My brother and sister-in-law have made arrangements in advance. In recent years, the life of my brother and sister-in-law has become more prosperous, and I take good care of my parents. I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart!


It was good to go home. The whole family sat together playing cards, laughing and talking. My little nephew is 8 months old. He is really cute. He let me hug him when he saw me, making his daughter very jealous. It's just that the time spent at home is too short. There are only three days before and after. The daughter is crying and doesn't want to go. Alas, I don't want to leave. I just didn't stay down to earth. I was thinking about how to develop the company's new business this year and my daughter's homework. I didn't bring my homework when I left.


On the way, he told his father that he would leave for the Spring Festival next year, that he would accompany his mother-in-law in Beijing, and that I would take my daughter back to her parents' home in advance. He readily agreed. Who knows if he will change his mind.

过春节的作文 篇6


The Spring Festival is an important festival of our Chinese nation. We should paste Spring Festival couplets, set off firecrackers, watch the New Year, pay New Year greetings, and so on. Different nationalities have different customs.


On New Year's Eve, our family put on new clothes and put on the New Year couplets to prepare for the arrival of the New Year. In the evening, our family was eating dumplings, which had a moral: the wealth was rolling. Because dumpling is like a gold ingot, which is money in ancient times. Shousui must have the Spring Festival Gala. Without the Spring Festival Gala, Shousui is meaningless. Our family sat on the sofa, laughing and laughing, watching the "Spring Festival Gala".


On the New Year's Day, my father and I were sitting in our car on the newly built road. Although the wind was biting, we were still very happy. When I arrived at my grandmother's house, I made obeisance to her for a year and got a big red envelope. I thought to myself, "Get rich this year!"! Then I said goodbye to Grandma's neighbors. Then I came to my uncle's house. It was like coming to the paradise of books. There were stories, science and art... After I had eaten at my uncle's house, I received red envelopes and some books. I would like to digest some of them. I'm so happy to come to Uncle's house!


I'm so happy this year. It's really a happy Spring Festival!

过春节的作文 篇7


After going down the mountain, my parents and I went to my grandmother's house in Wangfuzhuang. I felt uncomfortable, and had some bad symptoms such as dizziness, nausea and vomiting. I told my grandmother that she fried some "moxa leaves" and wrapped them on my belly button. Soon the symptoms disappeared. It was amazing!


On the New Year's Eve, we had a New Year's Eve dinner at the Waigong's home. They cooked a lot of delicious food: hot pot, shrimp, dumplings... After the New Year's Eve dinner, fireworks were set off. Only a loud sound of "boom" was heard, and the whole sky of Huize City was lit up and dyed red by fireworks. The grand fireworks blossomed in the night sky like giant umbrella flowers; Like bright lights in the night sky; Like clusters of flowers blooming and spreading golden powder foam. It is magnificent and beautiful. The annual Spring Festival Gala is coming after the fireworks. Looking at the wonderful Spring Festival party, I can't help thinking that this year is the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up, My father often said: "When we were young, there were only one or two families in a village killing pigs. Then each family went to buy some to cook soup and steam some rice to eat. My father lived in Xiaoling when he was young. Rice was precious, and he usually used a little to cook porridge with sweet potatoes and corn. Now there is basically rice every day. People's life has improved, thanks to reform and opening up!

春节的作文 篇8


If you want to talk about the fun of Spring Festival, you have to make dumplings for your parents.


That morning, I found a bowl with dumpling filling and dumpling skin in the kitchen. I think: if my parents get up and see that I have made delicious dumplings, how happy they should be! Thinking, I laughed out loud.


The first step is to make dumplings. Because I haven't practiced for a long time, I wrapped it very slowly and carefully, but it's not good at all: everyone is out of the picture - squeeze it here and open it there; That side is tight, and this side is open. For a moment, I was so anxious that I was sweating. I wanted to give up. But at the sight of those dumplings, they bared their teeth as if they were laughing at me. I was so angry and stubborn that I didn't believe it was bad for you. I picked up a piece of dumpling skin, tore it into small pieces to repair them, and finally blocked their "mouth". During the repair process, I also wondered: Is there too much stuffing? Later, I didn't "eat" so much stuffing from the dumpling skin. As expected, the dumpling was no longer "noisy" and kept quiet. I put the dumplings in a circle on the plate. At first glance from a distance, they looked like a blooming white chrysanthemum.


The second step is to cook dumplings. I tilted the plate, and the white fat dumplings scrambled to "plop plop" into the water. Then I took the spoon to push them away, so that they wouldn't stick together and tear the clothes hand in hand. Then put the lid on the pot. A minute later, the water boiled. When I opened the lid, the dumplings immediately jumped up like they had found a new continent. I poured a third of the water in the ladle into the pot, and the dumplings seemed to be "hypnotized" and sank back to the bottom. After I repeated these processes, a fragrance overflowed, and I felt like a bird singing in my heart, which was very happy.


Mom and Dad smelled the aroma and got up. They ate the dumplings I made, and then they were full of praise. Mother teased and said, "The dumplings made by my son are more lovely than each other!" Looking at the smiling faces of my parents, my heart is sweeter than honey.