
时间:2022-09-05 13:36:09 | 来源:语文通



After finishing the third lesson in the morning, my stomach was hungry."Well, if you get up in the morning for more than ten minutes in the morning, you can eat breakfast."


"Dingling Bell-" A melodious music came out of the broadcast.Haha, you can go home for dinner for forty minutes.I was thinking, the English teacher -Teacher Ren entered the shift, followed by Zheng Yiwen and Han Yimeng behind him. The two of them were holding dozens of English Huanggang. It seems that this lesson will talk about Huanggang.question.Huanggang was released, and I quickly opened, saw a few red hooks and a hundred points, and a stone in my heart fell to the ground.


At this moment, my "lunch bell" rang again."Cuckoo-" Well, I must get up early tomorrow! Teacher Ren picked up Huanggang and said, "Please turn Huanggang to the fifth page and start from the largest group."


I sat in the second largest group. After the first group, it should be our group. If I should be hungry, will I interrupt my mind? Listen to the destiny.When it was my turn, my stomach really started to make trouble again."Guru--" It seemed to be saying, "I want to eat, I want to eat."


I stood up and talked stuttering, and the bell rang after class, and finally came over.As soon as Teacher Ren finished speaking, I hurriedly threw the book in the schoolbag, pulled the zipper, the schoolbag was thrown behind, and ran to the corridor and followed the army to go downstairs.


When I walked out of the school, I saw my mother's electric car and got into the car. My mother rushed to home with me.


As soon as I arrived at the door of the unit, I smelled a scent, salty and fragrant.That's right, it is the taste of braised pork, and I do n’t know who made braised pork. It ’s so fragrant! I ca n’t control it so much, first go home to find a snack pad.While my mother locks the car, I have made three steps and went upstairs in two steps, opened the door, wow! What is so fragrant? Haha, it is the taste of meat! I squinted my eyes, smelled it hard in the air and sniffed my smell in the air., Then change the shoes and run into the living room.


What is the bowl of "Wow"? The braised pork just out of the pan is hot, the brown -red soup is soaked with red meat, and the fat is thin and clear.The fingers of the event, can't wait to pinch a piece, and quickly stuff it into the mouth, for fear that it will fly away.Well, very good, three -point fatty meat, seven -point lean meat tender."This taste should only be available in the heavens, and I can eat a few times on the world." I pinched it again, and the fat pieces of meat dripped down the oil. It looked like a work of art.Taste again.


I am so happy to be able to eat braised meat made by my father when I go home from school!