
时间:2022-07-14 13:50:41 | 来源:语文通



In the afternoon after school this time, there is no one at home, and I can dine myself.At this time, the first ingredient in my mind was fried chicken.In fact, fried chicken can be said to be a kind of fried food. Regardless of my sister or parents, I don't want to eat it at all.However, although I understand that the production process of fried chicken is very unhealthy, and even the oil and replacement of oil can not be guaranteed, because I may not have the temptation of food.


After eating fried chicken nuggets and burgers, I feel very comfortable, and the deliciousness is bouncing in my tongue.What I didn't think of is that as soon as I stepped into the door of my house, I also felt that there was some uncomfortable stomach.I didn't care at first. With the passage of time, I gradually felt that the stomach was getting more and more swollen, as if it was stuffed with stones.I pressed my stomach and swollen and cold. At this moment, I realized that it should be that eating fried chicken caused abdominal distension.I once remembered that I would turn around when I was sleeping, but helplessly, the stomach became more and more uncomfortable. I turned around in bed and couldn't sleep at all.


In desperation, I could only grit my teeth and persistently, rubbing my stomach gently to help digestion.After fifty minutes, my hands were sour, but my stomach was still uncomfortable. The ingredients turned over for a while.


After dinner, my sister went home and helped me cook.Seeing the meals of Shanzhenhai, I didn't have appetite at all, and I only pretended to eat it.But my sister or quickly realized my abnormalities, because I couldn't help it disgusting because I ate it.Under her inquiries, I talked about eating fried chicken.My sister said helplessly: "I told you so many times, don't eat it, is it uncomfortable now?" Then, she went to find me to help digestion medicines, and helped me rub my stomach to help digestion until I went toIt's late, I feel better.


After that, you can't talk.



1、事情:事情读音为shì qing,是指1.事物的真相;实情。 2.事理人情。 3.人类生活中的一切活动和所遇到的一切社会现象。 4.犹工作,职业。事情 shì qíng词典解释:1.事物的真相;实情。 2.事理人情。 3.人类生活中的一切活动和所遇到的一切社会现象。 4.犹工作,职业。(1) [affair;matter]∶人类生活中的一切活动和现象我爱我母亲,特别是她勤劳一生,很多事情是值得我永远回忆的。——《回忆我的母亲》(2) [fact]∶事实曲尽事情,一无遗误(3) [marriage and funeral]∶泛指婚丧大事我见你带的扇套,还是那年东府里蓉大奶奶事情上做的。——《红楼梦》分词解释:真相:1.佛教语。犹言本相﹐实相。后指事物的本来面目或真实情况。 2.谓实任宰相。 3.犹宝相。即神﹑佛的画像或塑像。职业:1.官事和士农工商四民之常业。 2.职分应作之事。 3.犹职务;职掌。 4.犹事业。 5.今指个人服务社会并作为主要生活来源的工作。人类:1.泛指人。 2.人的总称,指人的全体。一切:1.权宜;临时。 2.副词。一概;一律。 3.全部,所有。 4.泛指全部事物。 5.一般的;普通的。...事情怎么造句,用事情造句»

2、造成:造成读音为zào chéng,是指犹造就。 招致或引起造成今日之老大中国。—— 清. 梁启超《饮冰室合集.文集》造成 zào chéng词语解释:犹造就。[create;cause] 招致或引起造成今日之老大中国。—— 清. 梁启超《饮冰室合集.文集》分词解释:造就:①培养成功:时代造就了人才。②成就;劳绩:深有造就。● 成 chéng ㄔㄥˊ◎ 做好,做完:成功。完成。成就。成事。成交。成立。成婚。成仁(儒家主张的成就仁德)。成人之美。玉成其事。◎ 事物发展到一定的形态或状况:成形。成性。成人。自学成才。蔚然成风。◎ 变为:长成。变成。◎ 可以,能行:成,就这么办。◎ 称赞人能力强:他办事麻利,真成。◎ 够,达到一定数量:成年累(lěi )月。◎ 已定的,定形的:成规。成俗。成见。成例。成竹在胸。◎ 十分之一:增产三成。◎ 平定,讲和:“会于稷,以成宋乱”。◎ 姓。● 造 zào ㄗㄠˋ◎ 制作,做:制造。创造。造物。造反。造孽。建造。造表。造册。造价。造型。粗制滥造。◎ 瞎编:胡编乱造。捏造。◎ 成就:造诣。◎ 培养:造就。◎ 相对两方面的人,法院里指诉讼的两方。即原告和被告:两造。甲造。乙造。◎ 到,去:造访。◎ 稻子等作物从播种到收割的次数:一年两造。晚造。◎ 时代,年代:末造。...造成怎么造句,用造成造句»