
时间:2022-06-16 13:34:49 | 来源:语文通


According to reports, the brand consulting company Interbrand released the latest "Global Most Valuable Brand" rankings today.The list shows that Apple, Google, Microsoft, and IBM have won the top of the list for the fifth consecutive year, and Apple and Google won the throne and runner -up for the third consecutive year.


Among the top ten other technology companies are: Microsoft (4), IBM (5), Samsung (7), Amazon (10), and the top 100 lists are Intel (No. 114), Cisco (15), Oracle (16th), Hewlett -Packard (18), Facebook (23), eBay (32), PayPal (97), Lenovo Lenovo (100), and so on.


Among the top ten most valuable brands, the seats of technology companies increased from 5 seats last year to 6 seats; there were 28 companies promoted by science and technology in the top 100, and the total value increased more than all the top 100 brand values.one.In comparison, the brand value of no industry can be improved so quickly.


Specifically, Facebook, the largest increase in brand value, increased by 54%year -on -year, rising from 29th last year to 23rd.Apple ranked second with a 43%increase, and the brand value was US $ 170.276 billion.The third is Amazon, with brand value increased by 29%.Microsoft's brand value was US $ 67.67 billion, an increase of 11%year -on -year.IBM's brand value was US $ 65095 billion, a decrease of 10%year -on -year.Samsung's brand value is US $ 45.297 billion, which is the same year -on -year.


In addition, in the world's most valuable brand evaluation, the domestic brand Lenovo entered the list for the first time, with the brand value of US $ 4.114 billion. In addition, Paypal and Danish toy manufacturer Lego were also on the list.And Nokia was eliminated.Huawei, who is also a domestic brand, has become the highest -ranked Chinese company in the list.Lei Feng was informed that Huawei was on the list last year, ranking 88th with a brand value of $ 4.592 billion this year.

  “因为到了今天,企业和品牌的发展速度需要能与人们的生活水平相协调。今年的“全球最具价值品牌100强”也标志着它们属于人们生活所需的优先级服务,并无缝地渗透到生活日常,”Interbrand全球首席执行官杰斯·弗兰普顿(Jez Frampton)表示。确实,随着互联网的不断普及,高科技产品早已渗透到人们生活中的方方面面,科技公司在全球范围内的影响力也有所提升。“也很高兴看到这么多多样化企业不断地创造新的商业模式,并寻求多种途径来满足消费者的心态和需求。”

"Because to this day, the development speed of enterprises and brands needs to be able to coordinate with people's living standards. This year's" Top 100 Valuable Brands in the World "also marks that they belong to the priority services needed for people's lives, and seamlessly seamlessly themselves.Sapture to daily life, "Interbrand Global CEO Jez Frampton.Indeed, with the continuous popularization of the Internet, high -tech products have long penetrated all aspects of people's lives, and the influence of technology companies in the world has also increased."I am also glad to see so diverse enterprises constantly creating new business models, and seek multiple ways to meet consumers' mentality and needs."


In the past 16 years, Interbrand has evaluated hundreds of thousands of brands to determine whether they are the most valuable brands.It is understood that the company's definition of "the most valuable" is quite broad, but the method of judging is mainly concentrated in three points: the brand's financial performance status of the product or service, its influence on consumers' purchase decision -making, and their own influence, as well as itsHow competitive is in the market.



The following is the top ten list of the world's most valuable brands:

  1. 苹果

1. Apple

  2. 谷歌

2. Google

  3. 可口可乐

3. Coca -Cola

  4. 微软

4. Microsoft

  5. IBM

5. IBM

  6. 丰田汽车

6. Toyota

  7. 三星

7. Samsung

  8. 通用电气

8. General Electric

  9. 麦当劳

9. McDonald's

  10. 亚马逊

10. Amazon



1、价值:价值读音为jià zhí,是指①体现在商品里的社会必要劳动。价值量的大小决定于生产这一商品所需的社会必要劳动时间的多少。不经过人类劳动加工的东西,如空气,即使对人们有使用价值,也不具有价值。②积极作用:这些资料很有参考价值ㄧ粗制滥造的作品毫无价值。价值 jià zhí词语解释:①体现在商品里的社会必要劳动。价值量的大小决定于生产这一商品所需的社会必要劳动时间的多少。不经过人类劳动加工的东西,如空气,即使对人们有使用价值,也不具有价值。②积极作用:这些资料很有参考价值ㄧ粗制滥造的作品毫无价值。(1) [value;worth](2) 商品的一种属性,其大小取决于生产这件商品所需的社会必要劳动时间的多少财产价值(3) 积极作用斯役之价值。——孙文《 序》卫护古典传统的价值分词解释:不具:1.不齐备;不完备。 2.书信末尾常用语,犹言不详备。人类:1.泛指人。 2.人的总称,指人的全体。不经:1.不合常法。 2.谓不见于经典,没有根据。 3.谓近乎荒诞,不合常理。 4.不禁;禁受不起。作品:指文学艺术创作的成品。...价值怎么造句,用价值造句»

2、全球:全球读音为quán qiú,是指泛指地球上整个人类社会和自然界。 全世界;泛指地球上整个人类社会和自然界誉满全球全球 quán qiú词语解释:泛指地球上整个人类社会和自然界。[the whole world] 全世界;泛指地球上整个人类社会和自然界誉满全球分词解释:地球:太阳系九大行星之一。人类居住的星球。按距离太阳的次序计为第三颗行星。与太阳平均距离14960万千米。赤道半径6378千米,极半径6357千米;质量5.976×10^27克;平均密度5.52克/立方厘米。公转周期365.25天,自转周期23时56分4秒。运行轨道面与地球赤道面相交成23°26′的角度,故有四季寒暑和昼夜长短的差别。面积51100万平方千米,其中海洋约占70.8%,陆地约占29.2%。地球内部由地核、地幔和地壳构成,地球外部由水圈、大气圈和地球辐射带构成。有一颗卫星(月球)。泛指:1.谓手指轻弹琴弦。 2.谓不专指一事或一人。自然界:即“自然”。整个:全部。...全球怎么造句,用全球造句»

3、公布:公布读音为gōng bù,是指(政府机关的法律、命令、文告,团体的通知事项)公开发布,使大家知道:公布于众ㄧ公布新宪法ㄧ食堂的账目每月公布一次。公布 gōng bù词语解释:(政府机关的法律、命令、文告,团体的通知事项)公开发布,使大家知道:公布于众ㄧ公布新宪法ㄧ食堂的账目每月公布一次。分词解释:知道:1.谓通晓天地之道,深明人世之理。 2.认识道路。 3.晓得,谓对事物有所了解﹑认识。 4.公文用语。犹知悉。多见于诏令。 5.犹厉害。命令:1.发令以使之。谓发令而使其做某事。现指上对下发指示。 2.帝王的诏命;朝廷的文书。后指上对下所发的指示。团体:1.组织起来,团结为一体。 2.指目的和志趣相同的人们以一定的组织形式所组成的集体。账目:1.账簿上记载的项目。如关于银钱财物项目和数额的记载。2.记录钱物出入的簿册。3.记录书籍目录的簿册。5.指债务。食堂:1.旧时寺院或公堂中的会食之所。 2.指机关﹑团体等供应本单位成员用膳之所。 3.泛指经营和管理公共伙食的机构。 4.饭馆。...公布怎么造句,用公布造句»

4、品牌:品牌读音为pǐn pái,是指产品的牌子,特指著名产品的牌子:新品牌|品牌效应。 商品牌号,商标品牌 pǐn pái词语解释:产品的牌子,特指著名产品的牌子:新品牌|品牌效应。[trademark] 商品牌号,商标分词解释:牌子:1.招牌;门牌。 2.牌位﹐神主。 3.领物凭证。 4.告示牌。 5.工牌。旧时工人上班的凭证。 6.企业为商品所起的专用名号。 7.指名气。 8.盾牌。 9.指持盾牌的士兵。 10.指简版。一种特制的书帖。 11.对牌军的称呼。 12.词曲的调名。产品:生产出来的物品。特指:[认为某些事物所属的] 指定范围或角色。著名:有名,出名。如:著名人士。...品牌怎么造句,用品牌造句»

5、榜单:榜单读音为bǎng dān,是指榜单就是点击率比较高,比较受欢迎的小说的排名。...