
时间:2022-08-01 14:02:45 | 来源:语文通



In autumn, a colorful season.What are the colors?There are red, red maple leaves with red and red chrysanthemums with dead leaves.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssence


One day, I was talking in my mouth: "Is autumn here? I want to find you", walking on the road in the community to find autumn.


I left, and came to the small bamboo forest. I saw a lot of withered leaves hanging on the tree and blowing a gust of wind, but saw the withered branches drifting gently on the ground.When the two leaves fell at the same time, I saw the leaves like playing boxing, and I saw autumn!


I go, leave, and come to the "resident's rest area" again. Where there are several osmanthus trees? As soon as you enter there, you will feel what it means to be "桂 香 我", which makes you feel refreshingDry.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceI smell autumn.


Get rid of the community, I saw a drainage fruit shop."Well! What is that! Black and black, round." Closely, it turned out to be my favorite grapefruit.I wrapped my mother and asked her to buy me one.I held grapefruit and peeled the thick yellow skin in a hurry. At this time, a fragrance drilled into my nose.I peeled off a piece of grapefruit meat and put it in my mouth, bite gently, suddenly, surrounded my sweet and sour meat and juice, like entering a sweet country.Oh, the original autumn was hidden here in grapefruit!


Autumn is omnipresent, if you think of it, you will find it, and you will come to you in autumn!



1、捉迷藏:捉迷藏读音为zhuō mí cáng,是指1.蒙目相捉或寻找躲藏者的游戏。 2.比喻言行故意使人难以捉摸。捉迷藏 zhuō mí cáng词语解释:1.蒙目相捉或寻找躲藏者的游戏。 2.比喻言行故意使人难以捉摸。(1) [hide-and-seek]∶蒙目相捉或寻找躲藏者的游戏(2) [be tricky and evasive]∶说话兜圈子,让人难以捉摸分词解释:故意:有意识地(那样做):他故意把声音提高,好引起大家的注意丨他不是故意不理你,是没看见你。游戏:体育运动的一类。有智力游戏和活动性游戏之分。前者如下棋、积木、打牌等。后者如追逐、接力及利用球、棒、绳等器材进行的活动,多为集体活动,并有情节和规则,具有竞赛性。...捉迷藏怎么造句,用捉迷藏造句»

2、秋季:秋季读音为qiū jì,是指1.秋末。 2.一年四季的第三季﹐当农历七月至九月。 夏季与冬季之间的季节,天文学中自秋分日起算到冬至日为止秋季 qiū jì词语解释:1.秋末。 2.一年四季的第三季﹐当农历七月至九月。[autumn] 夏季与冬季之间的季节,天文学中自秋分日起算到冬至日为止分词解释:九月:1.格里历(即阳历)每年的第九个月。 2.第九个太阴月。 3.九个月。三季:1.指夏﹑商﹑周三代的末期。 2.指春秋鲁昭公时的季孙氏﹑仲孙氏﹑叔孙氏。一年四季:一年中春﹑夏﹑秋﹑冬四个季节,用指整年。...秋季怎么造句,用秋季造句»