
时间:2022-10-13 13:20:12 | 来源:语文通



国庆征文 篇1国庆征文 篇2国庆征文1100字 篇3国庆节征文作文 篇4国庆征文 篇5庆祝国庆的征文 篇6

国庆征文 篇1


Patriotism starts with me




We are the children of our motherland, which provides us with a superior environment for growth, making us happy and healthy. Patriotism is something that every Chinese nation should do. Throughout the ages, countless patriots have made great contributions to the motherland, even given their lives.


It is these patriots who have created us today. Ji Hongchang, Hua Luogeng, Mao Yisheng, Dong Cunrui, Wen Tianxiang, Qian Xuesen and others have all contributed to our motherland. Among them, Qian Xuesen impressed me most. When New China was founded in 1949, Qian Xuesen was the director of the supersonic laboratory of the California Institute of Technology and the director of the Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Research Center. He was happy for the new life of his motherland. He intended to return to China and serve his motherland with his expertise. However, it was not easy for Chinese scientists in the United States to return home at that time, and Qian Xuesen's expertise was directly related to national defense. The United States tried every possible way to keep him from returning to China. He finally returned to the motherland after going through hardships.


Deng Xiaoping once said, "I am the son of the people of my motherland, and I love my motherland and people deeply." Yes, as a Chinese, it is our responsibility to love our country. Only when we love our country, can our country put you in important position. Only when we study hard, can we serve our motherland when we grow up.


If we want to be patriotic, we must first know the hardships that our motherland has experienced. The wind of history has opened the page of the September 18th Incident. Although I have not seen the events in those years, I can remember them clearly. How many working people have been slaughtered, how many loyal people have been persecuted, my heart is bleeding, and the heart of our motherland is bleeding! Therefore, we must aspire to study hard from childhood and strive to contribute our share to our great motherland.


Patriotism can also be started from small things and things around us. Nowadays, many people have relatively rich family conditions, but they are increasingly neglecting the virtue of "thrift". Whether in school, at home or in society, we can see that some people waste water resources, causing a large loss of water resources, leading to a large shortage of water resources in our country. For the sake of our great motherland, every one of us cherishes a drop of water, so that the people of the whole country can save hundreds of millions of drops of water.


If the motherland is the vast sea, then I am a swallow in the sea breeze; If the motherland is a vast prairie, then I am a grass in the prairie; If the motherland is a lofty mountain, then I am a young bird living and working in peace and contentment in the mountain.


I love my motherland! Love her vast land, love her land of China, love her beautiful rivers and mountains, love her historical trends, all of which moisten my heart like milk!

国庆征文 篇2


We listened to the clock of the times under the brilliant stars, and we waited for the dawn in the long dark night. How many times we could not calm our hearts, how many times we could not sleep, how many times we were all for this unusual day... The mother of the motherland has been the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Party and the 69th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China! Looking up at the sky, the starlight of history is still shining! Our China is ancient and great, and our China is magnificent and eternal! Cai Lun's wisdom is written on the paper, and her direction is rotated on the compass. Under the light and shadow of the sword, he accumulates his salary and burns himself again and again, and recovers his life.


For the growth of the motherland, countless people have worked hard, and how many people have burned their lives and youth for the prosperity of the motherland! Even under the strangulation of feudalism, even under the gunfire of imperialism, the Chinese people still used their own backbone to erect the ancient Great Wall of China. Sixty nine years ago, on October 1, our motherland took flight and once again rose to the sky, sending out the most powerful voice to the world: "The Chinese people have stood up from now on!" The giant's cry shocked the whole world, making the mountains respond and the sea echo! They warmed the once dim body of the motherland with their own soul fire, lit the once cold soul of the motherland with their youthful blood, and weaved the colorful glow of the motherland with their passionate songs.


In the history, we dissolve in it and share the excitement and sorrow of the past; Looking ahead, we will find that the road ahead is more distant and difficult. Let's take science, reason and progress as our great goals. Let's give our motherland our outstanding achievements with noble character. Combine the pride of the Chinese people and the courage of the descendants of the dragon into our youth, give our wisdom and love of the whole China, let the bright red and ambitious five-star red flag rise in Tiananmen Square, and solemnly swear under the red flag: We will work hard, and we will do our best to burn our youth for the beautiful motherland! For the beautiful eternal life of our motherland!


I love this country that has gone through many vicissitudes but has not fallen. You have experienced many ups and downs, and our motherland has many people who can sing and cry. My motherland is really a prosperous country. The motherland you in my heart, sour for you, bitter for you, sweet also for you! Your worries are also my worries, and your happiness is also my happiness.


The motherland you have a sacred name - China, you use speed, you use strength to create miracles; You use diligence and wisdom to develop more brilliantly.


I wish you a prosperous and prosperous country!

国庆征文1100字 篇3


Today is your birthday, my country. In the morning, I let a group of white pigeons fly, and took a golden ear of wheat for you. The pigeons flew in the wind, rain and rain... "This song was sung yesterday, but today it is also applicable. Because today, the Republic is celebrating its XX year old birthday.


Our great motherland has 5000 years of cultural heritage, cultural relics and rare minerals, which are countless. She has nurtured generations of Chinese people with her huge body and selfless love. They are kind-hearted, brave and hard working, making the country increasingly prosperous. I, a young man in the 21st century, am ambitious and ambitious. I just want to make contributions to the motherland one day. Since I was a child, I have been greatly influenced by my family. When I was babbling, my parents told me stories about the motherland from suffering to prosperity every day. From then on, my heart has been deeply engraved with the two great characters of "motherland" - motherland!


What a beautiful, sacred and solemn noun! It is full of the language and feelings of our 1.3 billion Chinese people. It is made up of skeleton and flesh by the Chinese people. I still clearly remember that when I wore a bright red scarf with honor, my blood was surging in my heart. At that time, I silently made a wish in my heart: I must work hard from now on to be a peacemaker in the future. "Be ready to fight for communism! Be ready at all times!" This is an extraordinary call made up of sixteen ordinary Chinese characters. Often, when I swear this sentence with the most serious and loud voice, my respect for and understanding of the motherland has improved to a higher level.


Zhou Enlai once said, "To study for the rise of China..." They spoke loudly and walked hard. Their unyielding backbone finally supported the blue sky of their motherland! Therefore, we no longer mourn, because this Oriental "hero" who has been sleeping for a hundred years finally stands high in the world. A pool of clear water, a cup of loess, a dark cry, a green tree, a butterfly with its wings soaked in rain and dew... It's all you, my motherland! A clear moon, a worried fish, a frown, a smile... That is you, my motherland! Turning over 5000 years of history, I found the essence of your life: the Great Wall - the scar that records many vicissitudes of life, but also shows such tenacity. It is a sign, but also a force, a spirit, a yearning! Yangtze River - that's your pulse! Jumping with inexhaustible palpitations, waving endless grief! And... the Yellow River is your blood? Boiling, boiling, surging, powerless, head up, what confidence and pride!


Your every tree and grass, every mountain and every stone, every look back and every look up, all make me palpitate. I try my best to remember every wrinkle, every callosity, every blame, every care


I love my motherland. I am proud that I am a Chinese child, a Chinese descendant and a Chinese!

国庆节征文作文 篇4


"The cross century golden drum is beating, and the cross century silver horn is blowing...". We are a new generation spanning the century and a reserve force for the future construction of the motherland. In front of our chest, there is this shining red scarf. The red scarf is the corner of the red flag. It is dyed with blood by countless revolutionary martyrs. It is the symbol of our Young Pioneers. Wearing it, I will have unlimited pride in my heart, encouraging me to keep moving forward and strive to make progress.

我是一个遇到挫折便气馁,遇到失败便流泪的女孩,我从来不懂得什么叫坚强,什么叫跌倒了再爬起来。直到有一天,红领巾告诉了我 www..cn 。以前,我是我们学校的鼓号队里的指挥。但是,有一天,由于我的节奏不稳,而落选了。那时,一向好强的我真的好难过,眼泪哗哗的流了下来。这比以前任何的失败都更让我伤心。我一下子仿佛从天堂掉到了地狱,再也没有以前的自信了,这时候,我只想痛哭一场。随着,我后来的一节音乐课,没有去上。我只想一个人静静地呆一会儿。

I am a girl who gets discouraged when encountering setbacks and tears when encountering failures. I never know what it means to be strong and what it means to get up again after falling. Until one day, the red scarf told me WWW.. CN. Before, I was the conductor of the drum and bugle team in our school. But one day, I lost the election because of my unstable rhythm. At that time, I was so sad that my tears flowed down. It saddens me more than any previous failure. I suddenly seemed to fall from heaven to hell, and I no longer had the confidence I had before. At this time, I just wanted to cry bitterly. With that, I didn't go to a music class later. I just want to be alone for a while.


Later, when I looked at the red scarf on my chest, it seemed to tell me that a single flower is not spring. The Drum and Horn Team is a group in which the conductor plays a very important role. If the command is not good, the whole group will be in a mess, and this should not be done for individuals. Moreover, we should be strong, no matter when, we should be strong to face life and failure. It is no good to immerse yourself in the past. You can only stand out and overcome it with hope and courage, and every day will be full of sunshine.


Tea leaves a deep fragrance because of the boiling water, and life can only leave the fragrance of life after suffering setbacks again and again. The flowers in the greenhouse can never stand the wind and rain. Only by learning to be strong, learn to be brave, and challenge life, can we keep moving forward. How can we see the rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? Only plum blossoms that have experienced severe cold can give out the most tangy fragrance. Only in this way can we fly to the vast blue sky and hold a round of shining sun.


Whenever I encounter setbacks and failures, I always tell myself: I want to be the proud plum blossom, the tenacious grass, and the rainbow after the wind and rain. People who are afraid of falling are cowardly. Only by leaving setbacks and frustrations, can we leave the fragrance of our life!


When the national flag is raised, we will salute. The red scarf will float in front of our chest, in front of our eyes and in our hearts.

国庆征文 篇5


A single spark can start a prairie fire


Yang Jinyu


On October 1st, a brilliant day and a sacred day, we welcomed our mother's 69th birthday. Like the National Day in the past, I quietly waited in front of the TV, waiting for the start of the flag raising ceremony


The great and exciting moment has finally come. The bright five-star red flag rises slowly in the solemn national anthem, like a beating flame, burning in my heart. I seemed to see Lin Zexu selling cigarettes in Humen, five heroes of Langya Mountain would rather die than surrender, Huang Jiguang gave up his life to block the loophole, Dong Cunrui held the explosive bag in his hand... The patriotism of these heroes touched me, and I was so excited that I could not help shouting in my heart: "I want to be patriotic too! But what can I do for the country?"


A single spark can start a prairie fire”。


To be patriotic is to seize time and study hard. We should cherish time and not waste time. As the saying goes, "An inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time.". We should improve our learning efficiency, do not procrastinate, pay attention to the "fine" character in homework, read books to understand, and remember the wonderful words and sentences in our minds.


Patriotism is to respect teachers and unite classmates. In school, we should listen carefully, raise our hands and speak actively, abide by the school rules and disciplines, and let teachers take less trouble. We should always think about our classmates and the class. If students have any difficulties, we should take the initiative to help them. In the class, we should love public property and actively participate in various activities to win honor for the class.


Patriotism is respecting the old and loving the young, and loving parents. At home, for the sake of parents, do something within your power, not contradict your parents, be a sensible child, and let your parents worry. When taking the bus, you should have the spirit of humility; On the road, help the elderly and children cross the road.


Patriotism is to protect the environment and protect resources. In addition to footprints, we don't leave anything on the road. We can throw rubbish into the dustbin without spitting or littering with waste batteries. We should redouble our efforts to cherish food and conserve water. We should cherish water as the national liquor Maotai and treat food as gold and pearls.


Patriotism is civilized, modest and polite. Smile, complain less, be humorous, and let people around you feel: Oh! How wonderful life is!


A single spark can start a prairie fire”,爱国不一定要轰轰烈烈,它可以是日常生活的点点滴滴。让我们用爱国情来助推中国梦,用实际行动践行社会主义核心价值观!

庆祝国庆的征文 篇6


National Day is just autumn, I want to go to many places. I want to go to Beijing to see the Great Wall and feel what it is like to run around the Bird's Nest; I also want to see Hangzhou, which has the reputation of paradise on earth. Finally, I chose to go to the countryside.


The autumn scenery in the countryside is pleasant, and the air is especially fresh. The rice bent over with a smile and looked graceful in the autumn wind; The sorghum blushed. The fruit trees are covered with fruits. There are red apples, yellow and round oranges, and red persimmons in yellow, like lanterns hanging on the branches. It's a harvest scene.


When I arrived at my grandfather's house, I saw rice on plaques on the threshing floor at the gate, drying in the sun, with a bottle in the middle. I thought there must be insects in the bottle, and it would be dried in the sun to avoid the smell of medicinal liquid. But when I opened the bottle, there were no worms in it. I was curious. I ran to Grandma and asked, "Grandma, why do you put a bottle in the plaque?" Grandma looked at me and said with a smile, "The sparrow always comes to eat our rice. Put a bottle in the middle of the rice. The sparrow thinks it is a person, so it dare not come." "Oh, so it is!"


There is also a fish pond in front of Grandpa's threshing ground, where we often fish. But this time, Grandpa said; "This time, the water in the pond is polluted and a lot of fish have died. I have to find a way to disinfect it." So Grandpa bought some lime on the street, poured the lime into a bucket, washed it with water and turned it into lime water, and sprinkled it on the pond. After a few days, the water in the pond became clear, and the fish were jumping in the pond and growing happily.


Ah, the short National Day has passed. Although I haven't seen the Great Wall, the magnificent Bird's Nest, the dreamy Water Cube, and the beautiful West Lake, I'm not sorry at all. Because I learned a lot of farm knowledge, and learned that a lot of knowledge lies in continuous accumulation.