
时间:2022-10-13 13:20:15 | 来源:语文通



快乐的国庆节作文 篇1快乐的国庆节作文 篇2快乐的国庆节作文 篇3快乐的国庆节话题作文 篇4快乐的国庆节作文600字 篇5难忘的国庆节小学作文 篇6快乐的国庆节作文 篇7难忘的国庆节小学作文 篇8

快乐的国庆节作文 篇1


October 1st is the National Day and my favorite holiday, because we have a seven day holiday. I am so happy! So I can have a good time for a few days.


But who knows that the weather is not beautiful? As a result, it rained for two days and nights, and my heart was cold, I had to finish all my homework obediently these two days, and I could go out to play happily in a few days.


Ah! It finally cleared up. My mother's friend invited us to have a barbecue by the Changhu Lake. I was excited and expected that tomorrow would come soon.

快乐的国庆节作文 篇2


Today is October 1, because this National Day will be off for a week. Some will go back to their hometown and some will stay at home. I will go to Grandma's home with my mother to play. My grandfather told me that I had prepared a special game today. What was it? It's competition fishing, ha ha! I like fishing best!


My grandfather and I took a long fishing rod and came to the side of the reservoir, which was calm and without ripples. There were many trees beside the reservoir, which made the reservoir beautiful. There are so many grass on both sides! There were also some birds flying in the sky. Grandpa hung the bait on the hook. He threw it hard, and the hook was thrown into the water by Grandpa. I looked at the calm water. After a while, the fishing rod began to move. Grandpa said to me, "The fish are hooked. What are you still doing there? Why don't you come to help?" After listening to Grandpa's words, I quickly put down the fishing rod and ran to help. Grandpa said, "Slow down, don't fall into the water." I gently came to Grandpa's side and began to help him pull his fishing rod. Grandpa and I slowly pulled the fish up. After a long day of trouble, Grandpa caught a fish like a wool ball. I covered my stomach and laughed loudly, almost falling into the water. Just then, Grandpa said, "If you have the ability, you can catch a big fish for me." I said, "Just go fishing, whoever is afraid of it."


Like my grandfather, I hung an earthworm on the hook, and then threw it away. I waited and waited. After a long time, a big fish slowly swam towards the bait. As soon as the fish ate the earthworm, the rod began to shake from side to side. When I pull the fishing rod, I feel that the fish is about two or three jin. Grandpa saw that my fishing rod was bent, so he ran to help me pull this big carp. This carp is very long, almost thirty or forty centimeters long, very fat, like a fat man with a small tail. I was very happy when I saw such a big fish. Grandpa said, "You are really powerful! You are bigger than all the fish I catch." I listened to Grandpa's words, and I laughed happily.


Grandpa and I have been fishing for a long time. In the evening, we finally returned with a full load. I had a happy and happy National Day.

快乐的国庆节作文 篇3


On the National Day holiday, we came to Yading, Daocheng, Sichuan. This place with the reputation of "Shangri La" is located on the plateau. The sky I see here is quite different from the sky I see in my hometown plain.


At six o'clock in the morning, we were in Daocheng with our luggage ready to climb the mountain by bus. Coming out of the hotel, I looked up and saw that the dark sky was dotted with countless stars. The stars in the sky are so numerous that the number of people cannot be counted. Those stars are like polished diamonds, shining and dazzling, so charming! In my hometown, it was early at six o'clock. Even at night, I had never seen so many bright stars. Did all the stars in my hometown come here?


At seven o'clock, the car drove halfway up the mountain. At this time, the sky seemed to be covered with a layer of gauze, and a ray of light came out of the gauze, indistinct and mysterious. After listening to the guide, the weather on the plateau is changeable. I secretly guessed: Is it sunny today? Rain? Or is it snowing?


At eight o'clock, the car was almost at the top of the mountain, and the sky also gave the answer - today is a sunny day. The sky is blue. This is the real blue sky. The blue is so pure, blue is so refreshing, blue is so comfortable, and it has been blue to the bottom of my heart. There is no cloud in the sky, only the outline of the mountains in layers depicts a zigzagging, undulating curve in the sky. These curves combine mountains with the sky. If there are no mountains, the sky is so lonely; If there is no sky, how boring the mountains are.


When the car reached the top of the mountain, we got closer and closer to the sky, as if we could touch it with one hand. Sometime, white clouds appeared in the blue sky. Oh, where are the clouds? It is clearly that the fairy Zhuoma weaves white snow lotus flowers on the blue brocade! This magical and beautiful plateau sky!

快乐的国庆节话题作文 篇4


National Day is coming! My parents took me to Yintai City in Fenghua to play.


As soon as I got off the bus, I saw that the architecture of Yintai City was very special, like an eagle spreading its wings. Approaching Yintai City, I only saw people like sea and cars like water. It was very difficult for me to squeeze in the skinny ones. There are so many things in Yintai City: sparkling jewelry, fashionable fashion, shoes with different colors, and new and interesting toys... My favorite is the game area on the third floor.


Entering the "big player" game field, I bought 45 yuan coins and played with "magic scissors". I hold the remote control and move it left and right. After finding a position, I quickly press the confirmation button. Then I hear a "click". I cut the wire and the toy fell off. I picked up the toy and saw that it was a giant panda! I played the same game again and again, and got one toy after another.


I don't know when my stomach "googoogoogoogoo" cried. I said to my parents, "I'm hungry. Let's go to the Food City on the fourth floor to eat!" They said with one voice: "Good!" We decided to eat a small table hot pot, but it was a pity that there were already no empty seats. We waited for a long time before we found a vacant seat to sit down. The ingredients were quickly brought up. I couldn't wait to rinse and eat. I was already sweating and my stomach was round.


This National Day is really happy. I hope I can go there again!

快乐的国庆节作文600字 篇5


There are many unforgettable days in my impression, such as: a touching thing, the Spring Festival... But the most impressive day for me is the second day of the National Day, which has still been deeply impressed on my mind.


On the morning of the National Day, we set out early because we were afraid of traffic jam on the road and could not play for long. Our family went to Doushui Lake with Luo Yijie and Feifei.


We talked and laughed along the way, while singing, while guessing riddles. We had fun! When I was about to arrive, I asked my father to stop and let us have a rest. My father immediately found a space to let us all have a rest. Some of us came down to eat, some came down to talk and see the scenery. We were no exception. We played in unexpected ways, which was "fighting". We picked some hairy grass everywhere and used it as a "weapon". After a while, the war began! My foot was the bow and arrow department. I brushed it with a "weapon" in my hand and was "stabbed". "Alas!" Luo Yijie shouted, and when I wasn't paying attention, the sly Feifei "brushed" and "stabbed" me in the stomach, so we played for 15 minutes, and we rolled around on the ground. After a while, Dad asked us to get on the bus. We got on the bus and arrived at Doushui Lake. I looked at the clock on the bus. It was almost 12 o'clock. I told Dad that Dad immediately found a small restaurant. When we got there, we were fishing and catching small fish and shrimp. But what impressed me most was catching fish and shrimp!


Each of us took a cup and immediately pushed it down when we saw fish or shrimp. Luo Yijie thought it was fun and she enjoyed it. Feifei and I played a joke and pulled up Luo Yijie's clothes on her back. Luo Yijie knew about it and quickly put the clothes down. She didn't hold them firmly when she pulled them up. She almost threw herself into the water and laughed so that we rolled around on the ground. Luo Yijie listened, He also bent over with laughter.


I can't forget this trip and the lesson of catching fish.

难忘的国庆节小学作文 篇6


Another National Day is coming, and I have made careful arrangements for these days. However, I didn't expect that this disappointing body would fall ill at this time. It's better to blame myself than the body. My plans for the past few days have all failed. I can't express my disappointment.


Usually, I always dislike my mother's wordiness: when it's cold, wear more clothes, drink more hot water, and don't eat cold things... I don't care about it, but I really get sick. Moreover, he was very ill, pulling, vomiting and having a fever. My mother didn't sleep well these days until I got rid of the fever and my condition improved. My mother always nagged, but when I got sick, my mother didn't blame me and took care of me more patiently than usual. My father was busy with his work and didn't rest this National Day. I still complained that my father was not at home when we needed him most. But my mother didn't complain, but comforted me and said, "Everyone has his own job. Do you like an irresponsible father?" I shook my head and said nothing more.


My "friends and relatives" also came to see me. Bring me a lot of food I usually like to eat. Are you all concerned about me? Is it still uncomfortable... Although my body is uncomfortable, my heart is full of warmth.


Although I didn't go to the farmhouse or the aquarium, I didn't get my wish, but I got more care and care from my family. I thought it was a gift from them.


I spent an unforgettable National Day.

快乐的国庆节作文 篇7


A few days ago, our school held a quality exhibition to welcome the National Day. In the morning, after we had an early meal, we walked to the playground in line with our horses. The teacher instructed us to sit down. Many people came to watch the quality exhibition.


The program was very wonderful and rich. There were dancers and singers. Teacher Yang also performed the erhu solo "Horse galloping". My favorite was the chorus "Walking in the snow looking for plum blossoms". They sang very neatly. We also performed the sign language exercise "Flying Dream", which had been rehearsed for a long time with the music. Finally, we picked up the flag in our hands and shook it in the sun, cheered and jumped up "Little Apple". Everyone was very happy.


But I didn't perform well in the meeting place. When I returned to the classroom, the teacher criticized me, and my mother criticized me when I returned home. I also knew that I was wrong. In the future, no matter in class or at the meeting, I will listen to the teacher carefully and never talk nonsense again.

难忘的国庆节小学作文 篇8


On October 1, 2019, we ushered in an exciting day - the 70th birthday of the motherland. When the people across the country celebrated the birthday of the motherland, my family took advantage of the National Day to embark on the Wuhan Guangzhou High Speed Railway to Guangzhou Chimelong.


When we got on the Wuhan Guangzhou High speed Railway excitedly, the speed of the railway was really exciting. Wow! The Wuhan Guangzhou High speed Railway is really fast! The comfort ring of Wuhan Guangzhou High speed Railway is really enjoyable. Look, a large lush tree looks like a huge emerald, which is green and beautiful! It's fun to look at the wires above. Each wire is dancing happily! After a while, I went to the countryside, where many farmers were harvesting rice, like a golden ocean.


I entered Chimelong Happy World with excitement. The guide bought the tickets and gave them to us. The whole family flew into Chimelong Happy World together. Wow! There are a lot of people inside. There is a white tiger made of cement on each of the four sides. It looks as if it is real. After walking a few steps, there are two sculptures. One is red, holding a guitar, sitting on a chair, and the other is yellow, standing there with a bag in his hand. But they all have sunglasses. Do you guess whether they are real or fake? Don't know! Look at the back! At the moment when I was about to take a photo with them, my sister saw them moving a few times and shouted, "Prince, hurry up!". I was so scared that I ran forward. I looked back and found that he was real! It really scared me to death.


October 1, 2019 is really an exciting day and I will never forget it!