
时间:2022-10-14 13:26:34 | 来源:语文通



教师节作文 篇1教师节的作文 篇2

教师节作文 篇1


Today, September 10, is the annual Teachers' Day. It is the teachers' own festival and the best time for us to thank them. Can send flowers to teachers; Send greeting cards to teachers; Give delicate gifts to teachers; May I wish my teacher a happy Teacher's Day today.


This afternoon, I came to the school very early. As I walked, I thought: "The monitor called some students to come to the school's departmental classroom after dinner in the morning, saying that it was a surprise to the teacher." When I came to the classroom. When I saw it, "Wow", it was so beautiful! It's so fast that they arranged such a beautiful lunch break.


Then, other students came to the classroom one after another, waiting for the arrival of the teacher.


"Coming, coming!" A classmate shouted. The whole class immediately became nervous. 3. 2, 1, crash! Some students threw pieces of colorful ribbons at the teacher, and we immediately stood up. "Happy Teacher's Day!" I saw Miss Xu, who was very serious in class. At that moment, Miss Xu smiled very brightly. Then many students offered flowers, gifts and cards to Mr. Xu.


Then teacher Liu, the head teacher, came. As soon as Mr. Liu arrived at the door, those students threw pieces of ribbons at the teacher again.


Teacher Liu is also very happy. Only the English teacher didn't fall for it.

教师节的作文 篇2

清晨,天空刚泛鱼肚白,小红就背上书包出了家门。她来到山坡上采了两束鲜艳、带着露珠、散发着清香的野菊花。然后唱着歌 www.baihua .cn wen.cn 蹦蹦跳跳地来到了学校。

In the morning, as soon as the sky turned white, Xiao Hong carried her schoolbag and left home. She came to the hillside and picked two bright, dewy and fragrant wild chrysanthemums. Then sing the song WWW.BAIHUA. CN WEN CN hopped to the school.


The campus is quiet everywhere. Xiaohong came to Miss Li's office window. She stuck her head in the window and saw that the teacher's office was clean. On Miss Li's desk, there were globes, pens, fountain pens, reading glasses, lesson plans and a calendar that turned to September 10 in order. When she saw the globe, she remembered how Teacher Li usually told them stories about the world and the geography of China; When I see the presbyopic glasses, I think of Mr. Li's excessive fatigue on weekdays, which made me lose my eyes too early; When she saw the calendar, she remembered that it was a record of the teacher's hard work for the students. Xiaohong sniffed a bunch of chrysanthemums in her hand and inserted them into the pen holder. She thought: Chrysanthemum is a very ordinary flower. When it does not bloom, people only regard it as a small grass. Once it blooms, it is very beautiful, beautiful and natural, and beautiful and simple, and it is loved by people. How like our great and simple teacher!


Xiaohong hopes that this bunch of wild chrysanthemums can bring comfort to the teacher and drive away the teacher's tiredness all day